Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4374: : The destruction of 3 tribes

In the future, the main goal of the Jin army will be the Guishuang Empire, supported by the powerful Jin Kingdom, and the lieutenants only need to fight.

Such a strategy is likely to be opposed by officials in the DPRK. After all, few officials have heard of the reputation of the Guishuang Empire. Dawan and Wusun, who were fighting in the Western Regions, have already given the officials in the DPRK to be better off. Dissatisfied.

War is not a trivial matter. After a battle, it is a big test of national power. Fortunately, the current Jin country has a strong background. Although the Han people have endured years of wars, under the rule of the Jin country, they will Develop faster.

The system of the Jin Kingdom has determined that if a family of wealthy families want to survive, they must act according to the system of the Jin Kingdom. Otherwise, they will be greeted by the disaster. Now the strength of the Jin army has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. And Lu Bu has a system for cultivating talents, and he doesn't need to look at the faces of the wealthy family.

Under such circumstances, Lu Bu needs to do more. This is also his dream.

As a man on the battlefield, why doesn't Lu Bu want to make the Jin country stronger, and the Jin army's battle flag is floating in more distant places.

Only by getting a greater improvement in strength can there be greater possibilities.

But now, the strength that the Jin army demonstrated in combat has won a lot of recognition, and this is a good start for Lu Bu.

The generals emerging from the Jin army are also important capital for Lu Bu to continue his battle.

No regrets can be left in life. Since we have come to a troubled world like the end of the Han Dynasty, if we can't do something about it, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"Gong Jin will be responsible for this matter." Lu Bu said.

Zhou Yu folded his hands and said yes, but in his heart he was planning to win over the Xiongnu or Kangju.

Let’s say that after the patriarchs of the Wusun tribes returned, they were about to talk about some systems of the Jin Kingdom, which caused a lot of repercussions. The Wusun tribes could not form an army of more than 100 people. This is a big risk for each tribe. People living in Wusun attach great importance to the safety of the tribe. If there is no tribe, they will be homeless.

The warriors in the tribe are even more important to protect the safety of the tribe. Now that they have taken refuge in the Jin army, their tribe cannot have more soldiers. What is the reason?

Is Wusun going to give up his previous way of life?

However, the security provided by the Jin army also stopped more discussions. If war can be avoided, the Wusun people will also be difficult to refuse.

Only after experiencing more wars can I understand what kind of changes the war will bring to the tribe. In the past, King Wusun led the warriors of the tribe to fight in all directions, which brought a lot of honor to Wusun and also brought Wusun. Many disasters.

Each battle is a big test for the various tribes of Wusun. They don't want war, they want peace, but this kind of voice will not play a role in King Wusun's ears.

There were some tribes that grew in the Wusun War, but more tribes have fallen in the clashes again and again. This situation worries how many tribe chiefs, but they can't stop King Wusun's decision.

In the middle of the night, a team of about 800 people launched an attack on the camp of the Jin army.

The wolves of the Jin army were dispatched to wipe out this team at an extremely fast speed.

The sound in the middle of the night attracted the attention of many Wusun tribes, but at such a time, they didn't dare to send soldiers to check at will.

The next day, the three tribes directly eradicated all of the Jin army. It was these three tribes who united and wanted to kill Lu Bu after the Jin army arrived.

Their team Wusun is loyal, but their loyalty is exchanged for the destruction of the tribe.

After such things happened, the Jin army was more tightly guarded, and the patriarchs of the various tribes of Wusun were also cautious in their actions. Judging from the fighting situation that night, the strength of the Jin army is really as rumored. Like.

The raid of more than 800 people was actually wiped out in a short time after being discovered by the Jin army. What kind of strength this is.

After such a thing happened, Lu Bu only eradicated the tribes that participated in the rebellion, and the rest of the tribes did not commit any crimes. On the contrary, they did not cause greater turmoil in the Wusun tribe.

To eradicate the Wusun tribe, such an order is absolutely cruel, but no one dares to intercede for them at this time. In Wusun territory, the Jin army is the most powerful existence. If the Jin army is offended, the tribe behind them, Will suffer great suffering.

The collapse of the three tribes can explain this problem well. The action against the Jin army is absolutely stupid in the eyes of more patriarchs. Although there are only 5,000 people in the Jin army, these 5,000 people are coming. , Which represents the most powerful force of the Jin army.

After this incident, many people will put it away carefully.

Wusun has stood for many years, and there will certainly be forces against Jin in the dark. This is also inevitable, but Jinan County will use severe methods in such betrayal, so that those who betrayed will see that they want to fight with the Jin army. If you are right, you must have the consciousness of the tribe's destruction.

The majesty of the Jin army does not allow provocation.

The various tribes of Wusun sent troops to chase the fleeing Wusun tribe. Thousands of wolves rode under Zhao Yun's leadership to pursue the fleeing tribe.

The fleeing tribes do not want to succumb to the rule of the Jin army. They are Wusun's warriors. How can they survive under the enemy's rule? Besides, it is precisely because of the Jin army that Wusun has fallen into the present situation. , They can hardly forgive themselves if they take refuge in Jin.

Their choice was in exchange for the fierce attack of the Jin army and the pursuit of the wolf cavalry. How could these fleeing tribes be able to stop them? How many Wusun soldiers lost in such a barrier Killed.

What surprised Wusun people the most was that Wusun's soldiers came to chase after him.

The same Wusun people, these people made such a choice after they joined the Jin army, which is unimaginable for them.

Pursuing is a cruel test for the fleeing Wusun tribe. The cavalry of the Jin army on the battlefield, constantly coming in news, will accurately inform the location of the fleeing Wusun tribe, and then it is the cooperation of the wolf rider and the Wusun soldier. Chase.

In the process of chasing and killing, Wusun Shizu suffered a lot of damage. When facing the wolf rider, the Wusun who fled, would not have a better way to deal with it, but when fighting the pawn, Wusun The combat power displayed by Sun Ren is quite fierce.

Originally a little hesitant Wusun Shizu, after paying the price of casualties, he didn't have the slightest affection for the Wusun tribe who had fled.

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