Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4385: : Welcome the Holy Triumph

   And Lu Bu praised such officials.

Among the officials of North Korea and China, officials from Yushitai and the Inspectorate are very scary. When talking about Yushitai and the Inspectorate, many officials feel frustrated. If they are looking at the two officials, they will not Have a good day.

   Do not say that they are officials in the central government. Even the emperor and officials from Yushitai dared to put forward their opinions. These people have relatively hard bones.

The existence of Yushitai and the Inspectorate is a special place in Jin. The system of Jin does not mean that after becoming an official, he has the power to override others. The power in the hands of officials is for development under the rule. Provide basics.

   If officials cannot use their power well, but have other ideas, then officials from the Inspectorate and Yushitai will follow.

   Secretly, Lu Bu controlled more than one force in his hands. Such a force allowed Lu Bu to have a better understanding of the situation under the Jin Dynasty.

   Because of this, many officials are afraid of Lu Bu, because they don't know when, some of their small actions in private may be known to Lu Bu.

   "Welcome the Holy Triumphant Triumph." The officials who came to the center to greet him said in unison.

  Lu Blanc said: "Please get up, everyone."

   In order to welcome the triumphant return of the army, Chang'an has made a lot of preparations. The roads from the officials to the city of Chang'an are all paved with loess and cleaned along the way.

   Many people spontaneously came to welcome the army returning from victory. Behind the soldiers on both sides of the road, there are densely packed people. In the looks of the people, there is pride and worry.

   Some family members of the common people, but in the army, fighting on other sides, wars will inevitably occur, and the death and injury of a lieutenant soldier is also a very common thing. A soldier died on the battlefield, and the family behind them was sad.

   However, the Jin country still has a generous compassion for the soldiers who died in battle. After these heroic soldiers bleed on the battlefield, the family will have to worry about their lives.

   The system of the Jin army, the pride of the Jin army's soldiers, is also the most important reason for the Jin army's soldiers to fight to the death on the battlefield.

   War is not terrible. The key is how the soldiers in the army deal with a battle and how they think about the war.

After the army returned from victory, Lu Bu felt the prosperity of Chang'an City, with a satisfied smile on his face. If one day, Chigu City can have half the prosperity of Chang'an today, it will be easier for the Jin army to fight the Xiongnu and Kangju. , Even when confronted with the army of the Guishuang Empire, there is no need for logistical issues.

   War, the supply of logistics is a great test, especially the large number of battles, even more so.

   led the civilian generals and the soldiers who performed outstandingly in the battle. After a brief walk in the city, Lu Bu and the civilian generals returned to the palace.

   After the attack on Wusun and Dawan, Jin must send officials to govern. After occupying a place, civil officials are indispensable. You can't let Wu rule the place in the future.

   The world acquired on horseback cannot be governed on horseback.

   Zhao Yun is responsible for the affairs of Chigu City, but if the Jin Kingdom sends officials there, it will make Zhao Yun less pressure.

  In the governance of localities, the officials of the Jin Kingdom have experience, and after the success of local governance, their status can be improved.

   Not only in the military, but also among civilian officials, but also pay attention to merit. The Shanxi National Assembly has special officials to assess the situation of officials in various places, and officials with outstanding performance will get more appointments.

   Under normal circumstances, few officials are willing to go to remote places. In remote places, not to mention whether they can be managed well, climate adaptation is a big problem.

   The current Jin country is stable. If you are an official in Jin country, it is a good choice in itself. There is no need to risk going to remote places.

  Of course, going to a remote place is also good, because it can get more attention, and if something is done, it will be easier to spread.

Wearing a uniform, Lu Bu sat in the upper position, looked around the hundreds of officials in the court, and after everyone saluted, he slowly said: "I led the Central Capital Division to fight Dawan and Wusun outside the Western Regions. The officials at the rear were very timely in delivering the grain and straw, and only then did our army win the battle."

   "Jin has always rewarded those who have merited and punishes those who have done it. The soldiers who performed well in this battle will be rewarded after the merits are counted. I am not in Chang'an, so you have to work."

   The officials of the DPRK and China did not dare to connect. Besides the fact that Lu Bu was not in Chang'an, many officials seemed to be used to it. As long as there is a major war, it is normal for Lu Bu to lead the army.

   But this also created Lu Bu's influence in the army. As long as he talks about the saints in the army, the lieutenants and soldiers will definitely stand in awe.

   Lu Bu's reputation in the army was exchanged after the victory in the battles. Even the famous generals in the Jin army, compared with Lu Bu's record, there is still a certain gap.

   Moreover, Lu Bu was extremely generous in his treatment of lieutenants and soldiers. The system in the army was also formulated by Lu Bu. The system in the army was of great benefit to the soldiers.

   It is precisely because of Lu that the soldiers in the army have better treatment. It is reasonable for them to be grateful to Lu Bu.

   And Lu Bu has such a contribution, it will enhance Lu Bu's influence in the army, and now Lu Bu's prestige in the army has reached a very high level.

It can be said that as long as it is Lu Bu's order, the military officers can come forward without hesitation. Even if some generals have other ideas in their hearts, it is useless in this case, because Lu Bu is their **** of war. , It is worthy of them to follow people, even if it is for Lu Bu's life to pay the price.

   Lieutenant generals have firm beliefs, so they won’t say that there is a fear of a general who holds a powerful opponent against the monarch.

   Lü Bu's prestige in the army is too high, reaching the point where only Lü Bu's order is needed to make the generals strictly follow Lü Bu's orders. Such prestige is exchanged after the victory of the battle.

   Relatively speaking, the civilian officials in the DPRK are more cautious when doing things normally. Lu Bu is a military commander. Although he is good when dealing with civilian officials, the civilian officials will eventually give Lu Bu more attention.

   "Wenhe and Yuan Tan, what big things happened when I was not in Chang'an?" Lu Bu asked.

   Jia Xu and Gu Yong went out and talked about what happened after Lu Bu left.


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