Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4493: : There will be action soon

Originally, Lu Bu was not a good person in the eyes of the wealthy family, and Lu Bu didn't pay much attention to the views of the wealthy family.

Lv Bu is the monarch of the Jin Kingdom. Even if the power of the wealthy family is strong, can it still compete with Lv Bu? Therefore, in the past confrontations, the family members suffered heavy losses.

Chen Gong, who was angry, could no longer take care of that much. He just wanted to treat Yanzhou officials who violated the law and discipline in accordance with Lu Bu's previous style of doing things, so that these officials had nowhere to escape, so that Yanzhou could gradually stabilize.

Lu Bu has been observing Chen Gong in secret. From the perspective of Chen Gong’s performance, there is no doubt about his loyalty to Jin. Otherwise, Chen Gong would not be so excited after receiving the news of his death. Chen Gong's control of the situation in Yanzhou made Lu Bu quite satisfied.

As the shepherd of a state, as the most basic situation under the rule of the state cannot be understood, such a state shepherd is unqualified. It is conceivable that Chen Gong has made certain investigations on the situation in Yanzhou in the past, and even the officialdom. The black sheep on the site knows it well.

It’s not that Chen Gong did not attack Yanzhou officials, but from Chen Gong’s view, the time was not ripe. After the news that Lu Bu was dead in the hands of an assassin, Chen Gong was desperate, even if he lost his official position. Even if there is no life, the officials who secretly act will have to pay a heavy price.

"Holy, the officialdom of Yanzhou continues to be turbulent, but secretly there are many officials who are dissatisfied with Chen Gong. Unsurprisingly, they will soon have corresponding actions." Tian Fengdao.

Lu Bu nodded slightly, and he recognized Tian Feng's words. From the assassination, it can be seen that in Yanzhou, there were officials who opposed the Jin State. These officials did not even consider that such a thing would be successful. What a shock the world brings.

And the wealthy families in Yanzhou will inevitably pay a heavy price for this, because Lu Bu did not die in this assassination, and the officials who jumped out will be the target of this attack.

Lu Bu attaches great importance to the stability of the government. This is the case in Yanzhou. In Lu Bu’s view, the situation in Jiangdong will not be much better. However, after taking measures like Yanzhou, Jiangdong officials will Will be more cautious.

The strategy adopted by the Jin Kingdom is to transfer the powerful family to Chang'an, but the development of the family will not be stopped because of this strategy. After a family declines, it will be accompanied by the rise of a new family. It is to survive and continue in this way.

The interests belonging to the aristocratic family will not fall into the hands of ordinary people, but after Lu Bu took control of the world, this situation has undergone tremendous changes. Things that originally belonged to the aristocratic family were in the hands of the people, and the people divided the interests of the aristocratic family by doing this. , Let Lu Bu get the support of the people, and let the family stand on his opposite side.

Not all aristocratic families are like this. Some aristocratic families are very wise when doing things. They can see clearly what Jin's strategy means to the entire world.

The key is that some aristocratic families do not understand Jin's strategy. They regard the family's interests more importantly than their own lives.

Even with the strict system of the Jin country, some officials still have other actions secretly, which is a good illustration.

However, Lu Bu’s butcher knife will not be stopped because of the number of the family’s wealthy families. The stability of the Jin country is based on Lu Bu’s continuous attacks on the family’s wealthy families. Influence.

The Jin state’s system is not very beneficial to the continuation and development of the aristocratic family. As time goes by, the influence of the aristocratic family in the court will gradually decrease, because if they do not follow the Jin’s system, they will give The family behind them will bring a disaster.

Since then, many dissatisfied officials have emerged in the secrets of Jin, and the influence of these officials after secretly uniting cannot be ignored.

Just like the assassination incident in Yanzhou this time, Lu Bu hadn't expected it. If Lu Bu was in the team and the vehicle he used was also a vehicle that left Chang'an, what would be the result.

Lu Bu is a fierce general on the battlefield, and has never flinched against the enemy, but in such an emergency, even with a strong martial arts, it is difficult to prevent it completely.

When the patrolling team passed by Jinshan, Dianwei ordered the soldiers in the army to check the situation ahead. For this reason, there was a certain delay, but the assassination still happened.

During the time he was in charge of the inspection team, Dian Wei's performance was absolutely qualified. Not only did he possess powerful martial arts, but he was also appropriate in dealing with emergencies.

Dian Wei still stayed in Jinshan, and Lu Bu could understand his mood. In this matter, Lu Bu didn't mean to blame Dian Wei.

In fact, Dianwei has a better future. It is easy to become the leader of a state army, but Dianwei's choice is to lead the guard.

Lu Bu and Dianwei are brothers, and they have absolute trust in Dianwei.

"After checking the Jinshan, let Dianwei lead the cavalry back." Lu Bu said.

Tian Feng said yes.

" The identities of the two assassins are already visible. The assassin who used the meteor hammer to attack the vehicle is named Han Qi. He was originally a leader of the bandits in Yanzhou. After being annihilated by our army, he went into exile. Although his face has been ruined, he is still recognized." Tian Feng said: "There are many people who have been in contact with Han Qi, and it is Cheng Lang who is kind to Han Qi."

"And it was Cheng Lang who commanded Han Qi in this assassination."

"Cheng Lang? What does it have to do with the Cheng family in Yanzhou?" Lu Bu asked.

"From the news, Cheng Lang has nothing to do with the Cheng family, but the minister believes that this matter is not as simple as that. At the beginning, Cheng Lang saved Han Qi, which made Han Qi listen to Cheng Lang's words. Cheng Lang is not a member of the officialdom. The ability to save Han Qi means that there are people behind Cheng Lang who support Cheng Lang, and the minister is investigating this matter." Tian Feng said.

"Cheng Chong in the Cheng family, but don't drive in Yanzhou, he is recommended by the public station. When investigating this matter, you must be careful." Lu Bu said.

Tian Feng nodded and said, no matter who recommended Cheng Chong, as long as it is involved in this matter, Tian Feng will thoroughly investigate it, and let Xiao Xiaozhi be punished, which is what Tian Feng wants to do most at this time.

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