Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4522: : Hu Chuquan sees King Zuo Xian

It is foreseeable that if there is a war, Chang'an alone will be able to recruit more young men into the army. Judging from the prosperous level of Chang'an City, it is impossible for such a city to be broken. matter.

The capital city can show the prosperity of a country.

Wusun is a relatively strong country outside of the Western Regions, but Chigu City, the capital of Wusun, is nothing compared to Chang'an.

Jin is definitely a terrifying country. In the eyes of King Zuo Xian of the Huns, the terrifying degree of Jin is three points worse than when the Han was at its strongest.

Dahan prides itself on being a country of etiquette and has gentle methods when dealing with foreign races. Even though the Huns brought great harm to the Han people, after the Han army defeated the Xiongnu army, they still did not rush to kill the Huns. .

However, the current situation is different. Jin, which originally belonged to the Great Seoul City Pool, is more aggressive. The grassland has become Jin, and the nomads on the grassland have to obey the orders of Jin.

Just the nomads on the grassland is an extremely terrifying force.

Thinking about the Xiongnu's current living environment and looking at the situation in the Jin country, it will only make Zuo Xian Wang more frightened, which also makes Zuo Xian Wang firm in his desire to form an alliance with Jin.

Although the Huns and Jin have already formed an alliance in the past, there is a great need for a better and stable relationship.

At this time, the Jin Kingdom had a great influence outside the Western Regions. After occupying Dawan and Wusun, the strength of the Jin army was no longer underestimated by ordinary people.

And behind Wusun and Dawan, there are the Western Regions, but the powerful Jin Kingdom.

Provoked the Jin army, and they will be greeted with endless revenge.

Seeking to see the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, there was no result in a short time, and the Zuo Xian Wang Ahanqi did not idle, because in Chang'an City, he also had acquaintances, that is, the Xiongnu Shanyu and the general of Jin Hu Chuquan.

Without in-depth understanding of the Jin Kingdom, it is hard to imagine the significance of the 36th General of the God of War in the Jin army. Hu Chuquan can be one of the 36 generals of the God of War as a Xiongnu, which is enough to see that Hu Chuquan’s abilities are gone.

And because of Huchuquan, the Xiongnu tribe where it belongs will have a more fertile place on the grassland.

The facts are also true. The Huns have gained a lot of convenience because of Hu Chuquan. Originally, these Huns lived in the territory of the Han people. When they were first ordered by the Jin state, many Huns were unwilling to leave. .

But after returning to the grassland, they gradually adapted to life on the grassland.

The grassland is a place that many Huns dream of. The reason why they are unwilling to return is because the grassland had strong Xianbei at that time. The Huns did not dare to return at that time. They even had to rely on the shelter of the Han army.

But the situation is different now. The grassland is owned by Jin. The Huns, Wuhuan, and Xianbei on the grassland must obey the orders of Jin officials. If any tribe dares to violate the orders of Jin officials, welcome them. It will be the killing of the cavalry.

The cavalry on the grassland is dominated by the Xianbei, Huns and Wuhuan people. Those who can enter the army are also warriors of various tribes.

It was this way that gradually stabilized the situation on the grasslands. Faced with the orders of the officials of the Jin State, they dared not violate any more.

The way the Jin country manages the grasslands reflects the strength of the Jin army. Otherwise, with the strength of the Xianbei people, how could it be willing to obey the orders of the officials of the Jin country.

Lu Bu is clever in the way of governance on the grassland, and this method has brought about a stronger Jin state. With grassland as the support, the Jin army can obtain a steady stream of excellent war horses.

It is the mission of the nomads of the nomads on the grassland to cultivate more excellent war horses for the Jin army, and they are also honored with the selection of the war horses they cultivated, because the Jin army will not take away their war horses in vain, and they will be compensated accordingly. .

The ethnic groups on the grassland also need to pay taxes to the Jin country, and the war horse can be used as a resistance.

In the view of King Zuo Xian, anyway, Hu Chuquan was from the Huns. Hu Chuquan had previously traveled to the Xiongnu tribe as a messenger. If he could get in touch with Hu Chuquan, some things would be much simpler.

As a general in the army, Hu Chuquan commanded three thousand Huns cavalry. He had a high status in the Jin army, and he also had a mansion in the city.

"General." After Wang Zuo Xian saw Hu Chuquan, he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

Hu Chuquan said: "The arrival of King Zuo Xian of the Huns has not been able to welcome him far away."

"The general is polite. This king came here for the purpose of forming an alliance between the Xiongnu and the Jin country." King Zuo Xian said directly.

Hu Chuquan nodded and said: "What you I will understand too."

The Huns tribe where the Zuo Xian King Ahanqi belongs, although it has a separate army, is far from the Jin army in terms of strength. In fact, the best choice for these Huns is to take refuge in the Jin nation. Of course, huh. Chu Quan also understood the difficulty, and Xiongnu's Shan would not agree to such a thing.

With power in his hands, the Xiongnu can only do more things. When he surrenders the power in his hands, he can only become a vassal of the Jin state.

But Hu Chuquan does not think that the strength of the Jin army is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If Lu Bu really intends to attack the Huns tribe, it is only by virtue of the strength of the Huns tribe where Ahanqi is currently located. , It is impossible to stop the Jin army from attacking.

The most likely scenario is that the Xiongnu tribe breaks through for the Jin army and then becomes a vassal of the Jin army. Although the result is the same, it will definitely cause some harm to the Xiongnu tribe.

"King Zuo Xian has any request, even if you say, he will definitely try his best to help." Hu Chuquan said readily.

"This king wants to see the emperor of Jin, but I don't know if the general can introduce him." Zuo Xian said.

Hu Chuquan shook his head and said: "The queen is passing away, and the saint is in grief. I am afraid it is not easy to see the saint. The general and the Shangshu of the Ministry of War are still familiar, and the king Zuo Xian will have a great deal when he sees the Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Useful."

"Thank you General." Zuo Xian Wang was overjoyed.

It is not easy to meet the emperor through Hu Chuquan, but King Zuo Xian still knows what position the Shangshu of the Ministry of War has in the court of Jin.

"Bingbu Shangshu is the worship brother of the sage. When treating Shangshu, you must be more respectful." Hu Chuquan reminded.

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