Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4651: :stunned

The Guishuang soldiers at the forefront of the battlefield, after a brief period of chaos, stepped up to complete the work at hand. Only when the preparations are properly done can they attack the enemy’s city more quickly, and in this case, can they recover their disadvantages. .

   The raging fire that burned after the violent fire oil fell, and sometimes the crossbow arrows released by the bed crossbow roared out, forming a unique scenery among the Guishuang army.

On the front of the city, after seeing the scenes outside the city, Yu Jin sighed in his heart that Guishuang’s army deserved to be known as an elite, which can be seen only from the actions of the lieutenant soldiers at this time. In the army, it is truly capable. How many teams can strictly enforce military discipline?

It is not that Guishuang’s soldiers are not afraid of death under the attack of the defending army, but they have military discipline. They cannot choose to retreat when the enemy is attacking. From the Guishuang army, Yu Jin saw the figure of the Jin army, but this Can not be blocked by the confidence to defeat the army in front of the ban.

Guishan city belongs to the Jin army, no matter what means the Jin army won on the battlefield in Dawan, and what means it took Guishan city as its own, when Guishan city fell under the control of the Jin army After the middle, there is no reason to give up. As a general in the Jin army, Yu Jin also has his pride. Guishuang’s soldiers can do it without fear, and the Jin army’s soldiers are also okay, no matter what the situation is. The austerity of the Jin army will not retreat.

   Not only is the city west, the Guishuang army on the other side that is attacking Guishan City is also undergoing the same attack. Yan Xing, who commanded the soldiers of the Jin army, made Guishuang's soldiers also paid a considerable price.

After Zuo Duweicheng's words learned about the situation of Guishuang's former army, his expression did not show any sympathy. It seems that he had already thought that such a result would occur during the offensive process before he gave the order. The battlefield is for the army to be able to win. For the army's victory, even the cost of life is not hesitated.

   If the situation reaches that point, Cheng Nayan will not be afraid of life and death. When facing life and death, he will be as calm as a soldier in the Guishuang Army.

   "General, I don't want the Jin army to have such a means. If it goes on like this, the soldiers of the former army will suffer a lot of damage." A general said in a low voice.

   Cheng said: "No matter what the price is paid, Guishan City must be broken. As long as the front army can gain the advantage when attacking the city, the rest is the time when the Jin army is afraid."

The general nodded and said yes, and there was a lot of emotion in his heart. The one who attacked the city itself had to pay a considerable price. Now the Jin army in the city is obviously well prepared. At this time, it will attack the city. How many soldiers will be buried outside the city.

   Once a general is successful, there is no bones left behind for any general who holds military power.

   For Guishuang, everything is worth it.

   "The strength of the Jin army is strong, but the strength of our army is also not weak. As long as it can suppress the Jin army, our army can gradually counterattack and make the Jin army pay for their actions." Zuo Duwei murmured.

  The army still hasn't sent an order, Guishuang's soldiers are under tremendous pressure at this time.

At this moment, the Thunderbolt cars in the city began to operate. These Thunderbolt cars placed near the city wall are the giant Thunderbolt cars in the Jin army. The range can reach 500 steps, which is the longest offensive distance among the current Jin army. Far away equipment.

   When the princes were fighting, the giant thunderbolt car caused casualties to the enemy.

   Now, the giant Thunderbolt in the Jin army has once again been prestigious.

   Different from the fierce fire oil thrown by the thunderbolt cars in the city, what the giant thunderbolt cars throw is gunpowder.

   These gunpowders are more than 30 kilograms in weight and are covered with iron sheets. Such gunpowder is even more powerful when it explodes.

   More than 30 kilograms of gunpowder is stronger than the fierce kerosene when attacking.

   And when these gunpowder is in the air, it will bring up a white smoke, which is eye-catching.

The generals of the Jin army who are familiar with these white smoke understand how difficult it is to survive the attack of gunpowder. It's too big.

   The thunderbolt cars in the Jin army can play a huge role when attacking the enemy, and the gunpowder has a more fierce offensive when attacking the enemy.

   When the Huns and Kangju's army clash, when the gunpowder joins the battle, the effect is visible.

   Actually, after the gunpowder exploded, the actual casualties were not considered large, but the sound of the gunpowder explosion and the shock caused by the explosion are what the enemy is afraid of.

   Five white-smoke gunpowder headed towards the camp of Guishuang army. These things are obviously farther away than the Thunderbolt car on the wall of the city

   The sound of "rumbling" sounded one after another, and among the Guishuang army, huge fires rose one after another.

   The sound of the fire was mixed with the screams of Guishuang soldiers.

Many Guishuang soldiers who were close to the explosion dropped their weapons and covered their ears with their hands tightly. This sound was really too irritating for them, and the iron skin wrapped around the gunpowder After the explosion, the power reflected is not small, and these iron sheets can bring more casualties to the enemy.

Just the momentum of the five giant thunderbolt attacking has concealed the ferocity of the thunderbolt attack on the wall just now. What is an offense? This is an offense, and such an attack will give the enemy a sense of no defense. You can imagine how difficult it is to save your life under such an attack.

   The ground was trembling slightly, and the momentum caused by the explosion of gunpowder did not disappear in a short time.

Such a scene stunned Zuo Duwei. Zuo Duwei had a certain understanding of the Jin army’s defense methods. He even knew that there were things that could explode in the Jin army. But now he saw it with his own eyes. People with completely different feelings, no matter it is any elite army, after encountering such an explosion, it is difficult to conceal the shock in their hearts. .

   This kind of offensive method is really overbearing.

Duwei Zuo's eyes were slightly narrowed, and the sound of the explosion just now had a certain impact on him. However, Duwei Zuo could not give an order to retreat at this time. Once the offensive started, he could not retreat, even if he paid more. The big price would also be to seize Guishan City from the hands of the Jin army.

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