Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4696: : Manlong's doubts

When the generals in the army can understand more things, they will be more relaxed when they win the battle on the battlefield.

   The cruelty of war has not been well reflected in the Jin army, because in each cruel war, the Jin army can stand out.

   With such strength and lieutenant soldiers with such fighting spirit, it would be the most strange thing if they did not have enough confidence when facing the enemy.

   "Old General Huang has such a talented team, he will surely be able to cross the battlefield and defeat Guishuang's army." Yu Jin praised, looking at the three-eyed divine gun with a lot of envy.

   If Guishuang’s army can be equipped with three-eyed blunts, Yu Jin believes that the Jin army will have more chances of victory on the battlefield.

Especially after equipping the three-eyed blunderbuss in the crossbow army, it will have a greater impact. The soldiers in the strong crossbow army are best at cooperation, but the number of times the crossbow arrows are released is much different than the three-eyed blunderbuss. , Released three times in a row, can make the crossbow army have more possibilities when facing the enemy, and this possibility, in exchange for the enemy's casualties will be more severe.

The Strong Crossbow Army was originally Chen Zhi’s elite, and it is also very famous in the Jin army. Now it is in charge of Yu Jin. Yu Jin naturally hopes that the victory of the Strong Crossbow Army can be improved. The crossbow army, and buried the reputation of the crossbow army.

The appearance of    three-eyed blunts has provided greater possibilities for the change of the mode of warfare. The way the Jin army will confront the enemy in the future will definitely be diverse.

Such a change is the most exciting for the generals in the Jin army. As generals in the army, they naturally hope that the strength of the Jin army will be more powerful, and they will be able to cause more damage to the enemy when fighting against the enemy. Many casualties.

   Judging from past confrontations, the Jin army often has a great chance of winning in wars.

"General Yu, rest assured that Guishan City is of great significance to the Kingdom of Jin. If General Yu can lead his lieutenants to have outstanding performances in this fight against the Guishuang Army, it is natural to equip Guishan City with the three-eyed gods. It's not a problem." Huang Zhong smiled.

   "Old General Huang has been asked for good advice, after defeating Guishuang's army, the general will invite General Huang to drink." Yu Jin said.

   Huang Zhong laughed and said: "If this is the case, the old man will not refuse."

Military generals often show boldness, and there are not so many twists and turns among military generals. If facing other generals, they can’t be straightforward and bold. It is difficult for such a general to be recognized by other generals.

   The reputation of a general can still make a big difference in many cases.

Besides, in the Jin army, even if a general has a high prestige, what kind of impact will such a thing have on Lu Bu? Imagine the prestige of Lu Bu in the Jin army, and the generals in the army will completely lose this. Concerns.

   As long as Lu Bu is in the army, even if a general has a better performance in the battle, he will not be jealous of Lu Bu.

  If it were placed in the past dynasties, the generals in the army might have doubts about such a thing, but they would not be placed in the Jin country.

   After chatting with Yu Jin, Yu Jin excitedly left the camp where Lieyang Archer was.

   The arrival of the reinforcements of the Jin army is the best news for the defenders in the city.

   With the Jin cavalry joining this battle, victory will be easier for them.

   The Guishuang army’s offensive is the biggest provocation to the Jin army, and such provocation is absolutely intolerable.

   At this time, Guishan City, when you look at it from a distance, the wall is pitted, and even some female walls are hit by the stones thrown by the thunderbolt car.

   It was such a city that blocked the expansion of Guishuang's army, so Guishuang had to invest more energy to deal with the Jin army.

In this situation, the defenders in the city did not have much fear of Guishuang’s army, because even if Guishuang’s army was aggressive enough to defeat the Jin army and seize the city from the hands of the Jin army, it was also Impossible, the Jin army's tenacious and belligerent, is not a vain name.

After the arrival of the Jin army’s reinforcements, you can tell what kind of behavior the Guishuang army outside the city is. The arrival of the Jin army has actually caused a great impact on Guishuang’s army. If the Jin army goes out of the city to fight and defeat the Guishuang army If so, the impact can be imagined.

Among the army outside the city, the leader of Guishuang, Cheng Na Yan, is deeply worried, not only him, but also Man Long. Persuasion is impossible. Although it is expected, when failure comes. Manlong also had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Yu Jin was a famous general under Cao Cao in the past, and he was ordered to guard Guishan City. This is a great opportunity. If Yu Jin is willing to cooperate with him, UU reading will not only be able to help the Jin army's efforts outside the Western Regions. The seizure can also kill the high emperor of the Jin Kingdom. If this happens, the Jin Kingdom will fall into turmoil. Such turmoil will bring about Lu Bu's efforts over the years.

Imagining it will make people feel happy in the heart. What Manlong doesn’t understand is what kind of good Jin country has that will make Yu Jin be so heartbroken. Could it be said that Yu Jin would be grateful for Cao Cao, if it weren’t for Cao Cao’s words. , How can there be today's ban.

   What makes Man Long puzzled is that Jin Guo clearly has many generals and good generals. Why did Lu Bu choose to be banned in the selection of people who guard Guishan City? Is this the so-called unpredictable Tianwei?

   Lu Bu's thoughts made Manlong more and more unable to guess, but what now lies in front of Manlong is how to help Guishuang's army win the battle after the arrival of the reinforcements of the Jin army.

Victory is too important for Guishuang’s army. If the attack on Guishan City fails, what kind of impact will it have on Guishuang? It may even make Guishuang lose confidence in this battle. If so, the situation will be even worse.

  Manlong wanted to make Jin unlucky in this war, and this belief was based on the fact that Guishuang's army could contend with Jin.

It is undeniable that Guishuang’s army is indeed strong, and it was fully demonstrated when it attacked Guishan City. The lieutenant soldiers were not afraid of death. When attacking the city, they did not benefit from the tenacity of the defending army. retreat.

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