Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4720: : It's like **** on earth

The fierce general, leading the elite and strong soldiers charged the battlefield, what kind of casualties did this panicking Guishuang army bring.

In the face of the cruel facts, Guishuang's so-called persistence seemed so ridiculous.

The generals of the Jin army were excited. At this time, the soldiers of Guishuang had great contributions in their eyes. How to better hold these contributions in their hands was the question they needed most to think about.

The cruelty of the war will not affect the Jin cavalry at this time, because they are the initiators of this battle. They will kill more Guishuang soldiers in the next confrontation, so that Guishuang's soldiers will understand. If you want to fight against the Jin army, you must have the awareness of the battlefield. The dignity of the Jin army is not something that an ordinary army can provoke.

When Guishuang's army appeared outside Guishan City, it meant that both sides had fallen into an endless situation.

General, the situation is not very good, our soldiers can hardly stop the Jin cavalry. A general ran over in blood, and after seeing Mu Naru, he said nervously.

Mu Naru nodded with a deep complexion. At this time, Mu Naru was like a military uniform, holding a long knife, and a horse with a horse under him.

The general should quickly lead the soldiers and leave. After the general persuaded the Jin army cavalry to kill, our soldiers could only be defeated.

Speaking of this, the general lowered his head in shame. As a general in the Guishuang Army, when the enemy rushed in, he persuaded the generals in the army to take the initiative to leave the battlefield. This matter was put in the Guishuang Army. , It is simply unimaginable.

How proud of Guishuang’s soldiers. In the past, how many enemies fell under their swords and spears. This is how powerful Guishuang is now. However, the powerful Jin army has caused Guishuang’s soldiers to give up the pride in their hearts. , Did not even dare to collide with the Jin cavalry in a head-on battle. From this we can see how powerful the Jin cavalry has reached.

Mu Naru originally intended to reject the proposal of the military general, but after thinking of the current situation in the military, he fell into silence. At this time, even if he led the soldiers to charge forward, could he stop the Jinjun cavalry's charge? , Is it necessary to stay on the battlefield as well? He is a famous warrior in the Guishuang Army. He does not want to die on the battlefield like this. Only if he survives will he have more possibilities. The reason here is that That is as natural as it is clear.

General, there are tens of thousands of troops outside Guishan City. Only when generals return to the military can they play a greater role. The general persuaded again.

Wood Naru nodded and preached the cavalry, moved closer to this general, and you followed him.

After receiving Mu Naru’s order, the general was relieved, not because he did not have the belief to fight the Jin army, but at such a time, even if he persisted **** the battlefield, he would not have very good results. How strong the fighting spirit the Jin army showed in this battle, just the charge of the Jin cavalry gave Guishuang's soldiers an unstoppable feeling.

On such a night, the Jin army’s surprise attack, the power of the three-eyed bludgeon, and the panic of the sergeant’s sergeant, it is not easy to retreat from the battlefield as much as possible, let alone taking the Jin army from the camp. Driven away.

The solid wood is also more puzzled, why the cavalry of the Jin army will have such a strong combat effectiveness, three points more fierce than the Guishuang cavalry on the battlefield, I first heard that the cavalry of Guishuang was defeated by the cavalry of the Jin army. At the time of the news, Mu Naru had many doubts about how difficult it was to win the victory in the hands of the Guishuang Cavalry.

But after really waiting to fight against the Jin cavalry, Mu Naru deeply realized that the terrible combat power of the Jin cavalry on the general field, such combat power has far exceeded Guishuang’s soldiers, if Guishuang’s soldiers, If you can't have a better performance in the next battle, there will even be more bad results.

Mu Naru has nothing to do with the materials in the team. Now Guishuang’s army is under the charge of the Jin cavalry, suffering the punishment after failure, and wants to take these materials from the team. If you leave, it is simply impossible. Instead of that, it is better to give up simply.

Being able to get away from the battlefield will have more possibilities in future engagements. The soldiers of the Jin army indeed showed strong combat effectiveness on the battlefield, but waited until the soldiers of Guishuang eased from the defeat of the war. After that, the strength of Guishuang soldiers was also shocking.

How could the dignified heroic soldier bow his head completely in front of the enemy army? The current bow is just helpless due to the situation.

No matter how many excuses Mu Na had in his heart at this time, the failure of Guishuang's army has become a foregone conclusion. It is so difficult to get out of the hands of the Jin cavalry.

The cruelty of the war has been manifested at this time. No matter what Guishuang’s soldiers had, how proud they were in the past, at this time they were lambs to be slaughtered in the eyes of the Jin cavalry. Their fate has already been Controlled in the hands of the Jin army.

The charge was still going on. Mu Naru glanced back at the camp behind him in the fight, his expression full of chagrin, he was a fierce general in the Guishuang Army, and he did not perform well in the battle against the Jin Army. Now facing the charge of the Jin army cavalry, he actually made the move of abandoning the camp and If this situation spreads to Guishuang, how much criticism will he, a fierce general of Guishuang, endure.

But Mu Naru can’t take care of this much anymore. The most important thing at the moment is to go to the Guishuang army outside Guishan City. Only if you are alive can you have hope. If you know you can’t do anything, you can even lead the army. The soldiers resisted desperately, and what effect could it have? At most, it would cost the Jin cavalry a few more lives.

When the sky was twilight, the raid had come to an end. At this time, there was a mess in the Guishuang camp.

A team of Jin cavalrymen roared to and fro. They were looking for leaks on the battlefield. In this confrontation, the Jin cavalrymen did not keep the slightest hand, even the Guishuang soldiers who collapsed and surrendered. Without the slightest mercy.

Besides, the words of the two parties themselves are unreasonable. No one knows what Guishuang's soldiers are shouting. It is better to kill him with a single knife.

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