Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4739: :The ban

This is the most terrifying part of the Jin army. When the lieutenant soldiers are fighting, they can be extremely tenacious and tenacious, and will not retreat because of the large number of enemy troops.

Taking the current situation as an example, the Jin army is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, but the soldiers of the Jin army did not have the slightest ambiguity when they attacked.

"Even so, our army has to launch an offensive, if not, if it can recover the disadvantages in the confrontation." Cheng Na said.

Man Long shook his head secretly. From Cheng Nayan's words, he didn't feel that Cheng Nayan attaches great importance to the strong crossbowmen of the Jin army. If the strong crossbowmen are only capable of long-range attacks, then forget it. The key is the strong crossbowmen. Once the attack is launched, it will not stop. In addition, the Jin Army's strong crossbow has a far greater range than ordinary crossbows. It will be difficult to cause casualties to the strong crossbowmen.

It takes a certain amount of time even to get close to the enemy, not to mention other things.

In Cheng Nayan's view, as long as one's own army and the Jin sergeants engage in a full-scale confrontation, it is not just a matter of relying on the current strength of the Jin army to inflict more casualties on Guishuang's army during combat. The possible thing is that Guishuang's warriors can't be displayed on the battlefield.

Guishuang warriors cross the battlefield, what kind of powerful enemy has never seen, and in the process of facing the enemy, Guishuang soldiers can do it infinitely.

This also makes Cheng Nayan unreasonable and has no confidence in Guishuang’s soldiers. Lu Butoda gave up the advantage of the city and had a head-on confrontation with Guishuang’s army. Even if Lu Bu took advantage of his words, as long as Guishuang’s army was taken advantage of. After the victory, the Jin army will become a joke.

If you want to occupy a better place, you must have the corresponding strength. Guishuang is a strong one and should get more wealthy cities instead of the Jin army occupying these places.

Ambition, as long as a person with a certain strength will have it, but when their strength and ambition are not proportional, it will be the time to suffer.

Even if he didn't receive an order from Cheng Nayan, the back room map would not hesitate to send soldiers to charge forward.

Guishuang’s soldiers sacrificed a lot when they were competing with the Jin army in long-range offensive methods. Now it is time to get the benefits from the Jin army.

The front army of the Jin army was the first to attack the strong crossbow army, and the front army of the Guishuang army was archers and crossbowmen. After all, the distance between the two sides is still more than a hundred steps.

From the perspective of the back room diagram, this is a relatively normal way of fighting. With the continuous crossbow and crossbow, the fighting is full of uncertainty, or it is difficult to control the battlefield better. However, the Jin army can do this in this regard. To do better, this will inevitably bring more casualties to Guishuang's soldiers.

Now that the Jin army took the initiative to launch an offensive, it was time for Guishuang's warriors to show their personal strength.

It was the thought of many Guishuang soldiers to charge forward and make the enemy pay the price for their previous actions.

In the distance of a hundred steps, Guishuang's calculations are still relatively accurate, because under normal circumstances, the crossbowmen of both sides will communicate with each other within a distance of a hundred steps.

Is this kind of combat experience really appropriate to apply to the crossbow army?

This is the first time that Guishuang’s army is confronted with the Jin army. Even if Manlong has a certain understanding of the situation of the Jin army, there are only a few things that Manlong can come into contact with. Has there been no other development in the Jin army over the years?

It can be seen from the fact that the three-eyed spirit appeared in the Jin army that the Jin army still pays attention to strength, as long as there is a chance, they will not give up beheading the enemy.

In one hundred and twenty steps, the pace of the strong crossbow army slowed down a lot. The lieutenant soldiers stared at the enemy in front of them with piercing eyes, while the generals in the army who were responsible for conveying orders stared at the flags and waited. After banning the transmission of the offensive order, they began to display it.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the soldiers of the Crossbow Army still maintain a tight formation during the advancement process. Just this is not what an ordinary team can do. How can it be achieved without strict training? .

The cooperation between the generals is what the generals of the Jin army pay attention to, and the commander of the strong crossbow army is forbidden, and the emphasis on this aspect far exceeds that of the ordinary generals of the Jin army. attack.

There is no doubt that Jin sergeants armed with strong crossbows will have a fierce attack. As long as they enter the offensive range of the strong crossbows of the Jin army, those enemies will inevitably be a cruel offensive.

"Fall arrows!" Yu Jin commanded in a low voice.

This time the Jin army is fighting against the Guishuang army, the hope of the infantry is in the strong crossbow army. If the strong crossbow army can't occupy more advantages when fighting against the Guishuang army, in the next confrontation~www The Jin army will be at a greater disadvantage, which is the cruelest thing for the Jin army.

The ordinary soldiers in the Jin army were tenacious in combat, but in the frontal collision, how much advantage did the Guishuang soldiers have, especially when the Guishuang soldiers' superiority in number gradually manifested. After that, it will be a bigger nightmare for the Jin army.

Guishuang had 30,000 soldiers and horses in the war, and Yu Jin's goal was to cause at least 10,000 damage to the enemy.

Such a goal, if the generals of Guishuang knew about it, he would not know what he would feel. You must know that there were only three thousand people under the imprisonment, and three thousand foot soldiers, not three thousand cavalry.

When the infantry faced the enemy, it was already a very elite team if it could be one enemy two, but Yu Jin wanted to be one enemy three or even more.

The crossbow arrows came neatly towards Guishuang's front army.

After seeing this scene, the archers and crossbowmen of the Guishuang Front Army panicked. Yes, they were panicked. They were archers and crossbowmen, and their defense was worse than the other soldiers in the army. The crossbow arrows of the Jin army, they can only respond with flesh and blood.

Not only the archers in the army, but even the shield soldiers in front did not react for a while, and even forgot to block the arrows from the Jin army with the shield in their hands.

The main reason is that Guishuang’s team is one hundred and ten steps away from the Jin army. Not to mention one hundred and ten steps. Even bows and crossbows can kill the enemy at a distance of one hundred steps. What a great thing.

After the thousands of crossbow arrows came down, at least five hundred guishuang soldiers fell down. From a distance, it was as if Guishuang's team had been neatly gapped.

Without waiting for Guishuang's soldiers to respond to the next step, the next round of crossbow arrows from the Jin army arrived again.


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