Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4792: :merchant

This has a lot to do with the power displayed by the three-eyed blunderbuss in battle. The three-eyed blunderbuss can cause huge damage to the enemy when they attack the enemy.

And the three-eyed blunderbuss can be released three times in a row, which adds a lot of weight to the three-eyed blunderbuss, avoids the busyness of the sergeant after shooting the enemy, and can better observe the enemy's movements.

When the Jin army has more three-eyed bluffs, what kind of role will it play? What kind of army will be able to win the battle against the Jin army at that time.

The generals of the Jin army worked extremely hard during the ordinary training. They were not proud of their previous achievements. It is this style of work that allowed the soldiers of the Jin army to always maintain a high fighting spirit. Will easily back down.

This is also the most terrifying part of the Jin army. When fighting, it is not afraid of death. It is simple to say. When it is really executed by military officers, there are many difficulties. When people face death, To be able to be fearless and to burst out the strongest combat effectiveness possible in a confrontation requires firm belief, which has little to do with whether an individual is strong or not.

Even elite soldiers without firm convictions might even make the move to flee the battlefield when facing a more powerful enemy army.

After getting the three-eyed blunderbuss, the shadow guard’s combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved, and this is also the proof of the detached identity of the shadow guard. When the flying eagle and the people of the black ice platform do not have the three-eyed blunderbuss equipment, the shadow guard already has Now, just the psychological advantage will make the shadow guards more comfortable.

After returning, Shi A immediately set out to prepare for this. After the Guishuang army failed outside Guishan City, they would definitely return to Guishuang, and Manlong's ability to provide sharp weapons in the crafting method would inevitably receive Guishuang’s attention. It is still quite difficult to assassinate Manlong in the Guishuang Army, but Manlong must die because Lu Bu has already given the order.

Could Man Long survive Lu Bu's order?

The Emperor of Jin gave the order himself, even if Man Long died in the assassination, it was something to be proud of.

After learning more about Manlong's situation, Shi A secretly thought about how to carry out this assassination mission in order to complete it in a more timely and effective manner.

Assassin assassination, if there is no precise plan, in the process of assassination, uncontrollable circumstances are likely to occur, which is very important for the assassin.

The training of shadow guards is not as simple as it seems. The growth of every shadow guard is not easy. If it is possible, Shi A naturally does not want his shadow guards to be harmed.

After some planning, Shi A led 20 shadow guards and quietly rushed to Guishuang.

Merchants dare to go to Guishuang at this time, so there is no need to talk about Shi A and the others. Besides, even if Guishuang is under full martial law, it is not difficult for the shadow guards to enter Guishuang.

At the same time, Kang Ju Guoxiang also got Lu Bu's promise and left Chigu City.

Outside Guishan city, after the news of the victory of the Jin army spread gradually, it attracted more businessmen to come. The Jin army has already won the victory. Even if they go to Guishuang at this time, they will certainly not suffer too much. A lot of embarrassment.

The strength of the Jin army is strong, that is, the capital that Jin's businessmen can rely on. As Jin's businessmen, they are proud of this.

In the past, Guishuang’s businessmen showed some pride. Now when they face the Shanxi businessmen again, will they still have such thoughts and actions?

This can be seen from the number of merchants from Guishuang who came to Jin. The merchants of Guishuang did not dare to come to Jin, but the merchants of Jin dared to go to Guishuang in secret.

Guishuang’s high-ranking officials and nobles have a lot of demand for Xianlian, Jinjiu, and Shenli, even when Guishuang’s army is fighting against the Jin army. This makes many merchants who take the opportunity to go to Guishuang to earn A lot of money.

Seeking wealth and wealth is exactly this kind of truth. In order to get more money and benefits, in some cases, it is necessary to take risks.

More and more merchants are coming towards Chigu City, perhaps because of the influence of Jin's merchants' actions, many of Guishuang's merchants are coming towards Guishan City and Chigu City.

If just let the merchants of Jin country sell goods in Guishuang, it is the merchants of Jin country who will get more benefits in the end. This has nothing to do with the merchants of Guishuang. Jinjiu and Xian are in love with Guishuang. After that, the selling price was much higher than that in the city of Chang'an. With such obvious benefits, the Guishuang people naturally didn't want to see Jin's merchants occupy it.

In fact, many Guishuang merchants bought things like Xianlian, Jinjiu, and Shenli after they went to Jin Who made these consumables very popular after Guishuang? .

The silk produced in the Jin country also has a good market in Guishuang.

In many cases, the merchants of the Jin Kingdom were admired by the merchants of Guishuang. Just like this time, during the battle between the two armies, there were still merchants from the Jin Kingdom who were active in secret. Wouldn't these merchants be afraid of coming from you? Is it embarrassing for officials Frost?

Merchants have to take many factors into consideration when they do business. If they cannot take more factors into account, they will definitely suffer.

Merchants are a disadvantaged group in front of officials. Whether they are placed in Guishuang or Jin, it is the same. How to ensure the interests of businessmen under these circumstances requires a lot of attention.

When merchants go to other countries to do business, it is necessary for the strength of the country behind the merchant to be strong. If even this cannot be guaranteed, how much security the merchant can have in doing business.

After receiving the promise from the Jin Kingdom, King Kang Ju was in good spirits. He seemed to see the benefits that Kang Ju’s army could gain after defeating the Xiongnu army in this battle. Besides, after the Emperor of Jin State had promised such conditions, Will the Jin army in the Huns army give more help to the Huns when fighting?

After losing the help of the Jin army, the Huns' army is not worth mentioning in the eyes of King Kang. The current equipment in the Kangju army is not comparable to the Xiongnu. This is the greatest confidence of King Kang in defeating the Guishuang army. Where it is.

However, Kang Ju Guoxiang did not have such optimism in this matter. The emperor of Jin, such as extraordinary people, would have no other purpose when he agreed to such a condition.

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