Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4854: : Exceeding Kang Ju's imagination

For this battle, the Huns paid a considerable price. After the victory of the war, if they could not obtain more benefits from the war, the Huns would not be able to explain to the Huns tribe.

Such a situation, even if it is put on any monarch.

It’s just that the Huns really paid too much for this war. The various tribes of the Huns supported Shanyu’s action. The main reason was that the Huns had a good foundation for gaining a large number of territories in Wusun. The tribe has a lot of trust in their Shanyu. They believe that after the Xiongnu cooperates with the Jin army, they can defeat Kangju's army and make Kangju fall apart.

In fact, Guishuang hated the most by the Xiongnu tribe at this time. If Guishuang's army were not involved in the battle, with the support of the Jin army, the victory of the Xiongnu army would be even easier.

However, when the facts are put on the Jin army, will the emperor of the Jin country do something to help the Xiongnu army unconditionally?

The Xiongnu wanted more benefits from the war, while Lu Bu wanted to put down the Xiongnu and Kangju after this battle, and let the Xiongnu and Kangju become the rule of the Jin state. For the residents, it is the biggest test. It is not that they did not take this into consideration, but that the hatred brought about by the war was too great.

The war has reached such a point, even if the Huns have certain concerns about the actions of the Jin army, they cannot give up this battle, because in this battle, it was the Kangju army who invaded the territory of the Huns. If It is the greatest shame for the Huns if it is difficult for the Huns to repel even the Kangju people.

War means that there will be consumption. The key is what kind of achievements will be achieved after the war. If the war is won, the consumption of the war cannot be compensated, such a war will suffer. The Huns want to start from this time. It's reasonable to get more benefits during the battle.

The same is true for the army of the Jin Kingdom. Judging from the situation of this war, neither the army of the Jin Kingdom nor the army of the Huns have gained a lot of benefits. However, when fighting against the army of Kangju, it is the moment for both sides to obtain benefits. arrive.

Can Kangju's army block the union between the Xiongnu and the Jin army?

Of course, in the view of King Kang Ju, the Jin army is in a wait-and-see state, waiting for the victory of the Kang Ju army on the battlefield. The Xiongnu only cooperated with the Jin State, and the King Kang Ju did the same. They all had a relationship with the Jin army. Certain expectations, the key is such expectations, whether they can achieve success, this is the most important.

The emperor of Jin’s methods were not as simple as it might seem. The difficulty of obtaining benefits from the emperor of Jin was conceivable. In the past, when the Jin army fought, it was for the Jin army to obtain benefits. Provides a lot of convenience.

It is impossible to say that there is no envy for the Jin army. It is also a battle. If it is placed on the Jin army, it seems to be simpler, but when it is placed on the Kangju and the Huns, it is that. Such difficulties.

The relationship between Jin and Kangju and the Huns were all allies. After the large-scale war broke out between the Huns and Kangju, the Jin government did not persuade them, but gave the Huns to help. In a depressed place, if Guishuang and Jin Kingdom both support Kangju, it will be easy for Kangju's army to defeat the Xiongnu's army.

The key is that the reality will be as simple as King Kangju imagined. If Kangju's army is fighting against the Huns, if the Xiongnu is defeated at a very fast speed, the one who gets the most benefit will become Kangju's army, the benefit of Jin country. , From where to obtain it, maybe the army of Kangju will have a certain influence on the Jin army by then.

When Kangju and Guishuang joined forces, Kangju was doomed to be abandoned, but King Kangju didn't want to give up easily in this battle.

For this battle, didn't Kang Ju paid a heavy price.

In the last year’s campaign, both Kangju and the Huns paid a lot of troops. Among them, Kangju’s situation was the most miserable. Over 70% of the army was recruits with no battlefield experience. Such recruits came to the war. , The effect that can be played is very small, the key is that King Kang has no more ways.

The Xiongnu's cavalry robbed Kangju's envoy team. This was the biggest challenge to Kangju. In the face of such a provocation, if Kangju were tolerated, how could he gain a foothold in Kangju in the future.

It is reasonable to have a battle with the Huns' army, and it is necessary to defeat the Huns' army in this battle, so that others can see that they want to benefit from the hands of Kangju~www.readwn. Com~ has to pay a certain price.

Nowadays, King Kang Ju is riding a tiger. When the progress of the war exceeds King Kang’s imagination, and Kang Ju has invested a lot of troops in this battle, what will be the serious consequences? In fact, King Kang Ju Still understand.

It's just that in this battle, Kang Ju has no more choices, only to fight.

Nowadays, Kangju has an army of more than 20,000, and the Huns have only more than 10,000.

The battle between the Xiongnu and Kangju before was quite fierce. There was not much difference in equipment between the two sides, and the deaths and injuries were not much different. In the course of the battle, whether it was Kangju or the Huns, there was a steady stream. The troops and horses were dispatched into the battlefield for the victory of this battle.

It's just that the constant deployment of troops and horses consumes a huge amount of national power. Even after the defeat of the war, there are no more troops to defend in their country. This situation is the most miserable.

Only by winning can we get more. King Kangju and the Xiongnu were already a little crazy paranoid at this time.

And this kind of situation is exactly what Lu Bu wanted to see, isn't it the case of Jin's plan on the battlefield outside the Western Regions?

Last year, the army of Kangju and the Xiongnu suffered a lot of losses. The war again this year is the biggest test for the heritage of the two countries. If you can’t come out of such a crisis, it will be for each other. For the country, it will be a huge risk.

And such things are unavoidable. If you want to get more benefits from fighting, you must have the consciousness to pay more for the war.

The Jin army is always able to win the battle on the battlefield. That is because the Jin country has made a lot of efforts for the war. The prosperity of the Jin country has such difficulties. Besides, the wealthy of the Jin country is far from being a Kangjuhe. The Huns can compare.

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