Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4863: : Have you ever seen Huang Zhong from the Jin Army?

Although this battle lasted for a short time, it had entered the most critical moment. The main reason was the first attack by the Huns cavalry.

The cavalry attack is usually when the war is deadlocked, but the Huns simply do not do so, and take the lead in displaying the advantages of the cavalry in their own army, which will make the Xiongnu army more likely to win in the process of confrontation. This strategy is correct. Yes, who puts the Huns at a disadvantage in terms of numbers? If you want to fight against the Kangju army and win, you must have a certain strategy.

Outstanding tactics, experienced generals, can be summed up, and even when faced with enemy tactics, they can have a timely response.

The battlefield tests not only the training level of the soldiers, but also the commanding ability of military generals. An army that can perform outstandingly in both aspects makes it easier to win in battle, if not, even if it has an advantage in numbers. , It is not easy to win in a confrontation.

The cruelty of the war has been well reflected at this time. The soldiers on both sides will not give up easily. This battle is related to the situation of both sides. If they easily admit defeat, their previous efforts will be reduced. For nothing, even the sacrifices of soldiers in the past have become in vain.

The Xiongnu was only calm on the surface, but there was a stalemate in his heart. Kangju cavalry's offensive was still fierce, and the spearman's formation was almost destroyed. At this time, he could only send his pawns to stop Kangju's cavalry. , Can not better stop the attack of the Kangju cavalry, the next situation will be even more critical for the Huns.

Shan Yu, the Xiongnu who has experienced many battles, understands what kind of casualties will be caused to the Xiongnu soldiers when Kangju's cavalry enters the Xiongnu army.

The Xiongnu Shanyu is betting that the Xiongnu cavalry can invade the Kangju army before the Kangju cavalry, so that the Kangju army needs to walk away more troops in this battle. In this way, the Xiongnu warriors are on the front. The offensive will make Kangju's army overwhelmed.

At that time, even Kangju’s cavalry will contain a large number of Xiongnu infantry, and the effect will not be too great. When the cavalry enters the enemy army, the impact will definitely be great. of.

"The cavalry sent by Ben Shan Yu, have you ever seen Huang Zhong of the Jin Army?" Xiongnu Shan Yu asked.

King Youxian said: "I have seen Huang Zhong, but Huang Zhongyan said that he could not send troops without the order of the Emperor of Jin, but Huang Zhong has already informed the Emperor of Jin of the situation on the battlefield."

The Xiongnu Shan Yu coldly hummed: "It's just a shirk from the Jin army. Ben Shanyu doesn't believe in the emperor of the Jin country, and he doesn't understand the situation on the battlefield."

King Youxian nodded helplessly. At this time, cooperating with the Jin army is itself a more dangerous thing, because the strength of the Jin army is too strong. If you don’t have the strength to cooperate with the Jin army, you want It is basically impossible to get more help from the Jin army in the process of fighting.

Besides, this battle is itself a confrontation between the Huns and the Kangju army. The Jin army has previously supported the Xiongnu's weapons. Although there are Jin soldiers in the Xiongnu army, these soldiers are like uncles and want to let them fight. In the battlefield, they will also use not receiving orders as a reason.

However, having the soldiers of the Jin army in the Huns camp will make the Huns feel at ease a lot. If the Jin army turns around at this time, what kind of impact will it have on the Jin soldiers in the Huns army? Yu believed that Lu Bu would consider the matter.

However, the Jin army sent cavalry to watch the battle, which is good for the Xiongnu army, mainly because the Jin army is likely to help the Xiongnu army, and such help is often very helpful for the Huns to win the victory. of.

The current situation is very urgent. The Jin cavalry is still standing still, which makes the Xiongnu Shanyu feel a lot of dissatisfaction. However, at this time, even if there is more dissatisfaction, it can only be pressured in his heart. Who will let the Jin army? Is the strong side on the battlefield.

Not to mention the Xiongnu Shanyu, King Kangju also wanted the help of the Jin army. If the Jin army sent cavalry into the battlefield at this time, it would be easy to defeat the Xiongnu's cavalry.

King Kangju sent people to the Jin army to ask for help, and the response was the same as that of Xiongnu Shan.

However, in the view of King Kang Ju, although the situation at this time was unfavorable for Kang Ju, the only thing that needs to be worried about is the Xiongnu Shanyu.

As long as the Jin army will not take action at this time, it will inevitably be a failure to meet the Xiongnu army, and such a failure is something the current Xiongnu army cannot bear.

For this expedition, King Kang Ju mobilized more troops, in order to have greater deeds when defeating the Huns army And the Hun Army to resist the attack of the Kang Ju army, it is also A lot of efforts have been made to continuously dispatch troops and horses from the territory of the Xiongnu.

The constant competition between the two is in strength. At this point, the national strength of the two sides is almost consumed. The key is which party can win the final victory in this battle. The winner The lost things can be replenished, and even the opportunity to grow stronger, and the losers will be weaker and even perish.

Don’t think that the Jin army is just as simple as watching the battle. If the Jin army in Chigu City sees that there is enough interest, how can it not be dispatched? Then the Jin army will definitely take the opportunity to seize more territory. Such a thing, Even if it was put on Kang Ju Wang's body, it would do the same.

It's just that the Jin army did not pay a lot in the war between the Xiongnu and Kangju, which made Kangju's heart inevitably a little unbalanced, but thinking of the terrible fighting power of the Jin army, such dissatisfaction can only be suppressed. In the bottom of my heart, I dare not to have more revelations. At present, the Jin army can influence the situation on the battlefield. If it cannot treat the Jin army better, the danger will be even greater.

The strength of the Jin army not only affected the Kangju army, but also for the Xiongnu army.

King Zuo Xian of the Huns, with a long knife in his hand, was stained with blood. He led the impact of the Huns cavalry, causing Kangju’s army to pay a high price in the confrontation. Even facing the offensive of the Huns cavalry, he could only retreat continuously. But the Kangju cavalry was still not defeated.

This situation made Zuo Xian Wang very angry, especially when he received orders from Shan Yu constantly, which made Zuo Xian Wang feel the urgency of the situation. At this time, the Jin army still showed no signs of taking action, and everything could only rely on the Xiongnu army. It's done with its own power.

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