Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4872: : The Xiongnu's cavalry cut off our army's retreat...

What was placed in front of General Kang Ju was how to get out of the war smoothly. The offensive of the Jin army and the Huns made General Kang Ju tired of dealing with it, especially the Huns and Jin cavalry who posed the greatest threat on the battlefield. of.

But wanting to escape from the war is too difficult, and even more soldiers will fall on the battlefield in the process of fleeing.

Such a thing is possible, and it can be seen only from the current situation on the battlefield.

After the king of Kang Ju heard the situation constantly coming from the generals, his face became more and more gloomy. After the battle was carried out to the present point, the army of Kang Ju had paid too heavy a price for the war. If you can't get out of such a confrontation If you take off more soldiers, how bad Kangju's situation will be in the future, as long as you think about it carefully, you can see.

The Xiongnu army did indeed pay a considerable price when fighting the Kangju army, but with the strength of the Xiongnu army, it is impossible to do more when chasing the Kangju army.

On the battlefield, the greatest threat to Kangju's army was the cavalry of the Jin army. These cavalry soldiers roaring on the battlefield were the nightmare of Kangju's generals. Especially the power displayed during the impact of the Jin army was too amazing.

The sound of the three-eyed blunts and the three-eyed blunts made the ears of Kangju's soldiers hum when they were facing the enemy.

Such a voice makes the soldiers in the army unaccustomed to many, but they have no choice under such circumstances.

"My lord, what should we do? Our army faced the offensive of the Xiongnu and the Jin army and retreated steadily. If this continues, within an hour, the army will face failure." Guo Xiangcheng said.

When it comes to failure, Cheng Li’s expression has a lot of unwillingness. For the development of Kang Ju, how much effort he has made. Before King Kang led an army to attack the Huns, he had a lot of views on King Kang Ju. The only thing that has been persuaded is that King Kang Ju does not follow the persuasion at all. It is not an easy task for King Kang Ju to change his mind.

This was the war between Kangju and the Xiongnu. Besides, after the Huns robbed Kangju’s envoys, if King Kangju didn’t show the slightest expression, wouldn’t it make people look down on and laugh at it, and this situation, It was not what Kang Ju Wang wanted to see.

Even if the two armies are fighting, even if the war fails, Kangju must go to war. This is the time to safeguard the dignity of the Kangju people.

After the real defeat in the war, King Kang Ju had a lot of regrets. If he had been able to think carefully when making such a decision, the situation on the battlefield might not have been so anxious.

However, this is often the case with war. When war is chosen, there are no other ifs.

"Tell Nulun, you have to hold on anyway, and it won't be too late to retreat after this king leads the army to leave." Kang Ju said kingly.

Cheng Lu worried: "The king, the general's command only has a few thousand soldiers and horses, can it stop the Jin army and the Xiongnu army from attacking? If the general fails, our army will still be pursued by the Jin army and the Xiongnu army. "

Nulun is a general in Kang Ju's army, leading the army for many years, and there is no doubt about Kang Ju's loyalty. In the most difficult moment of Kang Ju's army, Cheng Li can stand up without hesitation. This alone is enough.

If Nulun were to die in battle, it would not be beneficial to the overall situation of Kangju. Nulun had been a general in the army for many years, and he would also have considerable prestige among lieutenants.

If Nulun were to die on the battlefield, the impact on the entire Kangju would be unimaginable.

The current situation in Kangju is the most urgent. If there is an unscrupulous general in the army, how should you deal with it when facing the enemy, especially for a team like the Jin army. The methods are extremely sharp, and if you are not careful, you will suffer a big loss in the hands of the Jin army.

King Kang Ju didn’t understand the meaning of Cheng Li’s words, and sighed: “Why doesn’t this king know what’s in it, it’s just that the current situation of our army is critical. Only by getting off the battlefield faster can it be more likely. Preserve strength."

"The pursuit of the Jin army and the Huns will cause great harm to our soldiers, but as long as our soldiers can smoothly escape from the war, even if the Xiongnu and the Jin army invade Kangju in the future, this king will also have it. Enough possibility to resist the enemy is."

"When Kangju's situation is most critical, there will be more Kangju warriors who will stand up against the enemy's offensive, even if the Jin army's combat effectiveness is strong."

Seeing that King Kang Ju had such confidence, Cheng Li was silent, because he knew that the Jin army’s offensive methods were far less simple than imagined. If you think that the Jin army is attacking the city by means, it will be great. It's wrong.

And if General Nulun were to die in this battle, it would be a huge blow to the Kangju army. At a critical moment, Nulun could stand up and command the lieutenants to resist the enemy’s offensive, just This is enough to see Nulun's loyalty.

But in the eyes of the emperor, loyal people can give up at the most important moments. Such circumstances inevitably make Cheng Li's heart sad.

For the development of Kangju, both Nulun and Chenglu have made great efforts, but Kangju’s army has never been able to do more on the battlefield. The battle last year was the biggest situation in Kangju. It's a turning point.

After Kangju dispatched a large number of troops, he still could not get enough benefits from the battlefield, which means that Kangju's army will gradually decline. If after this war, there is no more reasonable response, even Will make Kang Ju fall into a more dangerous situation.

Soldiers are a major matter of the country, and a little carelessness will plunge the country into turmoil.

If the Kangju army did not attack the Xiongnu this time, even if the Jin army and the Xiongnu army unite, they will pay a heavy price if they want to break the Kangju. In the face of such a price, any monarch must carefully consider. However, the king of Kangju could not bear the temptation brought by the profit, and led a large army to fight, wanting to obtain more territory from the hands of the Huns.

The failure of the war will make it more difficult for Kangju to become strong in the future. The successive wars will consume a lot of Kangju, and the environment of Kangju itself is not very good. If you recover from the war, what is there? Such difficulty is imaginable.

Kang Ju's army kept retreating, and Nulun led the lieutenant generals to resist desperately.

A famous robe Ze fell in the process of facing the enemy, making Nulun angry. Kangju's warriors also had a remarkable record on the battlefield, but now they have become the existence of the enemy's slaughter. If this is the case If it continues, Nulun is very clear about what it means for Kangju's soldiers. It has become a difficult thing for him to lead the lieutenant soldiers from the battlefield as much as possible at this time.

The war has only just begun.

King Kang’s order made Nulun feel a little dignified. How could it be that simple to lead a lieutenant general to block the offensive of the Jin army and the Xiongnu army? At present, the Jin army does not have a large-scale charge, just on the battlefield. The wandering on the road caused the soldiers of Kangju to pay a heavy price.

In this process, what the Jinjun cavalry showed to Kangju soldiers was extraordinary riding skills and intrepid riding and shooting.

A well-known Kangju cavalry fell under the attack of the Lieyang archer. The Jin cavalry who did not initiate the charge caused casualties to Kangju. It was no weaker than the frontal attack of the Huns. It is also the most terrifying place for the soldiers of the Jin army.

The fighting power of the Jin army is strong, and Nulun saw it with his own eyes. In the past, I only heard about the fierce reputation of the Jin army on the battlefield.

Now it seems that the Jin army does have the strength to be proud of the battlefield. From the situation of the Jin army’s response to the enemy, it can be seen that although the offensive is not violent, it can always effectively kill the enemy and let itself get the maximum. Preservation, and the appearance of such an army on the battlefield is the most terrifying thing.

Why didn't Nulun want to survive the battle, and to be able to walk into the position of general, Nulun has made a lot of efforts, but when Kangju's army needs him to stand up, Nulun will not hesitate more. , Sacrificing him can stabilize Kang Ju, even death is worth it.

When the Xiongnu and the Jin army united, it was doomed that the Kangju army would fail on the battlefield. It is also conceivable what actions the Xiongnu and the Jin army would do afterwards. To get more benefits from the war is not the monarch. Is the important purpose of the campaign?

From this battle, Nulun saw the cunning of the Jin army. He could easily defeat Kangju's army after uniting with the Huns. However, he had to let the Xiongnu army and Kangju's army go out and send out. It may have consumed the strength of the Xiongnu army, and made the Xiongnu soldiers have a lot of goodwill towards the Jin army.

Even if Nulun sees some of these things clearly, what impact will it have on the current war?

"The general, the Xiongnu's cavalry, cut off our army's retreat." A general said in a panic.

Nulun snorted coldly: "It's just a mere Huns cavalry, not to be afraid."

The general nodded and said yes, and there was a lot of fear in his heart. If the army's retreat was at the stage of the enemy, what would happen? The generals in the army can imagine. The Xiongnu cavalry cut off the retreat. If the Jin army is added If they attacked, the situation would be even more unfavorable for Kangju's army, and even these people would have to confess to the battlefield.

King Kang Ju has led the army to leave, which shows that Kang Ju has given up on this war. At this time, for Kang Ju, the most important thing is to leave the battlefield. Otherwise, it means they Will die, or become a prisoner of the enemy, no matter which one, it is not what the soldiers of the army want to see.

But Nulun was in the army, which made Kangju’s soldiers feel relieved. Their generals, who once led Kangju’s soldiers, won victory in battles. Although the current situation is relatively tense, as long as Nulun is in In the army, it is the greatest comfort for the lieutenant generals.

The generals in the company army must lead the lieutenants to resist the enemy's attack tenaciously at the last moment. As the soldiers at the bottom, they have any hesitation.

The general in the army can play a role in stabilizing people's hearts. This is why King Kang Ju, at the last moment, let Nulun lead the lieutenant generals to block the enemy's pursuit of troops.

The more tenacious the Kangju army's resistance, the more the enemy's attention will be attracted.

After Lü Bu learned that Kangju's army retreated from the battlefield, he did not have the slightest surprise. If Kangju became angry and continued to persist on the battlefield, it would be the most stupid move. By then, Kangju's army would not be able to stop it. The combination of the Xiongnu and the Jin army will also cause more soldiers to be lost in the generals, which will provide more convenience for the future when the Xiongnu and the Jin army attack Kangju.

Let more elite Kangju soldiers die in this battle, and future battles will be smoother. Not only Lu Bu understands this truth, but the Xiongnu also knows it.

"Holy, there is news from the scouts that King Kangju is probably in the retreating army, and General Kangju Nulun is leading thousands of foot soldiers to resist the pursuit of the Huns." Guo Jiace said immediately~www.ü Bu pondered for a moment after hearing the words: "To tell the Huns to Shanyu, I must have a lot of interest in the Xiongnu Shanyu. As for Kangju’s general, Nulun, the leader is just a pawn. No matter, can it be impossible to escape from the battlefield."

"Holy wise." Guo Jia smiled.

This battle has made the hatred between the Huns and Kangju deeper and deeper, and the hatred between each other will make it easier for the Jin army to flex its muscles on the battlefield.

At that time, even if King Kangju and the Xiongnu saw through the Jin army’s strategy, how useful they could be. The battle with Kangju caused a lot of losses to the Xiongnu army, and the King Kangju even went from the battlefield. It is impossible for the two to unite at this time.

After receiving the news from Lu Bu's order, the Xiongnu immediately ordered King Zuo Xian to lead the cavalry to pursue King Kang Ju.

The situation on the battlefield at this time was extremely favorable for the Huns. With the Jin cavalry supporting them, the offensive of the Huns was very smooth. Although Kangju’s army resisted relatively stubbornly, as the battle progressed, Kangju Soldiers will suffer more and more losses.

Originally, the soldiers of the Huns directly beheaded the surrendered layman Kang. After receiving the order of the Xiongnu Shanyu, the surrendered layman Kang did not die.

After such a thing happened, Kang Ju’s soldiers would have a greater touch. Just imagine, if they can survive the war, how many people are willing to choose to die? The important generals in Kang Ju’s army may fight desperately, but The ordinary soldiers in the army are different. They are the lowest level of existence in the army. The generals persist on the battlefield. After returning to the Kangju, they are still the superior generals, and they have only one life, if they die. , It means that everything is over.

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