Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4875: : Guo Jiahui Huns Shanyu

After ordering people to carry Nulun down for a rest, the Huns began to order people to clean the battlefield. After this battle, too many blade armors were left on the battlefield, and there were a lot of masterless war horses. If you clean the battlefield, There are many materials that can be obtained, and these materials are of great help to the strength of the Xiongnu.

Making better use of these materials to strengthen their own strength is what the Xiongnu want to do most.

When the Huns fought against the Kangju army, they paid a considerable price. Such a price is something that the Huns did not want to see. If the war fails, the previous investment will be wasted. This is for the Huns. It is the cruelest.

How can it be as simple as it seems to win a battle.

When the Huns were cleaning the battlefield, Guo Jia was ordered to come to the Huns.

"King Youxian, why did the Jin army send envoys at this time? Is it because you want to get the materials seized on the battlefield?" Xiongnu asked Shan Yu.

King Zuo Xian said dissatisfied: "Shan Yu, these supplies were obtained by lieutenant soldiers desperately trying to get them. How could it be such a simple thing for the Jin army to ask for it."

Xiongnu Shan Yu shook his head and said: "That's not what it said. At the last moment, if it were not for the Jin army's rush, it would be impossible for our army to win."

"The Jin army and the Xiongnu themselves are allies. It is reasonable to support the Xiongnu army." Zuo General's tone became a little angry.

Cooperating with the Jin army made King Zuo Xian feel a little bit aggrieved. If the seized materials were to be distributed to the Jin army after the battle was won, how would the Xiongnu generals think of such things? Anyway, King Zuo Xian had something in his heart. Many are unhappy.

Shan Yudao, the Xiongnu: "The Jin army and the Xiongnu are an alliance, and the same is an alliance with Kangju."

King Zuo Xian was silent when he heard this. There is an alliance between the Jin army and the Xiongnu and Kangju. This matter is not a secret. If you think about it this way, it is indeed extremely difficult for the Jin army to help the Xiongnu army at the last moment. Yes, such favors, the Huns still need to receive.

"After seeing the envoy of the Jin army, everything will be clear. These materials are more precious in our eyes. I am afraid that the Jin army has not paid attention to it." Shan Yudao.

The Xiongnu army is busy on the battlefield. The cavalry of the Jin army has also gathered in formation. Facing the busyness of the Huns on the battlefield, the cavalry of the Jin army did not intend to go forward to destroy all this and let the Huns. Clean the battlefield.

"Guo Jia, the envoy of the Jin Dynasty, has seen Shanyu the Huns." Guo Jia said.

After hearing Guo Jia's claim to himself, Zuo Xian Wang was taken aback for a moment. He had met Guo Jia when he had been to Chang'an. He naturally understood how important Guo Jia was in the empire.

As Guo Jia came as a messenger, needless to say, it must have been an order from the Emperor of Jin, and he hurried forward and said in a low voice.

Xiongnu Shan Yu nodded and smiled: "It turns out to be the Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Jin State, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"Shan Yu is polite." Guo Jiahan smiled.

The Huns observed Guo Jia in secret, and saw that Guo Jia was extraordinary. When talking, his expression was neither humble nor overbearing. He did not show fear or other looks because of his identity. His speech and behavior gave people an extraordinary feeling, just This kind of tolerance and calmness is not something ordinary people can have.

"The messenger came, don't know what happened?" Xiongnu asked Shan Yu.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "There are so many people here, it is not convenient to discuss."

"Yes, it's Ben Shanyu's negligence." Xiongnu Shan Yu said with a smile.

A person with an interpreter commented on the side, and the conversation between the two was not too hindered.

When Zuo Xian Wang saw that Guo Jia did not mention the materials seized on the battlefield, he also had a lot of affection for Guo Jia. In Chang'an, Guo Jia had a lot of help to the Huns. The face of Chuquan.

"Emissary, this time the Kangju army was able to win the battle. Thanks to the help of the Jinjun cavalry, the battle has now been won. There are not a few materials seized on the battlefield. Ben Shanyu will send half of the materials to Chigu City. "Xun Shan Yu said with a smile. Although his face was smiling, his heart was dripping with blood.

Since it is an alliance, after the victory, there will be help from the Jin army. If there is no expression, it will inevitably make the emperor of Jin dissatisfied.

At this time, the Jin Dynasty emperor had a considerable influence on the situation of the Xiongnu.

The Xiongnu didn't want to do things that would make the Jin emperor angry at this time.

The Jin Dynasty emperor’s status in the Jin country is still clear to the Xiongnu Shanyu. The current situation is actually unfavorable for the Xiongnu. If the Jin army takes the opportunity to take action, the damage it will bring to the Xiongnu will be Even the territories occupied by the Xiongnu in Wusun will fall into the hands of the Jin army.

Making friends with the Jin army as early as possible and maintaining a better relationship with the Jin army is the wisest move. The materials are important, but the most important thing is to be able to preserve everything in your hands.

After the King Zuo Xian heard what the Huns said, his expression was full of incredible color. The Huns fought on the battlefield. After hard work, they had the current results, but he wanted to distribute the materials to the Jin army. With such simple things, when will the Huns be treated like this.

But this was due to the Xiongnu Shanyu's order, even if the Zuo Xian King had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, he couldn't say it.

In fact, this battle between the Huns and Kangju has a lot to do with the actions of King Zuo Xian. If the Huns cannot win, King Zuo Xian will become the sinner of the Huns tribe.

Fortunately, in this battle, the Huns won the victory, and the benefits gained in the war were enough to make up for the losses of the Huns.

Such a situation is what the Huns most want to see.

More often, war is not terrible. The key is what kind of things can be brought after the war. If it is good, it will be beneficial to the development of the situation, and if it is bad, it will give a country's strength. Increasingly weak.

The Huns live in a tribal way. The cavalry in the army are more warriors from various tribes. If the tribes are opposed to Shan Yu, they may act in the face of Shan Yu’s orders. Do things that are contrary to orders.

When more tribes stand on the opposite side of Shan Yu, Shan Yu's position will be greatly challenged, and it may even move to the position of Shan Yu.

It is not a simple matter to become a qualified Shan Yu of the Huns. It is necessary for this list to lead the Huns to become stronger.

Guo Jia had a panoramic view of the performances of the Huns Shanyu and Zuo Xian, and smiled: "This time the battle, the Huns also paid a lot of price, right?"

The Xiongnu Shan Yudao: "Although it is a little damaged, it is not a major problem."

"This time the battle was mainly made by the Huns. Our army only provided support. The materials seized on the battlefield can only be obtained by the Huns. Before the saint's departure, he deliberately told the next thing." Guo Jiadao.

The Xiongnu Shan Yu laughed and said, "The emperor of Jin is indeed a bold man."

King Zuo Xian also smiled. After the Jin Emperor said such things himself, these materials must all fall under the control of the Huns. With the materials obtained on the battlefield, the benefits to the Huns are obvious. of.

When the Huns have more sophisticated equipment, the lieutenants will have more chances of victory when they fight on the battlefield.

Besides, after this victory, the Huns’ prestige in the battle of the tribes will be even greater. Even if the strength of the tribes is damaged after the war, they will have nothing but a single order. Don't hesitate to send more warriors into the army to help Shan Yu conquer the battlefield.

After these warriors came to the army, they needed more sophisticated equipment. These materials seized from the battlefield could significantly improve the strength of the Xiongnu army.

Guo Jiadao: "I just said that the lieutenant soldiers did not suffer too much damage. I wonder if it is true?"

"Of course." The Xiongnu barely patted his chest to make sure.

Although Guo Jia was only an official of the Jin State and looked a little thin, the Huns did not dare to treat Guo Jia with contempt.

Guo Jia was able to walk to where he is today in Jin, and became the brother of the Jin emperor. There must be something extraordinary.

The strength of the Jin country is far from the current Xiongnu can compare, so better maintaining the relationship with the Jin army is the greatest benefit to the development of the situation of the Xiongnu.

After arriving in the army, the Xiongnu Shanyu and the right and left sage kings were all in the tent. The three were the most powerful people in the Xiongnu tribe. They appeared at the same time, which is enough to show that the Xiongnu Shanyu attaches great importance to Guo Jia.

At this time, the soldiers in the Huns were still busy. After the victory of the war, they needed to continuously transport the seized materials to the army.

This kind of busyness is what the military lieutenants like to see most. It is obtained after the lieutenant generals fought desperately. What makes many Xiongnu generals strange is that the Jin army is helpful to the Huns during this battle. Why? Did not clean the battlefield yet.

If the Jin cavalry were cleaning the battlefield, even the Xiongnu soldiers would not express their dissatisfaction. This is because the Jin cavalry has the strength to be proud of the battlefield, and those with strength can often get more respect. This is most applicable to Lieutenant Generals.

However, the cavalry of the Jin army did not clean the battlefield, and the lieutenants and generals were so happy. It just so happened that they could get more benefits from the war. Would anyone worry about getting more supplies?

Cleaning the battlefield after the victory is a kind of enjoyment for the tired soldiers. If possible, they want more such enjoyment.

"Before Shan Yuyan said that the Huns army did not suffer more damage. If this is the case, I can rest assured." Guo Jiadao: "The meaning of the holy is that since the Huns army has defeated Kangju's army, they should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. , Let Kang Ju Wang pay more."

Only then did the Xiongnu understand why Guo Jia had to emphasize this matter at the beginning. If he didn’t answer before, at this time, he only needs to use the lieutenant generals to have suffered a lot of damage as an excuse to give the Xiongnu army a certain amount of time.的Buffer.

Even if the king of Kangju returned, he wanted to organize troops and horses to fight against the Huns and the Jin state's army that might invade at any time in a short period of time, it was impossible.

The formation of the army is one thing. What kind of behavior did the lieutenants and soldiers do when they deal with the war? Can you behave fiercely when dealing with enemy forces?

If a qualified army can be formed in this way, there will be no talk of raising troops for a thousand days and using troops for a while.

"Although the messenger can rest assured, Ben Shan Yu He Kangju has a deep hatred. After Ben Shan Yu mobilizes soldiers and horses from various tribes, he will fight for Kang Ju." Xiongnu Shan Yudao.

Guo Jia naturally understood what the Huns meant by Shan Yu’s words, and smiled: “Shan Yu also don’t worry, the Jin army will send elite soldiers to At that time, the Holy Supreme will lead the elite soldiers to fight for Kangju. Kang Juping will be settled in the shortest time."

The Xiongnu Shan Yu heard this, and his heart was determined that if the Jin emperor personally played the battle, the Jin army must be elite soldiers. At that time, it will be easy to break through more cities of Kangju in the war.

Chigu City is where Wusun’s capital is located. How it was attacked by the Jin army in the first place. From this point of view, if Kangju wanted to do more to stop the Jin army and the Xiongnu army, it would clearly have a big deal. It's difficult, and if you are not careful, you may even be in danger of being destroyed.

If the Jin emperor took action in this war, the situation would be completely different. With the Jin emperor fighting together, Xiongnu Shan Yu would be more at ease. Although some of the Jin emperor’s methods are daunting, the Jin army When used to break through the Kangju city, it will have great power.

It is not even necessary for the Huns to make more sacrifices when attacking the city. They only need to follow the footsteps of the Jin army and attack the city. This kind of siege is absolutely comfortable for the Huns. In the process, lieutenant soldiers are the easiest to die.

With the help of the Jin army, the situation will change dramatically, and even the Huns will gain more benefits after they break through the city.

Although Kangju is barren, it is relatively speaking. The Kangju people’s city is definitely richer. After looting more materials, what kind of harm will be caused to the Kangju people is not in the Huns alone. Within consideration.

The Jin army is brave and good at fighting, and the strength of the Huns is not weak. At this time, the Kangju army has just experienced the defeat of the war. Can it stop the joint attack by the Jin army and the Huns?

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