Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4896: : Less than 30%

In fact, in many cases, lieutenants are relatively simple, and they hope to get more attention.

King Kang Ju's inspection at this time had obvious help to the morale of the army, and the result of the inspection was quite satisfactory to King Kang.

Especially after King Kang saw the continuous ballista not far from the east city wall, he was even more relieved. When the continuous ballista blocked the enemy’s attack, King Kang knew how powerful it was. The car can play a role, can effectively block the enemy's invasion.

Even without the advantage of the city wall, it is still possible to deal with the enemy to the end and drive the enemy out of the city.

The offensive lasted for ten days. The Kangju soldiers on the city seemed to have adapted a lot to the offensive outside the city. They didn’t even feel more panic in the face of the enemy’s offensive, and some were more calm and hiding. Behind the female wall, the enemy's offensive is very difficult to threaten them.

"Holy Lord, the last will not be insulted, all three tunnels have been dug into the city wall." Ju Yi clasped his fist.

Lü Bu nodded and said, "General Ju has worked hard. If he can break through the enemy's city this time, he will have the credit for ascending the dead first."

"Thank you, Sheng." Ju Yi clasped his fist, his expression could not hide his joy.

In ten days, it was very difficult to dig the tunnel to the vicinity of the city wall. At this time, the first climber showed a tenacious fighting spirit, and he continued to move the soil, and no one was tired.

Normally, Xiandeng dead men have undergone rigorous training. As long as Ju Yi's orders are given, they only need to do things according to the orders. There is not so much why.

The Xiandeng deceased had absolute obedience to Ju Yi's orders, and the Xiandeng deceased with Ju Yi was like having Gao Shun's camp.

"After preparing for the attack on the enemy's city, he immediately ordered people to inform me and wait for my order to initiate the attack." Lu Bu said.

Since it is preparing to attack the enemy's city, there must be no simple means.

"Hao Meng, the Thunderbolt is in the hands of the Huns. It is indeed buried. You immediately led the soldiers to take over the Thunderbolt. I have already passed the Xiongnu Shanyugou." Lu Bu said.

After Hao Meng got the order, he showed excitement. The Thunderbolt attacked the city. Naturally, he wanted to show the most aggressive attack. Among the Jin army, the Thunderbolt Army had a great reputation on the battlefield. How many enemy troops? The general was killed under the attack of the Thunderbolt drivers.

The thunderbolt riders of the Jin army are not comparable to the Xiongnu soldiers in controlling the thunderbolt cars. There are many skills to control the thunderbolt cars, and Hao Meng will definitely not tell the Xiongnu soldiers about these skills.

Hao Meng led hundreds of soldiers and slowly moved towards the Perak car ahead. Each soldier carried a lot of supplies. This was also what the Jin army would use for the next offensive. Since the Jin army controlled the Perak car, It certainly can't let the enemy get better.

In Hao Meng's eyes, when attacking the enemy's city, if you use stones to attack, it is the lowest offensive method. If there is a combination of fierce fire oil and gunpowder, the effect is beyond the comparison of stones.

When a stone is attacking, it can bring death to at most two or three soldiers of the enemy, but it is different when attacking with fierce fire oil and gunpowder.

The unquenchable fire and fierce explosion can bring more fear to the enemy soldiers.

Since the army entered the territory of Kangju, the Thunderbolt riders of the Jin army have not used it, which makes Hao Meng's hands ticklish, especially when he sees how the Xiongnu soldiers control the Thunderbolt cars.

Hao Meng came to Chigu City after receiving Lv Bu's order, so that when the Jin army attacked Kangju, it could bring more precise strikes to the enemy.

What prestige the Perak Army has in previous wars, after arriving on the battlefield of Kangju, it will still be like this.

To protect the city under the attack of the Jin army, it seemed to Hao Meng that it was impossible for Hao Meng. What powerful means the Jin army had when attacking was far beyond the enemy's imagination.

In the eyes of Kang Ju people, their royal city is strong, but Hao Meng would not think that if there are enough thunderbolt cars in the Jin army, the damage that can be caused to the enemy is conceivable, when these thunderbolt cars If all attacked by fierce fire oil, it would not be difficult to build a fire wall on the city wall.

When the Jin army attacked the city, it had terror means. Such terror means will bring more fear to the enemy.

After the King Youguli learned that the Jin soldiers took over the Pili Che, he coldly snorted: "Our army transported the Pili Che, but now it is controlled by the Jin Army. This king wants to see what kind of extraordinary Jin Army soldiers have. Place."

After hearing the words, the surrounding Xiongnu generals nodded in agreement and said that when the Thunderbolt attacked the city, it was indeed quite powerful, but it was impossible to break through the enemy's city just by using the Thunderbolt. The thing, unless the Thunderbolt can pile up a road that goes straight to the city wall outside the city wall.

As for smashing down the enemy's city wall through the attack of thunderbolt cars, it is too incredible. Not to mention whether the Jin army has such a method, it is not easy to find so many boulders.

King Zuo Xian said: "King Youguli, the Jin army has many methods. The soldiers of the Jin army should bring fierce fire oil and gunpowder. If these two things are used to attack the city, the effect that can be achieved is unimaginable. ."

King You Guli said: "Is the fierce fire oil attack really so violent?"

King Zuo Xian nodded and said: "There is no doubt that the Jin army has so many offensive methods. It can be seen from the Jin army's attack on Gaoyan City. If Kangju's defenders can stop the attack from the Jin army, it will be the most commanding. Something strange."

King Zuo Xian had such a cognition, and it was reasonable. After seeing the scenes of the Jin army attacking Gaoyan City, he would not calm down. A fortified city and pass would be under attack by the Jin army. It collapsed, if it were not for the Jin army’s aggressive means of attack, how many soldiers would be buried outside the city if they wanted to break through Gaoyan City.

The Xiongnu and the Jin State dispatched a total of 30,000 troops to attack Kangju, and they had the ambition to sweep Kangju. If the Jin army had not come, even if the Xiongnu were only one hundred thousand elite, they would never want to do this.

After many years of development, Kangju also has a deep foundation. When the country is in a crisis of life and death, how many loyal people will stand up to stop the enemy's attack.

Loyal people, Kang Ju is also indispensable. Just like Kang Ju's general, Nulun, who is in a high position, he can be described as a person who calls the wind and the rain in Kang Ju. At the critical moment of the war, he dared to die.

The generals in the company army still have such beliefs, not to mention ordinary soldiers in the army.

When facing a war, what kind of fighting spirit and will the lieutenant officers have is of vital importance. If they can't have a prominent performance in the war, what kind of situation will occur can also be predicted.

The soldiers of the Jin army have fought on the battlefield for many years. There is no doubt that they have rich experience in the war. In the course of the campaign, they can do a tenacious fight against the enemy's offensive. Just at this point, the enemy will feel more. Trouble.

As for contending head-on with the Jin army, you need how strong it is to be able to do it.

From the words of King Zuo Xian, King You Guli felt that King Zuo Xian's respect for the Jin army could not help asking: "If the Xiongnu army confronts the Jin army head-on, how likely is it to win?"

"Less than 30%." After some meditation, King Zuo Xian said slowly.

King Youguli couldn't help taking a breath. The Xiongnu soldiers crossed the battlefield, and they were also famous for their bravery and good fighting, especially the Xiongnu cavalry, that is the pride of the various tribes of the Xiongnu.

"Last year, King Youguli knew about the Jin army's battle against Wusun and Dawan. Wusun's army defeated the Xiongnu and Kangju's army at the last moment. Although there are reasons for the pride of the two armies. , But the fighting power of Wusun cavalry can be seen. At that time, there was no sharp weapon such as the three-eyed cockroach in the Jin army. It was still able to win because the Jin army defeated King Wusun in two large-scale wars. , So that Wusun can be destroyed, otherwise, with Wusun's methods and his prestige in the Wusun tribe, it would be a simple matter to occupy Wusun in a short time." King Zuo Xian explained.

"The 30% chance of winning is because the king said too much."

King Youguli remembered the words of King Zuo Xian in his heart. The Jin army soldiers performed wildly on the battlefield. It was because the Jin army soldiers had wild capital. If the Xiongnu army were as sharp and fierce as the Jin army soldiers, I am afraid that I will show more pride on the battlefield.

This situation is also unavoidable. What kind of strength the army has, what kind of performance will the lieutenant soldiers have, when the Jin army soldiers appear on the field, even if there is no more words, the aura that exudes from them is also a reminder. People shaking.

Under the leadership of Lu Bu, the Jin army demonstrated extraordinary fighting spirit that an ordinary army can compare.

With such a commander, the combat effectiveness of the Jin army in the war will make the enemy more fearful.

"The Jin army is about to start attacking the city. King You Guli take a good look." Zuo Xian said.

Among the Xiongnu army, there is only one fairy mirror, and the fairy mirror is in Shan Yu’s hands. It is difficult for ordinary generals to use the fairy mirror. After obtaining the fairy mirror, the Xiongnu Shanyu often uses it. Under the envious eyes of the lieutenant generals.

Doing this is nothing more than showing off. Whether you are a monarch or a courtier, when you get a good thing, you definitely want to get more envious eyes.

The desire in the eyes of the Xiongnu generals was a great recognition for Xiongnu Shan. The Jin army was able to send such things as fairy mirrors, and Xiongnu Shan was very satisfied. The fly in the ointment was that the number of fairy mirrors was too small. If the Xiongnu army can get more fairy mirrors, it will be of great help to the future development of the Xiongnu army.

After Hao Meng led the soldiers to take over the Thunderbolt cars, he immediately began to adjust the Thunderbolt cars. These Thunderbolt cars came from the Jin army. The soldiers led by Hao Meng are naturally very familiar with them.

The Perak Army has a prominent prestige and will now be shown on the battlefield of Kangju. Such performance opportunities still make the Perak riders quite exciting.

Lu Bu is in the army. If their performance can be recognized by Lu Bu, it is the greatest honor for the soldiers of the Perak Army. They go to battlefields outside the Western Regions. If they can’t have an outstanding performance in the war, then Is the most unforgivable.

Hao Meng is very strict when training Perak riders. In order to train Perak riders to be more elite, they often work overtime to train.

If the Thunderbolt riders can have an outstanding performance in a war, it will have a huge boost to the normal engagement, especially when attacking the city, the suppression from the Thunderbolt riders will often make the enemy more helpless.

The suppression of the Perak Army not only made the enemy feel fear in their hearts, but also made them suffer more in the process of defense.

Hao Meng's shot was very simple. It was to make the east city wall fall into a sea of ​​flames. Only this kind of attack can make Hao Meng feel happy.

The current status of the Jin Kingdom is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and with the support of strong national strength, it is reasonable for the Jin army to have greater deeds on the battlefield.

"Enlighten the general, the lieutenant generals are all ready." A general quickly stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

Hao Meng nodded and said, "Waiting for the orders of the Holy Spirit."

"Here." After the general clasped his fists and bowed to leave, Hao Meng said, "Let the soldiers in the army, brighten their eyes, and find out where the enemy generals are. If the attack does not satisfy the sage. , I could not afford to lose this person."

"I will understand at the end."

After the Thunderbolt riders made preparations, they did not stop observing. Among the Thunderbolt riders, there were many fairy mirrors. These soldiers holding the fairy mirrors were used to observe the movement of the enemy on the city wall.

Not far away, the Xiongnu's mouth twitched constantly after seeing the actions of the thunderbolt riders of the Jin army. In his eyes, the very precious fairy mirror was so popular among the Jin army. Through the fairy mirror, the Xiongnu single Yu Jing saw no fewer than ten.

After seeing this scene, the original Xiongnu Shanyu's enthusiasm for the fairy mirror reduced a lot.

The things that the generals of the Jin army can possess are so rare in the Xiongnu army. Such things will make people feel uncomfortable to think about it, but this is also the current situation. Who makes the Jin army have more powerful things? Woolen cloth.

And these things are very attractive to the Xiongnu soldiers, even the generals in the Xiongnu army are no exception.

The sun was shining brightly, and the soldiers of the Jin army were standing guard. They did not relax because the enemy was always on defense. As elite soldiers, no matter when they were, they had to be vigilant enough not to show the enemy more. Many opportunities.

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