Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4902: : Sure enough

Fu Natuo did not appear on the city wall, because the city wall at this time was dangerous. The Jin army used a fierce fire and oil attack, which caused great damage to the soldiers of Kangju.

As a general of Kangju, if he was injured in this battle, it would be very unfavorable to the situation of Kangju's army. This aspect can still be seen clearly.

How to better protect oneself in the war is the most critical.

Now that the war has reached the most tense moment, it is the wisest move to be able to do more when blocking the enemy’s attack. The Jin army’s strength on the battlefield has been fully demonstrated. What kind of deeds he will have at the time is more related to the fate of Kangju in the future.

Thirty continuous ballistas were prepared for the first soldiers. The arrows were aimed at the place where the city wall collapsed, and even the angles were adjusted. If the enemy took the opportunity to attack, they could use the arrows in their hands to make the enemy The army paid a heavy price.

And at this time, you must not take the initiative to step forward. Although you will have a terrain advantage after stepping forward, the Jin army’s Thunderbolt attack has not stopped. If the Jin Army’s Thunderbolt suddenly greets them, it will What kind of influence does it have?

Before the enemy’s invasion of the city began, Shi Natuo had considered all the circumstances. How to better use the power of lieutenants to block the enemy’s offensive has a greater impact in the process of the enemy’s offensive. This is the most important possibility.

The strength of the enemy army is strong, and Kangju’s defenders are also numerous in number. With the advantage of numbers, it is possible to defend the city successfully. Besides, Wangcheng is the last hope of Kangju people. If the city is stable, If there is no guarantee, even if there are other cities under the control of King Kang, Kang Ju will inevitably fall into chaos.

At that time, the Jin army and the Xiongnu army that rushed in will cause more killings in the territory of Kangju.

For the enemy troops who invaded Kangju, Kangju’s soldiers not only have deep hatred, but also a lot of fear, because the enemy's combat effectiveness is too strong and can pose a great threat to their safety. When fighting against the enemy, if you are not cautious, you may die.

The strength of the Jin army’s combat effectiveness in the war has been recognized by General Kang Ju. Although General Kang Ju did not really fight against the Jin Army, he already had a certain degree of fear for the Jin Army, and such a fear. , For the next Kangju army to respond to the Jin army's offensive, it will certainly have a great impact.

When the Jin army conquered the enemy's city, the first thing it brought to the enemy was fear and fear, so that when the enemy army blocked the Jin army’s attack, it could not show the ordinary combat power. In this way, the Jin army attacked At that time, there will be more convenience.

Making better use of military equipment to cause casualties to the enemy is of great significance to an engagement.

How to avoid the loss of lieutenant soldiers in the battle as much as possible, first of all, let the enemy feel fear, and then the enemy will not show strong strength.

It is not an easy task to make the enemy feel fear before the battle. This requires more efforts by the lieutenants and soldiers, and the Jin army's actions on the battlefield can precisely achieve this.

Therefore, whether it is a head-on confrontation or an attack on the enemy's city, the combat power displayed by the Jin army will make the enemy feel terrified.

The fierce fire oil offensive was continuing. To Fu Natuo's surprise, the Jin army's second fierce attack had not yet begun. Such a situation made Fu Natuo a little uncomfortable.

At the moment when Kang Ju was panicking, the second fierce attack of the Jin army began.

After a violent tremor, the city wall collapsed, and its momentum was not inferior to the past. This was also the strongest and most violent place when the Jin army attacked.

Don't say anything else, just the momentum after the gunpowder explosion can bring more shock to the enemy, and make the enemy have a deep fear when responding to the Jin army's attack.

When the Jin army attacked the city before, it brought a lot of fear to Kangju's defenders, and this confrontation was no exception.

It is necessary to use tyrannical methods to prevent the enemy from seeing the hope of victory in such battles.

After the second city wall collapsed, Fu Natuo and Xiongnu Shanyu gave orders almost at the same time.

King Youguli led the middle warriors to charge forward. In such an offensive, only by gaining the advantage at a faster speed can they have greater achievements in the next confrontation.

After the news of the offensive of the Huns spread to Shi Natuo's ears, Shi Natuo did not dare to use the first part of the soldiers. No one is sure whether the enemy army would collapse from the first place during the attack. Place to come.

It would be a nightmare for the defenders if they were killed without the slightest precaution.

As for how the enemy approached the city wall, it didn’t seem to be difficult for the Huns and the Jin army, because the Jin army had aggressive offensive methods. With this method, the Jin army was able to suppress it. With the defenders, the effect of such suppression is extremely obvious.

The Jin army’s various offensive methods made Kang Ju’s defenders helpless. They wanted to gain an advantage in the process of fighting against the Jin army. It was obviously impossible. Otherwise, when the Jin army attacked the city before, Kang Ju had no choice. He won't make a defensive posture of Gucheng, but will go out of the city to confront the enemy.

The enemy's offensive is within the expectation of Nato, but Nato is sure that the enemy's offensive methods will certainly not be so simple, and it is very likely that they will launch a more violent attack in the subsequent war. Come.

The soldiers in the second part are ready for the battle. The soldiers of the Huns have just appeared, and the crossbow arrows of the Kangju soldiers greeted them. The power brought by the crossbow arrows released by the crossbow carts is amazing, but I saw a famous Xiongnu. The soldiers fell in a pool of blood, and the shields in their hands did not provide them with effective protection.

After the offensive order of the Huns is issued, it will not stop in a short time. For an army, it is necessary to prohibit the order. If not, how can it be able to fight against the enemy? What a bigger deed.

The Xiongnu had expected deaths that might occur during the attack. If there were no deaths in such an attack, it would be too abnormal.

The offensive of the Xiongnu army created a lot of pressure on the generals of Kangju. The crossbow arrows in their hands will be released, but the attack of the Xiongnu army will stop the attack because their crossbow arrows have great power.

A series of crossbow arrows pierced the Xiongnu soldiers, and the collapsed city wall was not too wide, which made it more difficult for the Xiongnu soldiers to attack.

Shi Natuo took over the command of the second soldier. Thirty crossbow carts, if they can be used properly, can play a huge role in war. The crossbow carts need to be loaded with crossbow arrows, as long as they are properly coordinated, Just ten crossbow carriages can play a very good role in resisting the attack of the Huns.

The offensive of the Huns was extremely fierce, and once such an offensive was launched, it would not stop.

How to get closer to the enemy is also a question that the Huns need to think about.

A celebrity soldier fell in the process of the offensive, but the offensive of the Huns did not stop. The Huns rushed to attack the city. In the process of advancing, it was more difficult. First of all, the terrain had a hindering effect on the action. , And this kind of offense, it is not a simple matter to get a real display.

The combination of these factors made the offensive of the Huns extremely difficult.

However, the Xiongnu soldiers who took the lead in attacking were all elites in the army. This is also the shrewdness of the Xiongnu Shanyu. Only after using the most elite forces to form a greater impact on the enemy can it be beneficial to the subsequent engagement.

The offensive speed of the Xiongnu soldiers far surpassed Natuo's imagination. Although the continuous ballista played a certain role in the hands of the Kangju soldiers, it was inevitable that the Xiongnu soldiers would see opportunities when the continuous ballista replaced the bolts.

The offensive launched by the Xiongnu soldiers shocked the generals of Kang Ju. At this time, the Xiongnu soldiers were completely undaunted to death. Just like the death of the robe during the charge, it would not have the slightest impact on them.

The offensive of the Huns' army was continuing, and King Youguli, constantly commanding the soldiers in the army, stepped forward.

Such an offense does not require other methods. As long as it is close to the enemy, it can cause harm to the enemy. Such an offense is also a great test for the soldiers of the Huns. His life is definitely important, but at such a moment, the Huns cannot retreat, but can only move forward.

The death of a famous Paoze was also a great excitement for the Xiongnu soldiers, but they knew that only by moving forward can they have a chance to survive.

Just as the Huns attacked fiercely, the third explosion also began. Even the attacking Huns could feel the huge impact of the gunpowder explosion.

The layman Kang on the city wall is undergoing the torture of the Jin army. The Jin army’s fierce fire and oil offensive has never stopped since it started. Looking at it from a distance, the city wall is burning with a raging flame. This is what Hao Meng said. Burning city.

After seeing the scene in the city, the Xiongnu's mouth quivered slightly. The Jin army’s offensive method was terrifying. At this time, it showed vividly, wanting to better protect the city wall under him under such an offensive by the Jin army. It is conceivable what kind of test there will be for Kangju soldiers.

What kind of torture the defenders of the city were experiencing at this time, the Xiongnu could only imagine.

Mo said that he was a soldier of Kangju, even if he was replaced by a more elite army, facing such an offensive method of the Jin army, he would feel deeply helpless.

The advantage of the Jin army in sharp weapons can be very effective when attacking the city.

"The Jin army's offensive is indeed fierce." Xiongnu Shan Yu sighed.

Zuo Xian Wang Meiyu has a lot of worries. "Shan Yu, when our army attacked the city, it was resisted by the enemy. The enemy has already had a certain arrangement in the city. Our soldiers are under the enemy's continuous ballista. , Paid a lot of money."

The Xiongnu Shan Yudao: "Even if you pay the price, you have to break through the enemy's city. This is the city where Kangju's army resists the most. After breaking this city, the Kangju people have lost their last hope."

King Zuo Xian nodded. It is normal for the lieutenant soldiers to have casualties when attacking the city. The key is that the Xiongnu soldiers will be damaged in such an attack, which will make Zuo Xian king's heart depressed. After the city is broken, yes. Those belonging to the Jin army, the Xiongnu army is completely selling their lives for the Jin army, and the Xiongnu soldiers also have their glory.

Even if the Jin army had an outstanding point in the course of the battle, shouldn't it be that they should be doing their best for the Jin army?

However, the order of the Xiongnu Shanyu cannot be violated. The victory of the war has brought the prestige of the Xiongnu Shanyu to an unprecedented height. What will be the consequences if you oppose Shanyu's Xian Wang Is clear.

King Zuo Xian also felt guilty in his heart. It was after the persuasion of the Jin army that he led the cavalry to attack the Kangju envoys. Although such an attack gave the Xiongnu soldiers excellent equipment, After the war was consumed, the Huns paid a greater price.

After the victory of the war, the Huns can get more opportunities for relaxation.

Nowadays, for the future stability of the Huns, the warriors of the Huns had to conquer Kangju, and the territory of Kangju was divided with the Jin army. If this matter can be successful, it will be of great benefit to the future development of the Xiongnu. If not, the Huns will endure more hardships.

War is a huge test for lieutenants and soldiers. Being able to win a war can make the lieutenants more elite, as can be seen from the combat effectiveness of the current Huns army, compared with the soldiers of Kangju.

The Xiongnu soldiers were threatened by the enemy's continuous ballista during the offensive. However, in the face of the continuous ballista's attack, the Xiongnu's soldiers did not retreat, but continued to attack. As long as they could get close to the continuous ballista, they would definitely be able to control it. The enemy soldiers of the ballista caused tragic casualties.

The fierce performance of the Xiongnu soldiers in the confrontation is also reasonable. The order to break the city was issued by the Xiongnu Shanyu. All they need to do is to follow Shanyu's orders.

Fighting Kangju's soldiers will definitely have certain difficulties. If you can directly rush into the city, it will be a strange thing.

The continuous fall of the Xiongnu soldiers evokes the fierceness in the hearts of the Xiongnu soldiers. General Kangju caused them such tragic casualties. If they could not attack the city, their robes would have been sacrificed in vain.

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