Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4953: : The Xiongnu are only excited

Wuna did not force the lieutenant generals to leave. Originally, it was not easy for these soldiers to follow him in the city. Now it is not easy for them to force the lieutenant generals. Soldiers do.

   This battle itself is unfair to Kangju's defenders. Why do we need to force the soldiers in the army? Even if they are forcibly retained, how effective can they be in the war?

Wuna understands the truth in this respect. He guards the city and has not received any orders, just because he is a general of Kangju. Even when the situation of Kangju reaches the most urgent moment, he can’t just retreat. Faith, supporting Wuna is defending the city.

   In fact, Wuna has no such duties.

   The city wall collapsed, which was expected by the Xiongnu soldiers. When the city collapsed, the Huns immediately launched an attack on the city.

  Through the fairy mirror, the Xiongnu Shan Yu saw that the defenders were panicked. After the collapse of the city, what kind of damage could such defenders bring to the Xiongnu soldiers.

   In this way, there is no need to waste more time when attacking the city.

The Xiongnu warriors quickly approached the place where the city wall collapsed. In fact, many of the Huns still had a trace of fear in their hearts. When they attacked Kangju, the defenders in the city caused them a lot of casualties. If they were attacking In Xipingcheng, life threatened would be too unworthy.

   Survived in the cruel war before, and now occupying Xiping City, it is the moment when the Huns are reveling, but they died on the battlefield. This is a sad thing.

   The soldiers of the Xiongnu also had pursuits. They attacked the city. What they needed was a carnival after breaking the city, and they wanted to get more benefits from the enemy.

  The war itself is terrible for the lieutenant soldiers, but after the temptation of profit, it is different. After the enemy's city is broken, the Xiongnu's soldiers can obtain many benefits from the war.

   After the soldiers of the Xiongnu entered the city, they saw the soldiers of Kang who were waiting in the gap in the city wall.

   These scenes gave the Huns who entered the city a glimpse. They didn't expect that layman Kang would still be able to take precautions under such circumstances. What would happen if the same situation were placed on the Huns.

The number of defenders in the city is sparse, and there are a large number of enemy troops outside the city, and the enemy troops are unimaginably fierce in offensive methods. No matter how you look at it, the defenders have no reason to win, but the defenders are here. Under the circumstances, it is still possible to defend the city firmly.

   When did Kangju have such soldiers.

The situation on the battlefield was unexpected, but the Xiongnu soldiers did not stop the offensive due to Kangju’s guard. After the Chinese army issued the offensive order, as soldiers in the army, there was no more choice, as long as more Only by properly executing the orders of the Chinese army can there be a chance of survival.

Once the war is started, it cannot be stopped without the order of the Chinese army. This is also the basic content that an army needs to be familiar with. Don't look at the general discipline of the Xiongnu soldiers, but they can do better on the battlefield. The execution order.

   Otherwise, what kind of combat power does the Huns have on the battlefield?

The charge of the Xiongnu soldiers aroused the resistance of Kangju soldiers. This is their city. The Huns are the invaders. When dealing with the invaders, what needs to be done does not require other people to tell Kangju's soldiers. .

   The two armies fought at the gap in the city wall. Kangju’s defending army did not have such a weapon as a continuous ballista. When facing the attack of the Huns, the situation was precarious.

   This situation made the Huns even more excited. The enemy did not have enough means to defend. Is there anything more exciting than this.

After    rushed into the city, everything in the city would belong to the Huns.

   Crazy Xiongnu soldiers attacked the Kangju defenders.

  Wuna was in the army, and there was not much anxiety in his expression, and the commanding lieutenant and generals stepped forward in an orderly manner.

The offensive of the Huns seemed quite fierce, but in front of Kang Ju’s defense, they could not break through in a short period of time. After seeing these scenes, the Huns’ soldiers became more and more angry. The war had reached this level. Kangju's soldiers were still defending, and even saw the Huns arrive and did not take the initiative to open the city gates to take refuge. These Kangju troops were not regrettable.

The crazy offensive of the Xiongnu soldiers resulted in the constant fall of the soldiers of Kang Ju. When they defended, they used conventional combat methods. When the Huns attacked, it was not the case. Those who wanted to get out of the Jin army There are also conditions for obtaining a weapon in the hand.

The war progressed to such a point. The Huns simply did not want to have more deals with the Jin army. If the Jin army allowed the Huns to give up more cities, how should they choose? Rely on the strength of the Huns to break the city, it must be It's not a problem.

Before attacking the city, the Xiongnu had a certain understanding of the guarding situation of Xiping City. There were not many defenders in the city. If you want to break this city, you only need the Jin army to give some help when attacking the city. , It can be done easily.

   The tenacity of Kangju's defense surpassed the Xiongnu's expectations.

   After hearing the war situation from King Youguli, the Xiongnu snorted, "The enemy army only has more than a thousand people. Isn't it even difficult for such an enemy army to break through?"

   King Youguli said with a flushed face: "I will lead the soldiers to step forward."

With King Youguli personally taking the initiative, the situation on the battlefield has changed a lot. King Youguli dared to challenge King Zuoxian. He must have a certain strength. He led the charge initiated by the Xiongnu soldiers and made Kangju the army. The formation continued to shrink.

   Actually, without the city as a backing, Xiping City was defeated by the Huns. It was an unchangeable fact, but the Kangju general Wuna didn't want to give up easily.

As a general of Kang Ju, it was necessary for Kang Ju to do something for Kang Ju at the last moment. From Wuna’s point of view, it was necessary for Kang Ju to withstand the attack of war by the Huns and Jin’s army. , It is disastrous for Kangju, and even Kangju will be shattered.

Those who live in Kangju will inevitably have a certain feeling for Kangju, and Kangju’s generals do the same. At the last moment, they dare to stand up and lead the lieutenant generals in the final deal with the enemy, even after the battle. It's not hesitating to die.

   General Kangju has such a courage, and the soldiers who fought with Wuna also had a tenacious fighting spirit, which made the situation on the battlefield even more intense.

   The offensive of the Huns was fierce, and the defense of Kangju's defenders was tough.

   The stalemate between the two sides was broken after King Youguli personally led the soldiers to kill. It was the elites under King Youguli who followed King Youguli to fight. After the impact, it directly tore the formation of Kangju.

   The Xiongnu soldiers who rushed into Kangju's army seemed to be crazy, no matter whether Kangju soldiers took refuge at this time or not, they would raise the butcher knife in their hands without hesitation.

With a large number of Xiongnu soldiers entering the city, Wuna slowly fell down. There were more than ten wounds on his body, and every wound was deep enough to reach the bone. Under such injuries, Wuna insisted. He came down and killed five Xiongnu soldiers. If it weren't for the spear of a Xiongnu soldier to pierce his throat, I'm afraid Wuna was still fighting.

   The Xiongnu soldiers charged and pierced the fallen Wuna with the blade in their hands. Cai Wuna had caused considerable damage to the Xiongnu soldiers.

  Following Wuna really chose to stay as a soldier and no one chose to surrender. As for the Kang layman who left the battlefield, no one would stop it. This was their freedom.

The smoke cleared, and the ground was full of corpses. Among them, there were more of the corpses of the soldiers. The Huns who rushed into the city did not care about cleaning the battlefield. They stepped on the corpses of the enemy and rushed towards the city. They wanted Indulge in carnivals in the city, they want Xiping City to become a carnival place for the Huns.

   The people in the city are the targets of the Huns' plunder. They want to gain more benefits in the city. The pressure brought by the war needs to be released in Xiping City.

When Guo Jia saw the Huns marching into the city, the corners of his mouth showed a sneer. The Huns eagerly wanted to enter the city for carnival. The Jin army would make Xiping City a place where the Xiping soldiers would be afraid of mentioning it, and Xiping City would become The burial place of the Xiongnu Shanyu.

Isn’t the Xiongnu Shan Yu observing the Jin army? After seeing the Huns attacking the city, the Jin army did not intend to enter the city. The Xiongnu nodded secretly. Did not go to the city to ask for benefits.

However, after the Jin army occupied Kangju’s city, the Xiongnu's thoughts quietly retreated. Compared with Kangju’s city, Xiping city was much worse. Besides, when the news of Kangju’s fall, Xiping city What kind of behavior would the people of Xiping know about the Xiongnu Shan. On the way to Xiping City, the Huns scouts looted many people who fled from Xiping City.

   In this way, the wealth of Xiping City will be much worse than before, but occupying such a city is still of great significance to the Huns. The feeling of gaining benefits after cooperating with the Jin army is good.

   "The lieutenant generals of the army, all enter the city, tonight Ben Shanyu will revel in the city with the warriors of the Huns." Shan Yu laughed.

   The generals of the Huns were cheering on hearing this. They need such a carnival. Such a carnival can release the pressure of war to the greatest extent.

   The successive wars are also a big test for the lieutenant soldiers.

The Huns were preparing to revel after the city broke. It was also in the expectation of Lu Bu and Guo Jia. After the three previous attacks on the city, the Huns had to suppress their own character. Now they finally have a city that belongs to them, if it is not in the city. If you are reveling, isn't it sorry for the hard work of the lieutenant generals?

Even if the Kangju people’s city is destroyed, the Huns will not be distressed. They are outsiders and they are the invaders. When dealing with Kangju people, they don’t need to be polite, let’s talk about it. The previous battles made the Huns too depressed. They need to be released to a certain extent after this battle. Only in this way can the previous depression be relieved.

Why didn’t the Huns understand the truth? If they were to ask the lieutenants and soldiers not to rob the people in the city, even if they could gain the hearts of the people of Kangju to a certain extent, they would lose the hearts of the lieutenants and soldiers. Both In comparison, the Huns would have a wise choice.

Without the elite soldiers in the army, there would be no status and achievements of the Xiongnu Shanyu today. Even if the people of Kangju suffer more disasters, as long as the spirit of the Xiongnu soldiers can be invigorated, it is worthwhile for the Xiongnu Shanyu. of.

When Kangju's army invaded the Huns before, wasn't it the same behavior in the territory of the Huns? At that time, King Kang had thought that such a move would bring hatred from the Xiongnu people. The nature of the invaders is the same. , All want to get more benefits from the enemy's rule.

   is just a way for the Huns to gain benefits compared with the Jin is too direct, too unqualified.

After the Jin army occupied the city, it was also able to obtain benefits, and the Jin army gained more benefits than such direct plunder. The moisturizing was silent. When the people of Kangju adapted to the policies of the Jin state, they would They will listen more to the orders of the officials of the Jin State, thus bringing more benefits to the Jin State. From a long-term perspective, the Jin State’s benefits are far greater than those of the Xiongnu, and the Xiongnu’s plundering actions, It even aroused the hatred of the Kangju people. In this case, the Huns would use a certain amount of force to suppress it.

   Comparing the two, make a judgment.

The methods used after the war are different, and the benefits brought by them must be very different. The strategy adopted by the Jin country has been practiced for many years. Facts have proved that this strategy of the Jin country can better enable the people of foreign races. Attached.

As for the poor and wicked generations, it is necessary to use powerful methods to rectify. Generally speaking, after the people of a country have experienced war, what they want most is a stable life. Only a stable life can make They feel more at ease and fight more. For the people in the country, it is a very harmful thing in itself.

  Sometimes, the people of the country can't decide the war. How can ordinary people have the power to resist the orders issued by their monarch, and more they still need to act according to the monarch's orders.

  The decline of Kangju has become inevitable. When Kangju's army cannot stop more invasions from the enemy, it will bring disasters to the people of Kangju.

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