Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 499: : Zhang Liao Zhan Xian Deng

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The city gate is wide open, Ju Yi led eight hundred first ascended dead men out one after another, wearing heavy armor and holding a huge shield. The death soldier was particularly conspicuous on the battlefield.

Li Qiang stepped forward and said in a low voice: "General, these people are the first to die in Jizhou!"

Zhang Liao's expression tightened. He had heard of the name of Xian Deng's deceased warrior. It was absolutely unthinkable among the infantry that once caused the world-famous Bai Ma Yicong to defeat.

"The general must be careful to board the bows and arrows of the dead first!" Li Qiang reminded.

Zhang Liao led the wolves to rush forward. This was the first time he faced the Xiandeng dying soldier. In the past, he had only heard from the army how powerful the Xiandeng dying soldier was. Lu Bu had also confessed to seeing the Xiandeng dying soldier. If the enemy is not able to retreat.

The rain of arrows from the wolf-riding soldiers did not cause too much trouble to the dead soldiers. Zhang Liao even found that the dead soldiers were advancing. He did not even have the slightest disorder in his footsteps. It seemed that bows and arrows were not worthy of their eyes. Mention.

Knowing that he had encountered an opponent, Zhang Liao in front of the battlefield also increased his vigilance.

Fifty steps before the dead soldier of Xianden, Zhang Liao waved the hook and sickle in his hand, and the wolf-riding soldier once again shot a deadly rain of arrows.

Among the dead soldiers in Xianden, Ju Yi looked coldly at the wolf-riding soldiers who rushed in. In his eyes, these wolf-riders were his credit, that's all.

"Let it go!" Ju Yi yelled, and the crossbow arrows of the first ascended the dead man headed towards the wolf ride.

At a distance of 30 steps, crossbow arrows are extremely difficult to guard against. This is also the reason why the first ascend to the dead will suffer the enemy's arrow rain first on the battlefield. They are equipped with crossbow arrows. Compared with bows and arrows, crossbow arrows have a shorter range. Some, but in terms of accuracy and lethality, bows and arrows are incomparable.

Zhang Liao, who had been watching the first ascend to the dead, after seeing the change ahead, shouted: "Hide!"

Although the wolf cavalry evaded in time, more than a dozen cavalry fell.

After this burst of crossbow arrows, Zhang Liao also approached the Xiandeng dead soldier, and was able to look at them. These soldiers were wearing heavy helmets on their heads, and their bodies were almost wrapped in armor. The shields in the hands of the soldiers in front were nearly one person high, so huge. The shields, the bows and arrows to resist the enemy are naturally not a problem.

The two spears stab Zhang Liao from the left and right, with a cold sound, Zhang Liao's hook and sickle lightly waved, blocking the attack of the pikemen, and took advantage of the situation to split the hook and sickle into the camp of the Xianden dead.

The shield soldiers in front yelled and raised their shields to greet each other.

The strength from the shield caused the soldier to retreat three steps. There were some omissions in the formation. The hook and sickle changed its direction again, slashing the throat of a pikeman.

Zhang Liao, who was waiting to continue to expand his results through omissions, suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness and dodged to avoid. A crossbow arrow whizzed past his ears. The omission of the formation was added again.

Zhang Liao frowned slightly, with the protection of the shield soldiers and the secret attack of the crossbow arrows, the Xianden dead soldiers are already invincible on the battlefield. Of course, this is for ordinary troops. If you encounter a thunderbolt car, even It is difficult to advance half a step even if you are a dead man, no matter how big the shield is, do you still want to block the boulder with the shield?

However, in a moment of confrontation, the wolf rider had already lost more than 30 people, and Zhang Liao saw that he could not break through the first dead soldier, and led the wolf rider whizzing away.

Ju Yi laughed and said: "Bingzhou wolf rides, but you!" The Xiandeng dead under his command also burst into bursts of laughter.

Zhang Liao did not pay attention to Ju Yi. If the cavalry wanted to retreat on the battlefield, they would definitely not be able to catch up with the first ascending the dead. The value of the first ascending the dead is to resist the enemy's attack, or as the front army. Fighting, the armor gave them strong protection, but also made them clumsy, not to mention the cavalry, even ordinary soldiers who want to retreat, can't catch up with the dead first.

"General, the first to be the elite of the dead, but our army's camp is also not weak." Li Qiang stepped forward.

Zhang Liao knew that this was Li Qiang comforting him and said with a smile: "General Li, what about the first ascend to the dead? When the Jin Marquis army arrives, do you think the Jizhou army can hold the dangyin?"

"Jin Marquis is brave, everyone knows that even if there are more soldiers and horses in the city, the Bingzhou Army can still take it!" Li Qiang replied, full of confidence in the Bingzhou Army in his words. This is also the confidence that Lu Bu has given them for many years of fighting. .

"The army is ordered to guard the Jizhou army in the city carefully, and the army will arrive tomorrow." Zhang Liao exhorted.

After Lu Bu led an army of thirty thousand came to Dangyin, without any pause, he set up his position in the west of the city, with a strong momentum to take Dangyin down.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd, Lu Bu, with a black horse underneath him, appeared majestic outside Dangyin City, shouting, "Yuan Shao, come out and answer!"

Yuan Shao learned of the arrival of the Bingzhou army and had already boarded the city wall.

"Bong first, don't come here unharmed!" Yuan Shao laughed.

"Yuan Benchu, you are the leader of the princes in the past, but now you are Yehou. Why do you have no reason to attack the beneficiary under the rule of is the appointment of the sage, is it that you have the heart of disobedience?" Lu Bu Said coldly.

Yuan Shao replied with a composure expression: "Benghou learned that there were gangsters in Hanoi and was worried about the people in Hanoi, so he led a large army to come. This matter has been reported to the Ming Sheng, and he has come violently. What is the matter?"

"The thieves are making trouble? Did it mean Yan Liang, the rebel who broke into the underworld? But Benhou remembers that Yan Liang was a general under his command. When did he become a rebel?" Lu Bu asked back.

Yuan Shao’s expression remained unchanged, but his heart was raging. Yan Liang was his most respected general. Otherwise, after being captured by the Bingzhou Army, he would not send Tian Feng to the Bingzhou Army. "Fengxian joked, Yan Liang is Jizhou. The generals strayed into Dangyin City. Can Fengxian return General Yan Liang to Jizhou? Jizhou must be grateful."

"Return? At the beginning, he led the troops to attack the city of Benhou and asked the Bingzhou Army to return to the generals of Jizhou. Did he think that the Bingzhou Army was a good bully? Nearly five thousand soldiers were buried in Yin City, all because of the Jizhou Army. If you can't report it, what is the face of Ben Hou returning to Jinyang?" Lu Bu laughed angrily.

Yuan Shao said coldly: "If this is the case, Benhou will wait for the Bingzhou Army to attack the city. Jizhou is very close here, and the 30,000 troops can go to the Yin at any time."

Facing Yuan Shao’s threat, Lu Bu laughed and said, “I didn’t think that those native chickens and dogs in Jizhou could hold back the elite of Bingzhou. If I had the courage at the beginning, I would dare to deploy troops outside the city and fight to the death!”

"Fengxian is now the Marquis of Jin, and even the general of Chaqi. How can he pretend that the decisive battle should be the most important thing? Life is the most important thing. In Fengxian's family, there is a majestic beauty waiting for the country and the city." At this point, Yuan Shao naturally It will not be soft-mouthed. Before the two armed forces can get a verbal advantage, it is also a huge boost to morale.

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(End of this chapter)

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