Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5041: : Queen's position

After this shout, the response can be imagined. The people and soldiers in the army who came to greet them all shouted loudly. I fell into the shout.

   Such a shocking shout, such a neat voice, not to mention Ardaban, even Lü Bu was moved. I don't know how many people kneel down one after another. This situation can have a strong visual impact on people.

   Even the soldiers who returned from the victory following Lu Bu stepped down to salute. At this time, Lu Bu was the most dazzling existence outside Chang'an City.

   After seeing this, Aldaban hurriedly got off his horse and bowed his horse. It seemed that he was infected by the current situation outside Chang'an.

The shouts of soldiers, officials, and the people represent respect for him. Regardless of whether these people are from the heart at this time or not, what Lu Bu can feel from their shouts is confidence, the confidence of a monarch. At this time, it climbed rapidly.

   The people of Jin, the civilian and military commander of Jin, are the important capital for leading the Jin army to victory in battles. As long as there is the support of Jin, why not worry about winning in the war.

   After the voice gradually subsided, the faces of the lieutenant soldiers, including the people who greeted them, were flushed, and many people became hoarse in the shouts just now.

   Lu Bulang said: "Everyone, please flatter yourself."

   After receiving Lü Bu's order, the civilian officers and generals who came to greet him got up one after another, and the same was true for the people.

  Together with the officials from the DPRK and the central government, they headed towards the palace. On the way, the people who came to greet me were densely packed, giving people a sense of shock.

For this situation, Lu Bu is relatively comfortable, but the rest of the soldiers who followed Aldaban are different. In the past, even if the King of Rest was victorious in the war, when he returned to Rest, he would not be greeted on such a scale. , The key is that from the shouts of the people and soldiers, giving more shock to the soldiers in peace.

Before now, even the resting soldiers couldn’t help but want to shout out, but after thinking of their identity, they were able to stop it very well. If such a thing reaches Aldaban’s ears, even if it is They are a member of the guard team and will be severely punished.

   Coming to the outside of Chang'an City, Ardaban was shocked again. Seeing Chang'an City from a distance, and seeing Chang'an City up close, had a very different impact.

  Chang'an is the capital of the Jin country. The city is ten feet high and the moat is wide. It is impossible for any enemy to calm down after seeing such a strong city.

  Don't say anything else. Just being close to the city wall is not easy for the enemy. The wall is so high, what kind of offensive weapon is needed to break through such a strong city.

   Aldaban is constantly looking at the capital of the Jin Kingdom. In fact, after the messengers of various parties come to Chang'an, they will be shocked by the strength of the city.

   On the city wall, you can vaguely see the stalwart Jin sergeant.

   Aldaban remained silent. Such a fortified city seemed to be possessed only by the powerful Jin Kingdom.

   A city like this, with millions of people, Aldaban believed, even if any official came to Chang'an, he would not have the slightest doubt after seeing such a grand occasion.

   The cement roads in Chang'an are wider than those in Liangzhou. This is the case outside the city, and even more so in the city.

   The roads in the city are entirely built of cement roads. Even in rainy days, you don’t have to worry about muddy when you go out.

   The loess paving is omitted, but the city of Chang'an at this time feels no less solemn and solemn.

   entered the palace, it was already two hours later.

   The Chinese martial arts were separated on both sides. After three shouts of long live, Lu Bu said faintly: "Everyone, please be flat."

   After everyone got up, Lu Bu smiled and said, "I'm afraid the officials of Yushitai have been waiting for me, right?"

Many officials smiled when they heard this. Lu Bu secretly led the army to the battlefield outside the Western Regions. Such a thing made the officials of Yushitai very angry. They were waiting for Lu Bu's return, but Lu Bu took the initiative to mention it. At the time of this matter, no officials at Yushitai stepped forward. It was either that these officials were embarrassed or cared about Lu Bu's face, but that Lu Bu led the army just returned, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

   This time I met the civil servants and military officers in the court hall. They were also dressed in military uniforms. It would not be too late to raise the matter until tomorrow when they came to court.

   "I'm not in Chang'an, the affairs of the country have troubled you all. When I led the soldiers on the battlefield, there was no turmoil in the Jin country, which is the greatest support for the lieutenant soldiers." Lu Bu said.

   After some conversation, Lu Bu ordered everyone to leave, and then went to the harem.

Leading the army to fight, the women of the harem must be extremely worried. The affairs of the DPRK and the central government are more important and the family members are more important. Dealing with the affairs of the DPRK will definitely be when the government will go to the DPRK tomorrow.

Although Lu Bu’s behavior this time made the officials of Yushitai very dissatisfied, it is an uncompromising fact that Lu Bu led the army to victory on the battlefield, and such a victory gave the Jin army the prestige of soldiers throughout the Western Regions. Outside.

   Such an engagement has a great influence on the long-term development of Jin.

If it weren’t for Lu Bu to lead the army to Chigu City, what would happen when Guishuang’s army attacked Guishan City? With Lu Bu in the army, the generals of the Jin army would show a different spirit in the war. Come.

  The past battles are the best illustration. The appearance of Lu Bu is the greatest encouragement to the lieutenant soldiers. As long as Lu Bu is in the army and wins, it will not be difficult for the lieutenant soldiers.

Lu Bu’s position in the army cannot be shaken by other generals in the army. As for the enemy’s desire to win victory from Lu Bu’s hands, it seems to be a more difficult thing. Lu Bu has led the army on the battlefield for many years, repeatedly In the confrontation, after defeating the enemy and letting the enemy hear the news of the arrival of the Jin army, his heart trembled, relying on the victory of the lieutenant soldiers in the confrontation.

   Without the strong strength of a lieutenant soldier as a support, how could Lu Bu have achieved what he has now.

   Lu Bu appeared in Chigu City to save Jin from a crisis. If Guishan City was defeated by Guishuang's army, it would be a major event for the entire Jin Kingdom.

   Jin’s city, if the enemy dared to attack, it means that the enemy did not put the Jin army in their eyes. Such a thing cannot be tolerated by the soldiers of the Jin army.

   War, Jin army soldiers are never afraid of war. What they need to do is to make the enemy feel more fearful in the battles, and let them see how fierce the Jin army is in the war.

  Only in this way can the lieutenant soldiers achieve greater success, and the rule of the Jin country will be more stable.

   If a lieutenant soldier does not possess even the most basic courage when dealing with a war, how effective such an army can be in a war, even with its sophisticated equipment.

The courage of the Jin army soldiers to fight on the battlefield, their high morale, was brought about after the victory of wars. Such pride and fighting spirit are not imaginable by ordinary troops, but they have experienced more difficult battles. After that, the lieutenant soldiers will be promoted to a greater extent.

   The generals in the army understand this truth, but in the specific implementation process, there are only a handful of soldiers who can do this well.

   In the face of difficult and difficult battles, military lieutenants will be afraid, because they want to survive the war. Such things are normal.

   But what Jin army generals pursue is to control the situation on the battlefield. Even if the enemy is powerful and numerous, in such a confrontation, the Jin army generals cannot admit defeat or give up the war because of the strength of the enemy.

   This kind of situation is even more unallowable for military lieutenants.

   The achievements of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield are also the result of their hard work in battles.

   In the team welcoming the army's triumphant return, there were no harem women, but the time palace was still quite lively at this time. Lu Bu led the army to return triumphantly, which was a big deal for the harem women.

   Over the years, Lv Bu fought the West for the stability of the Jin Kingdom and wiped out the enemies one by one. The harem ladies' concern for Lü Bu is unquestionable. Before each battle, the harem ladies have a lot of worries.

They also understood that Lv Bu led the lieutenant generals on the battlefield, precisely for the stability of the Jin State, and it was precisely to enable the people of the Jin State to lead a stable life, even after the Jin State stabilized, Lv Bu led the lieutenant generals. They also supported Lu Bu when they fought in cities outside of the Western Regions.

The support of the girls in the harem made Lu Bu feel more at ease. The harem of the Jin Kingdom was not as full of struggles as in previous dynasties. Under Lu Bu's protection, the girls in the harem can live in harmony. There is nothing in Lu Bu's opinion. More important than this.

   If the palace is not stable enough, even if Lü Bu leads the army lieutenant generals to fight other parties, it will not be at ease.

   The changes in the harem made Lu Bu feel emotional. The departure of Sun Shangxiang and Yan Lan had a great impact on Lu Bu.

Although Lu Bu has come out of the two women's departure, every time the night is quiet, when thinking of the two women, there is also a lot of nostalgia, especially Yan Lan, that is Lu Bu's wife, although Lu Bu came to the end of the Han Dynasty After that, there were already wives and daughters, but Yan Lan gradually gained Lu Bu's approval for her behavior.

Otherwise, Yan Lan would not go to the position of the Queen of Jin. Nowadays, in the harem of Jin, there is no master and no queen, which is not good for the whole Jin. If it were not for Lu Bu leading the army to fight for the lieutenant generals. This kind of thing has long been brought up by officials in the DPRK and China.

   How can the powerful Jin country not have a queen.

   Regarding the position of the queen, it is impossible for the harem ladies to have ideas. This is also a normal thing. If the palace ladies have no idea about the position of the queen, how can there be so much effort behind them.

  Although Lu Bu has an understanding of some of the things that happened in Jin, at any time, don't ignore Jin's intelligence agency.

In the past, it was through intelligence agencies that allowed Lv Bu to get more useful news in advance when he was fighting against the princes. Now Lv Bu also wants to use intelligence agencies to learn more about the real situation of Jin. Such things are for Jin. The development of the country is beneficial.

   If, as a monarch, he does not even have the most basic understanding of the affairs of the country, such a monarch will fail.

   In the harem, there are lights and festoons.

   After Lu Bu came to the harem, the women saluted immediately.

  The busy palace ladies also salute one after another.

   Lu Bu, who took off his armor and put on ordinary clothes, still gave people a murderous air in his behavior. Lu Bu, who had just emerged from the victory of the war, was even more astonishing.

After a conversation, the atmosphere in the harem became more and more harmonious, but Lu Bu could clearly feel that there was a trace of unpleasantness among the girls in the This is also a normal thing, and I want to be a queen. , There must be competition between each other.

   But in such a thing, not all concubines are involved.

   Regarding the current situation of the harem, Lu Bu didn't think about making any major changes. After the position of the queen was determined, the harem would be able to restore its former scene.

Competing for the queen is a cruel thing for the harem ladies. Perhaps the two concubines who were in a good relationship will tear their faces in the process, and Lu Bu's concubine is very careful in this respect, even though He had an idea about the position of the queen, and he didn't even say that there was a bloodshed.

   After talking with everyone, Lu Bu chose to stay at Cai Yan's residence.

   Cai Yan became Lv Bu's wife after Lv Bu entered the lord and merged with the state. Among the harem ladies, she also has a high status.

   Cai Yan gave birth to Lv Bu's eldest son, which makes Cai Yan's weight in the harem even heavier.

Cai Yong, the father of Cai Yan, was a well-known Confucian scholar and Lu Bu's mentor. Cai Yong had a large number of disciples at the time. After the establishment of Jinyang Academy, Cai Yong was in charge, although he was born in Jinyang Academy. It is Lü Bu's protégé, but in the process of teaching, it was Cai Yong who contributed.

The students who have been taught by Cai Yong have gradually come to an important position over the years. The power of these officials, if united, will be a terrifying force, and these officials are naturally happy for Cai Yan to become a queen. Seen.

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