Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5070: : The man behind

  From Lu Bu's body, Wang Er and Li Si felt a lot of pressure. Such pressure made the two of them have no resistance in front of Lu Bu.

Regardless of Wang Er and Li Si’s aspirations, Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin, and he usually faced hundreds of officials in the court. In front of Lu Bu, even officials in the court would not dare to be presumptuous at all, if If you don't even have this ability, how can you control the officials?

When dealing with this matter, it was obvious that Lu Bu was really moved, which also made Dian Wei on the side quite puzzled. It was clear that some rogues were deceiving foreign businessmen. How did you feel that Lu Bu was very caring about this matter, Lu Buna? But the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, how many things do he need to worry about every day, and let Lu Bu take care of such small things himself?

However, things are obviously not as simple as Dianwei imagined. Since Lu Bu has acted like this, he must have his reasoning. After following Lu Bu for many years, Dianwei still understands this aspect. As a courtier, the most important thing is Able to follow the orders of the monarch, and Dianwei, as the leader of personal guards, must not only obey the orders, but also ensure the safety of Lu Bu. Only in this way can he be a qualified leader of personal guards.

  Protecting against Lu Bu's side over the years, how many dangerous things he has experienced, and able to walk out of danger every time, there are also many not easy.

What Dianwei needs to do is to follow Lu Bu's side, do his best to protect Lu Bu's safety, and prevent Xiao Xiaozhi from committing chaos in front of Lu Bu. These are all very necessary. If even this aspect of things is difficult to do If he arrives, his personal guard commander is unqualified.

  In the process of protecting the monarch, various things may happen. At this time, Dianwei needs to deal with it flexibly.

  Nowadays, Dianwei really can't bring up interest. According to Dianwei's character, he first beat him up, and then the two will explain everything.

   "When you were doing this, who was behind it?" Lu Bu asked in a low voice.

  This is the important purpose for Lu Bu to let the two of them come. If there are other people behind this incident, the situation is the most serious. The situation in Chang'an City is complicated, and all kinds of things are possible.

  There are many foreign merchants who go to Chang'an to do business. If someone secretly wants to make a fortune from the foreign merchants, it will not help Chang'an's stability in the slightest.

  Among the foreign merchants, there are also quite a few small merchants, and these merchants must face more difficulties when doing business than the big merchants.

Once someone secretly unites to do such a thing, it is very unfair to foreign businessmen. They come to the inland of Jin to do business in order to gain profits. However, after they arrive in the inner city of Jin, it is not fair. If you can't get the benefits, you will lose the original benefits in the process of doing business. It will not be good for any businessman.

  As the monarch of the Jin Kingdom, the most important thing to do at this time is to stand up and be the master of the people under the rule.

  Wang Er was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said: "General, Cao Min and Li Si are just temporary intentions. They want to get some benefits from the alien merchants. No one can instigate them."

   Lü Bu raised his brows and snorted coldly: "If you are deceiving, I am afraid that you will fall to the ground. If you confess as soon as possible, you can reduce the crime."

  "General, deceive merchants of foreign races, at most they are imprisoned, how could they fall to the ground?" Wang Er asked courageously through gritted teeth.

Lü Bu smiled and said, "So this is what you rely on. Here, I have the final say. Besides, you only need to modify the crime that you committed. It will be enough to make you suffer more. Don't think about you. When the people behind you can rescue you at this time, better cooperation is the main thing."

   "Impossible." Wang Er exclaimed.

The person behind the    is Wang Er's greatest reliance. According to the person behind, this kind of behavior will not be at most a bit of physical suffering even in prison.

Although 40% of the money obtained through deception is given to the people behind it, in Wang Er's opinion, such an effort is definitely worth it. If something happens one day, these people will be able to rescue them from prison. , Besides, the speed of such money is very fast, as long as it is touched, it is impossible to stop.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "You said no, why has it become impossible now? Tell me honestly who is behind you? In your opinion, this may be a small matter, but this matter will affect the foreign race. The stability of the city, I wonder if you will still have such an opinion?"

Wang Er was shocked when he heard this. One small thing could affect the stability of the alien race. It was Lü Bu's words that made people feel convincing. When he came to the inn, the head of the tutor faced Lu Bu's side. When people are human, how respectful they are, which shows that the people above are extraordinary.

  If such a person wants to rectify him, it is not a matter of a word. The people have a certain amount of power, but compared to officials, they are still on the weak side, especially the people after they have made mistakes.

  Under Lu Bu's gaze, Wang Er said the matter slowly.

  It turns out that Wang Er also accidentally discovered that someone was doing such a thing in Nanshi. Although it was relatively hidden, Wang Er still saw the entire process.

Then someone found Wang Er and gave Wang Er a lot of money, promising that if Wang Er was willing to do business in this area, Wang Er would be responsible for all business in this area. Wang Er himself was a idler, so he came to the money. Wang Er is more interested in the matter.

  Speaking of this kind of thing, the money is still very fast. The people behind may promise that if Wang Er misses his hand and goes to jail for the government officials, they will find a way to rescue him.

  And the people behind also told Wang Er that under normal circumstances, such a thing is not worth going to jail, at most it is a lesson.

  With the words of the people behind, Wang Er is relieved a lot. Besides, there is no difficulty in doing such things. It can be said that it is the easiest skill to learn.

In the past, Wang Er was idle around nearby, and he often heard the first words. Wang Er didn't want to do something. Now that he has something to do, Wang Er feels refreshed, and he wants to succeed in such a thing. In Wang Er's opinion, it was too simple.

  After the first success, Wang Er celebrated with Li Si. Regarding the people behind Wang Er, Li Si didn't worry about it. As long as he had money, it was enough in Li Si's opinion.

After hearing what Wang Er said, Dian Wei realized that it was wrong. It turned out that this is not a simple rogue, but an organized rogue. If there are more such people in Chang'an City, it will definitely be very good for the stability of Chang'an City. A big threat, as the monarch of the Jin Kingdom, how could Lu Bu give up after encountering such a thing.

In this way, Dianwei’s eyes towards Wang Er are full of disdain and hatred. As a citizen of Chang'an, this in itself is something to be proud of. After all, it is not easy for the people to live in the city of Chang'an. .

  But Wang Er’s actions are destroying the stability of the city. In this way, getting benefits from alien merchants is not just destroying the stability of aliens.

  According to Dianwei’s character, such a person can be directly pulled out and killed.

Such a situation was expected by Lu Bu. Through some of the words of the old man, Lu Bu saw the clues. It is always abnormal for such things to happen frequently. It is possible for such things to happen. Some idlers are idle. It is possible for people to think of such a method.

  But such things can happen many times, which is not normal.

Sure enough, there is an organization behind Wang Er. The benefits of such an organization are obvious, but the benefits they get are based on the situation where the interests of alien merchants are compromised. When such things cannot be obtained. If it is well stopped, it will definitely affect the business of alien merchants to a greater extent.

  When more foreign businessmen suffer from such unfair things in Jin, they will have a lot of disgust towards Jin.

The original Jin Kingdom’s strategy was good, allowing foreign merchants to come to the inner city for business to obtain better benefits. The key is that such benefits will change in front of foreign merchants, and they will not even be able to obtain money. To lose money, would an alien businessman do such a thing a second time?

The money earned by such an organization is based on the turmoil in the Jin country. How can Lu Bu feel the slightest toleration in the face of such a character. If he encounters it, he will definitely make these people pay a heavy price. , The current situation is a good illustration.

When Lu Bu decided to intervene in this matter, it was not as easy as simply dealing with one or two people, but anyone involved in this matter would have to be punished accordingly. Not only that, but the DPRK still targeted In such a situation, timely adjustments should be made. If such things happen in one city, other cities are also possible. This situation must be avoided as much as possible.

After the Jin army occupied the foreign city, the nerves of the foreigners themselves were in a sensitive period. If at this time, these foreign businessmen could be given fair treatment, so that they would feel that living under the rule of the Jin country, it turned out to be one. After such a reassuring thing, they will have a different psychology when dealing with people from Jin.

  In this way, it can gradually change the foreigners' rejection of Jin, and it will be more conducive to officials to govern the locality. Such a policy is naturally good. The key is whether it can be effectively implemented after arriving in various places.

  In front of Lu Bu, Wang Erjiang also explained in detail the people behind and how to give benefits to those behind him.

   "Li Jin, you follow Wang Er once, and try to bring the son in Wang Er's mouth as far as possible without disturbing others." Lu Bu said.

Although this matter has disappeared, if this matter can be properly handled, it will be of great help to the future development of Chang'an City, and it will even make foreign races have more favors towards people from Jin. After all, this The thing is that the interests of foreign merchants in Chang'an City have been lost.

  It is the small businessman who suffers the loss, who cannot attract attention, but when there are more and more things in places like you dare, the situation will be very different.

As a monarch, you must pay attention to more aspects. Through the occurrence of one event, you can see what kind of impact the occurrence of this event is likely to bring, and how to make timely adjustments to avoid more occurrences. Conditions, these are extremely important.

  The time of being in the upper ranks is not short, and Lu Bu still understands some aspects of the truth.

  The policies of the imperial court are good for the people under the rule. The key is whether these policies can still be the same as when the imperial court issued orders after they reach the local level.

  At this time, the officials of the Inspectorate are required to supervise. It is not that there are no black sheep among the officials of the Inspectorate. In the face of specific interests, how many people can refuse.

However, Jin’s system is generally very good. In this way, Jin can be greatly The premise is that officials of Jin can behave in the public and abide by the law. , It’s simple to say, and it’s not a simple thing to do it.

The reason why Jin has the strong side now is because it can treat some things rigorously, especially when facing the people, because what happens to the people is nothing trivial. If it is because of the status of the common people that they are despised and do some bad things, it is impossible for such an official to go further in the officialdom.

  After the officialdom system, it is relatively strict. If you can’t follow the system, then the official punishment of the Jin country will follow.

  When punishing officials who violated disciplines, the officials of the Inspectorate have always spared no effort. Only when officials who violate disciplines are punished in a timely manner, will it be of greater help to the overall development of Jin.

  In fact, Jin can have the current situation, and there are many difficult things.

  After receiving Lü Bu's order, Li Jin left with Wang Er immediately, accompanied by several flying eagle soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Wang Er secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In this matter, he himself made this choice under the guidance of the people behind him. Otherwise, it was only relying on Wang Er's head to think of this. The way of money, Wang Er dared to be sure that these people must have other ways to get money.

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