Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5072: : Caomin is willing to say

  Living in the city of Jin, that’s the case. When doing things, you need to be cautious. Only by being more cautious can you be more perfect in some things.

The Jin State’s system is strict. This is something that is obvious to all. Of course, people’s wisdom cannot be ignored in many cases. They can accomplish some things in other ways, and they can complete things without touching the law. In Lu Bu’s In the eyes, these talents are the most hateful.

  When some behaviors are known to more people, they will definitely have a great impact on the system of Jin.

The state of Jin has finally achieved the current stability. This is the result of how many people have worked hard. In order to maintain such stability for a long time, joint efforts are needed. If problems in this area cannot be effectively guaranteed. If this is the case, there will definitely be more obstacles to the future development of Jin.

  Jin can have the current situation, that is the result of the hard work of the Jin Kingdom's monarchs and ministers. If you want to keep this result better, you must have sufficient means.

  But now, some people with intentions do such things for their own benefit. Such circumstances cannot be tolerated by Lu Bu, and the person who has done these things must pay the corresponding price.

  When some behavior affects the stability of the city, it can't be called a small thing, because when more small things come together, the impact will be greater and the harm will be greater.

  It is the best policy to prevent the slightest failure.

However, how many officials of the Jin state can do this when governing localities, and more often follow the laws and regulations, but for some things, there is a lack of careful consideration. Such a way of doing things is often no better for development. Many benefits.

  The strength of the Jin State is unquestionable. Behind such a strength, there are many efforts of the Jin State officials. Without the efforts of the Jin State officials, how could there be the prosperity of the Jin State today.

  In the process of governing Jin, how many officials have died in the line of duty. Don’t these officials want to gain benefits? Don’t they want to survive better?

  For the development of the country, someone has to pay for it.

  Lü Bu looked at Liu Ru and asked faintly: "Are you the son of Li Erkou Liu?"

   "What Li Er?" Liu Ru asked rhetorically.

   Lü Bu sneered: "It seems that at this time, you haven't realized the seriousness of your mistakes, and you want to escape through these sophistry methods."

"Dare to ask this adult?" Liu Ru asked. Although he felt a lot of pressure from Lu Bu, Liu Ru still felt that it was the best to know Lu Bu's identity. It would be difficult if he didn't even know the identity of the other party. Make an effective response.

  "Identity is not important. The most important thing is to be able to interrogate this matter clearly." Lu Bu said.

Liu Ru's heart moved. What he could feel from Lu Bu's words was absolute confidence. With such a big tone, he must have a certain position in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom, most likely from the Inspectorate. Officials, if this is the case, it is not that simple to be fooled.

  The officials of the Jin Dynasty Supervisory Office have always been more difficult to deal with, and they can get the respect of the monarch. When doing certain things, the methods they adopt are also unbearable by ordinary people.

  The person in front of him is likely to come from the Inspector’s House. If not, he would not have such confidence.

  Liu Ru secretly cursed, what kind of thing Li Er had gone through when he hit the head for an official of the Inspectorate's Office. I looked at Li Er's performance before, but now it seems a bit stupid.

   "My lord, Cao Min and Li Er don't know each other." Liu Rudao.

  This kind of thing, he won’t admit it to death, he will be temporarily put in jail when he does many things, and he will have a way to get out of jail at that time.

  I was talking about the matter between him and Li Er. There was a lack of witnesses. Such a thing, if it was merely an oral agreement, would be far from enough to serve as evidence.

   Obviously Liu Ru’s experience in this area is not comparable to Li Er.

Lu Bu naturally saw Liu Ru's thoughts and coldly snorted: "In front of me, you'd better be honest, don't think that if you don't admit it, you can get rid of this matter. In my place, Jedi is impossible."

Liu Ru gave a slight pause, but he did not expect that Lu Bu would have such words. The officials of the Jin State also paid attention to methods and methods when handling matters. However, judging from the current situation, there seems to be no greater thing in Lu Bu's body. The effect is general.

   "My lord, even if an official of the Inspectorate does things, he must pay attention to evidence, right?" Liu Ru asked.

   Lü Bu sneered and said: "In front of me, telling evidence, my intuition can be regarded as evidence?"

   Liu Ru was not angry and rejoiced: "If the adults say this, the grassroots can only admit that they are unlucky, but the adults will definitely be unlucky in the future."

Seeing Liu Ru's arrogance, Dianwei stepped forward with a kick. Liu Ru flew backwards like a kite with a broken line. This is because Dianwei controlled his strength. If not, one kick can make Liu Like a small life to the west.

Seeing these scenes, not only Liu Ru was stunned, even Li Er was also a little shocked. He also heard of the methods and methods used by officials of the Jin State to deal with things, but this is the case. The matter seemed to have no corresponding effect in front of Lu Bu.

  If not, why did Lu Bu's subordinates dare to do such a thing?

The officials of Jin state are more particular about how to deal with things. If the officials do not have a good way to deal with things, they will be punished accordingly once they are passed on. Such things are also inevitable. .

  Jin country pays attention to law and discipline. If officials do not pay attention to law and discipline when handling matters, how can they better manage the locality?

  Lü Bu showed such arrogance, in Liu Ru's opinion, he didn't want his official hat anymore. Even if Liu Ru racked his brains, he couldn't think that the emperor in front of him turned out to be the Emperor of Jin.

  Smears of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and Liu Ru struggled to get up.

Lu Bu asked Lu Wen and Lu Ying to go to the next room temporarily. If Liu Ru didn’t admit it, it would be very simple. Lu Bu didn’t have more time to spend on Liu Ru, so he could just take the simplest and most effective way. At that time, if Liu Ru could still refuse to admit it, it was the most strange thing.

When it comes to this kind of thing, Li Er can't do anything to conceal it. It must be Liu Ru who lied. Liu Ru wants to get rid of responsibility. It is reasonable to have such words and put it on half of the officials. When dealing with such a thing, there may be no corresponding method, but Liu Ru can only be detained.

  But when things like you arrive in front of Lu Bu, there won’t be so many troubles. Ask them directly, which is easier than investigating them.

  Furthermore, even if someone knows the causes and consequences of this matter, how can it be done by Lu Bu?

If Liu Ru knew the identities of these people in front of him, he would know his so-called reliance. In front of these people, there was nothing. When these people wanted to fix him, even if they had the help of others behind him, It's not of any use.

Seeing that Liu Ru remained silent, Lu Bu nodded to Dian Wei. Facing a small character like Liu Ru, Lu Bu had no good temper. The most important thing was to let Liu Ru explain to him. Lu Bu could already see that there were other officials behind Liu Ru.

  If not, it would be impossible to think of something like this just by relying on these little fishes and shrimps.

Since such a thing has happened, it must be handled well. If there is no timely treatment in this regard, the subsequent impact must be huge. This situation is not what Lu Bu wants to see. .

  It is very necessary to find out the people behind. Fortunately, such a thing is discovered in time. If it is allowed to develop, the impact will be huge.

After the Jin army occupied the city, the officials of the Jin country were extremely attentive in governing the city, because they wanted to achieve political achievements and thus get the promotion of their status. They could not let the efforts of the officials of the Jin country because of the careful thinking of some young people. Suffering damage, in this case, is disrespect for the efforts of officials of the Jin State.

  Dianwei stepped forward after receiving Lv Bu's signal, with a cold smile on his mouth. After seeing this scene, Liu Ruwei was slightly stunned. He didn't expect the way these people dealt with the problem was so extreme.

And Li Er was also stunned to see, who are these people, why do they have such a means when dealing with things? Looking at their way of doing things, it is clear that there is no scruples. This is the same as what they had imagined before. There is a big difference.

   "You, what are you doing?" Liu Ru said in horror.

  Dianwei smiled and said, “Since you don’t explain, let’s use our method to let you honestly say everything you know. There is a great possibility that you will be missing an arm or a leg.”

  After the words were finished, a dagger appeared in Dian Wei's hand, and the dagger exudes cold light.

  Liu Ru is afraid. When facing such a situation, as long as people have not undergone strict training, they will be timid, unless the person is really not afraid of death.

"The Caomin is willing to say it, and the Caomin is willing to say it." Liu Ru knelt on the ground with a puff, and kept saying. From Dianwei's behavior, it can be seen that if he does not explain, he will definitely not have a good end. It is very likely as Dianwei said.

  And this kind of thing is something Liu Ru doesn't want to see. Although the benefits obtained are very good, but if there is not enough strength to protect these benefits, it will bring a great threat to the safety of life.

   "Let's talk." Lu Bu said.

When Dian Wei saw this, he did not put the dagger away, but played with it in his hands. The dagger was given spirituality in Dian Wei's hands. It kept turning in Dian Wei's hands, and Liu Ru was shocked when he saw it, as if the next moment. This dagger will appear on his body.

Since childhood, Liu Ru has never experienced such a dangerous situation. When facing Dian Wei, he deeply felt his own fragility, because Dian Wei could threaten his life at any time, in front of Dian Wei. , He is an out-and-out weak.

  And what Liu Ru dared to be sure was that Dian Wei must have a lot of life.

  After Liu Ru explained what he knew, Lu Bu nodded to Li Jin. Li Jin understood and left the room immediately.

The flying eagles are quite familiar with the situation in the city. Before, they were responsible for protecting Lu Bu's safety in the dark. By the way, they inquired about some news in the city. The flying eagles who are often active in the dark have absolute concealment in their actions. Discovered by the enemy.

The flying eagle soldiers who are among the people are sometimes more useful to bring back news, but the main purpose of the flying eagle is to protect Lu Bu and to inquire about some of the activities of the officials. As for what the life of ordinary people is like Yes, they are not particularly concerned.

  The focus is different, and it is also very normal. If the flying eagle's soldiers can do everything in detail, even if the number of the flying eagle's team is doubled, it will be difficult to do.

In terms of some small things, it is not easy to really understand. Lu Bu also knows the truth in this But it is often small things that can have a great impact. .

  In the city of Chang'an, there must have been such things happening in the past. Through Liu Ru’s description, Lu Bu was even more sure.

I originally thought that this incident was just a group of people acting, but now it seems that it is not the case. There may be greater involvement behind this incident. When the scale of these people becomes larger, what they can bring The disadvantages of coming can be imagined.

   "Holy Lord, let Chang'an Mansion take care of these things." Dian Wei said.

After all, in the outer city, Lu Bu’s safety is extremely important. As Lu Bu’s personal guard leader, what Dian Wei needs to do is to take all the circumstances into consideration as much as possible so that Lu Bu’s safety can be maximized. Protection.

   Lv Bu smiled and said, "What? General Dian doesn't trust the strength of the personal guards enough?"

   Seeing Dianwei wanting to say something, Lu Bu said: "It's okay, I finally came to the outer city. How can I let it go when I encounter such a thing, let Xu Rong come, don't disturb others."

  "Here." Seeing Lv Bu in high spirits, Dianwei clasped his fists, expressing his pity for the fate of these people next.

  The same thing, if put to Lu Bu's disposal, the speed will be faster, and those who violate the law and discipline will be punished more severely, and even the relevant officials of the Office of the Government and the Chang'an Prefecture will be punished.

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