Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5076: : Borrowing the Inspectorate

Lu Bu's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that just such a small matter would involve more officials. From Zhang Bu's look, it can be concluded that these characters must be involved in this matter to a certain extent. If you are not honest enough in this matter, Zhangbu will not have good results.

  However, it cannot be ruled out. In order to get more attention in this matter, Zhangbu involved more insignificant people.

   "I don't know who the officials of the Inspectorate are you?" Lu Bu asked.

Zhang Bu pondered for a moment and said: "This matter is confidential. Who is it? In fact, it is not clear to the Caomin, but after you join us, you may see it. At that time, it will have a great impact on the future promotion of both of you. Of help."

After some inquiries and side attacks, Lu Bu's face became more and more gloomy. He did not expect that a small incident in the south of the city would involve so many characters. For a long time, Lu Bu paid attention to the governance of the city, Chang'an. It is also the top priority of the Jin Kingdom. If such things happen in Chang'an City, the influence of these people may affect more cities.

  Speaking of officials in other cities, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not follow suit in secret.

  But from Zhangbu’s words, Lu Bu knew that these things started in the first year of Kaiyuan.

  "This person is temporarily detained." Lu Bu said.

   Outside the door, Dian Wei immediately entered the room and took Zhangbu away.

   Zhang Bu shouted: "Two adults, this matter must be considered carefully. If it succeeds, your benefits will be indispensable."

  In my mind, Zhangbu still has expectations. The addition of two officials from the Inspectorate will certainly be of great help to their future development.

  After Zhangbu was taken away, Lü Bu and Xu Rong still did not hear the answers.

  Lu Bu turned his attention to Xu Rong and said, "Chang'an Ling, what do you think of this matter?"

"Sage, in the opinion of Yichen, this matter is probably not as simple as Zhangbu said. The son of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is involved in it, and it is necessary to investigate and interrogate." Xu Rong frowned, son of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. , But not an ordinary person.

The Zhen family is a prominent family in the Jin country. Zhen Yao is the official book of the Ministry of Industry, and Zhen Mi is the concubine of Lu Bu. With such a relationship, the influence of the Zhen family in the city can be imagined. If ordinary officials hear Zhen I am afraid that the name of the family has already been drummed in my heart.

  Even Xu Rong did not want to offend the real dignitaries in the city because of some things.

  Some powerful people, if offended, there may be nothing in a short time, but in the future, these cliffs only need to trip up and down some things, so that the official can't eat.

  In Xu Rong's view, the correct way to deal with this matter is to conduct a secret investigation, and when the evidence is available, it will be handled by officials of the Inspectorate instead of participating in it.

  Being able to reach his current position step by step, Xu Rong is shrewd in handling certain things.

   "It seems that Chang'an Ling doesn't want to offend some people. If this is the case, I will be a villain once, and Chang'an Ling can be with him." Lu Bu said.

  Xu Rong arched his hands and said: "The minister will follow the orders of the sage."

If this matter allows Xu Rong to participate more, it will have an impact on Xu Rong’s promotion in the future. How can Lu Bu not understand the matter here? It is already quite difficult to get to Xu Rong’s position. .

  Furthermore, this matter is likely to involve the Zhen family, which is even more difficult.

  If it weren’t for Lu Bu, it’s very likely that this matter was just dealing with some of the people below, and the people above would be beating.

  This way of doing things is not what Lu Bu wants to see, but officials usually have human relations. If they don’t pay enough attention to some aspects, they will add a lot of bumps to their future roads.

The officials of the Jin country are also officials. When they do things, they also pay attention to methods and methods. Besides, this matter itself is not a big deal in the eyes of some officials, provided that Zhang Bu is not so arrogant. Lu Bu's view is absolutely stupid to win over officials when things come to an end.

  Because of this kind of thing, once the officials of the Inspectorate participate in it, it means that a lot of evidence has been obtained. How difficult is it to succeed in wooing the officials of the Inspectorate in public.

The officials who can become the inspectorate must be carefully selected, because Lu Bu has always been concerned about the situation of the inspectorate officials. If the integrity of the inspectorate officials cannot be guaranteed, he will What kind of situation can be imagined.

   Regardless of the final disposal of this matter, Chang'an Ling will definitely be punished accordingly.

  This is also a headache for Chang'an Ling. After all, Chang'an is at the feet of the emperor, and the handling of many things is not as simple as imagined.

  However, if the matter is thoroughly investigated this time, as Zhang Bu said, many officials will definitely be involved, and it will surely cause a certain shock in the officialdom of the Jin country.

  And Xu Rong also knew that after such an incident, Lu Bu’s character would definitely not give up. No matter what official of the Jin State, he would be a courtier in front of Lu Bu.

   "Send Tian Feng, I will go to the Inspectorate later and borrow the Inspectorate for a use." Lu Bu said.

  "Here." After receiving the order, Dianwei immediately sent someone to pass the news to the Inspectorate.

  Xu Rong knew that Lv Bu was going to make a real move.

Five hundred soldiers with perseverance came to an inn outside the city. This inn is rarely noticeable in the ordinary, but at this time it is attracting attention. When such a large number of soldiers arrive, there must be a return. Unusual things happened.

  Although patrolling soldiers can often be seen in Chang'an City, it is extremely rare for such a large number of soldiers to be dispatched together.

  An ordinary carriage parked outside the inn. Lu Bu sat in the carriage and came to the inspectorate for the protection of the sergeant.

As for those who are arrested, they wear black cloth on their heads. This is also to prevent their identity from leaking. It can also be seen as some protection of their privacy. If they are seen in public, they will definitely have Something happened.

  This matter, there is no final result. When dealing with it, it is necessary to be more cautious.

Such a special team has attracted a lot of attention. After the lieutenant soldiers left, many good people went to the inn to inquire, but from the look of the inn shopkeeper, it can be seen that the inn shopkeeper is very There is no more understanding of this matter.

After the inn shopkeeper got a sum of money, he naturally willingly gave up the inn temporarily, and let Lu Bu and others toss in the inn.

The Inspectorate, after Tian Feng received the order, he was slightly taken aback. If it was too late today, he did not understand why Lu Bu came at this time, but it was an order from Lu Bu. Tian Feng did not dare to slack in the slightest. The officials who had left in the Inspectorate were ordered to return to the Inspectorate quickly.

When the Inspectorate was ready, Tian Feng led a group of officials to greet him in person. It is quite shocking to appear in the Inspectorate in such a grand occasion. Everyone knows that the officials of the Inspectorate are usually proud people. The gaze of officials is more of scrutiny. If officials make mistakes and fall into their hands, it is difficult to get more protection in their hands.

I don’t want the officials of the inspectorate to have such a big battle. Some officials who are going to return to their homes will be puzzled when they see such a battle when they pass by the inspectorate. And not on the bright side.

  The officials of the Inspectorate also have their pride in ordinary times. It is very difficult to get more useful information from the officials of the Inspectorate.

  The officials of the Inspectorate felt proud under the gaze of other officials passing by. Yes, they were proud. The Lord was about to come to the Inspectorate. After Lu Bu returned, the three provinces and six ministries did not have such honor.

However, Tian Feng believes that this time the matter is not as simple as this. The Lord himself came to the inspectorate and it is said that he came from the outer city. This shows that the emperor was not in the palace before, and most likely was in the outer city. , This kind of thing happened to the emperor's sage, it would give people an unbelievable feeling, but appearing on Lu Bu's body, it couldn't be more normal.

  It is normal for the Emperor of Jin to inspect the situation in the city. Lu Bu had done this in the past, and he had achieved good results in some things.

  The situation in Jin is now stable, and the prosperity of Chang'an City is obvious to all. However, in the handling of certain matters, the inspector officials dare not relax in the slightest.

  As officials of the Inspectorate, you must be cautious at all times, because if they are slack, they will have a lot of involvement and even have a big impact on the court.

The existence of the Inspectorate is of great significance. It enables officials in the DPRK to be more careful when doing things. The Inspectorate is a sharp blade hanging on the heads of hundreds of officials. The officials are also under the control of the Inspectorate.

The   Inspectorate, although separated from the three provinces and six ministries, its influence is not weaker than any of the three provinces and six ministries.

  Normally, it is not said that other officials came to visit the Inspectorate. This is a special existence.

  Different from other departments, the steps in front of the inspectorate are very high, giving people a sense of solemnity.

After getting off the carriage, Lu Bu said faintly: "No need to be polite."

Then with Xu Rong and others, they entered directly into the inspectorate. At this moment, after receiving the order from Dianwei, Wang Shuang led his guards to the inspectorate. The mighty momentum caused trouble. Less attention.

When the guards came, they were all cavalry. As they moved forward, they naturally attracted more attention. However, some officials noticed this team and after identifying their identities, they did not dare to give pointers. These are Lu Bu's guards, and if they provoke these guards, they will definitely be in trouble.

  Dianwei, the commander of the personal guards, was an unprovoked existence in the Jin Dynasty.

  If an ordinary team is running like this on the streets of the city, they will definitely be impeached by officials, because such behavior is prohibited in Chang'an City. Of course, it is different if there are special orders.

  The incident happened to the guard team. Even the officials of Yushitai would not be entangled in this matter without opening their eyes.

  The officials of Yushitai are a bit straightforward and excessive in the eyes of Baiguan. It does not mean that they do not pay attention to methods and methods when dealing with certain things. Some officials of Yushitai are still very shrewd.

  Yushitai officials also pay attention to strategy when doing things normally. If the emperor makes a mistake, how they should point it out is the most reasonable, not reckless in the eyes of other officials.

To tell the emperor’s mistakes is a stupid move in the eyes of some officials. It is because they did not enter the Yushitai and point out the emperor’s mistakes. In the eyes of the Yushitai officials, it is a great pride and can be recognized by the emperor. It will be helpful for this official's future promotion. In different departments, his responsibilities will be very different.

Regardless of the fact that Yushitai and the Inspectorate are generally responsible for supervision, but officials of the two departments rarely interact with each other. The officials of Yushitai have their pride, and the officials of the Inspectorate have their persistence. Unless there is something in common in some things, there is a certain possibility of cooperation, if not, then there will be no communication.

  Reflecting the sunset, Lu Bu walked into the solemn Inspectorate. The important officials of the Inspectorate followed closely behind him. The guards led by Wang Shuang took over the defense of the Inspectorate very quickly.

  As Lu Bu’s guard team, wherever they are in the walkway, they will be more respected.

  In the Inspectorate, candles have been lit, and the lights are bright.

  Lu Bu sat at the top of the main hall of the Inspectorate, where Tian Feng usually belonged.

  Tian Feng is with him.

After seeing Xu Rong on the other side of Lu Bu, and Cao Xing who had recovered his uniform, Tian Feng was taken aback for a while, but he didn't expect Chang'an Ling and the generals from Chang'an City to accompany him.

  The officials of the Inspectorate still sat in their previous positions, but the main hall of the Inspectorate at this time gave people a sense of solemnity, because there were guards guarding them outside the door.

Moreover, it is not Tian Feng they are familiar with, but the current saint who appears in the top position. At this time, even if some officials want to return home, it is impossible for them to make such a request in front of Lu Bu. .

  Furthermore, Lu Bu came to the Inspectorate in person. There must be an important thing happening, but I don’t know if this matter has anything to do with them.

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