Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5101: :Assessment method

The lieutenant generals heard this and looked at each other with vigilance. Such an assessment, but the opportunity for the lieutenant generals to shine, if the means of the lieutenant generals are known to their opponents, they will definitely be during the assessment. There are many troubles.

   In fact, thirty-four teams are stationed together. It is impossible to train at this time without being known by other generals. The key lies in what methods their leader has.

   In the assessment and competition, what kind of means the leader of the army has is of the utmost importance. When commanding soldiers in combat, they must be prepared to deal with them immediately without making mistakes. This is also a particularly important point.

The generals in the Jin army who can lead their lieutenants to come to the assessment at this time are all generals who have experienced wars and have achieved achievements in previous wars. I want these generals to become commanders. Getting up in a hurry is not a simple matter.

   The generals who can have certain achievements in the Jin army all have their methods, and even if such methods are known to the opponents, it is not a simple matter to want to crack them in time.

There are many generals in the Jin army who are familiar with each other. Although it is a competitive relationship at this time, when they usually see it, they are also very familiar with the conversation. In fact, it is not easy for the generals in the army to gather together. Things.

  As the main generals of the Jin army, they used to make a lot of efforts on the battlefield for the establishment of the Jin country and for the strength of the Jin country to become more powerful. It is reasonable to have a friendship with each other.

However, friendship matters were put aside during the assessment. This is related to the honor of the generals. At that time, Lu Bu will lead the important officials of the DPRK to watch. If there is no outstanding at this time Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for the performance of her.

The important officials of the three provinces and six ministries were silent when they saw Lu Bu chatting with the generals in such a relaxed manner. Although some generals in the military are familiar with them, they are still in the military at this time. Civil officials still have to take care of it. Impacted.

   Among the three provinces and six departments, the Ministry of War is responsible for the movement of soldiers and horses in the world. However, the power of commanding soldiers and horses is in the hands of Lu Bu. Therefore, officials of the three provinces and six departments cannot say that they have command power over military lieutenants.

However, it is impossible for the army to function normally after leaving the three provinces and six departments. The promotion of the position of the generals in the army also needs to pass through the staff department and the military department. The food and grass required must pass through the household department. For holding production.

In the Jin Dynasty, the relationship between civilian officials and military commanders is not tense, but it is not harmonious. Of course, civilian officials such as Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Tian Feng will definitely be respected by the generals when they walk in the army. , They received such respect, it is the credit of the past wars.

The strategy of the civilian officials on the battlefield can help the army to win the battle more easily when fighting the enemy, and obtain the greatest victory with the smallest sacrifice. This is what military generals have been pursuing. When the power of counselors and generals are combined , Can play such a role on the battlefield.

   This situation is especially obvious among the Jin army. In the past, the Jin army had no lack of counselors in the army, and these counselors were mainly Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others.

   Therefore, even though these counsellors are now in the court, they still have a certain prestige among the generals. They use tactics in wars to cause heavy losses to the enemy, but they have been circulating in the army.

  Counselor, in the army, you have to say that it is very high. If a counselor does not have real talents, it is impossible for a counselor appointed to the army to have corresponding achievements.

Besides, the generals of the Jin army also have their own experience when they are fighting. They also have a unique vision when they look at the war. When they transport troops, they have corresponding methods. Therefore, the strategy of counsellors can be If they can't have the corresponding effect in the war, they can be screened. It's not that they can be used by counsellors who offer advice.

"Actually, it is not easy to get together, but one thing in the army is that you can't drink. I need to emphasize this point. After your assessment is over, I will hold a banquet in the palace to celebrate your achievements." Lu Budao.

The generals in the army said that going to the palace to have a banquet is something to be proud of for the generals. The key is that such a banquet is after the end of the assessment, and Lu Bu did not say that the ranking is low in the assessment. Generals can't participate. At that time, if they are ranked low, entering the palace for a banquet is a very embarrassing thing for the generals.

   The generals in the army cherish their face, especially after reaching the position of the main generals of the states, they still value their own face extremely.

   Even if it is to be able to go to the palace for a banquet, to be able to hold your head high, you have to work hard in the assessment.

   After Lu Bu left the army, the generals in the army continued to talk on the way back.

   The assessment of the elite in the army is divided into multiple sessions. Seven elite infantry must be selected. The three elite cavalry are flying cavalry, wolf cavalry and fiery sun archer.

   The fighting methods of the three cavalry are different, and it is not easy to compete. It is only on the battlefield to test the results of their training.

   The remaining thirty-one teams need to be evaluated to determine their rankings. It is precisely the method of two military teams that decides the top sixteen, and there will be a team that will have a bye.

   Among the sixteen teams, eight teams were selected. These eight teams were evaluated and the top four were decided. The remaining three places were prepared for the failed teams.

The remaining three places are the focus of the competition. The eight teams eliminated in the second round will compete with the two most outstanding teams, compared with the fifteen teams eliminated in the first round of assessment. The two outstanding teams that came out of the competition, and the two elite teams that failed in the third round of assessment, will have the final duel.

   The two winning teams will become one of the ten elite teams.

   This is also to avoid that during the first round of assessment, there will be situations where some teams are clearly strong but have not won.

   After the ten teams are finally selected, if any team is not convinced, they can choose to challenge. If they succeed, they will replace them as one of the top ten.

   Such a system, the soldiers in the army are well aware that there are many times for this assessment, but eight teams will be assessed every day. It only takes four days and the first round of assessment will end.

In fact, this kind of assessment is very simple to say. A team only needs to win three consecutive games to get the top ten position. However, among the many elites, no one can guarantee that they can get two consecutive trials. victorious.

In the first round of assessments, the teams that are empty bye seem to have the advantage, but in fact they are not. If they fail to succeed in the next assessment, they will have to compete with the eight eliminated in the second round of assessment. Teams compete for the two final places in the competition. The teams that can enter from the first round have their own specialties. If the team fails to survive, it can only be declared a failure, and the third round The team that failed was even tougher in terms of strength.

   Generally speaking, if you want to be a member of the top ten team, you have three opportunities, normal promotion, the second chance is remedy, fill the three positions of the top ten vacancies, and the third chance is the final challenge.

   However, after such screening, the final top ten teams must be unique. It is not a simple matter to squeeze them out of the top ten teams at this time.

   The top ten teams are also competing.

   This method can select elite teams at a faster speed.

If Aldqi and Ardaban know the specific assessment plan, they don’t know what they will feel. They have spent so much money, they can only watch twice, even if they can barely watch four matches once. If there were only eight games twice, the more the final assessment, the more fierce the competition will be, and then the true strength of the Jin army can be more clearly judged.

   This kind of assessment uses wooden equipment, which looks rather trivial, but in fact it is not. Through this kind of assessment, you can see a lot of things. After careful thinking, you will understand what the meaning behind this kind of assessment is.

The coordination between the lieutenants and the generals and the command of the generals are particularly important at this time. If you cannot have a reasonable command at this time, it will be the same as the situation on the battlefield. The Jin army’s training method is like this. Aldaban still agrees.

   Even if Aluqi is a civil official, after seeing the Jin Jun's assessment method, after returning to Guishuang, he must report to Queen Guishuang.

If a good training method can be used for reference, it will be of great help to the improvement of the strength of the army. There is no doubt about this. Besides, the Jin army has shown extremely strong strength in the war. Such army training Way, isn’t it worthy of them to learn more.

   If you want to surpass the Jin army in the strength of the army, the first thing to do is to learn, learn the advanced training methods in the Jin army, and improve the combat effectiveness of your own soldiers in this way.

Both Aldqi and Aldaban’s ideas are good. The key is whether there will be more restrictions if they go to watch the assessment. Besides, Guo Jia will arrange for such things. In this way, the power of choice will not be left. The hands of the two are gone.

It is currently in the city of Chang'an. Even if some of Guo Jia's actions make the two people dissatisfied, can he still dare to show it at this time? Besides, Guo Jia is the Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Jin State, and he has a prominent status in the Jin State Court. If they offend Guo Jia, their situation in Chang'an will be even more delicate.

Guo Jia is a book of the Ministry of War, and he has a lot of prestige among the generals. After they offend Guo Jia, it will be impossible to do more in Chang'an City, and it is most likely to happen. The situation is that they are completely stared to death.

   If they accidentally violated the system of the Jin State at this time, the officials of the Jin State would definitely make them disgraced.

   Things in this area can be thought of as long as you think about it. In the Jin Kingdom, even if there are certain things the messenger has a reason, it depends on the attitude of the Jin Kingdom's monarch.

   From Lu Bu's emphasis on Guo Jia, we can actually see more things. If you want to provoke Guo Jia in Chang'an City, you must have the consciousness of being embarrassed.

   What kind of trust Lu Bu has in Guo Jia. Guo Jia is responsible for the army assessment. Even if the assessment method has undergone certain changes, is it necessary for Guo Jia to inform the two of them?

   The Jinjun assessment system is to be posted. Besides, there is no fear that people in the city will know about such things.

After the specific method of the assessment came down, it spread at an extremely fast speed in Chang'an City. During this period, Aldaban once went to the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War to look for Guo Jia, but was told that Guo Jia was not in the and not only Al Daban, Aldqi is the same.

  In fact, Guo Jia was in the mansion at the time. If you see Aldqi or Aldaban, you will have a lot of troubles. It is better to drink in the mansion.

   Guo Jia can expect that after the assessment is over, his mansion will definitely add a lot of fine wines.

   Generals of the Jin army, anyone who has contact with Guo Jia knows that Guo Jia is a good wine. Not only that, Dian Wei, the leader of the guards, is also a very good wine.

   Dianwei wants to drink in a unique way, just come directly to Guo Jia's mansion.

   Initially, Guo Jia would be ridiculed by Guo Jia. After all, Dian Wei came empty-handed. Later, Dian Wei came here simply. When he came, he brought some meat, or simply brought some fairy love.

   This also made Guo Jia dumbfounded, but in the face of Guo Jia's sarcasm, Dian Wei has never taken it seriously.

  Between brothers, how can there be so many courtesy.

Besides, at Guo Jia’s mansion, there is always no shortage of good wines. Gifting people to Guo Jia’s benefits is not as simple as giving money. They will definitely do their best and send Guo Jia good wines. And these fine wines, Guo Jia will naturally not be handed over to the treasury, which is called hard work. .

   Lu Bu didn't mind this. He understood Guo Jia's temperament. Asking Guo Jia to do these things actually had a certain impact on Guo Jia's reputation. However, Guo Jia didn't care about these things, but was happy in it.

   Of course, when receiving benefits, Guo Jia also has a pursuit. Xiaoyu Xiaoxia, if you want to see Guo Jia, it is simply impossible. Just the servants will send them away.

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