Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5121: : Fierce Danyang Soldier

  During the ordinary training process, the strength that Danyang soldiers showed was extremely astonishing. Xu Huang had absolute confidence in Danyang soldiers, and he believed that Danyang soldiers would definitely shine in this assessment.

   When it comes to the elite level of the soldiers, the Danyang soldiers who seem to be silent and have a certain size difference compared to the vine armor soldiers, in the real confrontation, the strength displayed will definitely shock people.

After the Danyang soldiers became famous in the Jin army, the so-called bye before, they would be forgotten. They would only remember that there were elite Danyang soldiers in the Jin army, and Danyang soldiers achieved a great deal in the competition. Achievement, that's enough.

   It is not easy to give an army a chance to emerge. Especially at this time, it is even more necessary for the soldiers in the army to work hard.

   The next fate of the Xuzhou Army was also clear to the soldiers of the Danyang Army. They also knew that Xu Huang could only do so much for the Xuzhou Army.

   Xu Huang is a general in the Jin army, even after the Xuzhou army is broken up, it will not affect Xu Huang too much.

   And what Xu Huang yearns most is actually the battlefield. He wants the opportunity to conquer the battlefield. If possible, Xu Huang is willing to make more efforts for the Jin army’s conquest.

After this adjustment, Xu Huang will guard the Western Regions and become the main general of Kangzhou. Before Xu Huang was the main general of a state. The key is that this main general has many different meanings. The time when Kangzhou belongs to Jin is not long. In terms of stability, there must be a certain degree of stability, and Kangzhou has an important role for Jin.

You can see more from the geographical location of Kangzhou. If you want to enter Dingzhou and Hepingzhou, Kangzhou is a must pass. In other words, the stability of Kangzhou is related to Dingzhou and Hepingzhou. If there is a war in Dingzhou and Pingzhou, it is most likely to mobilize the soldiers and horses of Kangzhou. Is there anything more important than the last point.

The opportunity for the army to be mobilized means that the lieutenant soldiers have the opportunity to show their faces in the war. The efforts made in the ordinary training process can also be well realized at this moment. Such news is for the lieutenant soldiers. Is extremely important.

   If it is possible, Danyang soldiers are willing to follow Xu Huang to Kangzhou. Such a transfer is not so simple. Besides, Danyang soldiers belonged to the previous Xuzhou Army.

   Throwing his thoughts aside, Xu Huang turned his attention to this opponent. He knew that this competition would definitely arouse a lot of attention. As long as Danyang soldiers can win, some of the previous doubts about Danyang soldiers will disappear.

   Victory is exactly what Danyang soldiers need most. No matter how strong the opponent they face this time, Xu Huang will not have the slightest fear, because he has enough confidence in this confrontation.

   Danyang soldiers are also looking at the vine armor soldiers. When the vine armor soldiers played against the Youzhou Army before, how amazing the strength they showed.

When    Cane Jiabing was fighting the Youzhou Army, it was completely rampant and directly defeated the Youzhou Army.

   Of course, in the process of the attack of the vine armor soldiers, there have been considerable losses. The combat effectiveness of the Youzhou Army is not as simple as it seems.

In the past, the Youzhou Army also had a dazzling light on the battlefield. When Lu Bu pinged Liaodong and Wuhuan, he had a distinguished contribution. Although the Youzhou Army has rarely had the opportunity to mobilize in these years, the Youzhou Army has The Jin army still has a high status.

While Xu Huang was looking at the vine armor soldiers, the leader of the vine armor soldiers, Wu Tu Gu, was also looking at the Danyang soldiers. What you could feel from the Danyang soldiers was a strong aura. This situation was among the evaluated Jin army teams. Very common.

From the Danyang soldiers in front of them, the Wutugu bones did not notice any superiority. The equipment is the same as the ordinary team. In terms of the strength of the soldiers, there is a big gap compared with the vine armor soldiers. It is only by virtue of this. You can imagine how difficult it is for the team to win in the war.

The vine armor soldiers can have a resounding reputation in previous wars, enough to see the extraordinaryness of the vine armor soldiers, and the Wutu bones have absolute confidence in the vine armor soldiers, and want to defeat the vine armor soldiers in the process of confrontation. It is very difficult.

   In the current assessment, Wu Dugu saw that it was impossible for Danyang soldiers to win the battle against Vine Armor soldiers.

   Following Lu Bu's order, the two teams approached slowly.

Unlike previous teams, there are no archers in the vine armor. This is also the most obvious defect of the vine armor. However, the vine armor on the vine armor and the shield in the hand can make the vine armor more better in the process of attacking. Good protection.

   When facing the charge of the Fujiko soldiers, it was too difficult to win.

Xu Huang has an understanding of the combat characteristics of the vine armor soldiers. Unfortunately, the Danyang soldiers are also known for their fierceness during the battle. The Danyang soldiers pursue the fiercest attack on the battlefield to make the enemy feel fearful. , From the fierce offensive, make the enemy pay a greater price.

   It is actually quite difficult to do this in the process of fighting against the enemy, especially in front of the Fujiko soldiers.

   The leaders of both sides issued the offensive order almost at the same time. With the order, the two teams quickly approached.

   Lu Bu saw the two armies approaching and couldn't help but smile: "There is no archer in the Danyang soldiers, and the same is true in the Vine Armor soldiers. I just don't know which side will win when the two armies are confronted."

   On the battlefield, teams like Fujijiabing and Danyang Bing that have no long-range offensive means are of great use. They rely on pure offense. In such an offense, the enemy forces feel fear.

   At the time of the war, it is very suitable for the vine armor and Danyang soldiers to attack fortifications. When attacking a target with tenacious resistance, the role that Danyang soldiers and vine armor can play is not easy to ignore.

   Jia Xu said: "The frontal confrontation actually tests the strength of the lieutenant soldiers the most."

After hearing the continued words, the Lieutenant General agreed with it. There are many difficult battles encountered by the Jin soldiers on the battlefield. If they want to win the battle against the Jin army, the enemy knows that the Jin army is on the battlefield. How difficult it is.

The combat power displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army when they fought on the battlefield is absolutely shocking. If you want to win in the hands of the Jin army, unless you have extremely tyrannical means, if not, you want to defeat the Jin army. It's very difficult.

   Jin army soldiers have been on the battlefield for many years, how can there be no uniqueness?

   In the Jin army, there are actually quite a few teams that are good at frontal attack. Such teams are also the main force in an army.

   When the two armies are fighting, if they can break through the enemy at a faster speed, they can avoid more damage in the war. This is an important role for a battle.

   In the past battles, the abilities of the Jin army soldiers are obvious to all. How difficult it is to gain a certain advantage in the battle against the Jin army.

For the soldiers of the Jin army, Lu Bu’s requirements have always been strict. No matter what achievements the lieutenants and soldiers have achieved in previous wars, they have more stringent requirements in the ordinary training, which is the most for the Jin army. It works.

When Lu Bu treated the lieutenants and soldiers more and more strictly, it also has great benefits for the lieutenants and soldiers. Through such strict requirements, the lieutenants and soldiers can have greater gains in the process of training. Has a better performance on the battlefield.

   Lu Bu's requirements for lieutenants and lieutenants can enable them to gain greater gains. Such gains will even play an important role for lieutenants and lieutenants in future wars.

   Generals and soldiers of the Jin army cannot stand complacent because of the achievements they have made in the past. They are immersed in the past merits. There are always many disadvantages.

   Brilliance can be remembered, but it is not advisable to relax the requirements of oneself because of the brilliant achievements in the past.

   The confrontation between the two armies is also the most frequently encountered by military lieutenants on the battlefield. By watching the battle between the Fujijia soldiers and Danyang soldiers, they may have a lot of feelings.

After seeing the equipment of the vine armor soldiers, Aldaban's eyes narrowed slightly. The vine armor soldiers are most famous for their armor. Such armor is light and extremely strong in terms of strength. And Feiqi is equipped with human vine armor. Facts have proved that the role of vine armor in a real confrontation is still very large.

The vine armor comes from the barbarian tribe in southern Yizhou. Even if Aldaban wants to obtain these vine armor, it is impossible. Not to mention the long distance, even if their people arrive in the barbarian tribe, they want to be accurate. It is not a simple matter to find the barbarian tribe where the Wutu bones are located.

   Now the barbarian tribe where Wutu bone is located, just because of the production of cane armor, the tribe has become rich, and Wutu bone is a general in the Jin army, and it is also the proud place of the barbarian tribe.

There is no archer in the two armies, so Ardaban is still quite a future. When the two armies are confronted, if they have long-range offensive methods, they will cause greater casualties to the army in the war. It is also possible.

However, the vine armor soldiers have a resounding reputation. Judging from the situation when the vine armor soldiers attack, even if there are archers in the enemy army, it is difficult to affect the security of the vine armor soldiers to a large extent, because in every vine armor soldier All of them have shields in their hands. Such shields can be controlled by soldiers with one hand. It is very simple. In combat, if they are used properly, they can play a great role.

   The key is such equipment, which also has certain requirements for the lieutenant generals. If you hold a weapon with one hand, you have high requirements for the strength of the lieutenant generals during the match.

On the other hand, Danyang soldiers, in the former army, are the same as the vine armor soldiers, but the soldiers of the time are all armed with swords in both hands. What kind of fighting methods they have, has been gradually manifested in this kind of attack. come out.

The two armies collided together, and then a fierce confrontation began. The soldiers of the vine armor soldiers were strong, and they had a lot of advantage in the frontal confrontation. In the previous battle against the vine armor soldiers, the Youzhou Army The soldiers suffered a lot.

  In the hands of the vine armor soldiers, not only the blades in their hands, but the shields in their hands are also their combat tools.

But after the rattan armour and the Danyang soldier confronted, I suddenly felt the difficulty of the Danyang soldier. The offensive tactics used by the Danyang soldier in such a confrontation looked so similar to the rattan armour, and they all attacked from the front. In the team of Danyang soldiers, the soldiers holding a shield in one hand in front of Danyang soldiers can provide good protection for the robe behind them.

   After the two sides get closer, the test is the frontal combat ability of the soldiers. If the strength shown in this process is not enough, it will be more difficult to win the battle.

What troubles the vine armor soldiers is that the attack of the Danyang soldiers is no less fierce than the vine armor soldiers. From the perspective of attack, the soldiers of the Danyang soldiers give people a subtle feeling, just like the attack of the Danyang soldiers. In front of it is not enough to rely on strength alone.

And this kind of effect is what Xu Huang has always pursued. When lieutenants and soldiers are fighting on the battlefield, they are only relying on their superiority in strength. In many cases, they are not enough. More often, they still need skills and have corresponding responses. After the skills, the process of the battle will be smoother.

   Even if the enemy's strength is extremely strong, it is easier to win victory by virtue of skill.

   The usual training of Danyang soldiers is not only training Danyang soldiers' courage, but Xu Huang also focuses on training their combat skills.

Even if they use ordinary blade armor, Danyang soldiers can shine with dazzling light. Besides, Xu Huang came this time and made it clear that he wants to replace the equipment of the lieutenant soldiers after getting a good ranking in the assessment, because he is here to participate. The team evaluated, the Danyang soldiers under Xu Huang's command, was the most ordinary in equipment.

   In any case, Xu Huang is also the main general in the Xuzhou army. It is not to say that the soldiers under his command do not even have sophisticated equipment, but through this method, it is indeed able to attract attention. .

   After the frontal collision between the two armies was completely unfolded, the civilian officers and generals on the high platform were surprised to find that as the confrontation progressed, more and more rattan soldiers were being eliminated.

These discoveries shocked the civilian officers and generals. From the point of view of their size, Danyang soldiers had a big gap compared to the Fuji armor soldiers in the process of attacking from the front. The Danyang soldiers did have extraordinary features in the course of the match. Not to mention the others, just the skills shown in the offense would give people a refreshing feeling.

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