Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5123: : Elite team, go to Fengchan

   But what Wu Tu Gu had to admit was that Danyang soldiers were incomparable when attacking. If they met such an opponent in a real battle, they would definitely suffer a lot of losses.

   has been able to command the vine armor soldiers for many years, and Wu Tu Gu will also have a summary after the battle, but thinking of losing to the previously unknown Danyang soldiers, there is a lot of depression in Wu Tu Gu's heart.

   "Meet the Lord." The two hurriedly saluted after seeing Lu Bu.

Lu Bu smiled and nodded and said: "The performance of the two generals on the battlefield is brave. In the future, if there are more infantry similar to the vine armor and Danyang soldiers in the Jin army, why not worry about it. There is something big in China."

   After hearing Lu Bu's compliment,    Wu Tu Gu's depression in his heart eased slightly.

"General Wutugu is also considered a famous warrior in the Jin army. It is not terrible to fail in the battle. The key is to conduct more training for the weakness of the vine armor and strive to have more in future wars. As." Lu Bu cast his gaze to the Wutu bones.

   Wutu bones clasped his fist and said: "The final general understands that in the future, the final general will lead the vine armor soldiers to defeat the Danyang soldiers."

   The bones will not hide the thoughts in their hearts. This is also the characteristic of alien generals. They will say what they have.

Xu Huang didn’t care more about this. The Fujijia soldiers played a very important role on the battlefield. If the two sides are really fighting with real swords and guns, even Danyang soldiers will be able to win the final victory. The loss was heavy.

   If two armies appear on the battlefield, the damage caused to the enemy is the greatest.

   The fierce performance of the Jin army soldiers will bring more shock to the enemy.

   "After today's competition is over, all the generals have a lot of discussions. After tomorrow's competition, an elite team will soon be formed." Lu Bu said.

After the elite teams have learned from each other, it is inevitable that there will be more exchanges between the generals and generals. Bystanders are clear about what the authorities are obsessed with. Often the authorities do not see things, and the generals who are bystanders can see more from it. Such things are for the Jin army. It is of great significance to the progress of China.

   The lieutenant generals can get continuous improvement in the process of fighting, allowing them to have greater victories in future confrontations, which is of great help to the progress of the lieutenant generals.

   And the military principles also understand the principles. Therefore, after the discussions, they will seriously write down the opinions of other generals. When training soldiers and soldiers, pay more attention to this aspect.

   This situation is of great help to the progress of lieutenants and soldiers. If this situation can be maintained in the military, it will be of great help to the improvement of the strength of the army.

   The next day, when the lieutenant general received a piece of news, he was even more excited. The ten elite teams selected will follow Lu Bu to Mount Tai.

  Feng Zen is a great honor for a monarch, and being able to follow the team is also a great honor for soldiers in the army.

   This can be regarded as a stimulus for the lieutenant soldiers, so that they have more efforts in the subsequent selection.

Aldaban and Aluqi also had a certain understanding about Fengchan. In fact, there was a message about Fengchan from the court in the Jin Kingdom. The words of Fengchan had important meanings to the emperor. This represents Under the leadership of the emperor, the country has achieved peaceful and stable development.

   Today's Jin State is strong and powerful, which makes Jin's soldiers have a better performance on the battlefield. This Jin State is an existence that people don't dare to despise.

   The emperor of Jin Dynasty Feng Chan, compared with the achievements of the emperors of the previous dynasties, in Ardaban's view, it is absolutely greater.

As long as people who have heard of Lü Bu’s past achievements will definitely have more recognition for Lü Bu, being able to make great achievements in the era when the princes rise together, in the barren state of Bingzhou, just this is enough to make people have more Amazed.

   Jin army soldiers can have today's prosperity, they have also paid a lot of effort for the war.

   When the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, the impact that can be brought is great, making the enemy more fearful because of the appearance of the Jin army. This situation has always been what Lu Bu wanted to see.

   The selection of the Feng Zen team must be cautious. This is to protect the safety of the monarch.

   Being able to be a member of the Feng Chan team is an honor for the soldiers of the Jin army.

   After passing the competition to get the ranking, not only can he get the title of elite, but he can also follow the emperor to Mount Tai to enshrine the Zen. This alone is enough to make the lieutenant soldiers have more yearning.

   In the Jin army, soldiers and soldiers have a lot of yearning for credit. If you can go to such a Zen ceremony, it is the same as getting credit on the battlefield.

  The generals who participated in the assessment gathered the important generals under their command and discussed them. They wanted to make greater achievements in the subsequent assessment. As long as there was a chance, they could not give up easily.

They all want to get a good ranking in the assessment. This kind of thing is normal. The selection of the Feng Chan team is to select from the elite. After becoming the elite team of the Jin army, they can go to Mount Tai. In front of such honor, the army Soldiers cannot remain calm.

   The generals of the Jin army are more important to honor. They want to get credit in battle and get a good ranking in the process of competition. These are all the results that can make their ordinary training get the greatest expression.

The news of Feng Chan was passed on to the army by Lu Bu deliberately, so that the lieutenants in the army felt the importance of this ranking, and they would work harder in the next assessment. Through this assessment, Lv Bu Realize that in fact, there are many elites in the Jin army. These elites may not shine with dazzling light during the previous Jin army campaigns, but they will fight bravely when they have the opportunity to be able to become members of the Jin army. Elite, no matter how hard you put in the competition, it is worth it.

This kind of courageous and fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Jin army is exactly what Lu Bu needs. If the lieutenants and soldiers do not have the spirit of tenacious fighting in the assessment or in the war, they will not be able to maintain a strong fighting spirit in the face of war. , And even retreat in the war. Such a situation is not what Lu Bu wants to see. The strength displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army has always been shocking. No matter what kind of enemy they face, they Both are able to fight stubbornly and work hard for victory.

The assessment of lieutenants and generals has attracted a lot of attention. No matter what kind of attitude it is to the Jin country, it seems that it is necessary to pay attention to the assessment of lieutenants and generals. There are many elites in the Jin army, such a thing. , It's not a secret. It will be very difficult for the enemy to win victory from the hands of the Jin army. If you can't win the battle against the Jin army, the result will be even more serious.

From the fighting spirit displayed by the Jin army in the battlefield in the past, it can be seen how difficult it is to defeat the Jin army in the process of frontal combat. When facing the enemy, the soldiers of the Jin army have never Will be soft, and will not say that there is a failure scenario.

The city of Chang'an is mixed with dragons and fish, and more people are discussing about the elite competition of the Jin army. Who can become one of the elite teams is also a matter of their concern. Since the assassination happened in the city, the defense in the city It is much tighter, and this can be seen from the increase in the number of soldiers patrolling the streets.

When the people in Chang'an City knew that the former Dongcheng Order died because of the assassin’s assassination, they were very angry with the assassins hidden in the dark. They had to find the assassins hidden in the dark by their own means. Coming out, such a thing is of great significance to the people.

In fact, since the beginning of the Black Ice Terrace, the people have helped them a lot. The people will help the Jin army find the assassins through their own means, and make the assassins pay a heavy price for their previous actions. The assassins thought in Chang'an. To survive, there is actually a certain degree of difficulty.

   The main reason is that the people of Jin have a strong cohesion. When facing difficulties, they will gather together to help the government through the difficulties.

   Not only in normal times, even during wars. Without a strong Jin country, there would be no their current lives. In this regard, the people of Jin can still see clearly.

   After making the Jin army more powerful, their lives can be guaranteed more. If not, there will definitely be many bad conditions when facing the enemy.

The generals of the Jin army have a lot to do with the support from the rear. It is precisely because of the support of the people that more young people are willing to enter the army. When the young people among the people know that the Jin army has recruiting news , Has always been unable to calm down, they want to better show their value by recruiting into the army.

   Going to the army to become a soldier may have certain risks, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this is their way of repaying the monarch. The monarch can allow them to enjoy a stable life, and they should also do something for the monarch.

The cohesion of the people of the Jin Kingdom was not possessed by Guishuang and Anxi. In the process of development, Guishuang and Anxi must reach out to ordinary people. Such a system is also inevitable. If a country wants to develop, there are actually many difficulties.

No one can guarantee that the officials in the middle of the country are clear and clear, and when facing their interests, it is difficult for them to be calm. However, when the officials of the Jin country do these things, they need to be more cautious, because Some of their actions are likely to cause the people to inform the officials of the Inspectorate.

   Once such a situation occurs, it is impossible for an official to have greater deeds in the officialdom of Jin.

   It is precisely because of the strict system that makes the officialdom of Jin state clear and clear, even if there are occasional officials who violate discipline, there are only a few officials.

To make the officialdom of Jin state more rigorous is exactly what Lu Bu wants to see. When officials can make a lot of efforts for the development of the rule, and even rack their brains for the development of the rule, the Jin state even wants to. Not being strong is also impossible.

   At present, the Jin country is in a period of stable development. Such a speed of development is even unimaginable in previous dynasties. After the people have their own fields, they are highly motivated when farming, so there is no doubt.

When the people cultivate their own fields, they will be more attentive. Many medium-sized fields gradually become first-class fields after they are in the hands of the people. This change is because the people want to increase their income through this method, even if they become After the top-grade fields, the taxes paid are more, but the people will get more rice.

The system of collecting taxes from the common people is clear. It is based on the income from the fields. The people of Jin also know this If there is no new order from the imperial court, all you need is It is sufficient to pay taxes in accordance with this system. As for officials who want to collect more taxes, they need to be reviewed by the inspectors.

   In this way, Jin can avoid more problems in the process of development, so that the people will have a more sense of belonging to Jin. Even if there are some problems, the ability of Jin can easily deal with it.

The progress of the war is a great test for national power. If Lu Bu wants to launch a campaign, the premise is to ensure that the lieutenants and soldiers must be effectively guaranteed in terms of logistics during the campaign. If they can't even solve this problem. If you can overcome it, even if the lieutenant soldiers perform on the battlefield no matter how powerful they are, it will be difficult for them to have greater gains in the war.

The enemy's army is also unique. Its ability to stand tall indicates that it has its own existence. It is far from simple as imagined to defeat a country. Some things, once they fail, The price to bear is not what the monarch wants to see. .

In a war, only after more victories can be obtained from the war can the benefits of the response be obtained. Such a war can be called a qualified war. There can be no greater achievements in the confrontation. The lieutenant soldiers pay the price. After that, no hope of victory can be seen. If this is the case, how can lieutenants and soldiers be motivated when facing war.

When dealing with wars, the lieutenants and soldiers are also more cautious. They have absolute support for the monarch, but they also want to gain more from the war. If they can survive the war, they will come to the lieutenant generals. That is even more important.

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