Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5126: : The details

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Let the three-eyed blunders have greater power, which is also what Lu Bu is chasing. Only the three-eyed blunders can no longer satisfy Lu Bu when fighting. Lu Bu needs more advanced combat weapons. In the process of fighting, he must Let the enemy feel the despair in war.

As a monarch, Lu Bu knows how to mobilize the enthusiasm of his officials so that they can do more when they exert their abilities. This alone is of great help, just like the craftsmen in a craftsman’s workshop under Lu Bu’s rule. , Can have many novel ideas.

The role of the craftsmen in the craftsmanship workshop is very large. They are not only used to build armors and weapons, but also greatly help the development of the empire. Therefore, after the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, the Ministry of Industry was very effective in this regard. The talents also have a lot of attention.

With the help of the people of the Ministry of Industry, the development of Jin can be promoted to a greater level. This is also the result that Lu Bu wants. If the people of the Ministry of Industry are not more active in dealing with things, it will be important to the development of Jin. There is no greater assistance.

The current tasks of the Ministry of Industry are actually more important. Cultivating more outstanding talents for the empire is also the direction that the Ministry of Industry needs to work hard on.

In the cultivation of talents, it is certainly not enough to rely solely on craftsmanship. When there are more scholars among such talents, the effect will be greater. In terms of theoretical knowledge, Lu Bu can provide certain support. of.

After the Ministry of Industry has developed to a certain level, the role it can play is bound to be huge. This situation is what Lü Bu wants to see most. With the gradual development of Jin, more talents will definitely emerge. How? Mobilizing the power of these talents as much as possible is the most important issue for Lu Bu to consider.

The more talents in the empire, the more help it will be for the development of the empire. There is no doubt about this.

Officials of the Jin State have a serious attitude when doing things normally, which is very good for the development of Jin State.

"Zhongda, what do you think about the military assessment now?" Lu Bu cast his gaze to Sima Yi.

Many officials have turned their attention to Sima Yi after hearing this. Sima Yi is a new important official in the three provinces and six ministries. He entered the Ministry of War and became a minister of the Ministry of War. Sima Yi's future is limitless, and Sima Yi is doing things normally. , It gives people a sense of great ability.

In the court of the Jin Dynasty, if an official concealed his abilities too much, he would not receive more attention. The monarch did not like such a courtier, because such a courtier would often have ulterior motives. Purpose.

As an official of the Jin Kingdom, what you need to do is to show your abilities in front of the monarch as much as possible. Such things will also help the ministers to do more in the future. .

As a courtier, why don’t you want to get a greater promotion in status? The current stability and prosperity of the Jin country cannot be subverted by the chaos of the younger generation. Under these circumstances, if you want to make a difference, you must have something. Corresponding abilities, it is best to be able to make the monarch feel the ability while being able to see his ability.

Sima Yi arched his hands and said, "Going to the sage, the assessment of the lieutenant soldiers is of great significance. After the assessment is over, the lieutenant soldiers will be able to have more sophisticated equipment, and they will definitely have greater achievements in future battles. This is a wise move, and it can give our soldiers a stronger cohesion."

"Zhongda is right, but I heard that, in this assessment, Zhongda has contributed a lot." Lu Bu said.

Sima Yi was overjoyed in his heart, and said, "For the development of Jin, the minister must do his best."

"Well, Zhongda's abilities are good, but it's a matter of family and wealthy people, and I should try to intervene as little as possible. As an important official in the Jin Dynasty, there are some things that, without me, Zhongda must be able to understand. "Lu Bu said.

Sima Yi said yes, but his heart was stunned. It seems that he had worked hard in Jin before and did not get the corresponding promotion, and he has a great relationship with the wealthy family.

The Sima family had a lot of influence among the family. It is no secret in Jin. Of course, some family members have great opinions on the Sima family. The main reason is that Sima Yi's refuge in Lu Bu put Cao Cao in a critical situation.

While taking into account the family's interests, the patriarchal family also paid more attention to loyalty. If a family has too many shameless behaviors in the development process, it will be difficult to achieve long-term development.

While developing their power, the wealthy families also care about the reputation of the family. Such things are also extremely normal among the wealthy families.

Sima Yi's previous betrayal of Cao Cao caused the Sima family to be questioned a lot. However, as Jin ruled the world, such doubts would naturally weaken a lot.

Lü Bu's ability to speak such words in public shows that he is quite satisfied with Sima Yi.

In fact, many officials in Jin have no more favorable impressions of the power of aristocratic families, with the exception of officials from aristocratic families.

However, with the gradual development of the Jin Kingdom, there will be more unfamiliar children entering the officialdom, and when the weight of the unfamiliar children in the officialdom becomes heavier and heavier, they will have a corresponding influence.

It is actually relatively simple for the aristocratic families to continue under the rule of Jin. The main reason is that they want to restore the influence of the family in the past. It is not that easy. Judging from the current system of Jin, Lu Bu This kind of thing will not be allowed to happen.

Lu Bu's control of the Jin State has reached an extremely strict level. More problems can be seen only from the system of the court. If you want to have greater achievements in the Jin State, the most important way is to be loyal to the monarch. , Make greater contributions during the development of Jin, only in this way, can there be greater improvement.

Isn’t Sima Yi’s success a good illustration? Sima Yi has made a lot of credit for the Jin country before, and it is not easy just to go to various parties.

If the mission is successful, there will be credit in the body, and if the mission fails, there will be life-threatening danger. Such things are also certain.

Especially when going to a foreign country, the risk is conceivable. Take the last time Sima Yi's envoy to the Anxi Empire, this would have to pass through the territory of the Guishuang Empire. If the people of Guishuang knew about Sima Yi’s whereabouts, It was conceivable what kind of danger Sima Yi would have.

Even now, important officials of the Jin country need to be cautious when they go to Guishuang. The enmity between the two parties is not so easy to be resolved. If there is nothing in this regard, If you pay more attention to it, it will be difficult to avoid more problems.

The strength of the Jin army's soldiers is strong, and Guishuang's army is unique. When the enmity between the two sides reaches a certain level, the danger of sending out will gradually increase.

Important officials of the Jin Kingdom have a certain understanding of the identities of the assassins secretly operating in the city of Chang'an. The assassinations of these assassins from Guishuang are the best explanation.

How rigorous is the defense in Chang'an City. These assassins are still able to find opportunities, which is enough to prove the extraordinaryness of these assassins. However, Jin State is also relatively tough in dealing with assassins. From the current assassinations in the city, there has been no repetition. If it happens, you can see how powerful Jin is in the dark.

In the past, when the princes were fighting, the power of the assassins that Lü Bu secretly mastered caused turbulent waves under the rule of the princes. This shows that wanting to get some benefits from Lü Bu's hands is not a simple matter. It is just that the Jin Kingdom is hidden in the dark. The power of the assassin is enough to make more enemies feel fearful.

If you can't handle the affairs of the assassins of Jin Kingdom correctly, Guishuang will inevitably suffer.

However, the assassin contest between countries will not stop easily. Such things are also extremely normal. After all, it is related to the face of the monarchs on both sides. If the handling of some things is not appropriate, it may even affect the monarchs. Prestige.

Jin's achievements in this regard are beyond the enemy's ability to compare. If they want to get the benefits of Jin's response, they have to pay a heavier price for such actions.

"The current situation in Chang'an City is not so stable. You are important officials of the Jin State. If any of you makes a mistake, it is the loss of Jin State." Lu Bu said, "At that time, the Ministry of War will send elite soldiers to protect you. ."

Everyone thanked them one after another. They naturally attached great importance to their own safety. If it were the hands of a dead assassin, it would definitely make people feel the most depressing.

It is conceivable how much effort they have put in to get to where they are in the state of Jin. Assassins walking in the dark will not have so many scruples. The officials with higher status in the state of Jin will assassinate them. After success, chances to get more honors, such a thing is also extremely normal.

However, if the emperor of the Jin Kingdom attached great importance to the protection of his courtiers, it was a good thing after all.

The current rigorous defense of the inner city can see more problems.

After everyone left, Lu Bu left Jia Xu and Guo Jia. Although the influence of the assassins in the city was not small, their actions were greatly limited. The most important thing was after the lieutenant generals' assessment. Things up.

The messengers of Guishuang and Anxi are still staying in the city of Chang'an. This will be a big test for the safety of the craftsman’s workshop. Although there are many people of Guishuang and Anji who are active around the workshop and arrested, who There is no guarantee that these people will have other means. In the face of interests, those who can remain calm are ultimately a small number. If some people betray the Jin country for profit, it is also possible that it will happen.

"Although Anxi and us are in an alliance, the people of Anxi want to get more benefits from our hands. If such things cannot be avoided as much as possible, it is inevitable for us to suffer losses. Things." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu nodded and said, "The words of the Holy Supreme are very true. The rest envoy Aldaban has sent people to inquire about the craftsman's workshop more than once. Although these details were caught, they did not explain the specific situation. They came from the details of the rest. Not from the hands of the Guishuang messenger."

"These meticulous works of capture, good interrogation is, it is really impossible, directly beheaded, there can be no toleration, how important the craftsmanship is to the development of Jin, both of them are clear." Lu Bu said in a low voice. .

Recently, the craftsman’s workshop has undergone great tests, and the careful work of the two parties and the actions outside the craftsman’s workshop give people an intensifying attitude. The safety of the workshop will be no small test.

The assassins of Guishuang sneaked into the city of Chang'an and were able to assassinate the officials of the Jin Kingdom. This shows that they have certain means. It is of great significance to avoid this kind of thing from happening again as much as possible.

If Guishuang or resting masters enter the craftsman's workshop, it will definitely pose a big threat to the craftsman's workshop.

The artisan workshop has been able to dominate in the Jin country for many years, and it must have its own uniqueness to help the development of the Jin army. Apart from others, it is not a simple matter to enter the artisan workshop to investigate the situation.

In terms of handling fine work, Jin’s methods have always been extremely harsh, because the existence of fine work is likely to cause the secrets of Jin to be leaked, and this situation is intolerable to Jin’s monarchs~www.readwn .com~Jin has achieved its current achievements after years of development. How can it be such a simple thing for the enemy to easily take away the secrets of Jin.

Therefore, when dealing with meticulous work, the Jin army’s methods have always been cruel, in order to make the enemy feel a deep fear in this way. Only in this way can the enemy have more of the Jin country. Awe, let them understand that getting benefits from the Jin country is far less simple than they thought.

The level that the soldiers of the Jin army demonstrated in the war was difficult for the enemy to resist.

The achievements of Lü Bu commander-in-chief of the Jin army on the battlefield are amazing. It is precisely because of this that makes the soldiers of the Jin country more proud. When facing the enemy, they will have a stronger combat effectiveness.

In recent years, the soldiers of the Jin army have fought on the battlefield, and they can leave a reputation among the enemy troops, which has a lot to do with the bravery and tenacity of the Jin army.

The assessment in the Jin army is still going on, and the inventory in the city is also in progress. The Jin country is to use this method to let the Xiao Xiaos who sneak into the Jin country feel the Jin country’s tough methods, and this Under the means, the price that can be paid by the enemy can also be seen.

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