Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5134: : Picture with anger

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It is said that Tu Hanu Shu once helped the court to quell the rebellion in Guishuang. He broke into the enemy army alone. With his extraordinary skill, he killed the leader of the enemy army and caused the enemy army to chaos, thus making the queen's army. Got a victory.

Tu Han's anger is in Guishuang, and he is a well-known master, but in ordinary times, it is impossible to see Tu Han's anger.

The assassination in Guishuang made the expert of Guishuang very angry. In fact, it was not only Tu Han anger, but also many Guishuang experts came to Jin. They must use actual actions to inform the people of Jin. The Guishuang people also have strong strength. If you want to get more benefits from the hands of the Guishuang people, you must have the corresponding strength.

In the battle between Guishuang's army and the Jin army, they failed to win, and even paid a high price after the defeat. This is a great shame in the eyes of the people of Guishuang. What was the strength of Guishuang at the time. Strong, people from neighboring countries didn't dare to show the slightest prestige after hearing the news of Guishuang's army's arrival.

Now that Guishuang has gone through chaos, but has stabilized from the chaos, but the confrontation with the Jin army ended in failure.

Although Tu Hanan is a master of Guishuang, it is obviously impossible to rely on the power of Tu Hanan to affect the progress of a battle. When the Jin army is on the battlefield, it is not just for protection. , Are all exceptional. It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to block the advancement of the Jin army under such circumstances.

In the past wars, the Jin army made the enemy feel fear through victory after war.

After Guishuang’s assassination, Tu Hanan immediately came to Jin. Since Jin’s assassins were going to wreak havoc in Guishuang, he asked Jin’s officials to pay for it.

The turmoil in Liangzhou is quite different from Tu Han's anger.

Even the former Dongcheng Decree in Chang'an City is also a hand of anger in the death picture.

When acting normally, Tu Hanan was extremely shrewd. In order not to reveal his identity, Tu Hanan bought a Han businessman. In this way, even if a soldier in the army came to interrogate him, he would not doubt Tu Hanan. On the head of the book.

Merchants from the Jin Kingdom also need the help of foreigners when they go to foreign races to do business. In this way, it will be of great help to Jin's merchants to do business in foreign races.

On the bright side, this is the relationship between Tu Hanan and the Jin Dynasty businessman Zhao?

But in the dark, it was Zhao that was controlled by Tu Han's anger.

After learning more about Jin, Tu Hanan found that Jin was not as simple as he imagined, especially the background of Jin was too strong, even with his temperament, after he really came to the capital of Jin , There are also many shocks. It is hard to imagine that the capital of Jin is so majestic. If an enemy invades Jin, just relying on such a city can play a very good blocking role. Only the army of China can break such a fortified city.

After the assassination was successful, Tu Han's fury was completely able to retreat, but Tu Han's did not leave. He was a famous expert in Guishuang, but he was not the first expert in Guishuang. Such a thing, but let Tu Anger is more depressing.

In Guishuang, there is also a ranking in terms of strength, and things in the military will not affect the ranking of ordinary people.

Tu Hanan is a powerful person in Guishuang, but he can only become the second. This makes Tu Hanan feel a lot of anger in his heart. However, the first is always that the dragon sees the head but does not see the end. Even if Tu Hanan wants to find the first One, it is impossible to compete with the first.

In recent years, Tu Hanan has been looking for No. 1 and wants to take the title of No. 1 over.

As a well-known master of Guishuang, Tu Hanan also has his own arrogance.

When Tu Hanan learned that the most important thing for Jin country was the secrets hidden in the craftsmanship outside the city. It made Tu Han angrily moved. If he could go to the craftsman's workshop and take out the secrets, he would definitely have a great deal with Guishuang. The help of Tu Hanan, just by relying on this kind of contribution at that time, might make Tu Hanang move towards the first position.

After all, the first all these years, quietly, if you don't know the situation, you think that the first is dead.

Now is the opportunity for Tu Hanan to show himself better.

The Jin State Artisan Workshop is tightly guarded. From the perspective of ordinary people, there are naturally no more problems for a master like Tu Hannu.

After constant observation, Tu Hanan found that the tightness of the protection around the craftsman’s workshop was beyond imagination. Although on the surface, the protection of the craftsman’s workshop was nothing more than that, but with the angry gaze of Tu Hanu, he could see that, There are many protective powers in the secret craftsman's workshop, as long as it appears, it will attract attention.

The existence of the artisan workshop is of great significance to the Jin country, and the artisan workshop is the place where the artisans build the armor of weapons. However, when Tu Hanan saw the scale of the artisan workshop of the Jin country, his heart was shocked.

Such a large-scale craftsmanship, even if it is an ordinary city, it is difficult to compare with it.

The craftsman's workshop built in the mountains has been built around it, just like a city that is not connected to the outside world.

Jin Kingdom has cement, and it is relatively convenient to build in the steeper places around the craftsman's workshop. In this way, the craftsman's workshop can be made safer.

Only after the safety of the craftsman's workshop is guaranteed, the craftsmen living in it will be guaranteed when they do things normally.

The artisans of the Jin country have made great efforts to improve the strength of the Jin army. Of course, there is also a clear incentive system in the artisan workshop. After a businessman has made a certain contribution, he can even enjoy the officials. There are not many other treatments, just the rewards in this area will make all the craftsmen tempted, how much honor they will get after they become officials of the Jin country.

The status of craftsmen is low, but the craftsmen in the Jin State Craftsman's Workshop did not feel this aspect. They did not feel that their status was low. On the contrary, after they came to the Jin State Craftsman's Workshop, they had a more elevated position. Fighting spirit.

The life of a craftsman's workshop may be boring, but through their efforts, the craftsmen can enable their descendants to live a more stable life and allow their descendants to obtain corresponding glory.

And in terms of rewards, Jin has always spared no effort. As long as the craftsmen have enough credit, they will receive corresponding rewards. There is no slack in this aspect.

Besides, the income that Jin State Artisan Workshop can bring to Jin State is huge. It is only the consumption of artisan workshop, and it has not been put in the eyes of Jin State officials.

In the Jin country, the craftsmanship workshop is a very special existence. It is impossible for ordinary officials to enter the craftsmanship workshop. For the craftsmanship workshop, the Jin country has a thorough protection in order to avoid the leakage of the news. Case.

In the past, there were many people who spied on Jin’s artisan workshops, but it is the same now. Jin’s artisan workshops affect the hearts of many people, especially after seeing the heroic figure of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield, if they don’t have the equipment of the Jin army. If you are interested, it is the strangest thing.

At present, the defense in Chang'an City is tight, the defense of the soldiers and soldiers has been strengthened, and there are also many Jin assassins who are secretly active. The purpose of these people is to bring out the people who are hidden in the dark and let them act in Jin. , It is difficult to achieve, and it is difficult to make the capital of Jin country in chaos only by means of their assassination.

But after Zhang Cheng was assassinated, Guishuang's assassin seemed to have disappeared, and there was no other movement at all, but the actions of Black Ice Terrace and Shadow Guards in the dark never stopped.

Although the Shadow Guard and Black Ice Terrace have a large number of assassins heading to Guishuang, they want to do more in Guishuang's territory, but from the specific situation, it is not the case.

The Black Ice Terrace and the Shadow Guard have many powers. Their main power is going to Guishuang, and just relying on the remaining power is enough to deal with more things.

Flying eagles are the existence that secretly protects Lu Bu's safety. If they are used at this time, it is not a wise move, because there are enemies active in the city. If the enemy sees the opportunity, how can he not be moved? The emperor of China, what a prominent existence that is, it is conceivable that if he can have a certain amount of credit in assassinating the emperor of Jin Kingdom, it is conceivable.

For the sake of fame, assassins sometimes do whatever it takes.

With the guard team commanded by Feiying and Dianwei, protecting Lu Bu's safety, Wang Yue and Qin Tian didn't need to worry more about this matter.

As the former commander of the two assassin teams in the Jin Kingdom, Qin Tian and Wang Yue naturally had a lot of competition, but now they are both old, and the desire to fight for fame and fortune has faded a lot. Their current achievements are already great, and they can make such contributions in the Jin State and become the heroes of the Jin State.

It was enough for Wang Yue and Qin Tian, ​​but when Wang Yue heard that there were foreign assassins who had assassinated important officials in the city, the anger in his heart can be imagined. This is the capital of Jin country, when? It was time for the assassin of the foreign race to be so arrogant.

After receiving Lu Bu's order, Wang Yue immediately proceeded to investigate the matter.

Heibingtai was in charge of the assassin's affairs before him, which made Wang Yue slightly dissatisfied, but although the relationship between him and Qin Tian was not very good, it was not too bad. The command of secret forces, in fact, they have quite a lot of intersections.

It's just that Qin Tian and Wang Yue are both proud people. They have their own persistence and take the initiative to interact with the other person.

There are three fierce teams in Jin State secretly. These three teams have provided a lot of help for Lu Bu in secret. Tu Han's anger is clear about the news. He can be sure that the one who went to Guishuang to perform the assassination mission must be One of the secret forces of the Jin Kingdom.

Judging from the actions of the assassins heading to Guishuang, the assassins of Jin are exceptional. It is not a simple matter to obtain the corresponding benefits from the assassins of Jin.

In fact, when an assassin is performing an assassination mission, as long as his identity is not revealed, it is impossible to do more damage to the hidden assassin. They only need to rely on their current identity to win better. Just hide it.

Even if there is a turbulent event in the city, they will not have more obstacles.

This was the case when the assassins of the Jin country went to Guishuang, and the same was true when the assassins of the Guishuang came to the Jin country.

The Jin country has strengthened the protection of officials and strengthened the patrol in the city, but it is not an easy task to find the assassins hidden in the dark. It is only in terms of the ability of the assassins to hide their tracks, Guishuang The assassin's strength is not weak.

However, the current situation is a good illustration of the tight defense of Chang'an City.

Even when Tu Han's anger is active in the city of Chang'an, you must be more careful, because Tu Han's anger is clear, and once you see the clues, it is in danger.

The Jin Kingdom defeated Guishuang's army when fighting head-on, which had a great influence on Guishuang's army, but the people of Guishuang had their pride.

The failure of the country's war does not mean that when Guishuang encountered the assassins, the people in the country could still remain calm.

The assassins will use their own methods to make the people of the Jin country feel troubled. In this way, they can be regarded as making a certain effort for the development of Guishuang.

In fact, there are quite a few masters in Guishuang, and Tu Hanan felt this when he acted in Liangzhou.

The power of Jin State active in the dark makes Tu Hanang suspicious. Anyway, he has not discovered that there is such a power to move in the city. If it is not for the power of Jin State to be active in the dark, then it is these. The strength of power is terrible.

The Zhao’s Inn is not famous among the outer city inns. It is a good choice to hide it. Even the people of the Jin country can hardly imagine it. The current Tu Hanan is covered by the Han people. When things happen, if Han people come forward, things will be much simpler.

They also came to search in the various inns, but Tu Hanan could clearly feel that there was a clear difference between the search of foreign merchants and the merchants of the Jin army when the soldiers of the Jin army searched for foreign merchants.

In particular, every time the soldiers who came to interrogate them, they all looked at them and killed them or captured them alive if they were inconsistent with each other.

This situation made Tu Hanang quite dissatisfied, but he also knew that it was impossible for him to change the status quo of Jin country by relying on his alone power.

After all, he was just an assassin of Guishuang, even if he had such a certain ability, after Guishuang could be respected to a certain extent, after he came to Jin Kingdom, nothing was considered.

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