Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5152: : Promote Xiao Mu

   After receiving the order, Xiao Mu immediately went to the palace.

  I came to Chang'an this time because my status was improved, and Xiao Mu was also named a sixth-class county prince.

It is said that Xiao Mu is Lv Bu's son-in-law, and even if it is more rewarded, it is not too much. But Lv Bu did not do so. Although Xiao Mu's ability to administer the locality is not weak, the credit made by Xiao Mu is not Did not call it prominent.

   If you want to get more rewards, you must have justifiable credit. In this regard, what Lu Bu did is relatively fair.

Liangzhou Mu, will definitely have a big impact on the future development of Jin, and there will definitely be more exchanges between Jin and Guishuang and other countries. At this time, Liangzhou cannot be called Jin’s. Border states and counties are now, because Kangzhou, Dingzhou and Pingzhou are farther away.

   If Liangzhou can achieve more development, it will be of great help to the improvement of the overall strength of Jin, and it will even make Jin more relaxed in such a process.

If a war happened, it would most likely occur in the Dingzhou area. At this time, Liangzhou is the rear of the Jin army’s conquest. If Liangzhou has a reasonable response, it will have a great impact on the progress of the war. Helping.

   When the Jin army soldiers fight on the battlefield, there will be no more worries.

As for the selection of Liangzhou Mu, it is necessary to be more cautious. If Liangzhou Mu's candidate is not suitable, how can it be a simple matter to make the Liangzhou land more developed? The land of Liangzhou may not be able to develop, on the contrary, it will endure a lot of damage.

Judging from the current situation, the development of Liangzhou is generally good. As more and more foreign businessmen come to Shanxi to do business, the situation in Liangzhou will gradually improve, and the population of Liangzhou will also be improved. More increased.

   These are all the benefits brought by the strength of Jin country.

   The Jin army had an excellent performance when fighting on the battlefield. At this time, if you want to threaten the stability of Jin's city, what kind of courage and strength are needed.

  From the strong strength of the Jin army, you can actually see more things. If you want to get the benefits of the response from the hands of the Jin army, you must have a stronger strength. If not, it can only be a failure.

   The prosperity of the Jin country is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In the past, how many people wanted to benefit from the hands of the Jin army, but their actions could only end in failure. This is a very good illustration. When they angered the Jin army, they brought it The consequences will be bad.

   As for how the development of the Jin country will be affected, it seems that there will be no situation, because the Jin army has a strong background, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  The progress of the war will not have much impact on the Jin country, and it will even make the soldiers of the Jin army triumphant in the battles and make the territory of the Jin country even wider.

Isn’t the current situation a good explanation? Jin’s prosperity depends on the victories of military lieutenants in every battle. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the Jin’s soldiers are able to move forward courageously. , Defeat it.

   Such fierceness is unbearable for ordinary monarchs. The victory of the Jin army on the battlefield is also the source of the pride of the Jin army.

   How crazy the soldiers of the Jin army are in the battle, anyone who has fought against the Jin army in the war will understand.

   The strength of the Jin army is beyond imagination.

   It’s no secret that Xiao Mu was appointed Liangzhou Mu, it’s no secret in the DPRK. As for what Xiao Mu will achieve when he is in Liangzhou Mu’s position, it is also a question that some officials worry about.

In all fairness, Xiao Mu has performed well since becoming an official of the Jin Kingdom, but Xiao Mu will inevitably attract more attention. The main reason is that Xiao Mu is Lv Bu's son-in-law, and the speed at which Xiao Mu's status has been improved. After too soon, it will inevitably be subject to some doubts. At this time, if the officials are not determined, they will inevitably be affected by many.

   In fact, as Xiao Mu, it is not difficult to have a certain achievement in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom, but if the speed of improvement is too fast, it will inevitably make people have doubts.

   Xiao Mu’s father, Xiao Yan, is the chief commander of Youzhou Army and is responsible for Youzhou’s military affairs. Both father and son have such achievements in Jin Kingdom, which is really enviable by ordinary people.

And what kind of performance can Xiao Mu behave after becoming Liangzhou Mu? Is it the same as Xiao Mu's extraordinary talents when he was ruling other places, and he will be governed in an orderly manner, or will there be other situations? Well, after all, the current situation in Liangzhou is still more complicated.

  If the Liangzhou issue cannot be properly handled, it will even weaken the court's control over Kangzhou and Dingzhou.

   Liangzhou at this time is not only as simple as a state in Jin, but also involves many aspects.

However, when Xiao Mu faced some rumors, he did not say in the slightest that he went to Chang'an and was about to serve as a Liangzhou pastor. It was Lu Bu's order. As a courtier, following the monarch's order is a matter of reason. As for some people talking in secret, it's just because they have doubts about their own promotion. Perhaps deep down, it's them who wish they could get such a promotion opportunity.

   Officials who really have an important position in the court will not talk endlessly about such things, because these things have no meaning to them.

  In Jin, as long as they are capable officials, they can definitely be taken seriously.

   If there is no ability, even if it is normal chatter, it will not play a big role, and it will even arouse the disgust of other officials.

During the development of Jin, a large number of capable officials emerged. These officials have been recognized for their ability to administer local governments. After being recognized, they will have greater deeds. This is also the case. It makes sense.

   The officialdom system of the Jin country is like this. If you can't have the corresponding results, even if you have more support behind you, it is not easy to succeed.

   The reason why Xiao Mu was able to get to the position of Liangzhou Mu was related to Xiao Mu, but the ability that Xiao Mu showed was also closely related.

   Just relying on the help of the people behind it, it is absolutely impossible to go to the position of the shepherd of a state.

If you have someone who helps, you may make some progress in the early stage. In the later stage, you still need to have a certain manifestation of your own abilities. If not, you want to have greater deeds in the court of Jin. Impossible.

   The system of the Jin Kingdom is like this. Even if some people are high-ranking officials, they cannot influence the system in more ways.

   Han people pay more attention to human relations. These things are unavoidable in the system. If they are appreciated by some officials, they may grow to a higher position and speed faster.

   Like Xiao Mu, if it weren't for Lu Bu's son-in-law, he would not get more attention.

   was directly promoted from the prefect of Yizhou to the position of Liangzhou Mu, which was a huge improvement for many officials.

And Xiao Mu’s achievements in the position of Yizhou prefect is for all to see. When dealing with the situation in Yizhou, Xiao Mu, who was able to perform outstandingly, will do the same when he arrives in Liangzhou. Here On the one hand, the officials of the staff department still had confidence in Xiao Mu.

The current development speed of Jin is very fast. Under these circumstances, more talents are needed to emerge. In fact, since the system of Jin has been determined, it has been guaranteed that there will be more in the future development of Jin. The talented people, because the system of the Jin Kingdom determines that as long as they are capable, they can get more appointments.

And in such a process, it is also a great test for the various abilities of officials. If you cannot adapt to such a system, it would be impossible to have greater achievements, and the system of Jin State also determines. If they want to do something, they must follow the rules of the Jin country.

Entering the imperial palace, Xiao Mu also had a lot of emotions. The development speed of Chang'an City was amazing. I thought that Chang'an was not so prosperous when he went to work in Yizhou at the beginning, but Jin Kingdom was in a very short time. Being able to rise is closely related to Lu Bu's methods.

  When I was in Yizhou, as Lv Bu's son-in-law, I would definitely be able to get the corresponding convenience when doing things. Even the generals in the army had a certain degree of politeness when facing Xiao Mu.

   However, Xiao Mu did not lose himself because of such a relationship. On the contrary, he had a greater deed in Yizhou's officialdom. The abilities and methods displayed by Xiao Mu were recognized by many officials.

In the assessment of    staff, Xiao Mu's achievements were also extremely outstanding.

   "The minister has seen the saint." Xiao Mu solemnly saluted.

   Lu Bu said lightly: "Flat yourself."

After Xiao Mu got up, he had time to look around. In this room is the topographic map of Liangzhou, and in the middle of the house is the sand table of the topographic map of Liangzhou. Just looking at it will give people a shock. I feel that it is not easy to build a sand table in a state.

   Xiao Mu knew that the reason why he appeared in such a room was because he was about to serve as Liangzhou pastor, and in the palace, there must be sand tables from other states and counties.

   The emperor of Jin has such a means, and it is also expected. If the emperor of Jin has no means to respond, wouldn't it be more difficult to do more in some things?

   Xiao Mu had no doubts about Lu Bu's ability. If Lu Bu decided to do something, he would definitely be able to achieve great results.

   The success of Lu Bu in the past is a good illustration. How many people who originally stood on the opposite side of Lu Bu have gradually declined when confronting Lu Bu. This is the best illustration.

"You are about to go to Liangzhou to serve as state shepherd, but I heard that many people in the court have slanderous words about you serving as Liangzhou shepherd. I wonder what you think of this matter?" Lu Bu asked. .

Xiao Mu handed his hand: "Holy, the reason why the minister can have today is the appreciation of the holy. When the minister is an official, he dare not slacken the slightest. When governing Liangzhou, these people will shut up."

   "Okay, ambitious." Lu Bu smiled, and was quite satisfied with Xiao Mu's answer.

"After going to the land of Liangzhou, you must pay more attention to it. The situation in Liangzhou is not inferior to Yizhou, and even worse than Yizhou. When Liangzhou achieves gradual development, there will be more foreign races. Merchants come to Jin to do business, and Liangzhou is a must-go place for merchants. If the handling of certain things is not appropriate, it will inevitably lead to more incidents. And such things are not what I want to see. Arrived." Lu Bu said.

"The minister understands." Xiao Mu solemnly saluted Xiao Mu understood that it is not enough for him to be a Liangzhou pastor only with the recommendation of the official department, and the consent of Lu Bu is required. The emperor was generally more cautious when he was a member, because in some matters, if there is no timely and effective handling, it will have a very bad influence.

The appointment of Xiao Mu as Liangzhou Mu is not a test of Xiao Mu’s abilities. If Xiao Mu can perform well in Liangzhou Mu’s position, it is possible to achieve greater success in the future. If not, it is predictable how difficult it will be to achieve results.

What Xiao Mu can foresee is that with the development of Jin, the prosperity of Liangzhou will definitely be greatly improved. At this time, if Liangzhou Mu can seize the opportunity in time, it will be important to Liangzhou’s development. Will be of great help.

This is also something that Liangzhou Mu should consider. When governing a locality, officials should have more responses and think more about the development of the locality in advance. Only in this way can they cope with certain situations. Do it with ease, not to say that after a situation occurs, you don't know how to deal with it. .

It is actually not a simple matter to make a place develop rapidly. It requires not only the corresponding ability of officials, but also the corresponding means. If not, it is difficult to succeed even with the appreciation of today’s sages. Things.

"After going to Liangzhou, many things need to be planned in advance. The previous work of Liangzhou animal husbandry must also be handed over. In addition, Li Su, a ministerial official, once served as Liangzhou animal husbandry. In this regard, you can follow Li Suyou. What opinion?" Lu Bu said.

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