Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5156: : Let Wenhe and Fengxiao go with him

   Under such a stimulus, if the craftsmen in the craftsmanship do not want to do more, it is the most strange thing.

In a craftsman’s workshop, it is of great significance for craftsmen to better realize their own value. In this process, they can not only improve their own skills, but also receive rewards from the imperial court. Is there anything more important than this.

The emperor of Jin had strict means and generous rewards when dealing with the craftsmanship. If he could act in accordance with the craftsmanship system, it would be natural to get the reward. If not, he would face punishment or be punished. NS.

  The things in the craftsman's workshop are important. If some of the secrets are leaked, it will have a great impact on the long-term development of Jin.

   Jin has always attached great importance to the protection of craftsmanship. In the past, it was not that there were no craftsmen who wanted to destroy the craftsmanship, but the actions of these people did not succeed.

Living in a craftsman’s workshop is also a good choice for many craftsmen, because in the craftsman’s workshop, there is no need to worry about food and clothing, and their descendants can also enjoy it in the craftsman’s workshop. Treatment.

There is no communication with the outside world, and the interior of the craftsman’s workshop is no different from ordinary cities. After their descendants can become officials in the craftsman’s workshop through their own efforts, this unique development system is precisely Lu Bu single-handedly facilitated it.

Only after the artisan workshop has no more contact with the outside world, can we prevent the leakage of secrets from more aspects. After the Jin State is more stable, certain adjustments to the situation in the artisan workshop will not be possible. Said that there will be more problems.

The current state of Jin is stable on the surface, and there are still small generations in the dark. Other than that, just the secret prying of Guishuang and the rest will cause more problems in some secret defenses. .

   It takes a certain amount of time for the problems of the craftsman's workshop to be dealt with in a timely and effective manner. If these things cannot be handled properly, what will happen.

The development of Jin State was accompanied by many tribulations, but the Jin State that came out of the tribulations showed a very strong side. How many enemies standing on the opposite side of Jin State can only end in sadness. Their strength is not strong enough, but the Jin army is too unexpected.

   It's harder to get more benefits from the Jin emperor's hands than to climb to the sky.

   Past events have already explained this problem well.

The rise of the Jin country is already unstoppable, but all enemies who stand on the opposite side of the Jin country will be punished accordingly. No matter how powerful these people are, they are all the same when facing the Jin army. Of fragility.

   After reading the contents of the letter, Lu Bu smiled and said, "The craftsman's workshop has made great progress in researching sharp weapons."

When Dian Wei heard the words, his face was exhilarated. The sharp tools produced in the craftsman's workshop, after being equipped in the army, provided great help for the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield. From the Jin army in Guishan City, Dawan, and Xiongnu Achievements on the battlefield can well illustrate this problem.

   When the Jin army has more sophisticated equipment, it will be of great help to the further improvement of the strength of the Jin army.

   The growth of the Jin army was accompanied by the destruction of many enemies. In this process, although the generals of the Jin army have experienced many tests, they are all the elites of the Jin army.

  Why there are so many elites in the Jin army has a lot to do with the support of the workshop. If Jin State leaves the workshop, the strength of the military lieutenants will be greatly reduced.

   Anything is like this, if there is no improvement, it will regress, and there is no luck at all.

   The growth of the Jin country was accompanied by many difficulties, but under the leadership of Lu Bu, the soldiers of the Jin army were able to make great achievements in the wars. This is the best proof of the strength of the Jin country.

   If you want to get the corresponding benefits from the Jin country, you must have an absolutely powerful strength. If the handling of these matters is not proper, the consequences can be imagined.

   Jin army soldiers fought on the battlefield, how many wars they have won, and how much damage they have caused to the enemy in each war can also be seen.

   It is precisely because Jin has such a powerful army that it can make Jin come out in the confrontation again and again, so that the Jin army can still face the enemy bravely and tenaciously after experiencing many wars.

   The strength of the Jin country has grown, even if it is accompanied by difficulties, the soldiers of the Jin army will not have the slightest fear. They will have absolute support for their monarch.

   "Holy Lord, shall we go to the craftsman's workshop?" Dian Wei asked tentatively.

   Judging from past events, if there are sharp tools developed in the craftsman's workshop, Lu Bu must go to the craftsman's workshop, not only to see the sharp tools developed, but also to attach importance to the craftsman's workshop.

After Lu Bu appeared in the army, it could make the military lieutenants more motivated. The same reasoning, when Lu Bu appeared in the craftsman’s workshop, it can stimulate the enthusiasm of the craftsmen to a large extent, so that they will have more high morale in the future. Fighting spirit.

Craftsmen also need a lot of encouragement. From the current system of craftsmanship, we can actually see a lot of problems. Regarding the development of craftsmen, the system of Jin State is shocking, even in the past dynasties. It is unimaginable. It is beyond imagination to allow craftsmen to have official positions and titles. Such things are beyond imagination. However, these things have been realized in Lu Bu's body. Other than that, they are only based on these issues. You can see how bold Lü Bu has. If a monarch without boldness wants to do these things, it is simply impossible.

   This is the powerful Jin country. People who survive in the Jin country can get corresponding rewards after their hard work, making their efforts more valuable.

   Although Lv Bu went to the craftsman's workshop a lot, there are not many craftsmen who can see Lv Bu, because the scale of the craftsman's workshop is really too big now, and it is difficult to walk around.

   When the development of the craftsman's workshop is gradually on the right track, there is actually no need for Lu Bu to worry more, because the craftsman's workshop can handle some things well.

   "Let Wenhe and Feng Xiao go with him." Lu Bu said.

No matter how much Jin's strength has developed, it has a great relationship with Jin's military strength. If there is no strong military power to support it, even if it develops well under the rule, it is also necessary to protect all of this. It is not a simple matter.

   After the development, how to protect, you need to have a strong army as a guard, if this is not satisfied, the development will be greatly affected.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu naturally understood the truth. Therefore, in the past development, some details will be handed over to the officials under the rule to deal with, but in the general direction, we must get the corresponding Guarantees work. If even this aspect of the situation cannot be effectively protected, the development of the Jin country will be greatly affected.

   It is necessary to ensure that while Jin is developing steadily, it has a strong foundation and a fearful strength for the enemy.

   The past events clearly illustrate that it is far from easy to get benefits from the Jin Emperor.

Inability to better handle certain aspects of things will affect the development of Jin, but from the current development of Jin, it can be seen that officials in Jin have very appropriate methods when dealing with problems. And such a method will be of great help to the future development of Jin.

   After receiving Lv Bu's order, Jia Xu and Guo Jia hurried to the palace. It was time to deal with affairs. They thought something major had happened in the court.

   And Dian Wei was also selling off the hook along the way, and didn't tell the two of them.

   When they learned that they were going to the craftsman's workshop, Jia Xu and Guo Jia were still looking forward to it.

As counselors, although they cannot personally wield their swords to kill the enemy, if their strategy can be realized in a battle, it is the greatest affirmation for them, and in this process, the ability of the counselor is also To be able to get a lot of exercise, these things are of great significance to counsellors.

The most important thing for counselors to maximize their own abilities is in planning. For a battle, how to arrange and what kind of layout can they achieve greater victory. This is also what they need to pay attention to. problem.

In the past, Jin’s counselors were unique when dealing with these problems. From the Jin army’s soldiers on the battlefield and winning the battles, we can better see this aspect. problem.

   With the strength of the generals of the Jin army, as long as they plan properly, they are the presence on the battlefield that makes the enemy fearful.

   The invincible Jin army generals, coupled with strategic counselors, can achieve great results.

Lu Bu also attached great importance to the development of the Jin's advisory power. If the army can be equipped with advisors, it will be of great help to the generals in commanding operations. Even if the generals in the army want to know everything well, It's not a simple matter. At this time, someone needs to mention something from it.

   "Wenhe, Feng Xiao, the craftsman's workshop has developed a sharp weapon, and it happened that the two of them accompanied me to take a look." Lu Bu laughed.

The two said yes, and they felt warm. Lu Bu was able to inform them of such an important matter and let them go in person. It was enough to see Lu Bu's trust in the two of them, and walked to the likes of Guo Jia and Jia Xu. In terms of position, the most important thing for them is the trust of the monarch. If the monarch does not trust them enough, it is difficult to do more.

In Jin, the trust of the monarch is indispensable if you want to have greater deeds, and Lu Bu’s approach in this regard is recognized by the officials of Jin, because officials can obtain them through their own efforts. Corresponding achievements, is there anything more important to officials than this?

In Lu Bu's view, officials have made so many efforts for the development of Jin. He has more trust in the officials under the rule, and it is also a matter of course. He must be prepared for the officials under the rule as well. More vigilance, only in this way, officials will be more serious when doing things.

   Jin army soldiers fought on the battlefield and won many victories, and the monarch will give certain rewards when they get credit, which is also very necessary.

   At this time, isn't it a test for the monarch? If the monarch's actions can't reassure the officials, they won't have to do their best when they do something.

The artisan workshop is of great significance to the Jin country. Guo Jia and Jia Xu are naturally aware of the fact that there are not a few people who want to sneak into the artisan workshop and steal secrets from the artisan workshop, but the actions of these people are Unsuccessful, Jin has always attached great importance to the protection of the craftsman's workshop.

It is necessary for the Jin soldiers to maintain sufficient advantages on the battlefield. Only when the Jin soldiers have a greater advantage can they better destroy the enemy in the war. The army, when the enemy army is fighting against the Jin army, it is difficult to win.

   The continuous development of the craftsmanship is related to the strength of the Jin army, and it is reasonable to get more attention.

When the lieutenant generals mentioned the craftsmen in the craftsman’s workshop, they did not have the slightest meaning of contempt. They knew that it was precisely because of the efforts of these craftsmen that they had more sophisticated equipment, which had a greater impact on them on the battlefield. The achievement is of great help. If the equipment is not as sophisticated as the enemy, what will happen on the battlefield.

All soldiers who have been on the battlefield will understand that in a war, if they can occupy a certain advantage, what kind of impact the war can have, and if they cannot win from a confrontation, their team is in such a confrontation. What kind of devastation the Central Committee has endured.

   It is necessary to defeat the enemy as much as possible, so that the enemy has no more defensive means when dealing with its own army, or even shivering. .

For a long time, the soldiers of the Jin army have been shown in front of the enemy in a ferocious posture on the battlefield. No matter what methods the enemy has, they have many shortcomings in the face of the Jin army. It is also the most terrifying place of the Jin army.

The enemy army is progressing, and the Jin army’s progress will be even greater, because behind the Jin army, there is Jin’s craftsman’s workshop as support, and the sophisticated weapon armor, even the equipment, the craftsman’s workshop will not be lacking. From the previous confrontation This can be seen in.

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