Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5160: : Shock

If the emergence of    artillery can be as described by Ma Jun, it will definitely affect the future battlefield, and even make the situation on the battlefield even more unpredictable for the enemy.

When the distance between the two sides exceeds 700 steps, the Jin army can still pose a threat to the enemy. Guo Jia and Jia Xu know what this kind of war means. If there is no fairy mirror in the enemy, they want to be more. It will be impossible to observe the situation of the Jin army more frequently.

   And the fairy mirror in the Jin army can play a greater role in such a battle, even if the enemy generals are rampant, can it still stop the attack of the Jin army’s sharp weapons?

   From the point of view of size, the artillery is smaller than the giant Thunderbolt, which provides more help for the lieutenant soldiers in the battle.

The giant thunderbolt has a strong position in the distance of attack, but there are many problems in the transportation, even if there are many cement roads in Jin, the existence of these roads can prevent more problems in transportation. However, there are still many difficulties in achieving fast delivery.

   If you choose, the generals of the Jin army would rather choose to transport artillery than a thunderbolt.

   When the craftsman was ready, a fairy mirror appeared in Lu Bu's hand. After seeing the mark in the distance, Lu Bu asked, "How big is the target in the distance?"

   "The length and width are nine feet respectively." Ma Jun said.

   Lu Bu said: "If you can accurately hit this object, it means that the previous development of the craftsman's workshop is successful. Even if Deheng is named a fourth-class county, it is not excessive."

After Ma Jun heard Lü Bu’s words, if he said that there was no more enthusiasm in his heart, it would be impossible. The fourth-class county princes, these are many important generals in the army and a position that can only be reached by the state shepherd. The development of the army has paid a lot of effort, and has obtained corresponding credit. A craftsman can get to this point, if it does not cause more shock, this is the most strange thing.

   However, in Lu Bu's view, if Ma Jun can successfully develop such a weapon, it would be a matter of course to be rewarded as a fourth-class princess.

   The emergence of a sharp weapon allows lieutenants and soldiers to avoid many problems when they fight.

   When the Jin soldiers fought on the battlefield, the life of the lieutenant soldiers was extremely important, in Lu Bu's view.

Allowing lieutenants to avoid more sacrifices when fighting on the battlefield is of great help to the conduct of a battle, so that lieutenants and officers will have more expectations when dealing with wars. .

   There are five artisans who control the artillery. One of them is responsible for loading ammunition, and the ammunition of the artillery is a very regular spherical shape.

   Dian Wei and others are still looking forward to how fierce the artillery will be when attacking.

   At this time, the group of people was fifty steps away from the artillery. When Dianwei knew that the artillery had exploded in the past when it was released, he took a shield and protected it by Lu Bu's side.

   Avoid other accidents when the artillery is released.

   After a bang, a ball of fire appeared at the muzzle position of the artillery, which was fleeting, and then the black object quickly moved towards the distant hillside at a speed that was jaw-dropping.

   On the hillside not far away, after billowing dust and smoke appeared, everyone heard the rumbling sound.

   Lu Bu looked through the fairy mirror and smiled satisfied after seeing the artillery attack.

   And Ma Jun is very satisfied with this release. The target that can be directly hit at one time is also the glory of the artisan who controls the artillery.

In the place marked by   , a small half was missing during the hit, which was obviously the effect brought by the explosion just now, and through the fairy mirror, one could see a large pit on the hillside.

   was able to have such power after the attack, which shocked Dian Wei.

   Many sharp weapons developed by the craftsman's workshop in the past, these sharp weapons played a huge role in the process of combat, and provided a good foundation for the victory of the Jin army in the war.

The attack method of    artillery is the same as that of the Thunderbolt car releasing gunpowder, but the attacking distance of the artillery is farther, the speed is faster, and the power obtained is obvious to all.

   "Congratulations to the saint for getting such a weapon." Guo Jia and Jia Xu stepped forward to congratulate them.

   Lu Bu laughed and said: "With such a weapon, the lieutenant soldiers will fight on the battlefield, and there will be more possibilities for victory."

   "Holy Lord, the power of this explosion cannot be compared with the gunpowder thrown by a thunderbolt car." Guo Jia pondered for a moment.

   Lu Bu said: "This is also the strong point of artillery. It can cause greater damage to the enemy when attacking. When attacking the city, it can even directly penetrate the enemy's gate."

Everyone agrees with Lu Bu's words. There is no doubt about the solidity of the gates of a city, but it also depends on what kind of offensive methods are dealt with. Among the Jin army, there are many used to attack the city. means.

   Otherwise, when the Jin army attacked Kangju's royal city, why was it able to break through it at a faster speed? This has a lot to do with the sharp means of the Jin army's confrontation.

When attacking the city and paying the most for the lieutenant soldiers, this is also recognized by many generals, but after such a war is placed in the hands of the Jin army, it will become different because of the means that the Jin army has in the offensive. , Not the enemy can imagine.

   "Ten of these artillery pieces were built and transported to Chigu City in secret." Lu Bu said.

   Ma Jun arched his hands: "Hey."

From Lu Bu’s words, everyone can feel that in the future artillery will shine brightly in the war, and the construction and delivery of artillery will be a certain problem, but when the war can be won, These so-called difficulties are not worth mentioning.

   "Holy Lord, if our army has hundreds of weapons like this, when fighting the enemy, it will definitely be able to make the enemy chaos without fighting." Dian Wei said excitedly.

   Lü Bu smiled and said: "General Dian, the consumption of one artillery requires thousands of catties of iron. Hundreds of doors are just to be completed. It is not a simple matter, let alone the consumption of materials."

   Dianwei was astounded when he heard that a cannon requires thousands of catties of iron. With this calculation, the value of a cannon is unimaginable.

   "Holy Master, with the current crafting speed of the craftsman's workshop, it takes three months to make ten artillery." Ma Jun said.

   Lu Bu said: "Increase the investment of artisans in this area to make the artillery faster, and make the artillery more convenient as much as possible."

   "Hey." Ma Jun arched his hands.

Ma Jun spent a lot of thought on developing gunpowder this time, and even once he was too close, he was directly injured by the artillery. However, this effort has now been affirmed by Lu Bu. For Ma Jun, The past efforts are worth it.

  As officials of Jin, they naturally want to make more progress.

  The generals in the army want to gain credit through war, and the craftsmen in the artisan workshop want to gain recognition by creating magic weapons.

   Everyone has different ways to get credit, but their efforts to get credit are worthy of recognition.

   "Wenhe, Fengxiao, how powerful is the artillery?" Lu Bu asked Jia Xu and Guo Jia.

   "If more artillery appears on the battlefield, it will be unstoppable." Jia Xu said.

   Guo Jia also echoed: "The artillery will definitely bring painful lessons to the enemy."

In fact, when the artillery is attacking, the damage it can bring to the enemy is also limited, especially the reload speed of the artillery is not very fast. After a certain number of releases, it needs to be cooled before it can be used. If not, it will have a great deal of damage. dangerous.

   But the appearance of artillery on the battlefield is a great deterrent for the enemy. What kind of momentum the artillery has when attacking, and the damage it can bring to the enemy after the explosion can also be seen.

   After the Jin army has such deterrent offensive methods, it can play a greater role in a battle. Besides, the offensive distance of artillery is very long, and they are completely able to achieve better release in the army.

   "Holy, artillery is a secret of our army. After arriving in Chigu City, you should keep it carefully." Jia Xu reminded.

   Lu Bu said: "If you are transporting artillery and not transporting ammunition, do you still have to worry that the enemy will think of the use of these things."

Everyone smiled knowingly when they heard this. The attack of artillery is inseparable from ammunition. Even if the enemy knows that there are such things in Chigu City, they don't know the purpose of these things. As for the theft of these things, how can they? It will be a simple matter.

   "At that time, there will be two artillery pieces left in the craftsman's workshop. I am useful. These artillery pieces must be qualified when they are made. I don't want the artillery pieces on the battlefield that fail to kill the enemy and hurt my own people first." Lu Bu said.

   "Hey." Ma Jun arched his hands.

The sharp weapons made in the craftsman's workshop are of great help to the future wars of the Jin army. The same is true in the past wars. If you want to win the battle against the Jin army, the first thing you need to consider is the Jin army. What kind of influence will a sharp weapon have in a battle? If the influence in this respect cannot be eliminated, it will not be more helpful to the conduct of a battle.

When the soldiers of the Jin army conquered the battlefield, they were able to win the war, which had a lot to do with the tactics of the lieutenant soldiers. However, when these methods were used, they would not play a corresponding role. The battle in the field has many effects.

   And this kind of influence, in some cases, even the monarch does not want to see.

Normally, Ma Jun is extremely strict in the production of weapons and armors. It is to ensure that the lieutenant soldiers can play a corresponding role in the war after they are equipped, not that they did not hurt the enemy during the war. , I hurt myself first.

   It is precisely because the craftsmen of the Jin country have such a rigorous attitude, the armors produced by them are so sophisticated.

   Regarding Ma Jun’s specific matters in charge of the craftsman's workshop, Lu Bu is more at ease. Not only that, Pu Yuan and Cheng Tie are both good people in charge.

   The prosperity of the craftsman's workshop is of great help to the long-term development of Jin, but the daily consumption of the craftsman's workshop is also very large, especially after the craftsman's workshop builds artillery, the consumption will be even greater.

   Artillery is very powerful, but it also has certain flaws. The most obvious thing is that it will have a lot of problems when it is transported. If this problem cannot be solved, it will cause a lot of trouble.

   However, there are concrete roads in Jin, so more problems will be avoided during transportation.

   "Is there any progress in the development of the three-eye magic gun?" Lu Bu asked.

   Ma Jun said: "Holy Lord, the current range of the three-eyed cockroach can reach 120 steps, and its power is undiminished."

   Lu Bu nodded with satisfaction and said: "The further development of the three-eyed spirit gun, don't stop, develop more powerful firearms, and there will be more help in future wars."

   "The minister understands." Ma Jun arched his hands.

When it comes to handling firearms, Ma Jun’s mind is more ingenious. If not, it would be difficult for Ma Jun to use the existing conditions to create a three-eyed Not to mention the improvement of the three-eyed blunderbuss.

The offensive distance is more than a hundred steps, it is very difficult to improve, but this kind of thing, put it on the body of the three-eyed gun, there will be many possibilities, because the attack of the three-eyed gun is the same as the ordinary attack method. The big difference is that as long as the technique of the three-eyed expression is improved, not to mention one hundred and twenty steps, even two hundred steps.

And Ma Jun also has a lot of emotion. Before doing something for Lu Bu, he could hardly imagine that there would be sharp weapons such as three-eyed blunts. After the successful production of three-eyed blunts, many sharp tools can actually be made. Improved, this kind of improvement is of great help to the increase in the power of the sharp weapon of the Jin army.

In this process, Ma Jun has made a lot of achievements, realizing his own value, and his progress is also great. If at the beginning, Lu Bu asked Ma Jun to make these things, even if It is to give Ma Jun a long time. It is a big problem to overcome technical issues.

  Jin State Craftsmanship Workshop also has its current technology after a long period of development. Such technological improvement has provided a lot of help for the production of some sharp tools.

   If this were not the case, even if Ma Jun knew how to make a sharp weapon, it would be impossible to make it successfully.

   There are many sharp weapons in the Jin army, and these sharp weapons have a lot of help to the Jin army when the Jin army is fighting. .

   After the Jin army soldiers are more sophisticated in equipment, there is no doubt that they can play a big role in the war.

   How many times the victory of the battle has been exchanged for the strength of the Jin army now.

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