Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5172: : The benefits of doing business

The training level of    soldiers has a great influence on future engagements. If there is no outstanding performance in training, it is almost impossible to expect the lieutenant generals to win the battle against the enemy.

  War is a test of the ordinary training level of military lieutenants. Such tests are even full of cruelty. If you fail to win in such tests, you will face death in such tests.

   The casualties in the war are not what the generals want to see, but as long as it is a war, how can there be no casualties, how can there be no sacrifices.

   In the process of fighting against the enemy, it is normal to have casualties. The key is how the lieutenant soldiers will behave when fighting against the enemy.

  The victory of the war, the generals of the Jin army gradually got used to it, because it is the most strange thing if the Jin army cannot win the battle against the enemy.

   The key is how much your soldiers lost after winning the battle against the enemy. The least cost in exchange for the greatest victory is exactly what the generals in the army need most.

   Such a victory is extremely important to the generals in the army. Only when the elites in the army are preserved as much as possible in the continuous war can victory be achieved in order to make the Jin army longer.

   The growth of the Jin army is accompanied by many wars. In such wars, the soldiers of the Jin army have not been defeated because of the cruelty of the war. Instead, they have been able to win victory after battle against the enemy.

   When more victories are obtained for the Jin army soldiers, when the Jin army soldiers fight against the enemy, they will show a stronger combat effectiveness.

   Jin's generals can have such accomplishments in the battle against the enemy, and they are inseparable from their ordinary efforts.

The generals of the Jin army can enjoy good treatment in the army. This is also the main reason why many young people among the people want to enter the army. Besides, if they have the corresponding strength in the army to improve their status, it will be even more important. All right.

   is not only the young and strong among the people, but even some students want to enter the army. These scholars with knowledge enter the army, and it is not easy to really adapt to the army.

The entry of literati into the army is also something that Lü Bu called for. It is necessary for literati to enter the army. It is necessary for literati to enter the army. Besides, these literati can master more theoretical knowledge. Normally, they and military lieutenants generally accept strict rules. As for training, it is basically impossible to be lazy in such a process.

   In the Jin army, there are strict disciplines. It is precisely because of the strict discipline that the Jin army can more easily win the battle against the enemy.

   Victory in war is often not that easy. How many generals in the army want to win, but their performance when leading the army against the enemy is often not more satisfying.

The victory of the war is not as simple as imagined. If the generals cannot better show the ordinary training results when they are fighting against the enemy, even the generals have a good way to command the soldiers in the battle. It is also very difficult to be successful.

The combat power displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army against the enemy is absolutely crazy. It is precisely because the soldiers of the Jin army have a crazy attitude when they fight against the enemy, which allows the Jin army to be able to fight again and again. It is easier to win victory, so that more enemy troops have a lot of fear when facing the Jin army.

   Jin's soldiers conquer the battlefield, but they can bring the enemy's failures again and again. Just the victory in the general's field, the Jin army deserves more respect.

After the Anxi Empire and the Jin Kingdom became acquainted, it had a great influence on the senior leaders of the Guishuang Empire. In the contest between the two Assassins, the Jin Kingdom had the advantage, only from the death of King Wusun. Can see things in this area better.

Jin’s methods are shocking, both on the surface and in the dark. It is often difficult to win the war from such an opponent. If you lack sufficient caution in team battles, Will bear the price of failure in the battle.

Guishuang’s failure made Guishuang’s army more fearful when facing the Jin army, and made them understand that they wanted to win the war on the battlefield. It was not as simple as they imagined. Because the performance of Jin army soldiers in battle is often crazy, such crazy battles will cost the enemy a heavy price.

It is precisely because the soldiers of the Jin army have such a strong combat effectiveness that the Jin army can be more stable after occupying Wusun and other places, and the officials of the Jin state have corresponding methods when governing the place, or the Jin state is in In terms of warfare, preparations have already been made in advance. It is precisely because of this that the Jin army will have such a great influence in the war.

  The progress of the war is an opportunity for the soldiers in the army, and it is also a great threat. If you cannot win the battle, how many soldiers will die in the war.

   How many enemy troops could not win the war against the Jin army, but suffered losses in the war.

   Jin's soldiers conquered the battlefield, it can be said to be invincible. The ability to win the battle against the enemy again and again makes the Jin's soldiers full of confidence in the war.

   Even though the enemy's strength is strong, what kind of influence can it have on the generals of the Jin army in a real battle?

   The invincible Jin army soldiers can get many victories when they fight the enemy. Just the victory of the war is enough to make the Jin army soldiers have more pride when facing the enemy army.

In today’s war, the test for lieutenants and soldiers will become more and more severe. Both the Anxi Empire and the Jin Kingdom are extremely powerful in strength. The Guishuang Empire, which has just gained stability from the war, is facing the Jin Kingdom. How many advantages can the army and the peace empire have?

   Once you fail to win a war, you will lose more things and lose more sovereignty.

   The Jin army was able to win the war again and again when fighting against the enemy. Just such a victory was enough to give the lieutenant soldiers a high fighting spirit.

   Now that the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, the impact they can often bring is great.

The mighty Guishuang army ended in failure when confronted with the Jin army. Even though Guishuang’s most elite cavalry team, after encountering the Jin army’s cavalry, it still could not win, which would inevitably make the army. The soldiers had more questions in their hearts when facing the war.

The progress of the war will allow the lieutenant soldiers to gain more credit after they are victorious, but if they cannot be victorious in the war, the security of the lieutenant soldiers will be greatly affected, and they may even lose their lives after the war. cost.

   When an army fails against the enemy, it has lost its sovereignty in the battle and can only be more embarrassed in the war.

   The victory of the battle can make the lieutenant officers have more confidence when facing war in the future, so that the lieutenant officers will have no more fear on the battlefield.

   Now that the Jin army soldiers appear in a battle, the impact it can bring is great, and it will make more enemy troops fearful when facing the Jin army.

   The atmosphere in the Guishuang Palace was relatively solemn, especially after the envoys who were envoys to the Kingdom of Jin returned to Peshawar, the news was not very good.

After the Anxi Empire pays more attention to the alliance with the Jin country, it will bring about a crisis on the Guishuang side. When the Anxi Empire and the Jin country are allied, the impact on the Guishuang Empire will inevitably be great. In future battles, if the forces of the Guishuang Empire cannot do more in the war, the most likely situation is that the city of Guishuang will be occupied by the enemy.

   Many years of hard work have resulted in the situation of Guishuang today. Queen Guishuang does not want Guishuang to fall into turmoil again.

After the previous turmoil, although Guishuang was stabilized, and the lieutenant soldiers were also elite, but Queen Guishuang knew that it would be difficult to resist the combination of the Jin army and the Anxi army only with the current strength of Guishuang. of.

   Especially the methods that the Jin army showed during the battle are shocking. Fighting against such an opponent is always full of many variables.

   When the territory of the Jin Kingdom approached Guishuang, judging by the means shown by the Emperor of Jin, he must have thoughts about Guishuang. Such things are the same for any monarch.

Before Guishuang’s army attacked Guishan City, why didn’t it want to get more benefits from the Jin army? It’s better to suppress the development of the Jin army. Who could have imagined that the Jin army would behave like this on the battlefield? Crazy is just the strength of the Jin army displayed when fighting against the enemy. It is not comparable to an ordinary army. Wanting to win the battle against the Jin army is itself a difficult thing. Now, let’s rest in peace. Of the army.

Guishuang’s situation will be even more critical. The alliance between the Anxi Empire and the Jin country cannot be controlled by the current Guishuang. The defeat in the war will deal a great blow to Guishuang’s army, which makes Guishuang’s army. After encountering the Jin army in future wars, the soldiers may be even more unbearable in their performance.

  The impact of the failure of a war on an army is often great. If you can't win the war, you will lose more things after the war is lost.

Originally, the civilian officers and generals of Guishuang were proud. The lieutenant soldiers were able to win the battle against the enemy. Even if the strength of the Jin army was strong at that time, the influence on Guishuang was limited, but after the defeat of the war, After seeing the tougher side of the Jin army, what kind of performance will Guishuang's army behave after encountering the Jin army in the war.

The toughness of the Jin army will definitely have a great impact on Guishuang. Even in future wars, the Guishuang army will have a lot of fear when facing the Jin army. Under such fear, let Guishuang It is difficult for soldiers to show stronger combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

   When something like this occurs in an army, even if the monarch has ambitions, it is extremely difficult to get more victories in the battle.

From the performance of the Jin army on the battlefield, we can better see the ambition of the Emperor of Jin. When the strength of the Jin army becomes stronger, the Emperor of Jin will inevitably have ideas about Guishuang, even the Anxi Empire. , Are likely to be in the plan of the Jin Kingdom.

The emperor of Jin is absolutely proud. From the news that he has inquired about, it can be seen that the emperor of Jin has strong methods in the face of war, and it is impossible to obtain it from the enemy's eyes. A victorious war became a reality in the hands of the Emperor of Jin. Such a monarch would often have a great impact on the enemy.

   The continuation of the war will make the powerful country stronger and stronger, and the lieutenant soldiers will have greater deeds against the enemy.

   It will be difficult for the weaker party to get more benefits from the war.

Nowadays, Guishuang’s army is the weaker side in front of the Jin Even if such a thing is difficult to accept, it is a real occurrence and cannot get more victories in the battle. The impact on the future campaigns of lieutenants and soldiers is great.

   even makes it difficult for the lieutenant generals to break out more powerful combat power when facing the enemy.

The progress of the war was sometimes not determined by the monarch. When the Jin army’s situation was critical, Guishuang’s army sent troops to attack Guishan City, causing great trouble to the Jin army. When the Jin army was calmed down After Wusun and other places, he would inevitably turn his attention to Guishuang, and even want to get more benefits from Guishuang.

The party that loses in the war will lose a lot of advantages in the process of making contact between the two parties. Originally, Guishuang’s exchanges with Jin were fairly fair, but after the defeat of the war, Guishuang’s merchants had to pay after they arrived in Jin. There are a lot of taxes, but after the merchants from the Jin Kingdom came to Guishuang, they paid very little. By comparing the two, it can be seen who has the more advantage.

   If this situation continues, the merchants of the Jin Kingdom will get more benefits from Guishuang, which is a plunder of materials. .

Just through the way of doing business, the strength of the Jin country can be made stronger than the countries of the Western Regions. Even after time passes, the territory occupied by the Jin army will become more stable, and it will only rely on Guishuang's army. Can you do more in the battle against the Jin army and the Anxi army?

  If the war cannot be won, how much impact will it cause to Guishuang's army, and it will even cause Guishuang's army to lose more things in successive wars.

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