Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5188: : Above Chaotang

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If the monarch has made a great contribution to the development of national strength, in fact, it has a great influence on the officials of the DPRK and China. It is also the influence that Lu Bu has great prestige in the army. When Lu Bu's order is transmitted to the army, it can bring about an influence. It is often very large.

Generals of the Jin army cross the battlefield. The ability to win wars from the enemy again and again is the best proof of the strength of the Jin army. If you want to obtain the corresponding benefits from Lu Bu's hands, you need to consider such a move most. What kind of consequences will it bring?

Lu Bu’s powerful methods will cause more officials to have a lot of fear. This is what Lu Bu wants to see. If, as a monarch, he does not even have the corresponding methods, he will inevitably encounter more in the process of development. Of the problem.

The current development speed of Jin State is very fast. In the process of development, it is inevitable that many problems will be encountered. When encountering these problems, what kind of solutions the monarch has is often extremely important. If the method is not strong enough, the officials in the DPRK and China will not have more fear.

Just from the matter of establishing a prince, we can actually see more problems.

When this matter is reasonable, Lu Bu's words will not be subject to more opposition. Even if some officials have other ideas in their hearts, they need to be cautious when expressing their opinions.

In fact, many officials believe that the establishment of a prince will be mentioned by the officials of the DPRK and the central government, and then the officials in the DPRK and the central government will be really determined after discussing it. Who would have thought that the first thing after Lu Bu came to the dynasty is to establish The prince took it out.

Lu Bu has a great say in the establishment of a prince. This makes it difficult for officials in the DPRK and China to violate Lu Bu's orders more. If they do not even follow the orders of the monarch, they will inevitably appear. The ones are more problematic.

When the monarch is developing the country's strength, he has many contributions. Just relying on this aspect is enough to give the monarch more influence.

The speed of Jin’s development is obvious to all. As long as Lu Bu sits in Chang’an, the situation in Jin can be stabilized. When you act, you need to have a lot of worries.

Once these things fail to succeed, the dangers they bring are often great, and they may even be more implicated.

The Jin army’s soldiers won the battle against the enemy again and again, so that the Jin emperor’s prestige in the army is unmatched. Not to mention other things, just the system in the Jin army is enough to make the army lieutenant Lu Bu was more grateful. If it weren't for Lu Bu, it would be almost impossible for lieutenants to enjoy the current treatment.

The development of aristocratic families in such a process can be greatly restricted. Isn’t it because Lu Bu has elite soldiers under his command, and the elite military power can form more deterrents to the enemy, allowing the enemy to face wars. , Need to have more caution, if not, there will be more losses in the war.

The strength of the Jin army is what Lu Bu relied on the most when developing the Jin country. Even if the enemy's methods are strong, it is not an easy task to have the corresponding achievements in the battle against Lu Bu.

Lu Bu’s success was absolutely rare when the princes fought for the front, but Lu Bu can have the current success, and the support of military lieutenants and generals have a lot to do with the help of officials and generals. If there were no such people The help of Lü Bu is far from enough.

It is precisely because of Jin's system that the development of Jin can be guaranteed to a greater extent.

Lu Bu was the first to mention the establishment of a prince, to avoid more disputes between North Korean and Chinese officials on this matter. If there is no result in the dispute, it will inevitably continue to be delayed.

This situation is not what Lu Bu wants to see. After the establishment of the prince is settled, Lu Bu can also carry out the meditation with peace of mind.

Besides, the ceremony for the establishment of the prince must be held after the convocation of Zen. The appointment of the prince was decided in advance, which did not have much influence on Lu Bu. Lu Bu himself was quite satisfied with Lu Ping's ordinary performance.

It is actually necessary for Lu Ping to adapt to the life of the prince in advance.

Isn’t it because of Lu Ping’s reason that Cai Yan was established as the queen? If someone else is established as the queen, once Lu Ping is established as the prince, it will definitely have a great impact on Lu Ping. The queen’s son becomes the prince himself. It is a more legitimate thing.

If the son of another concubine becomes the crown prince, the officials of the DPRK and China will definitely stand up against one or two.

It can be said that Lu Bu's establishment of Lu Ping as the prince was recognized by the officials in the DPRK.

"Lu Ping is still young, and it is difficult to have experience in dealing with many things. In normal times, there are Lao Wenhe, Yuan Tan and others who worry a lot." Lu Bu said.

"Here." The official who is usually responsible for teaching the prince hurriedly said that it is an honor to be able to teach the prince. It is of great significance to an official to be able to teach the prince. The teacher who teaches will definitely be promoted accordingly.

The current Jin country is strong. Although Lu Bu is in his prime of life, when the prince becomes the emperor, even if he does not support his former mentor, he can still help the descendants of these people.

Many officials are extremely envious of teaching the prince to such a thing.

"It's not just Wenhe and others who teach the prince, but in the future six officials will appoint capable people to teach the prince." Lu Bu said.

The officials of the six ministries said yes, with secret joy in their hearts. If they could have a better relationship with the prince, it would be extremely beneficial to their future development. The prince had a superior existence in the Jin Kingdom.

The emperor of Jin established the prince. If there is no special situation in the future, the prince will definitely become the emperor. From the teacher who appointed the prince by Lu Bu, we can see more problems in this regard.

Regardless of Jia Xu or Gu Yong, they all have an extremely important weight in the court of the Jin Kingdom. Letting these people teach the prince, it shows that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the prince.

This is clearly telling the officials in the DPRK that the status of the prince is relatively stable. If there are other ideas, they must be suppressed. If they do not cooperate in ordinary times, bad things will definitely happen. .

According to Lu Bu’s vision, after Lu Ping became the prince, he would not only have to have a certain degree of learning, but also have a certain understanding of warfare, business, etiquette, etc. As an emperor, it is impossible to do To complete proficiency, if you can't even understand, how will the monarch know when faced with the fools of his courtiers?

Besides, after the monarch has a better understanding of these matters, it will be of great help to the monarch when dealing with affairs in the future, and can even provide a better direction for the monarch when formulating the development of the country.

Lu Bu was able to achieve the current achievements during his subsequent campaigns, but he made a lot of effort in the middle. It was only the suppression of talents by the princes, which had a great impact on Lu Bu's development.

But even under such circumstances, Lu Bu was able to stand out from among the princes, and eventually won the battle when the princes battled, and ruled the world. The fact that Lu Bu achieved these great achievements was actually a lot of effort.

When fighting against the princes of the past, Lu Bu did not dare to slack in the slightest. He had to know that he would become a generation of princes, but there were no simple people. They had corresponding means when developing and governing.

If Lu Bu did not perform well in these methods, he would inevitably have more problems in dealing with other princes.

But even under such circumstances, Lu Bu was still able to stand out from among the princes and achieve what he has achieved today. Such things shocked the world.

From Lu Bu's body, one can often feel the unyielding fighting spirit. Even in a critical situation, Lu Bu can still win the battle, making it difficult for the so-called enemy's attack to play a corresponding role in front of the Jin army. .

The Jin army soldiers can achieve great achievements on the battlefield, which has a lot to do with the system established by Lu Bu in the army, and such things will even make the Jin army soldiers have a stronger performance in the future training. .

If the soldiers of the Jin army can get more victories when fighting against the enemy, the influence on the enemy is often great, which can make the city of Jin more stable.

When facing the enemy, it is always very important to have the corresponding means. If it were not, how could Jin Kingdom have its current achievements?

It can be said that Jin's growth rate is very fast, which has a lot to do with the methods used by Lu Bu in Jin. After allowing military officers and soldiers to enjoy better treatment and allowing the people to have a better life, The people will have more support for the monarch, and will not have more violations when facing the monarch's orders.

Lu Bu's attitude towards the people is impeccable. It can be said that being a citizen of the Jin Kingdom is an extremely honorable thing for ordinary people.

The current development of the Jin State is relatively satisfactory to the officials of the Jin State, and even the Jin State’s army can achieve successive victories in the process of fighting against the enemy, which makes the territory of the Jin State more extensive. This is also the official of the central government. There are more important reasons to worry about things.

After the ceremony of Feng Chan, Lu Bu's prestige can certainly be improved to a greater extent, things like Feng Chan are really too important for a monarch.

After the monarch obtains the corresponding credit, he should inform the heavens.

In fact, telling the sky, why is it not telling the people of the world, even if there is no zen, Lu Bu's prestige among the people is very high, which also has a lot to do with what strategy Lu Bu has when dealing with the people. .

In the beginning, why did the family's wealthy family have a lot of resistance when dealing with Lu Bu? It is because Lu Bu distributed the interests of the family's wealthy family to the people and gave corresponding protection to the interests of the people. This is the loss of the family's wealthy family. .

But when this kind of thing gradually continued, members of the wealthy family would gradually see that the original methods used by Lu Bu could have so much influence, and even make the people have more support for the monarch.

The Jin army generals can have such a fanatical performance when fighting against the enemy, is it not because of Lu Bu's strategy to treat the people.

When the people do not have to worry more about their lives, they will have more gratitude to the monarch, and will not have more violations when facing the monarch's orders.

It is almost impossible for the system of the Jin State to be shaken. After Lu Bu made up his mind on the matter of the prince, it was beyond the control of ordinary officials.

Besides, the establishment of the queen's son as the prince is extremely normal in itself. If the monarch does not have the corresponding power in such matters, such a monarch is unqualified.

It can be seen from Lu Bu's performance in Jin that it is almost impossible for Lu Bu to oppose it after he decides one thing.

After Lu Bu said these words, many officials in the DPRK and China had already recognized the result of this kind of results. When it was normal, the officials in the DPRK and the prince did not have more intersections, and wanted to have a common understanding of the prince. More understanding is also impossible.

However, when the prince begins to watch on handling affairs, he will have a corresponding understanding of the abilities of the prince.

The ability of the prince is extremely important to the development of the country. If even the prince cannot have a better choice, it will have the greatest impact on the future development of Jin.

Jin can have the current situation, not only the credit of Lu Bu, but also has a great relationship with the civil servants and generals in the DPRK. Their efforts have allowed Jin to have the current development situation. This is for the officials in the DPRK and the central government. It is an extremely important thing in itself.

And if Lu Bu has improper behavior in some matters, officials in the DPRK will definitely mention it.

What kind of behavior the prince will do after the establishment depends mainly on the prince’s ability. Lu Bu is currently in his prime of life. The prince will really start to deal with the affairs of the prince. More attention.

Under these circumstances, even if the officials in the DPRK have ideas about the establishment of the prince, they can only press down.

If there is any dissatisfaction with the establishment of the prince in the future, it is not too late to mention it again.

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