Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5195: : A proud achievement

The pride of the people of the Jin and the strong strength of the Jin army will enable the Jin army to do more in future wars, even if the enemy's strength is strong, when they encounter powerful Jin soldiers on the battlefield It will be clear afterwards that the strength they consider themselves formidable is so vulnerable in front of the generals of the Jin army.

The progress of a war often has a great impact on the monarch, especially if the monarch fails to win the war, the impact on the monarch will be even greater, and even the development of the country will be greatly affected.

When the monarch does not have enough means to eliminate the influence in this regard, there will be greater obstacles to future wars.

When facing the enemy, the lieutenant soldiers cannot win the battle. This is a very dangerous thing in itself.

The lieutenant soldiers fought on the battlefield, and only after winning the war, can the situation in the country be more stable. If even the victory of the war cannot be guaranteed, what is the value of the existence of the lieutenant soldiers?

Fighting on the battlefield is the most important task of the generals. They should achieve greater success in the battle against the enemy. Even if the enemy is fierce, they must have the confidence to defeat the enemy.

The strength of the Jin army is far beyond the ability of ordinary enemies to stop it, and it will even cause the enemy to pay a heavier price in the process of blocking.

It’s good that the Guishuang Empire’s army has their own pride, but when Guishuang’s army and the Jin army met on the battlefield, they only wanted to win the battle by relying on the strength of Guishuang’s army, but there was It's very difficult.

The victory of the Jin army soldiers in the battle is often a good proof.

When the soldiers of the Jin army have achieved a dazzling record on the battlefield, the people of the Jin country will have more pride when facing the so-called enemy army in the past.

After Gu Yong and others returned to the city, they did not relax because of the departure of Lu Bu and the officials from the DPRK. At this time, Chang'an had become the center of business. The merchants who traveled to and from Shanxi were more willing to come to Chang'an. , Because in Chang'an City, merchants in other places can get what they need, and the price is relatively cheap.

The most important thing is that when businessmen go to Chang'an for business, they don't have to worry about the identity of the alien being affected more when they do business.

It’s not that all officials of the Jin Kingdom are welcoming to foreign businessmen, but in Chang’an, these officials need to be more cautious when doing things. Besides, there are many regulatory agencies in Chang’an. If these officials find that someone is making troubles, they will certainly not give up.

In the process of doing business, businessmen are still relatively shrewd. After they have a better understanding of the system of the Jin Kingdom, they will be more helpful to their business associations, and even make them easier in the process of doing business. Of getting more benefits.

However, when businessmen do business, they need to abide by the rules of the Jin State. If they cannot act according to the Jin State’s system, they will be in great danger.

Among them, the most worrying is the businessmen of Guishuang. Although the current relationship between Jin and Guishuang has been eased to a certain extent, who can be sure of the relationship between the two parties and when will it be bad? Let’s talk about Guishuang. After the merchants arrived in Jin to do business, they could not enjoy the preferential taxation.

Although other merchants did the same in taxation, when Guishuang merchants thought that after Jin merchants arrived in Guishuang, they could enjoy many preferential taxation, they would inevitably have a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

It’s just this kind of dissatisfaction, how much effect can it play in the face of the powerful Jin country? Who will make Guishuang’s army not be able to win the war when fighting against the Jin army in the past? When a country’s army cannot get it in the battle Victory often has a great impact, and the treatment that Guishuang merchants enjoy at this time is actually the best explanation.

After defeat in a war, the price paid is often very high. Not only the monarch pays the price for the war, but even the people under the rule of the monarch are no exception.

If you want to change this situation, unless you can get more victories in the war, it can be seen from the past performance of the Jin army that you want to win the war in the battle against the Jin army, but it is not as expected. It’s simple, if you don’t perform well in the battle, you will suffer the defeat of the war again.

When a war fails and the monarch faces war again, he will have a lot of prudence, because the failure of the war can often have a great impact on the monarch, and the impact of the war cannot be eliminated in time. , Will bear more consequences after the war is over.

The strength of Guishuang’s army in the past was so powerful that it did not have much influence on the people of the Jin country, because the people of the Jin country saw that the Jin country’s army won the war when they fought against Guishuang. When Guishuang took the initiative to provoke Jin's army, it was normal for people to suffer corresponding losses.

In the war, the brave and good soldiers of the Jin army can show extremely strong strength in the process of fighting against the enemy. Just relying on the victory of the war will cause the enemy to have more problems in the battle.

Not to mention other things, it's just the equipment of the Jin army's soldiers, and how difficult it will be for the enemy army to achieve the same standard as the Jin army.

Generals of the Jin army who can win the battlefield again and again will have high morale during the battle. With the excellent equipment of the lieutenant generals, they can obtain more victories in the battle, which can make the enemy's micro warfare pay. More cost.

Victory in the war is often a great encouragement to the lieutenant soldiers. Such a victory in the war will give the lieutenant soldiers more confidence in the face of war.

What kind of performance the soldiers of the Jin army had when they fought on the battlefield was not a secret matter.

Why the enemy can't win the war when facing the Jin army? This is because their strength is too big compared with the Jin army. When such a gap is reflected in the war, it is the enemy army. The time has come to taste the taste of defeat in the war.

The brave and good fighters of the Jin army can win a lot of victories in battles, and they can even cause the enemy to pay more losses in the war.

Lü Bu was able to move from a prince to his current position step by step, relying on the strong strength of the lieutenant generals. When the strength of the lieutenant generals becomes stronger, Lu Bu does not need to have more when he leads the lieutenant generals on the battlefield. Worried, he can even lead the lieutenant soldiers to create more miracles on the battlefield.

The strength of the equipment of the Jin army soldiers is not comparable to that of the ordinary enemy army. It makes the enemy army more fearful when facing the Jin army, which is exactly what the Jin army soldiers have been pursuing.

The impact of the mighty power in the war cannot satisfy the Jin army soldiers. They have to give the enemy more deterrence in normal times, so that the enemy will have a lot of fear when they mention the Jin army. , In this way, when the war breaks out, the lieutenant soldiers will have a feeling of fear, and even in the battle, it will be difficult to exert their full strength.

The oppression of the momentum often has a great influence in a battle. The key is to see how the lieutenant generals use this aspect, so that the lieutenant generals have a better chance of fighting against the enemy. outstanding performance.

After the Feng Chan team set off, the impact on Chang'an soldiers and civilians was not small. The people and businessmen talked a lot about Feng Chan. In the face of Feng Chan, they would inevitably tell Lu Bu’s past achievements. Achievement, for ordinary people, is extremely shocking.

Being able to grow to his current position step by step, Lu Bu's achievements can definitely gain more pride.

Lu Bu was able to win the battle against the princes and against the Guishuang army. He relied on ordinary efforts. If the lieutenant soldiers could not show strong strength against the enemy, if Lu Bu treated the army. If there is no magnanimous attitude in the generals, the lieutenants will not have more respect when facing Lu Bu.

The respect between lieutenants and generals is often mutual. When the lieutenants feel Lu Bu’s goodwill, they will have a fanatical attitude towards Lu Bu. When facing Lu Bu’s orders, they will not have More disobedience, and even being able to rush to the battlefield for an order of Lu Bu, and even pay the price of his life on the battlefield.

What kind of achievements a lieutenant soldier will have when he fights on the battlefield often has a great influence on the development of the country.

At present, there are many foreign merchants in the city of Chang'an. Many of these merchants come from Guishuang and Anxi Empire, and most of them are merchants from Guishuang. The Western Regions are now the territory of the Jin Kingdom. Naturally, they cannot Call it a foreign country.

In fact, the people of the Western Regions did not reject the Jin army’s occupation and occupation more, because after the arrival of the Jin army, they brought them stable development, and even allowed them to hear more about the Jin army fighting against the enemy. When I was in the army, I got the news of victory.

At this time, the countries of the Western Regions themselves belonged to the Jin country. When they received such news, they would also feel the great glory.

From the past when the Jin army attacked the Western countries, we can see more that when the Jin army soldiers appear in a confrontation, what kind of impact can they have on the battlefield situation is only based on the original Western countries. The country’s military strength, even if it unites against the Jin army, it is impossible to win.

Besides, when the Jin army captured the city, it did not wantonly slaughter the people in the city because of the victory of the war. On the contrary, it treated the people with a kind attitude.

Among the countries of the Western Regions, there are a large number of merchants themselves. When the countries of the Western Regions are owned by Jin, these merchants have found a way to develop. Jin has made great achievements in business, only in The achievements in business are enough to make the businessmen of the Western Regions have more awe of Jin.

Obtaining more benefits when doing business is what the businessmen are pursuing. When these businessmen see that they can gain benefits after going to Chang'an for business, they will not have much opposition to the rule of Jin.

Even in the process of the Jin army's rule, more cooperation will be given.

The strength of the Guishuang Empire is not a secret in the Western Regions, but the powerful Guishuang Empire’s army still ended in the defeat of the war after encountering the brave and capable Jin army. It is also exciting for the people of the Western Regions.

The victory of the Jin army was the victory of the people of the Western Regions. When the merchants of the Western Regions saw the status quo of the Guishuang merchants, they actually had a lot of fortune in their hearts.

The methods used by the Jin army on the battlefield in the past were extremely powerful. Who would have thought that the Jin army soldiers would have the same achievements when they were on the battlefield.

When such an achievement shocks people from more countries, they will feel how lucky it is to become a citizen of the Jin country.

Otherwise, waiting for Jin's army to attack forcefully, the consequences would be unimaginable.

It is something to be proud of to be able to win the war against the enemy. The soldiers of the Jin army won many victories when they fought on the battlefield, and more enemy troops were destroyed. When such a Jin army appeared on the battlefield, After the battlefield, the enemy can feel more fear.

When the Jin army has extremely powerful strength, the people of the Western Regions will not violate the rule of the Jin army and will even develop steadily under the rule of the Jin army.

Business is what the businessmen of the Western Regions are best at. They also have great achievements in business. In terms of business experience, they are not much better than those from the Jin Kingdom.

Besides, when the Jin country has so many rare goods that can attract people a lot, the merchants of the Western Regions naturally saw the arrival of opportunities, as long as they can have more achievements in operating these goods, Why can't you get more benefits?

At present, the strength of the Jin army is strong, and there is even an alliance between the Anxi Empire. After entering Guishuang to do business, there will even be a lot of preferential taxation. These things will have a great stimulus for the merchants to do business. , Allowing these businessmen to see more possibilities when doing business.

Besides, as long as it is possible to obtain more benefits, how can businessmen have more dislikes?

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