Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5205: : Huang Zhong's full stop

However, this also shows that Huang Zhong has great wisdom. After gaining more credit, it is not the most wise move to retreat. Otherwise, even if Huang Zhong is in the court, more will be done. It's just a mess. As a general in the army, he can't lead a lieutenant to fight on the battlefield. This is a great torture for a general in itself.

Presumably Huang Zhong was so keen on returning home because he saw the things in it.

Huang Zhong’s ability to tell his old man to return home is actually a good choice. With Huang Zhong’s contribution to the Jin country, he can still enjoy good treatment after returning home. This kind of treatment will be good for Huang Zhong to come in the future. It is said to be very helpful.

Especially the descendants of Huang Zhong, can enjoy more favor from the sage.

Huang Xu, the son of Huang Zhong, is also a well-known general in the Jin army. It can be seen more in his performance against the enemy in the past. When Huang Xu led the lieutenant generals in a confrontation. , The impact on the situation on the battlefield is still relatively large, Huang Xu can have today's reputation and status in the Jin army, more by relying on his own efforts.

In the battle again and again, he has gained credit, so that Huang Xu has gained more growth in the Jin army.

Huang Zhong did little to help Huang Xu in such a process, and it was entirely for Huang Xu to fight on his own.

This way, it is an important reason for Huang Xu to grow rapidly.

"General Huang succeeded in retiring, this officer is envious, Huang Xu, Huang Xu's beloved son, is now a general in the Jin army, and he will definitely do a lot in the future." Jia Xu praised.

When it comes to Huang Xu, Huang Zhong’s expression has a lot of pride. Even if he leaves the Jin army, Huang Xu is still able to serve in the Jin army and contribute to the development of the Jin country. With Huang Xu’s ability, Getting more credit on the battlefield is itself a simple matter.

Besides, when Huang Xu led the army, he had outstanding achievements. Just relying on Huang Xu's achievements in previous wars was enough to make Huang Xu's position in the army more stable.

Huang Zhong left the Jin army safely, and he also had a lot of expectations for Huang Xu. He wanted Huang Xu to get more growth in the army, and it would be better to make more contributions to the development of Jin.

It can be seen from the current situation of Jin that after the victory of the wars, the emperor of Jin cannot be satisfied, and this situation is a good opportunity for generals in the army, as long as it is When they lead the lieutenant generals to gain more credit when fighting against the enemy, they will get more growth. Such growth opportunities are extremely important for the generals in the army.

Otherwise, even if a general has more abilities, it is not easy to get a promotion in status.

The Jin army is full of competition. If you can't stand out from such competition, you will face more challenges.

"Zhong Shu, the lieutenant general entered the city, the old man is busy." Huang Zhong clasped his fist.

Jia Xu gave a gift in return, looked at the figure of Huang Zhong going away, and nodded slightly. After receiving so much credit, Huang Zhong chose to sue his old man and return to his hometown. It is enough to see that Huang Zhong is loyal to the Jin country and knows that he is here. It is impossible for the army to have a chance to fight, so it is better to give up the position and give it to the young generals.

In fact, Huang Zhong’s current achievements are enough to leave a strong mark in history. Victory in the battle of Kangju and the Xiongnu will be the end of Huang Zhong’s military career. When people refer to Huang Zhong in the future, they will also There will be many sighs.

A general is proud to be able to win the battle against the enemy. If he can often win the battle against the enemy, he will be remembered.

What's more, Huang Zhong is already a little old after taking refuge in Lu Bu. He is such a general who can lead the lieutenant generals to victory on the battlefield. When fighting against the enemy's fierce generals, he is not to be outdone and can cut the enemy's fierce generals. Killing, archery is amazing, one bow and five arrows can still be done, such a general is the most precious wealth among the Jin army.

It is precisely because there are many warriors and good generals in the Jin army that it is possible for Jin to avoid more problems in the process of development. That is the most dangerous thing.

From the fierce performances of the Jin army soldiers against the enemy in the past, it can be seen more that the Jin army soldiers have a yearning for war, and they want to bring more damage to the enemy on the battlefield. Want to make the enemy pay more in the war.

The success of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield is enviable. It is even more difficult for the enemy to win the battle against the Jin army.

Among the Jin army, the elite soldiers can give more guarantee to the development of the Jin country. Otherwise, if there is a chaos by the younger generation in the dark, what kind of force can be used to suppress it.

The situation of the Jin Kingdom is obvious to all. All of this has a lot to do with the efforts of the civil officials and generals of the Jin Kingdom. After the Jin army soldiers can win the battle against the enemy again and again, it is for the Jin army soldiers. It is a great encouragement and a great pride for the people of Jin.

After entering the city, Huang Zhong immediately commanded the lieutenant generals to take over the control of the city, and only after holding the control of the city in his hands, could Huang Zhong feel more at ease.

It is no secret in Jin that the emperor of Jin went to Mount Tai to enshrine the Zen. If someone with a heart wants to be unfavorable to the emperor of Jin, he might be quietly lurking in Fenggao City.

After the emperor of the Jin Kingdom came to Taishan County, he would definitely enter Fenggao City. At that time, he only needs to take action in Fenggao City.

Since he was ordered to take charge of affairs in the army, Huang Zhong would do his best to prevent other situations from appearing when he was in charge of the army.

It is good that the current situation in Jin is relatively stable. No one can be sure that there will be no younger generation in the dark.

From the past development of Jin, we can see that while Jin is developing rapidly, it also has many enemies. Among them, the biggest enemy hidden in the dark is the family and wealthy people.

For the benefit of the family, members of the wealthy family are often desperate. If the family they belong to is destroyed, they will definitely have a lot of hatred towards Lu Bu. Under such circumstances, everything is possible.

If these people are unfavorable to the Feng Chan team in Fenggao City, the important officials of the Jin State, or even Lu Bu, may be harmed. After such an event occurs, it will have a big impact on the Jin State.

The stability and development of the Jin state is shocking, and it will also make it more stable under the Jin state. If other conditions occur, what impact will it have on Lu Bu's reputation?

The soldiers of the Jin army can get victories again and again when they fight the enemy. Such victories give the lieutenant soldiers more possibilities in the face of war.

At the same time, it will also make Jin's rule more stable. As the commander-in-chief of the army, Huang Zhong will need to consider more issues at this time.

It is necessary to ensure the stability of Fenggao City, let the lieutenant soldiers control the city more, and exclude more threatening forces.

In fact, in Huang Zhong’s opinion, the safest way is to station outside the city. However, when the emperor of Jin came to the city under his rule, he would not dare to enter the city due to security issues. The reputation impact will be even greater.

What a proud person Lu Bu is. In the past, when faced with how difficult wars, Lu Bu did not give in, let alone a mere junior.

Lu Bu, who has been on the battlefield for many years, led the lieutenant generals to win many victories. The merits of Lu Bu on the battlefield are not comparable to those of generals in the army. It is precisely because of this that Lu Bu’s prestige in the army is other The generals are incomparable. It is impossible to compare with Lu Bu in terms of prestige.

Even the important generals in the Jin army were extremely cautious when facing Lu Bu, because they knew Lu Bu’s influence in the army. When Lu Bu’s order was issued, even the generals wanted to violate There is no such guts.

It is Huang Zhong’s top priority to ensure the safety of Lu Bu entering the city. The army responsible for enforcing the Zen team is glorious on the surface, and there is no danger at all, but after you do it, you will understand that there are actually many aspects. All things need to be considered.

The officials who came with them were important officials of the Jin State. If some of them made a mistake, even if Huang Zhong had a high position in the court of Jin State, it would not be a problem to explain this clearly. Easy things.

Huang Zhong has already planned to return to his hometown. The most important thing is to do the last thing well before returning to his hometown, and to draw a successful end to his military career.

Huang Zhong naturally cares about fame. This is also an important reason why Huang Zhong was unwilling to take refuge in Lu Bu easily. However, after Huang Zhong has achieved the current achievements under Lu Bu’s command, he has no more for Lu Bu. Repulsion, even when facing things, will think more from the perspective of Lu Bu, in order to naturally make the strength of Jin country stronger.

When the strength of the Jin country becomes stronger, as the generals in the Jin army, the benefits gained can make more.

Lu Bu became the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. If such a thing were placed at the beginning of the princes' campaign, he would inevitably be attacked by more princes. But in the later stage of the princes' campaign, when the princes became more powerful Such things seem to be less important than imagined, as long as they have enough strength, even if they are called kings and emperors, what can they do?

Besides, when the monarch has ambitions, it will have a great influence on the officials under the rule. At least the officials under the rule can see that the hope of following them is not.

If a prince does not have the corresponding ambitions and shows insufficient courage when the Han Dynasty is unknown, it is often difficult for such a monarch to get more support.

In fact, we can see more from Lu Bu's previous actions that Lu Bu is an ambitious man, and his ambition has been fully demonstrated when he is fighting against the enemy.

Even if the enemy's strength is strong, it still can't stop Lu Bu's development. Such Lu Bu often has a great influence on the princes, and it is inevitable that the princes will have more worries when they fight against Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's growth among the princes is shocking. What makes how many enemy troops have to worry about Lu Bu's strength when fighting against Lu Bu.

Those who entered the city were the elites of the Jin army. After entering the city, these elite soldiers immediately took control of the important places in the city, so that the subsequent team entering the city could obtain greater security in terms of safety.

The bright armor and capable Jin army soldiers attracted a lot of attention after entering the city, especially after receiving the news, the people who came to watch on both sides of the street looked at the Jin army soldiers, but there were many surprises. of.

The same soldiers in the army, the defenders in Fenggao City, there is obviously a gap in equipment compared with this army, not to mention the other is just the spirit, the soldiers of the Jin army who entered the city are obviously more height of.

From the soldiers who entered the city, the killing intent could even be felt faintly. These are elite soldiers who have experienced wars and can win the war against the enemy. Now after entering the city, they even show their indecision. The same posture.

The defenders in the city, after receiving the order, did not dare to neglect the slightest.

As soldiers of the Jin army, they understand the principle of prohibition. Although guarding the city at this time is something to be proud of for the lieutenant soldiers, but after receiving the order, they must execute it quickly.

It cannot be said that because of the merits, you disobey the order. Such a situation should not happen to the lieutenant soldiers.

Otherwise, the military system will not allow it.

There are not many defenders in Taishan. When they saw the elites of the Jin army enter the city and take over the control of the city, the envy in their expressions was very obvious. There was no war in the defenders of Taishan County. , It is obviously difficult to get more credit in the battle.

The Jin army does have an expedition. The key is to be an elite soldier in the army to get the corresponding opportunity in the course of the expedition. It is not possible for any team to be on the battlefield.

Only soldiers with outstanding performance in ordinary training have the opportunity to fight. Because of this, the opportunity for lieutenants to be on the battlefield is very rare. The army in each state requires extremely strict requirements in ordinary training. .

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