Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5212: : There is nothing that Lu Bu dare not do

If the number of such officials increases, it will definitely have a certain impact on the normal order of North Korea and China. It is precisely because of Lu Bu’s efforts that the development of the wealthy family has been subject to many restrictions, but there are still problems in the court of Jin. An official from a young family and a wealthy family.

It is simply impossible to completely eliminate officials from aristocratic families.

At present, there are still many talents that aristocrats can provide for the development of the country, but there are many important officials in the court that come from the elites.

It's just that these officials are relatively low-key when they do things normally.

Allowing the most trusted person to take charge of the intelligence will make Lu Bu feel more at ease and avoid many unfavorable situations in secret.

In the development of Jin, it is inevitable that many problems will be encountered. At this time, the secret intelligence system can provide more help for the development of Jin.

It can be said that to a large extent, the intelligence system is the emperor's important eyes and ears to know more about the situation under the rule.

The emperor only deals with the affairs of the central government and does not care more about local affairs. For such an emperor, it is quite difficult for such an emperor to achieve more stability and development under the rule.

From the way of development of Jin, we can see that the people who have the greatest impact on Jin are in fact ordinary people. In the process of development, Jin has paid a lot of attention to the people.

And what is the specific living conditions of the local people, and if they can’t learn more, how can they have a more appropriate method when dealing with government affairs?

Lu Bu is the prince of a country. When dealing with some things, he needs to be more cautious. When dealing with his courtiers, he even needs to have a certain amount of precaution.

In Lu Bu's view, the monarch should not be like this. If he has a trustworthy courtier, he can also put his heart down.

Jia Xu and others have made great contributions to the development of the Jin country in the past. It is reasonable for such officials to gain more trust. Could it be said that other officials would still have opinions on such matters.

Jia Xu and others followed Lv Bu from the beginning and helped Lv Bu grow up to where he is now. It can be said to have made great contributions to it. It is reasonable to be able to enjoy better treatment in normal times.

Why didn’t Jia Xu want to behave more casually in front of the monarch, but Jia Xu didn’t dare to do so. At present, Lu Bu has a very good attitude towards his subjects. Who can be sure that when Lu Bu is doing things in the future, It will still be like this.

If Lu Bu changes in the future, he will inevitably have suspicions after thinking of the actions of some courtiers. Suspicions from the emperor are often extremely terrifying things for a courtier.

That's why Jia Xu is cautious and cautious when doing things normally, and will not leave people with words, or that, more often, he adopts a strategy of keeping himself safe.

After the two talked, Jia Xu left Lu Bu’s residence, but Jia Xu could not be at peace in his heart. From Lu Bu’s words, Jia Xu could feel the importance and trust that Lu Bu placed on him. After becoming the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, he can still have such behaviors. Just such behaviors are enough to make Jia Xu a lot grateful.

Jia Xu's current status in Jin has a lot to do with Lu Bu's promotion. Without Lu Bu's promotion, it would be absolutely impossible to grow to where he is today.

Important officials from the three provinces not only control the intelligence system, but such officials absolutely have an important position in the eyes of the emperor.

However, Jia Xu had to be cautious when doing things normally. Once people are in a certain position, they need to have more things to worry about. Who can be sure that no one covets his position in secret.

It would be a great honor for the important officials of the three provinces to reach such a position. The brains of the three provinces have the same status as the three males of the past, and they can even participate in the handling of government affairs.

These powers alone are enough to make more officials go crazy. If they can find a chance to drive Jia Xu from such a position, they will not give up easily.

Jia Xu is very careful when doing things normally. It is not easy to grasp Jia Xu's handle.

Moreover, Lu Bu has a lot of trust in Jia Xu. Under such circumstances, it is too difficult to pull Jia Xu from his current position. If such a thing cannot be successful, it will be very difficult. To a large extent angered Lu Bu.

Who can be sure that Jia Xu, who is in charge of the intelligence system, will not have other means in secret.

Therefore, when the officials of the DPRK and the Chinese government treat Jia Xu normally, they are more cautious, and have a respectful attitude towards Jia Xu as much as possible.

After offending officials like Jia Xu, the consequences are often serious. If there is no proper method to deal with these things, more problems may arise.

And this time Jia Xu was responsible for the planning and advice during the ceremony of enshrining the Zen. Only Lu Bu’s appointment in this regard can tell that Jia Xu still has an important place in Lu Bu's heart.

The trust from the monarch makes Jia Xu feel full of confidence. Following a monarch like Lu Bu, he doesn’t need to worry about his merits, and he can even get more help from the monarch when doing things normally. .

What other things are more enjoyable than this? Besides, when Jia Xu is dealing with some things, he has extraordinary abilities. These abilities can make Jia Xu more appropriate in handling affairs.

Following Lv Bu in the past is the most wise choice for Jia Xu today. As for the development of the family’s strength, Jia Xu doesn’t care more about it. From the current system of Jin, we can see that the Jin country treats aristocratic families. However, there will be no more support for the development of the empire. When the power of the wealthy family makes the monarch more fearful, maybe the monarch will secretly take action.

Given Lu Bu's current prestige and influence in the Jin country, even if some actions were discovered in the dark, could it be said that some families dare to stand up and defy Lu Bu?

Don't say anything else, just the achievements of the lieutenant soldiers in the war are enough to shock more people.

The soldiers of the Jin army fought on the battlefield and were able to obtain many victories when fighting against the enemy. Such victories in exchange for Lü Bu's prestige in the Jin Kingdom can be improved to the greatest extent.

When more aristocratic families are secretly dissatisfied with Lu Bu, they can only converge these emotions very well.

Living in the Jin country is indeed a great torture for some wealthy families. Talents in the family need to pass the imperial examination if they want to enter the officialdom. Such things are not for the big man, but Lu Bu was in the imperial examination. In terms of the system, it shows such a strong force. If you want to become an official of the Jin country, you must pass the imperial examination. If you can't have the corresponding results in the imperial examination, it is absolutely impossible to enter the officialdom.

In such a process, the poor children can get more opportunities. After all, this is their best opportunity to enter the court. If they can seize the opportunity to enter the court, this is the glory of the poor children.

It's not just the children of the poor family, but even the children of ordinary people can still enter the court after their own efforts.

Such a system has a great impact on the wealthy family. In the past, the wealthy family members were able to have a great influence in the court, and the talents in the family have a great relationship with the court. .

However, it is difficult to achieve such a thing in the Jin country. Not only that, the talents in their family want to stand out in the imperial examination, it is often not that simple.

The imperial examination system would exclude those who have no corresponding skills among the descendants of the wealthy family, frustrating the idea of ​​these people who want to rely on family influence to enter the officialdom.

It is precisely because the Jin country has such a system that many aristocratic families have secretly cursed Lu Bu.

It happened that they could only show respect in front of Lu Bu. Who made Lu Bu's prestige in the Jin country too high? Even if officials from a wealthy family want to act in secret, they also need to consider. What kind of impact will this have on their family?

If today's emperors are angered by such a thing, it is often a disaster for their family.

It can be seen from Lu Bu's past actions that when the wealthy clan fell into Lu Bu's hands, these families would face Lu Bu's revenge.

Such retaliation is often not something a family can bear, because more families live in Jin, and they can only do things as low-key as possible.

Even if the members of the family cannot enter the officialdom smoothly, the family's strength is strong, and it is completely possible to give the family a chance to grow through the way of doing business.

However, in the eyes of more officials from aristocratic families, such things as business are not influential. Although Jin has made great achievements in business, businessmen are still businessmen with strong financial resources and ability. how.

In the eyes of more aristocratic families, only after having the corresponding power in their hands can they feel more at ease.

The role that financial resources can play in some cases is often inferior to that of power.

Let’s talk about the current situation in the officialdom of Jin. The civil servants and generals of Jin are very clear. It is difficult to succeed if they want to violate the law and discipline in the officialdom of Jin. , Who can be sure that such a thing will not be detected.

How many families have fluke thoughts in their hearts, and they are unlucky in Lu Bu's hands. When these things happen too many, more officials will be more cautious when doing things.

Because these officials are worried that some of their actions will anger Lu Bu to a large extent, and then bring them more influence.

What could not have happened to other emperors would still be the case after it reached Lu Bu.

From the way Lu Bu did things in the past, it can be seen that there is nothing that Lu Bu dare not do.

When the princes fought, the other princes had a respectful attitude towards the wealthy family. They wanted to draw more family and wealthy families for their own use and help them grow stronger in the troubled times, but such things were put to Lu Bu. It's different afterwards.

Not only did he not have a corresponding attitude when dealing with the family's rich family, he even took out the fields that originally belonged to the family's rich family and distributed it to ordinary people.

After Lu Bu did such a move in Bingzhou, it shocked the family in the world. Who would have thought that Lu Bu, who was a military commander, would be so reckless when doing things.

Facts have proved that Lu Bu's recklessness has been exchanged for the tyrannical situation of the Jin country. At that time, I am afraid that Lu Bu had already seen the important role of the people.

Now that the emperor of Jin is holding a meditation ceremony, is it not the best proof of Jin's strength?

In fact, many aristocratic families have gradually stabilized the situation in the Jin country, but they have no more hatred for Lu Bu. When the city under the rule is more stable, the family life will be safer in it. If it continues, these families will also be greatly affected.

Besides, Lu Bu did have extraordinary means when he was governing the city. When the strength of the Jin country became more powerful, as a member of the Jin country, they also had a lot of pride to speak of.

Lv Bu had corresponding means under the rule of, which can strengthen the strength of lieutenants and soldiers during the rapid development of the Jin country, and even make the Jin army more powerful for the territory of the Jin country. The vast expedition.

How vast the territory of the Jin Kingdom is at present, such a thing is absolutely unimaginable in the past, but such a thing is realized in a military commander like Lu Bu.

If you only look at Lu Bu as a general, such a move is the biggest mistake. From the time Lu Bu did things, you can see that it’s not that Lu Bu didn’t know more about some things, but that Lu Bu didn’t know more about some things. The corresponding move.

In other words, Lu Bu has absolute confidence in his actions. For example, in dealing with the family and wealthy family, the princes were fortunate after learning about Lu Bu’s actions. After all, Lu Bu was a powerful existence among the princes, just Lu Bu's cavalry can bring great destructive power on the battlefield.

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