Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5223: : All you get is his corpse

In the past, the powerful princes could only bear the price of failure when facing Lu Bu, which is the best proof.

In the dark, but Wang Yue’s contribution to the Jin Kingdom is very great. Now Wang Yue has withdrawn from the power of the shadow guard, but Wang Yue’s master, Shi Ah, has become the leader of the shadow guard. Wang Yue is still very satisfied. At any time, do not underestimate the power of Lu Bu in secret. Why does Wang Yue dare not make any mistakes when facing Lu Bu? It is because Wang Yue understands that Lu Bu is in charge. The power of this is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Not only the shadow guards, the flying eagle soldiers, and the Black Ice Terrace, all of which have made great contributions to the development of the Jin Kingdom. If it were not for Wang Yue to withdraw from the shadow guard, he would like to participate in the Feng Chan activities. , The righteous and honest is definitely not enough, more of it is to hide in the dark.

After retreating from the position of being in charge of the shadow guard, Wang Yue did not regret much. Looking at the past, being able to have the current results under Lu Bu's command has made Wang Yue very satisfied.

After taking refuge in one of the princes, you can get enough attention and even more credit. It is not just the recklessness on the rivers and lakes, even the literati cannot calm Altogic when faced with such temptations.

The officials who followed Lu Bu at the beginning, as long as they have corresponding performances, their status is not low now. This is also Lu Bu's return to those who initially followed. In the face of such returns, it will make the officials under his command more of you. Feeling Lv Bu's friendship, these things prove very well that even though Lv Bu is in a high position, he still hasn't forgotten his former subordinates.

Following such a monarch often makes the subjects feel more at ease. In fact, some subjects are most worried that after the monarch has achieved a certain position, he will have a lot of fear for the subordinates who have been credited in the past. This kind of thing itself is extremely It's normal, but these things didn't happen to Lu Bu, and even after achieving such a great achievement, he was still so polite to his former courtiers.

Just from the performance of Lv Bu, it can be seen that Lv Bu is a monarch with a mind. The current achievements cannot satisfy the powerful Lv Bu. What Lv Bu needs is the civil servants and generals who will lead the Jin country. The act.

If it weren't for Wang Yue's old age, he would definitely not back down on such matters.

After following Lu Bu for a long time, Wang Yue also has a lot of understanding of Lu Bu's character. After such an incident, according to Lu Bu's character, he will definitely not let it go. Such things are even involved. The important officials of the DPRK and China can't even think about the possibility of appeasement here in Lu Bu.

In fact, when the power of the Jin country became stronger and stronger, the officials of the DPRK and China were cautious when dealing with Lu Bu, because they understood that with Lu Bu’s current strength, they wanted to shake Lu Bu’s influence in some respects. Stupid actions, such actions, not only fail to succeed, but also irritate Lu Bu to a large extent. This kind of thankless thing, most people would not choose to do it.

Besides, living under Lu Bu’s rule can get a stable life. There is no need to worry about the impact of war, because from the current situation, it is only possible that the Jin army will attack the enemy under the rule of the enemy. Jin's city poses a threat, and its strength is far from enough.

The generals of the Jin army were able to win many victories when fighting against the enemy, making the territory of the Jin country even wider. From this perspective, Lu Bu deserves more people to follow him.

When the monarch can have more achievements, it follows that the officials under the rule can get tangible benefits in such a process.

After the territorial expansion under the rule of the monarchy, the officials under the rule need to work hard for it, and such efforts are what the officials under the rule of the monarch want to see most.

When the strength of the Jin army becomes more powerful, it will bring more benefits, which will enable capable officials to get more promotion.

The current development of the Jin country is very good. The number of officials from the common people will increase. This will break the monopoly of the wealthy family. It is impossible for them to achieve a monopoly in terms of talents. , Even if Lu Bu is gone in the future, as long as the Jin State system continues to persist, the so-called influence of the wealthy family will become weaker and weaker.

Wang Yue and Shi A did not have a good impression of the wealthy family. Perhaps it was the experience of the past. When they saw that Lu Bu had a sharp approach to the wealthy family, they felt comfortable in their hearts.

Normally, these wealthy family members have a higher eye than the top, and the generals will only receive a lot of contempt in front of them. However, in the current state of Jin, when facing the generals, the civilian officials dare not be in these aspects. Excessive performance.

If these things reach Lu Bu's ears, it will definitely have a great impact on a civil official. Who made Lu Bu himself a military commander?

It was in this situation that Lu Bu, led by a hundred officials in the court, encountered an assassin on the way. This assassin’s ability to hide his tracks was very powerful, and even directly threatened Lu Bu’s safety. Although Lu Bu had nothing to do, One of Lu Bu's concubine, but after he blocked the assassin's attack, his life or death was unknown. It is conceivable how much anger Lu Bu would have at this time.

The most important thing is to capture the assassin alive as soon as possible. Even if it is very difficult to capture an assassin alive, the generals of Jin will not give up. This assassination must be investigated clearly and dare to be here. Waiting for the critical moment, assassinating the emperor of Jin, such a fault is inexcusable.

After this incident is over, not only the generals in the army, but also some officials in the DPRK will be implicated.

Responsible for Feng Chan is very good in itself. The current situation in the Jin Kingdom is stable, and the strength of the Jin army is strong. Who dares to challenge Lu Bu's authority at this time, but there are assassins appearing in the Feng Chan team.

But these things are not currently the most important.

Shi Ah came with a sword, but it gave Latularu a great deterrent. From Shi Ah, what Latularu felt was Ling Li’s killing intent. It was only from Shi Ah’s hand that he pulled Tularu can conclude that Shi A is very different from the previous Dian Wei, Dian Wei is a fierce general on the battlefield, and Shi A is a master of swordsmanship.

If it were in ordinary times, Latularu might have the mind to learn swordsmanship with Shi-A, but now it is different. He is in the Jin army, and the assassination cannot be completed. The most important thing is how to do it. Important figures in the Jin country were hit hard, or fled from the Jin army.

In fact, after seeing more Jin army generals arrive, Latularu understood that under these circumstances, it is obviously impossible to leave the Jin army. It comes from the martial arts displayed by the Jin army generals. Look, if you want to win in the battle, the chances are slim.

If it is done secretly, Latula is confident that he can kill Dianwei. Even though Dianwei is a fierce general on the battlefield, a swordsman like Latula often requires only one move to kill. , And before the action, they will hide their traces as much as possible.

The purpose is to be able to make a hit during the assassination. When Latularu assassinated Lu Bu, didn’t he use this method? Although Latularu may be inferior to Lu Bu in martial arts. However, Latula bluntly relied on his powerful swordsmanship and good hiding, which brought many threats to Lu Bu's safety.

If it were not for Mi Zhen to block the attack at the critical moment, the outcome would be unpredictable.

Such things were not successful. In fact, Ratularu had a lot of regret in his heart. With such a good opportunity, it is basically impossible to get things that are basically impossible. After the assassination happened in the Feng Zen team, it is inevitable. It will make the lieutenant soldiers more vigilant, if a stranger approaches, they will definitely block it.

In this assassination, Latula was aiming to succeed. Who would have thought that such a situation would happen.

However, if Latula will not regret the assassination, after making the emperor of Jin feel threatened, he will be more restrained when doing things, even if the Jin army has strong strength when fighting on the battlefield. What's more, in this world, there are still people who can threaten Lu Bu's safety.

The threat that Jin army soldiers can bring to the enemy is often great when they fight on the battlefield. How to win the battle against the Jin army is also a problem that many generals need to think about.

The point is, judging from the combat effectiveness currently displayed by the Jin army, it is almost impossible to win the war against the Jin army.

The rays of light displayed by the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield are extremely dazzling. Even if they are the powerful Guishuang soldiers, after encountering the Jin army soldiers, they still ended in failure. From these aspects, we can see that Jin The toughness and fierceness of the generals.

Fighting against the generals of the Jin army is always full of many dangers, but after the start of the war, the lieutenants often have no more choices. All they need to follow is the command of the generals.

Shi A joined the battle, and there was danger. Even though Latularu had a strong martial arts, facing the offensive of Dian Wei and Shi A, it was somewhat difficult to stop.

Dianwei’s moves are open and close, each of which contains great power. Not only that, Dianwei’s double halberds, while containing formidable strength, are unpredictable, if it were not for Ratularu’s martial arts. , Maybe in the previous confrontation, he had already killed Dian Wei.

To be able to become the commander of the personal guards around Lu Bu, Dianwei’s martial arts is so powerful that there is no doubt, besides, Dianwei’s heart is full of anger at this time. In the Jin army, he will encounter an assassin. I can only say this. The assassin was too cunning, and the guards were a little relaxed at this time.

This assassin must be captured alive, and the ins and outs of the matter must be explored, so that those involved in this operation will pay the greatest price. Only in this way can Lu Bu's anger be calmed.

Normally, there are many assassinations that Lu Bu endured. However, when encountering an assassination, Lu Bu was in no danger. This time, the situation was completely different. If many of Lu Bu’s concubines were determined in the most urgent moments. If he stepped forward to block the assassin's attack for Lu Bu, maybe Lu Bu had fallen in a pool of blood at this time.

This kind of thing is very exciting for the soldiers of the Jin army. They cross the battlefield and can win victory from the powerful enemy. Even if the strength of the enemy army is strong, it is difficult to get it when encountering the Jin army. Victorious, when guarding Lu Bu, he should be more responsible.

Shi's swordsmanship is superb, Dianwei's moves are fierce, and in a blink of an eye, Ratularu has two wounds on his body. The wounds are deep into the flesh and blood is flowing.

There was a cold smile at the corner of Latularu’s mouth. How could it be such a simple thing to capture him alive? As Guishuang’s number one master, Latula has the glory that belongs to him, assassinating him. After the action fails, the enemy can only get his corpse.

After the wound on his body, Raturaru's actions were obviously slower, but after blocking Shi A's attack, Raturaru resolutely rushed to Dianwei and stabbed the double halberd.

The double halberd pierced his chest, feeling the passing of life, and Latularu’s expression showed nostalgia. This assassination was to allow Guishuang to get a chance to change after his defeat against Jin. He did not expect, It is still a failure. Although the distance to success is only a short distance away, failure is failure. At this time, even if there are more excuses, it is of no use.

Ratularu was able to grow to the point where it is now It has a lot to do with the hard training of the past. He couldn't help thinking of the days when he learned swordsmanship with his master and the days when Guishuang became famous. What a glorious Latula waiting time.

It is also known as the number one master of Guishuang.

However, in the process of assassinating Lu Bu, what Latularu saw was a master of swordsmanship. Compared with the masters of swordsmanship that he had seen in Guishuang in the past, there seemed to be no shortage of them in Jin, and they could even produce them during the offensive. The power is greater.

Apart from other things, just the emperor of Jin's swordsmanship is not comparable to ordinary people. If you face the emperor of Jin, it is not a simple matter to win.

This is also an important reason why the emperor of Jin, after achieving his current status, still dared to lead his lieutenants on the battlefield. When the emperor of Jin appeared on the battlefield, there were very few people who could pose a threat to the emperor of Jin. of.

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