Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5238: : Guishuang is defensive against Jin

Huang Zhong hurriedly returned the courtesy: "The words of the book are heavy. Since I was in charge of protecting the safety of the Zen team, I would naturally not have more slack in this matter. There was an assassination in the army before. It’s the good words of Zhongshu in front of the Holy Master that he won’t make the Holy Master blame him. It’s just that I feel ashamed in the general’s heart, and Mi Niangniang was seriously injured."

Jia Xu said: "It is impossible to achieve all aspects of the ceremonial ceremony, but in the following process, there must be no omissions, let alone any opportunity for Xiao Xiaoxiao."

Huang Zhong nodded, agreeing with Jia Xu's words. As the commander-in-chief of the army, Huang Zhong's pressure is very great at this time. If there is nothing extraordinary when dealing with these things, After the ceremony is over, he will receive more criticism. This situation is not what Huang Zhong wants to see. As an important general in the Jin army, Huang Zhong led the lieutenant generals on the battlefield in the past. At this time, but with great military exploits, Feng Chan was very important to the Jin country, and there should be no mistakes in the middle.

The assassination in Feng Chan's team had a lot to do with Huang Zhong. Lu Bu didn't have more questions about this matter, and it didn't mean that Huang Zhong's mood would be better.

Jin’s achievements today have a lot to do with the efforts of Lu Bu and the Chinese officials and military commanders of the Dynasty. Jin’s soldiers can win many battles in battle. If there is no support behind them, they want to be It is simply impossible to achieve greater success during the battle.

From the past, we can see that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the development of lieutenants and soldiers, so that lieutenants and lieutenants can enjoy better treatment as much as possible. Only in this way can civilians and generals fight the battlefield and cause heavy damage to the enemy. .

Only after winning the war again and again, just the achievements of the civilian officers and generals on the battlefield are enough to make more enemies feel deep fear.

If this is the case, it is still not enough in Huang Zhong’s view. The current state of Jin’s development is very good. If the monarch can lead the lieutenant officers to have greater deeds on the battlefield, it will be beneficial to the development of Jin. The impact will be greater.

Just in this respect, it will make the Jin army soldiers have more confidence in the battle against the enemy.

What can be seen more from past confrontations is how much influence it can bring to the enemy when civilians and generals appear on the battlefield.

Even if the Guishuang Empire is powerful, it is quite difficult to get benefits from the Jin army. Not to mention other things, just the performance of the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield will give Guishuang a lot of things. The fear of Guishuang's army made it difficult for Guishuang's army to exert its powerful combat effectiveness when facing the Jin army.

This situation is good for the long-term development of the Jin army. If the monarch does not pay more attention to the lieutenants and soldiers after they dominate the world, this is the most painful thing for the lieutenants and soldiers.

Besides, these things did not happen in the past dynasties. When the war is settled down, the role of civilian officials is more important than that of military commanders, because after the rule is stabilized, it is necessary for civilian officials to be in the process of governance. Highlight a more important role.

Relatively speaking, it is impossible for the generals to use their abilities without war.

When the lieutenant generals are fighting on the battlefield, they can cause great damage to the enemy. Such a confrontation allows the Jin army generals to occupy more advantages when fighting the enemy.

Even if the enemy's strength is strong, the lieutenant soldiers can create miracles one by one on the battlefield. Just this aspect of things is enough to make the Jin army leave a resounding reputation in history.

After Lv Bu dominated the world, he did not give up the restraint on the lieutenants and soldiers because of the end of the war. He even worked harder in the training of lieutenants and soldiers, so that the lieutenants and soldiers can be more powerful after hard training. Strength.

This situation is most beneficial to the development of civilians and generals. The most worried thing about military lieutenants is that when a war occurs, they are not able to use their skills. Ordinary hard training is not to one day have a better life on the battlefield. To play.

Even if the strength of the enemy force can pose a threat to one's own side, how can it be, how many powerful enemy forces the Jin army has defeated when fighting on the battlefield, is only based on the current achievements of the Jin army outside the Western Regions. I can see more of the problems in this area.

In the old days outside the Western Regions, there were very few people who knew Jin’s prestige, but after the end of the war, Jin’s prestige became louder and louder, and even Jin’s merchants could enjoy it when they went to do business. What you get is better treatment.

All of this is based on the strength of the Jin country. If there is no such factor in it, it would be impossible for the businessmen of the Jin country to get more convenience.

The strength of the Jin country can make the people of the Jin country have a higher status when making friends with foreigners, so that the so-called foreigners, when they meet the people of the Jin country, dare not be more arrogant, and so on. Things are of great significance in the eyes of the people of Jin.

The Guishuang Empire is powerful, but on the real battlefield, it is extremely difficult to defeat the civil servants and generals of the Jin State. The civil servants and generals of the Jin State have made it clear that the Jin State is the Jin State. The powerful strength.

When the Guishuang Empire has such a recognition, it will allow civilians and generals to create more miracles on the battlefield.

This is also the value of war. When the lieutenant soldiers follow Lu Bu’s command to fight on the battlefield, they can get more credit from the war. Under such circumstances, they will have more support for Lu Bu and face Lu Bu. When ordering, there will be no violation.

There is even more respect for Lu Bu. Isn't this what Lu Bu wants to see most? After giving the lieutenant soldiers more respect, when the order is issued, it can arouse a lot of obedience to the lieutenant soldiers.

The monarchs of the past dynasties have attached great importance to the army. As long as they have more control over the army, even if they have secretly violators, it is not worth worrying about. If even the military power will be let out, the situation is only It will be even more critical.

It can be seen from the current state of Jin that what Lü Bu pursued in such a process was to have more control over the lieutenants. Shaking the emperor's influence in the army, only after such things are better persisted, will it be more helpful to the development of a country.

If things in this area cannot even be determined, it will definitely be detrimental to the country's long-term development.

When civilians and military generals are fighting on the battlefield, they obey the orders of their monarchs. When Lu Bu appears in the army, he can often stimulate the fighting spirit of the lieutenants and soldiers to a greater extent. In front of these things, even if they are the generals in the army. In the battle on the battlefield, he had a great contribution, and he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Lu Bu.

The battles in the past are enough to prove what kind of endurance Lu Bu has when he is on the battlefield. The strength of the enemy can not have more influence on Lu Bu. Lu Bu's prestige among the soldiers of the Jin army is very important for him. The progress of the war is of long-term help.

It can even give Lu Bu a higher prestige among the lieutenants and soldiers, and such prestige is of great help to the monarch's campaign.

From the performance of the lieutenant generals in the battle against the enemy, we can see that the civilian generals are extremely satisfied with the current situation. When they face the monarch’s orders, all they need to do is to have greater in the war. Even if the enemy's strength is strong, it will not retreat in a war.

Jia Xu and Huang Zhong, important civil servants and generals of the Jin Dynasty, provided great help to Lu Bu during the development of Lu Bu. Such officials often get a lot of attention. If it weren’t for Huang Zhong’s old age, The role it can play in future wars will inevitably be great.

There are many powerful generals in the Jin army. These generals have outstanding performances when leading the lieutenant generals on the battlefield. It is precisely because of this that the strength of the Jin country will be so strong, and other countries Only when you make friends can you have more advantages.

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to take advantage of other countries when making contact with other countries.

The progress of a war often has a great impact on the lieutenants and soldiers. If you fail to win the war, you will suffer more losses in the process of fighting the enemy. However, all soldiers who have experienced war will have The situation in this regard is well understood.

The key is that after fighting on the battlefield, soldiers can get more credit, and such credit is important for them to improve their status in the army. It cannot be said that the lieutenant soldiers only receive ordinary training and have no correspondence in the war. If this is the case, if there are more troops like this, it is not a good thing.

War is of vital importance to a country. Only by gaining victory from wars can the national strength become stronger, and it can have more advantages when fighting against the enemy, not more. If you can guarantee your own advantage in the war, it is simply impossible to get more benefits from the war.

The merits gained by the soldiers of the Jin army when they fought on the battlefield are very proud of the soldiers of the Jin army. Such a victory in the war will make the lieutenants and soldiers have more confidence in the face of war. Regardless of the strength of the enemy, civilian officials The general believed that he could win the war.

After such a Jin army appears on the battlefield, the shock it can bring to the enemy is often great.

And such an effect is exactly what Lu Bu needs.

After Jia Xu left, Lu Bu was also thinking. From this assassination, it can be seen that Guishuang had a lot of defenses against Jin, and even if it is possible, he wants to give Jin. This will bring more threats. If the emperor of the Jin Kingdom has other conditions during the ceremony of ennouncing the Zen, or even his death, the impact on the Jin Kingdom will inevitably be great.

Even if the Jin country can ease from such turbulence, it will be difficult to continue to pose more threats to Guishuang. Even Guishuang will attack the city guarded by the Jin army at such a time. Get more benefits from the Jin country.

When Guishuang soldiers were able to win the battle against civilians and generals, the impact on Guishuang's army was often great, and Guishuang soldiers would restore their morale in the past.

Under these circumstances, even if the Jin army recovered from the turmoil, it would be more difficult to continue to attack and threaten Guishuang.

Who can guarantee that Guishuang's strength will not be improved in this process.

It is okay for the monarch to use other means, even despicable means, in order to increase national power. Lu Bu came out of the battle of the princes. How many things happened when facing other princes, Lu Bu was very concerned about the methods. In this respect, he has never minded more. What he pursues is to be able to win more victories against the enemy army, so that the so-called enemy army can bear the offensive in front of the Jin army. The price.

When civilian officers and generals can achieve greater success in the battle, Lu Bu will have a more detached position. When someone invades Jin, he will inevitably think of the toughness of the Jin army and Lu Bu's aggressive methods.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Bu was able to gain a foothold among the princes and enable Jin to gradually develop to the present level. It can be said that Lu Bu has made great efforts for the development of Jin. In the face of such efforts, Guishuang The efforts made by the parties are not worth mentioning.

If you want to win the battle against the Jin, you must have the corresponding means. If you can't win, you will be destined to suffer defeat in the war.

The current strength of the Jin State provides more convenient conditions for the monarch’s conquest. When the Jin State is relieved from the war, Lu Bu will lead the Jin army to launch new campaigns on the battlefield to let the enemy, Pay more for past actions.

As for the alliance between Jin and Guishuang, such a relationship is fragile and vulnerable in the face of specific interests. In the face of practical benefits, the so-called alliance is often just a joke.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu had a clearer view of such things.

If the generals of the Jin army were at a disadvantage in the battle against Guishuang, Lu Bu believed that Guishuang would definitely not give up, and would even think about getting more benefits from the Jin army in the next war, and so on. It is normal in itself.

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