Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5251: : Powerful and powerful ministers are in awe

Lu Bu’s status in the Jin country is obvious to all. After Lu Bu’s order was issued, officials in the DPRK did not dare to violate any more. Moreover, the current situation itself is relatively special. The concubine was injured because he saved Lu Bu. If Lu Bu didn't have a corresponding performance at this time, it would inevitably make people have a certain amount of discussion.

After the ceremony of enshrining the Zen, what can be seen is Lu Bu's care and love for Mi Zhen. As the emperor of Jin, he can achieve such a level, which is enough to make more civil servants and generals sigh with emotion.

The emperor of Jin has a very high status. Faced with such a position, the civil servants and generals of Jin want to have a certain influence on the emperor of Jin. There are many difficulties in it. However, the emperor of Jin is in There is a wise attitude when dealing with some things.

This will allow some officials of the Jin State to have no more scruples when entering admonitions, because Jin also has a system for admonitions.

It's just that the officials of the DPRK and the Chinese were more wise at this time. They knew that Lu Bu was in a bad mood. If he went to disturb him at this time, I am afraid that what he would get would be Lu Bu's anger.

There is a system in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom. The officials in the DPRK are aware of such things, but how much effect can such a system be placed on the monarch? Even the system itself is formulated by the monarch Yes, without Lu Bu, it would be difficult for Jin's system to be more persistent.

Lu Bu’s status in the Jin country is extremely important. When Lu Bu’s prestige among the lieutenants and soldiers cannot be influenced or even led by the lieutenants to have more achievements in the war, what it brings is often governed. Civil officials and generals followed more, and when they faced Lu Bu's orders, they would not have more hesitation.

Apart from other things, just the support of the lieutenant generals to the monarch is enough to make the monarch more proud. From such things, the monarch can feel more confidence. After the military is in power After the monarch had issued an order, how dare the officials in the DPRK act in violation of it?

If the monarch cannot be more satisfied in this respect, more influence will certainly follow.

Lu Bu's achievements today have a lot to do with Lu Bu's hard work. It is precisely because Lu Bu has such a strength that Lu Bu can achieve greater achievements in this process and make Jin country's success. Civil officials and generals have more respect for Lu Bu.

When Jin’s civil servants and generals acted in the face of Lu Bu’s orders, they could actually see more of the monarch’s prestige. When facing the monarch’s orders, if the courtiers did not have more support, they would The influence of the status of the monarch is often great.

In the officialdom of Jin State, it is precisely because of the powerful Lu Bu that makes Jin State more aggressive. If there are other situations happening, Lu Bu's strength is sufficient to deal with these things.

The powerful Jin State can create more possibilities. When faced with these things, Lu Bu's methods can play a greater role, and there will be more influences that will follow, which will make the rule. When facing Lu Bu, the officials of the People's Republic of China had a lot of awe in it.

Merely coming to the awe of the officials under the autonomy, can allow the monarch to reap more benefits in such a process.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom had corresponding means when handling matters. Even if the emperor of the Jin Kingdom led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, the courtiers in the city of Chang'an were still able to stabilize the Jin Kingdom so that the Jin Kingdom would not be Said that he was in chaos because the monarch led the soldiers to fight.

Such a situation will bring greater help to the sustainable development of Jin, and even make Jin more help in the process of development.

From the strength displayed by the generals of the Jin army and the performance of the Jin army on the battlefield, we can see more of the impact that will be brought on the battlefield when the emperor of Jin chooses to fight. Kind of.

Want to win from the hands of the generals of the Jin army, it is not as simple as that. If you can't win from the war, you will lose more things in the war.

In this respect, as a monarch, he naturally knows more about it.

Lu Bu's ability to grow from a prince to his current position naturally has Lu Bu's uniqueness. Just from the performance of Lu Bu in the battlefield, we can see more of this aspect. .

Even if the war comes, the strength of the Jin army's generals can do a good job in the course of the battle, and can make the so-called enemy army pay a heavy price after the war begins. Such a Jin army is an extremely terrible existence.

Lu Bu's strength has a great influence on the long-term development of Jin, and it will even help Jin's development in such a process.

Nowadays, the Jin country shows a different side to the people. When the war broke out, the lieutenants and soldiers had outstanding performances when fighting against the enemy. When the situation in the middle of the country was stable, the civilian officials under the rule were able to govern the city. There is a dazzling performance at the time.

Together, these things made the Jin country stronger and stronger.

In charge of such a powerful country, in fact, Lu Bu also has a lot of pride in his heart. Who could have imagined that a prince who was only a military commander could become the emperor of Jin, creating a great empire, even this The development of the empire will have a greater impact on the future situation.

Lu Bu’s strong strength among the princes has supported Lu Bu step by step to where he is now. If he wants to succeed in the fight against Lu Bu, it is almost impossible to achieve success only by means of the opponent's show. matter.

More victories gave Lü Bu absolute confidence in the face of war, allowing the so-called enemy to pay a heavy price in this process.

After Jin's development speed is more rapid, more problems will follow. From Lu Bu's methods to deal with these problems, we can see what kind of guarantee Jin's development will receive. .

It is precisely from Lu Bu's intention that the civil servants and generals in the DPRK can handle things in accordance with the system, because only such a system can guarantee the rapid development of Jin and prevent the Jin from encountering changes in the process of development. Many questions.

The strength of the Jin army is often great, and its influence on the Jin country is often great, allowing the lieutenant soldiers to have more help when fighting on the battlefield.

Lu Bu often spared no effort when developing the strength of the Jin country. Only from this aspect can be seen Lu Bu's determination.

Making Jin country stronger, the advantage that can be occupied in future battles will be greater, and the development of Jin country can be more fully guaranteed.

After Jin's strength increases, more benefits will follow.

When the soldiers of the Jin army appeared in a battle, why could they bring so much shock to the enemy army? It was because the soldiers of the Jin army had fierce strength, and the influence of such strength on the battlefield was really too great.

Lü Bu's success was not accidental. From the situation Lü Bu encountered in the process of development and the difficulties Lü Bu encountered in the process of developing a big man, we can see this aspect in more aspects.

When Lu Bu's strength is strong, it will have an impact on other princes, and it will inevitably bring about the joint offensive of other princes. It is under such circumstances that Lu Bu is still leading the lieutenant generals to victory in the battle and let the so-called enemy army. When facing the Jin army, he was in a hurry.

It is precisely because the lieutenant soldiers have such a fierce performance that Jin can get more guarantees in the process of development.

Faced with such a guarantee, the Jin country can get many benefits, at least it will not breed more problems in the development process.

In fact, just the way Lv Bu treats the wealthy family will make more of the wealthy family choose to betray Lu Bu at the most critical moment. Such a thing is also inevitable. Who will let Lu Bu have no friendly means when dealing with the wealthy family? .

Just from a few things, we can see more of what kind of disasters will be brought to their family if they cannot follow Lu Bu's intentions during the development of the family.

Even so, Lu Bu still stood out in the era when there were many princes, becoming a powerful prince, and even now the emperor of Jin, just the growth rate of Lu Bu is enough to shock more people.

Who would have thought that Lu Bu could grow up to where he is today, and only Lu Bu's achievements will make Lu Bu have a very strong reputation in history.

Nowadays, Jin is strong and powerful, and the monarch of Jin has corresponding means when dealing with certain things. This will allow the rapid development of Jin to be more guaranteed.

But wanting to win the war from the battle against the Jin army is far from being as simple as ordinary princes imagined.

The growth of the generals of the Jin army was accompanied by many wars, and they were able to continuously win victories from such battles, and when they were victorious, there were more possibilities.

Lü Bu's achievements on the battlefield led by the lieutenant generals are absolutely dazzling. Under such circumstances, when Lü Bu's order is issued, how can the civil servants and generals under the rule have more violations? It can be said that their orders for Lü Bu are There are many listeners in it.

"Zhen'er, you are so healthy, I will accompany you by your side." Lu Bu gently stroked Mi Zhen's cheek.

After speaking, Lu Bu got up and left quietly.

Lu Bu's attention to Mi Zhen's injury brought the maid dare not to be negligent in the process of serving Mi Zhen. It should be understood that Mi Zhen is the concubine of the Jin Dynasty emperor, only this level of identity. It will make the maid be more careful when doing things.

If there are other errors at this time, there may be many problems in it.

What can be seen from this assassination is that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the concubine. In this case, what can make people feel more is that Lu Bu is affectionate and righteous. It is not a happy thing to be able to follow such a monarch. Things.

Lu Bu’s growth was not all smooth sailing. If he hadn’t used fierce means when fighting against the enemy, he wanted more victories in the war and wanted Jin’s development to get so many guarantees. Is impossible.

The development of the Jin State is of great help to the growth of the Jin State. It is precisely because the Jin State has a solid foundation and strength that it can avoid more problems in the development process of the Jin State, even in the Jin State. After the country's strength is strong, the stability of the Jin country can also be guaranteed.

When Jin State can have more advantages in the process of stable development, the impact on Jin State's development is often great.

When Lu Bu developed the Jin Kingdom, he had many methods in it. Just from the ordinary Lu Bu's performance, he could see more of the problems in this area.

The strength of Jin is not comparable to that of other countries, which gives Jin more possibilities in the process of development.

Lu Bu can have the status it is now because Lu Bu has made a lot of efforts in the development of Jin. It is precisely because of such efforts that Jin has become stronger, and Lu Bu has a higher position among the generals in the army. prestige.

However, the officials and generals who followed Lü Bu actually had a lot of expectations for the future development of Jin. They believed that under these circumstances, Jin could still get more development.

When the monarch can achieve greater success in the development process, the impact on the officials under the rule will be great after all, unless it is the official who does not want to get more Minister, I have seen the Lord. "Seeing Lu Bu entering the room, Jia Xu hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Regardless of how lenient Lu Bu treated his rulers in normal times, he must maintain a cautious attitude when facing Lu Bu. If not, if the monarch is afraid of him, he wants to retreat from it. It is often not such a simple thing. The monarch's achievement in the development process is itself a thing worthy of joy.

However, due to his own merits, the courtiers lack sufficient respect when dealing with the monarch. The consequences of such things are often extremely serious. If they cannot have a humble attitude in the face of such things, it is often the courtiers who suffer. .

Lu Bu can see from the methods used in the past that it is far from enough to try to figure out Lu Bu with ordinary martial arts, because the methods used by Lu Bu at certain times are absolutely sharp.

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