Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5256: : The benefits are not easy

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   When the war begins, what kind of performance the Jin army soldiers have can actually be seen. No matter how powerful the enemy army is, when the Jin army soldiers attack, they can always bring painful losses to the enemy army.

After the Jin emperor’s power is higher, it is a very bad thing for the family members. When the Jin emperor’s order is issued, it can have a great influence in the land of Jin. The officials of Jin When facing the monarch’s order, he certainly did not dare to have more violations. From the system of the Jin Kingdom, in fact, you can see more things in this regard.

   The system of the Jin country determines that when the officials of the Jin country cannot satisfy the emperor of the Jin country when they do things normally, the inspector officials may come forward.

  Especially some officials from family backgrounds, who can guarantee that when they are doing things normally, they will not violate the system in the slightest. When the inspectors arrive, the impact on them is often great.

  At this time, the wisest way for the family members is to choose to support Lu Bu. In this process, if you give Lu Bu more support, there will be no more troubles.

Among the aristocratic families, there is no shortage of people with corresponding deeds in the officialdom of Jin. These people can even go to a higher position in the court of Jin with their own efforts, just from this aspect. It can be seen that although Lu Bu has suppressed the wealthy family members.

   But in the actual situation, there are appointments to the noble family members. These things show very well what kind of methods Lu Bu has when dealing with the noble family members.

  The progress of the war does not have a great impact on the family and the rich, they only need to do things according to the monarch's orders at this time.

   In fact, the army of the Jin country can win the battle again and again, which is also of great help to the wealthy family of the Jin country.

In fact, many families in Jin Kingdom choose the path of business. What they see from the road of business is more possibilities. If they can have more achievements in business, these families will be happy. matter.

After all, if you live in the Jin country, many things are difficult to be truly determined. The emperor of the Jin country is repulsive to the wealthy family. These things are no secret in the Jin country. This will make the people of the family wealthy. Be more cautious when doing things. If the emperor of the Jin Kingdom has a lot of dissatisfaction during this process, it will be self-evident what kind of influence will be exerted on their family.

And through the way of doing business, the power of the family can also be strengthened. From the achievements of Jin's businessmen in the process of doing business, you can actually see more of this aspect. In Jin, choose Business is not a shame in fact. There are many businessmen in Jin, and these businessmen have made a lot of efforts during the development of Jin.

   Even today's Hubu Shangshu Mi Zhu was in charge of business affairs under Lu Bu's rule. Could it be said that officials in the DPRK dared to mention business people in front of Mi Zhu as lowly?

Perhaps when it was a big man, business was looked down upon. After all, there were scholars, farmers, commerce, and industry. However, after this situation came to Jin, great changes have taken place. Business people can also be respected, as long as they are in business. If they can make a corresponding contribution to the development of Jin in the process of doing business, they can even get official treatment.

  In this regard, what the businessmen of the Jin Kingdom see is the arrival of opportunities, who do not want to become officials, or the treatment they enjoy as officials.

It should be noted that such a thing, if it is placed in the big man, it is basically impossible to happen. When the family of the family is in control of the court, how can merchants be allowed to enter the court, and will the merchants be given official positions? Can't be with lowly merchants.

However, this situation has undergone tremendous changes after it was placed in the Jin country. When he was a prince in the past, Lu Bu paid much attention to the development of merchants. It is precisely because Lu Bu paid so much attention to merchants that allowed the development of merchants. What can be obtained is more protection.

In the process of rapid development of the Jin Kingdom, although it faced many problems, when dealing with these problems, you can see more of the sharp methods displayed by Lu Bu. More cooperation, in this way, will have corresponding help for the development of Jin.

Let the people of the Jin country have more pride when facing foreigners. Just this step completed by the Jin army soldiers in the process of fighting against the enemy will make more people have a lot of respect for the Jin army soldiers. , Because what they see in this process is the strong strength of the Jin army.

   If it weren't for Lu Bu, even if the Han army defeated the Xianbei and other foreign races in the war, they would not want to occupy their territory, because in the eyes of the Han people, their territory is barren.

But this kind of thing has been realized in Lu Bu's body. Even if the foreign territory is not well governed, it can still be stabilized in the hands of the officials of the Jin country. It is only from this aspect that it is all for you. What can be seen more is the means of the Jin emperor.

   When the Emperor of Jin appeared on the battlefield, the shock that he could bring to the enemy was often great. This was because the Emperor of Jin had led his lieutenants to achieve success on the battlefield again and again.

After Jia Xu left, Lu Bu fell into contemplation. The current development speed of Jin State is very fast. The development of Jin State can also be carried out in accordance with Lu Bu's vision. From this perspective, it is normal. At that time, the power of the wealthy family had little influence on the development of Jin.

In other words, with the strength of the current wealthy family, it would be extremely difficult to cause more obstacles to the Jin during the development process of the Jin. If the performance in these aspects is not enough, it will even lead. The monarch is more dissatisfied.

   Things at that time are definitely not so friendly to the family.

It should be noted that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had sharp means in some things. It was through this method that Lu Bu had extraordinary prestige among the wealthy families of the Jin Kingdom, but such prestige, in Lu Bu's view It is far from enough. If one day the wealthy family can truly abandon the past and make more contributions to the development of Jin, such development will be truly successful.

Judging from the position of important officials in the Kingdom of Jin, it can be seen that in fact, the power of the wealthy family is extremely strong. If important officials in the court have other actions at this time, it will bring about The impact must be great.

It’s just that these officials followed Lu Bu at first. Even if other situations happen at this time, they will be more comprehensive when considering things. After all, what they oppose Lu Bu is for their family. There is no help at all. If they can't have more achievements after opposing Lu Bu's rule, then the family will be destroyed.

   For the family members, the most cruel punishment is the destruction of the family. Such a situation is not something that the family members can bear, but the members of the family members will be extremely cautious when doing certain things.

Especially in some important choices, more circumstances must be taken into consideration. If even the basic circumstances cannot be taken into consideration, it is probably not that simple to get more benefits in the hands of the monarch. .

What can be seen more from the past is the fierceness of Lu Bu’s methods. When the monarch displays fierce methods, it is not the family members who can bear it, or that the family members will be in such a process. Pay more.

In fact, such a matter is no longer a secret among the wealthy family. When the wealthy family is dealing with Lu Bu, it is difficult for them to have more advantages at all, because when Lu Bu is doing things, he will not leave it to the wealthy family. Let's leave more room.

When Lu Bu developed the Kingdom of Jin, it was accompanied by many difficulties. In this process, Lu Bu was born and won on the stage of the princes' struggle for hegemony. Achievements are not comparable to ordinary monarchs.

After obtaining these victories, Lü Bu was not satisfied, and then led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, winning victory from the battle again and again, let the so-called enemy see that when they met the Jin soldiers on the battlefield, they would bear it. What kind of price.

  If you can't win the battle against the Jin army, what will happen? In fact, this kind of thing is also applicable to the Jin Dynasty's wealthy families.

Time and time again, let the Jin family understand that when they want to get benefits from the Jin emperor, it means that they will lose more things in the process, because the Jin emperor is not them. It's as simple as imagined, if you can't take more advantage in the battle against the Emperor of Jin, it will be the most miserable thing.

Lu Bu's success among the princes and the successes he achieved after the establishment of the Jin Kingdom all show that Lu Bu is a monarch with powerful means. After the officials under the rule have done things that violate Lu Bu, they will bring Lu Bu. The crazy revenge, such revenge, is often not something that a minister can bear.

Even though aristocratic families have a lot of dissatisfaction with Lu Bu, when they see the powerful Jin emperor appear, they are often shocked. Even in front of the Jin emperor, they dare not do anything contrary to it. .

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom itself had great power. In the past campaigns, he was able to lead the lieutenant generals to victory again and again in the battle, and the achievements made by the leading lieutenant generals in the war were enough to make more Many people are eyeing.

   As for getting more benefits from the emperor of Jin, how could it be that easy.

   The Jin Dynasty emperor experienced many wars. In the wars, what Lu Bu was able to obtain was the victory in the battle. From these perspectives, the success of Lu Bu was shocking.

   And Lu Bu's success has brought Jin's strength and strength.

After the ceremony of enshrining the Zen, there will definitely be vibrations in the officialdom of the Jin State. This is what Lu Bu meant. If the officialdom of the Jin State is too stable, bad things will often happen. If it can be to a certain extent In fact, it is necessary for the officials of the Jin State to feel the power of the Jin Emperor. In this way, when the emperor’s order is issued, the Jin’s civil servants and generals will not have more violations. .

The success of the Jin Dynasty emperor is shocking. In the face of such successes, it is often not as simple as imagined to have more advantages in the battle against Lu family How powerful is the power of the rich, what kind of scenes will appear when they face Lu Bu.

   Sometimes just a command from Lü Bu can wipe out the advantages that aristocratic family has finally accumulated.

From these things, we can see how unfriendly the emperor of the Jin Kingdom treated the wealthy family. In fact, this happened to Lu Bu. It seems to the wealthy family to be completely normal, because from In the past, it can be seen that the rich family members have indeed provided a lot of support for Lu Bu's development, but in this process, they have also caused a lot of trouble for Lu Bu.

   Such troubles did not help Jin's development more. After Lu Bu's success, he had a lot of rejection of Jin's family, and it was reasonable.

If Lu Bu was a prince in the past, you can actually see more of the problems in this regard for the attitude of the family. The most depressing of the family is why the princes like Lu Bu can get the final victory. , If Lu Bu were not the winner, members of the wealthy family would still be able to live a life of style and ease, and even in such a process, the strength of the family would be improved to a greater extent.

Nowadays, living in the Jin country will cause a lot of depression in the wealthy family. But such depression cannot be released. When they have the handle to fall into the hands of officials in the DPRK, for their family, It is often a disaster.

   The system in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom is extremely strict.

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