Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5261: : I will wake up in a few days at most

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   When they want to benefit from Lu Bu's hands, they will inevitably think of Lu Bu's fierceness, because it is often difficult to win from Lu Bu's hands. ∠break, blue, silk, 々small, talk, net, №

   It is precisely because of this that after the Jin army soldiers appeared on the battlefield, they would not worry about what happened later, because the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had corresponding means to deal with the things after them.

   After the Jin Kingdom develops faster, it will allow the Jin Kingdom's army to get more help when fighting on the battlefield.

The handling of the government is of great significance to the development of Jin. If there is no corresponding means in handling the government, it is impossible to prevent the huge Jin from developing more problems. thing.

   Many of the important officials of the Jin state are currently participating in the enfeoffment of Zen, which will inevitably make some omissions in the process of handling the Jin state’s political affairs.

   If this situation continues for a long time, the impact on Jin will be even greater. At this time, Lu Bu will need to have more coping methods.

  When dealing with these things, if there are more suitable methods, more problems will be avoided.

After the war, Jin’s army was able to win the war. It was only victory on the battlefield. The impact on the development of Jin was far from enough. This also requires civilian officials to have corresponding achievements in governing the locality. Just work.

   Nowadays, the important officials of Jin state can appreciate Lu Bu's anger. It is the most important thing to return to Chang'an as soon as possible at this time.

   Although there are many worries about Lu Bu not returning to Chang'an for the time being, the officials of North Korea and China are better than staying in Fenggao City.

Two years later, the Feng Chan team set off, Taishou Taishou Chengtai, but he did not have the slightest ease in his heart. It is good for the important officials of the DPRK to leave, but Lu Bu is in the city. This is the emperor of the Jin Dynasty. He is treating Lu Bu. At the time, you must have a more respectful attitude, otherwise, you will be more condemned for some things.

Although the assassination happened this time has nothing to do with Chengtai, Chengtai's heart is not stable, because Lu Bu has never stopped investigating this matter. As Taishan's prefect, Chengtai has also been questioned a lot. of.

   Such a thing happened during the Jin Dynasty's enshrinement ceremony, and it certainly had an impact on the development of the Jin country. How to avoid other situations in such a process is also extremely important.

   Chengtai, as Taishan's prefect, received more cross-examinations at this time, and it was even more reasonable. Even after this situation spread to Chang'an, Chang'an officials would certainly not relax their cross-examination of Chengtai.

Jin Kingdom was founded not long ago, but it can achieve such a development in a short period of time. During this period, it will definitely be accompanied by many hidden dangers. If the monarch cannot deal with such hidden dangers, he cannot have corresponding methods. There will be no more help for the growth of Jin Kingdom afterwards.

   This is also something the emperor of Jin needs to consider.

Why didn't Lu Bu understand the truth? Regardless of whether the princes in the past were destroyed or not, when the princes were ruled, they would get more support from people. Although the princes were destroyed, the power that supported the princes would not. If it dissipates, there will be even more moves in this situation.

If the opportunity is right, these people will choose to take action. What happened in the process of enshrining Zen is actually a good illustration. When these people find an opportunity, they will have a certain action, even if these people act in secret. , Can't get success, after all, it needs to be tried.

Who caused Lu Bu to affect the interests of many wealthy families in the process of development? In such a process, it is inevitable that the wealthy families will be dissatisfied with Lu Bu, and they cannot have a better way to deal with this matter. If so, there will be more problems.

Lu Bu is a powerful existence among the princes, destroying other princes, allowing the Jin State to be established, and even displaying more methods when the Jin State is subsequently developed. When facing these methods, he only relied on some aspects. It is far from enough to deal with it.

Lu Bu can achieve the current achievements among the princes. How can he not have a way to deal with some things? When Lu Bu can do more in such a process, the impact on the development of governance will be affected. It is often very large.

What Cheng Tai looks forward to most at this time is that Lu Bu can leave Fenggao City. He has a lot of hatred for the assassin who assassinated Lu Bu. If it weren't for the assassination, he might be able to get it this time. It is the promotion of the official position.

After all, in the process of ennouncing the Zen ceremony, he also had a lot of credit as Taishan Taishou. However, the development of the matter was unexpected. The emperor of Jin was assassinated during the entitlement ceremony. It was just such a thing. The impact of the development of the Jin Dynasty is bound to be great. If there is no corresponding method to deal with this matter, it will bring a greater shock in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom.

   The best way is to be able to find out the assassin's position clearly. In this way, it will not be said that more officials will be involved because of this incident.

   When Jin is developing rapidly, more problems will inevitably arise. How to deal with these problems is also extremely important.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin State, and he held the supreme position in the Jin State. What kind of attitude the officials in the ordinary dynasty had when dealing with Lu Bu, we can see more of this situation. If you encounter an assassination in the process of enshrining the Zen and deal with the Taishou Taishou, there will be no officials in the DPRK standing up and asking for it at this time.

   As long as this incident can calm Lu Bu's anger to a great extent.

From the previous events, we can actually see more of Lu Bu's handling methods when facing such things. If Lu Bu's strength is despised, he will face more. disaster.

If not, why would more families of Jin be destroyed during the development of Jin? Chengtai, who came out of the family, needs more care when facing this time, lest he let some things happen Lu Bu was dissatisfied, and thus had more bad luck.

Lu Bu's achievements among the princes are obvious to all. After Lu Bu became the emperor of the Jin state, he led the Jin army and soldiers to achieve great achievements on the battlefield. It is just the vast territory of the Jin state that is not the previous dynasty. Comparable.

The success of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom cannot be considered by ordinary courtiers. Under such circumstances, Lu Bu's shot against the small Taishan prefect will not cause too much shock in the court hall of the Jin Kingdom. After all, Taishan The prefect is responsible for this matter.

The actual situation is that when Lu Bu was dealing with him, he did not take much care of him, the Taishang prefect. Although this situation will temporarily keep Chengtai's position, everyone can see that it was involved in this matter. After the middle school, if you want to retreat completely, but it is not as simple as you imagined, if you can't have more ways to deal with some things, you will be more involved in the subsequent punishment.

At any time, don’t doubt Lu Bu’s methods, especially what Lu Bu used to face the wealthy family. It is extremely obvious. Why are officials from the family more careful when doing things? These officials knew that if they were not cautious in certain matters, and thus had the handle to fall into Lu Bu's hands, it would often be a great disaster for the family members.

Under these circumstances, it was actually quite difficult for Lu Bu to achieve such an achievement in Jin, but after Lu Bu achieved success, it was almost impossible to shake Lu Bu’s position in Jin, because Lu Bu If the method of "can be used more at this time, there will be corresponding methods for dealing with some emergencies in Jin Kingdom.

Lu Bu would not be polite when dealing with the younger generation of Xiao Xiao. You can see the problems in this aspect from the past. If you are not cautious when facing Lu Bu, it is very likely that the latter will be involved. family.

   In the past few years, there have been many families that just fell into Lu Bu's hands, which also made some families more careful when facing Lu Bu.

   I'm afraid that after offending Lu Bu in some things, it will bring more disasters to their family.

   If the monarch wants to deal with a family, it is very simple at this time, because Lu Bu is the emperor of Jin, when Lu Bu's order is issued, what he can get in Jin is very good.

In the process of development, how can the family members ensure that they have no other actions? There are certain measures secretly, which are of great significance to the development of the family family members. In an emergency, they want to let the family be 'S strength is more powerful, how many possibilities are there.

Especially for families living in Jin, there are actually a lot of dangers. If there is no corresponding means when dealing with these dangers, the next thing will be full of more risks, just Lu Bu’s revenge. Will make these families bear more risks.

  The victory of the war gave Lu Bu's prestige in the Jin country a greater degree of protection. If some families want to be disadvantageous to Lu Bu at this time, there is no difference between seeking death.

   The emperor of Jin, but he has high prestige.

   Now Lv Bu is in Fenggao City, but Lv Bu is not more concerned about Taishan's prefect, and he puts his heart and soul on Mi Zhen's injury.

   From this perspective, you can feel that Lu Bu's righteousness is righteous. Following such a monarch can make more courtiers feel at ease.

   All the girls in the harem were sent away by Lu Bu. At this time, there is something wrong with leaving more people in Fenggao City.

   "Zhong Jing, how is Zhen'er's injury?" Lu Bu asked after seeing Zhang Ji.

   Zhang Ji respectfully saluted: "Holy Master, don't worry, the empress has stabilized her injuries, and if you count them at most, she will wake up."

Hearing Zhang Ji’s words, Lu Bu’s expression revealed joy. The ability of Mi Zhen to wake up is of great significance to Lu Bu. Mi Zhen can block the assassin’s attack for him at a critical moment. This is for Lu Bu. In terms of how much feeling is there.

   When facing the harem ladies, in fact, Lu Bu had a lot of feelings, but when Lu Bu became the emperor of Jin, there were many things that needed to be dealt with, and he gradually ignored the feelings of the harem ladies.

   But from this incident, I can see the friendship of the ladies of the palace. When faced with danger, Mi Zhen rushed forward without hesitation, using his body as Lu Bu to block the assassin's attack.

No matter what kind of cautious thinking between the harem ladies in ordinary times, but when facing Lu Bu, the performance of the harem ladies is unreserved. It is precisely because of this Let Lu Bu be in There is more guilt when facing Mi Zhen.

   If Mi Zhen can't get better from this injury, Lu Bu can't forgive himself.

Wasn’t he married to Mi Zhen at the beginning to reassure the Mi family to a greater extent? Although Lu Bu’s strength was relatively strong at the beginning, his advantage among the princes was not very obvious. It was precisely because of the Mi family’s people. The help of Lv Bu made greater achievements in business.

All of this has brought a lot of help to the subsequent development of the Jin country. Just because of the help of the people of the Mi family, the soldiers of the Jin army do not need to worry about rice and food during the battle. From this point of view, a Mi Zhu is the best.

When a lieutenant soldier is on the battlefield, the most important thing is the weight of the grain and grass. If the safety of the grain and grass can not be guaranteed, even if the lieutenant soldier can win many victories in the battle against the enemy, he still has to bear. The price of failure.

   The three armies did not move, and the grain and grass went first. It was enough to see that grain and grass were important to an army's conquest. Therefore, after the establishment of the Jin Kingdom, Mi Zhu assumed the position of Shangshu, and this was an important official in charge of money and grain.

In fact, the people of the Mi family are recognized by Lu Bu when they do things. Although the people of the Mi family have a lot of credit for the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, the people of the Mi family are very low-key when doing things. Way, what can be obtained is the approval of the monarch.

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