Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5267: : Prepare to return

The fact that the soldiers of the Jin army can win the war again and again shows that the soldiers of the Jin army are unique, and this uniqueness is reflected in the opposition to the enemy. As a lieutenant, the most important thing is To be able to win on the battlefield, to better complete the tasks given by the monarch.

It is extremely obvious what kind of performance the Jin army soldiers have when they fight against the enemy. Only the powerful impact that the Jin army soldiers can bring on the battlefield will make the so-called powerful enemy army in the war. Pay more in the course of the battle.

   Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin, and what allowed Jin to avoid more problems during its development.

In fact, when Jin was developing, it was not as calm as it appeared. In the process of development, other problems would arise. If the emperor of Jin had no better way to deal with these problems. , There will be more problems.

Lu Bu is naturally aware of the situation in this regard. Therefore, when dealing with ordinary things, Lu Bu is more attentive, that is, in this way, the strength of the Jin country can be more improved, and the Jin army can be promoted. When you fight on the battlefield, you can get more protection.

Let the excellent performance of the lieutenant generals in ordinary training be fully displayed in the process of fighting the enemy. If you are a lieutenant general, you can't even get the most basic victory in the battle against the enemy. Such an army is relatively unsuccessful, and it is more difficult to gain more recognition in the war.

The growth and progress of the Jin army’s soldiers is obvious to all. It is often not that easy to win the battle against the Jin army, and even pay more when fighting against the Jin army, because the Jin army soldiers are in the war. What is shown is a strong strength, just by relying on the strength of the Jin country's army, in the course of the battle, the enemy can bear the price of the defeat of the war.

Lu Bu's success in the Jin country was actually accompanied by many difficulties. If he can't win in the war, he will lose more in the war. Therefore, when he is training ordinary soldiers and soldiers, Lu Bu has strict requirements, as far as possible to make military lieutenants become more elite through training, and have more coping methods when encountering wars. In this way, the strength of military lieutenants can be improved. More guarantees.

   There is a competition system in the army, which is of great help to the growth of lieutenants and soldiers, and even in this process, the Jin army soldiers can get more victories.

The growth rate of the soldiers of the Jin army can be seen. When the soldiers of the Jin army fight on the battlefield, they will not retreat because of the strength of the enemy army. They will make the enemy army pay more for the war during the battle. cost.

Lü Bu’s success in the Jin State made the enemy feel a deep shock, making it difficult for the so-called enemy to win the war when facing the Jin army. They even thought of facing the Jin army’s soldiers. There will be a lot of fears. From this perspective, the Jin army soldiers have achieved great success on the battlefield. They will even make it clear to the so-called enemy army when they are fighting against the Jin army. , How likely will it be to succeed.

The progress of the war in this way will allow the soldiers of the Jin army to gain more growth in this process. If even these most basic difficulties are difficult to overcome during the growth process, they want to occupy more There are many advantages, and how many difficulties are there.

  It is important to know that the enemy soldiers faced by the soldiers of the Jin army when they are on the battlefield are all powerful.

   If not, how can these troops dare to appear in front of the Jin army generals and bear the attack of the Jin army generals, just from the perspective of the situation of the confrontation.

   However, it is often impossible for the enemy forces that appear on the front of the Jin army to win the war. Just relying on the strong strength of the Jin army can make the enemy army bear more costs in the battle.

   The continuous victory of the war is of great significance to the Jin army's soldiers, and even under these circumstances, the Jin army's fighting spirit will be even higher.

The victories in the wars gave the Jin soldiers absolute confidence and high morale when fighting against the enemy. Only from this level, when the confident Jin soldiers appeared on the battlefield. , The impact that can be driven in a confrontation is great.

   can even make the enemy pay more in the course of the battle, let the so-called enemy know how naive they want to win from the hands of the Jin soldiers.

   Relying on the powerful combat power of the Jin army, the Jin State has developed its current development. Such a development will make the Jin State more powerful and allow the Jin army to avoid more problems when fighting on the battlefield.

  The progress of war itself is full of many dangers. How to get out of such dangers is also of the utmost importance. If the war cannot be won, the eventual emergence will have more serious consequences.

Nowadays, from the performance of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield, when the Jin army soldiers choose to fight, the shock to the enemy is often great. This is because of the strong strength of the Jin army soldiers when they appear in a battle. Among them, Hu Riang's enemy troops were panicked and even felt difficult to deal with.

   And this kind of situation, is it not what Lu Bu pursued, so that when facing the Jin army, it is difficult for the enemy soldiers to display the powerful combat power, and even a lot of fear.

   Under such circumstances, when the Jin soldiers appear in a battle, they can often have a great influence on the war, and even in the course of such a battle, the enemy can withstand the defeat of the war.

   If you can't win the battle, it is very obvious what kind of result will appear.

   Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. When Lu Bu led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, it could cause a great shock among the lieutenants. Such Lu Bu is the most terrifying existence in the eyes of the enemy.

   As for the victory in the war against the Jin army, it is often not as simple as they thought, because the Jin army’s combat effectiveness has been tested by the war.

When the soldiers of the Jin army appear in a confrontation, the enemy will bear the price of defeat in the war, and even in the battle, the enemy will understand how much they want to win from the hands of the Jin army. Difficulties.

It is necessary for Lü Bu to make the enemy more aware of this aspect. In this case, in future battles, when the enemy is faced with the impact of the generals of the Jin army, it will not be able to maintain it. More calm, and even more panic at this time.

   After letting the enemy recognize the powerful strength of the Jin army, it will give the Jin army enough respect during the battle, and will have more awe of the Jin country after the war is over.

In the process of country-to-country exchanges, only with stronger strength can we get more respect. If we say that we are not strong enough, it is not such a simple thing to get respect. From the previous Guishuang aspect Sending envoys to the Jin country will be able to see more of this aspect. After Jin is on the dominant side, it will have a lot of pride when facing the Guishuang envoy.

  General Dian, the ceremony is over, let’s prepare to return. When Zhen’er’s body improves, I will return to Chang’an. Lu Budao.

It is indeed something that makes Lu Bu very satisfied that Mi Zhen can come out of the injury. At a critical moment, it is often unbearable for a monarch like Lu Bu to let the woman around him step forward to block the assassin’s attack. However, at this time, Lu Bu must cheer up. If there are more problems in the development of Jin, it will have many disadvantages for the long-term development of Jin.

The rapid development of the Jin Kingdom is good, but it is inevitable that more problems will arise in the development process, especially for Lu Bu, as the Emperor of Jin. The vibration will be even greater.

When the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had other situations in the process of ennouncing the Zen, how could the Xiao Xiaozhi hiding in the dark give up easily at this time? Maybe they would stand up vying for the development of the Jin Kingdom. Threatening.

   The success of Jin State is not accidental. From the achievements of Jin State in the past development and the hardships, we can see more things in this respect.

   Jin’s achievements are not comparable to previous dynasties. In such a process, the selfless dedication of the Jin’s civil officers and generals also has a lot to do with it.

Of course, it can’t be said to be selfless dedication, because in this process, the civil servants and generals of the Jin State have also been greatly improved. After the establishment of the Jin State, the civil servants and generals who followed Lu Bu received many awards. Yes, this is actually of great significance to the growth and progress of the Jin country. If the civil servants and generals cannot get the corresponding rewards after getting the credit, it will cause them to breed a lot of dissatisfaction when they do things normally. If this situation continues, it will have the greatest impact on the development of Jin.

When Lü Bu did some things, he paid great attention to the methods and methods. In this way, the people of the Jin country could understand that by following the monarch more, they could get the opportunity to display their talents. Get more rewards when you give rewards.

   Jin's enshrinement ceremony can attract a lot of attention, and even in such a process, Jin's influence can be even greater.

   Lu Bu's success in the Jin country has been recognized by many. At this time, Lu Bu naturally can't appear in other situations.

   Dianwei held his fist and said: I am so valued by the Lord, but when he is protecting the Lord, he has been negligent, so please punish the Lord.

Seeing Dianwei’s solemn expression, Lu Bu patted Dianwei’s shoulder and said: Certain problems in the process of protection are unavoidable. Even I did not expect that the assassin would hide in the Fengchan’s team. , I also have a great responsibility for this matter.

   There is no fault on the holy. Dianwei immediately said.

Lu Bu is the emperor of the Jin country. If Lu Bu admits that he was at fault in this matter, wouldn’t it attract more discussions? The current strength of the Jin country is more due to the fact that Lu Bu sits in the Jin country. If there was no Lu Bu, how could it be that simple thing for Jin to get more development? Just hiding in the dark will have a great impact on the development of Jin.

The development of Jin Kingdom is not as simple as it is on the surface. Lu Bu can have many means when developing Jin Kingdom, so that Jin has more guarantees in the process of development. Such a monarch is for the long-term development of Jin Kingdom. The impact must be great.

It can be said that as long as Lu Bu is in Jin, it will make Jin more stable and avoid more problems. If Lu Bu has other conditions in the process, it will be the biggest blow to the development of Jin. of.

As an important presence among the generals of the Jin State, Dian Wei also has his own judgment on this aspect, so that the Jin State emperor can be better protected in normal This is for The growth of the Jin Kingdom is of the most important significance.

   So after the assassination happened, Dian Wei felt very guilty in his heart. Even if he had obtained more credit in the past, what is still hard to stop is the shame in his heart.

As if seeing Dian Wei’s inner thoughts, Lu Bu smiled and said: You have been by my side for many years, and you also understand me. The assassination is just a very common thing. It’s just that the enemy’s preparations were relatively adequate this time, and it almost made the enemy. If you succeed, you just need to pay more attention to it in the future.

   Besides, you and I are brothers, so why bother to blame yourself.

Lu Bu's words warmed Dianwei's heart. After Lu Bu became the emperor of Jin, he still has not forgotten the brotherhood of the past. This moved Dianwei's heart a lot. Dianwei followed Lu Bu's side. , But there are many opportunities to make contributions, and even be able to control more troops.

   But Dianwei gave up this aspect and continued to follow Lu Bu's side to protect Lu Bu's safety.

It can be said that to a large extent, Dian Wei has given up on the development of the army. Such generals often get more respect. If the same situation is placed on other generals, how can they do it? Such a choice.

The generals in the army are fighting for the first place, in order to be able to stand out in the army and become the emperor’s personal leader. It is certainly gratifying, but in the process of protecting the emperor, it is not so peaceful. There are many problems that arise. If there is no corresponding method when dealing with these problems, it will attract dissatisfaction from the monarch.

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