Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5270: : Success is the result of a lot of effort

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As for the fact that the enemy's strength is too strong to have an impact on the Jin country, in Lu Bu's view, it is simply difficult to accomplish.

An army that can't win the battle can play a weak role on the battlefield.

Such an army can have only a weak effect when fighting against the enemy.

Isn't Lu Bu's success because of the support of the lieutenant generals? The support of the lieutenant generals has brought great help to the growth of Jin, and it will even make Jin more likely to develop in the future.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu would not say that he was afraid of the enemy's powerful strength. If there is no suitable way to deal with these things, it will bring more influence. .

Furthermore, from the performance of the Jin army soldiers against the enemy in the past, it can be well seen how much influence the Jin army soldiers can have on the enemy after they appear on the battlefield.

Lu Bu's success is actually the result of a lot of hard work. How many enemies want to respond to Lu Bu, but the enemy's actions and want to succeed in front of Lu Bu are also impossible.

Lu Bu, the monarch of one side, showed absolutely sharp means when fighting against the enemy.

If Mi Zhen is not spared from this assassination, Lu Bu will definitely make Jin’s officialdom more shocked. At that time, more officials will be implicated because of this incident, although Lu Bu does not want to happen. If things really happened in this situation, Lu Bu would not hesitate to do so.

In fact, the overall situation in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom is still good. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the soldiers of the Jin army to achieve greater success in the course of the campaign.

Of course, there are enemies hidden in the dark, which in Lu Bu's view is unavoidable. If you can't do more in this process, more problems will arise.

Lu Bu’s success often has a great influence among the princes. It is precisely because of this that makes Lu Bu’s reputation among the princes even stronger, and even makes Jin’s strength more in the process. develop.

Lu Bu is a powerful monarch, and the impact that such a powerful monarch can bring in future development is often great, and can even cause the enemy to pay a heavy price during the battle.

From the past wars, we can see more how crazy the Jin army soldiers will be when they face the war. Such crazy performance often has a great impact on the progress of the war.

Lu Bu's success is not accidental. If he fails to win the war, he will pay more after the war.

Nowadays, Lü Bu's growth rate in Jin is able to see that Jin's soldiers have the current achievements during the campaign, and the promotion of the development of Jin is extremely obvious.

In the battle against the Jin army, even if the enemy's strength is strong, it is often difficult to win from the hands of the Jin army.

Lu Bu's status in the Jin Kingdom was exchanged with the victories of the wars. If you can't win from these battles, more problems will arise in future wars.

When Lu Bu led the lieutenant generals on the battlefield, why could he more promote the fighting spirit of the lieutenant generals? It was because of Lu Bu’s strong influence in the Jin country. When Lu Bu appeared, it meant that he could get more in the war. Victory, facing this situation, the lieutenant soldiers cannot remain calm.

The victory of the war is exactly what the lieutenant and generals want to see most. Only by winning the battle again and again can the value of the Jin Kingdom's army be reflected to the greatest extent.

If even the most basic victory cannot be guaranteed in the process of fighting against the enemy, how much influence will such an army have on the war even if it appears on the battlefield.

Lu Bu's toughness has a long history. No matter how unfavorable the situation is to the development of Jin, Lu Bu can always lead his lieutenants to victory in battles, causing the powerful enemy to pay a heavy price.

From this perspective alone, when Lu Bu led the soldiers on the battlefield, the impact would often be great.

Moreover, we can see from what happened at the current Zen ceremonial ceremony that Guishuang’s actions have angered the emperor of Jin to a large extent. The emperor of Jin will have excessive behavior in future actions, which is reasonable. Things in it.

After all, after such things happen, the impact on Jin is often great. When Jin’s ceremonial ceremony cannot be held as normal, it will have a great impact on Jin. It can be said that Guishuang’s behavior once If it is successful, it will have a great impact on the Jin country.

Now that the Guishuang Assassins have not been successful in their actions, they have succeeded in angering the emperor of Jin. It is conceivable that when the emperor of Jin has displayed the corresponding methods, the impact will be very great. Kind of.

Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin, and the impact he could bring to the land of Jin was great. If the emperor of Jin could not be satisfied, the emperor of Jin would definitely take other measures.

Such a move will inevitably have a great impact on the development of Guishuang. If you cannot win the battle against the Jin army, you can actually see the impact on Guishuang. Arrived.

Over the years, the soldiers of the Jin army have fought on the battlefield, and have been able to win the battle again and again. Only the impact of the Jin's army after the dispatch of the army cannot be dealt with by the enemy. When facing the Jin's army , What must have is enough prudence, otherwise there will be more problems.

After the Feng Chan incident comes to an end, who can be sure that Jin will not have other actions in the future. When Jin's actions can bring more impact to the situation, it will inevitably bring an impact to the enemy. It's huge.

After the ceremony, Lu Bu did not follow the Feng Chan team to return to Chang'an. Isn’t that a good thing for the officials of the Central Korean government. If Lu Bu returned to Chang'an, he was worried about Zhen’s injury and poured his anger into the center of the court at the same time. What the officials say is something that officials in North Korea and China can bear.

It’s no secret that the emperor of Jin has such power. It is no secret in Jin. After Lu Bu's order was given, why he was able to get more display in Jin was because the emperor of Jin had absolute prestige.

Under the influence of such prestige, it will have more influence on the development of Jin.

If you can’t do things better in accordance with Lu Bu’s orders, it will have a great impact on the growth and progress of an official. Just imagine that in the land of Jin, if you can’t better implement the orders of the monarch, the monarch’s will exist. What is the value?

Lu Bu is the emperor of the Jin state. This point cannot be changed. Even if there are young people who want to make trouble in the dark, as long as Lu Bu exists in the Jin state, it will affect the occurrence of these things to a large extent, and even It will make Xiao Xiaozhi's actions in secret, it is difficult to achieve success.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. He was able to win the battle again and again. From this perspective alone, Lu Bu is a monarch worthy of awe. When Lu Bu gets angry, the consequences will be obvious.

Lu Bu’s success is an important foundation for the growth of Jin. If he cannot win the war, it will definitely have a great impact on Jin. The progress of war will never be feared by Jin, even the soldiers of Jin. Can get many victories from the battle.

Victory is an important foundation for the growth of the Jin country. It is impossible to win victory from the war. Even if the country has grown stronger in the past, it is impossible to get more benefits from the war.

It is precisely because of the victory of the Jin State’s army that Jin’s strength has become more powerful, and even more success can be obtained when facing the enemy. From this perspective, the Jin’s strength The influence is great, and it can even make the enemy pay more in the battle.

Lu Bu's success was due to a lot of efforts. Such efforts have been extremely helpful to the development of Jin, and even more affected the development of Jin.

After the Jin State stabilized, Lu Bu was not satisfied with the current achievements of the Jin army and soldiers on the battlefield. This situation will greatly help the Jin State's future strength improvement.

Only by gaining more in this process can Jin's development be more assured. Otherwise, how can Jin's army gain more advantages when fighting against the enemy.

Lu Bu’s success is an important basis for the growth of the Jin army’s soldiers. Failure to win in the war will have an indelible impact on the development of the Jin country. It will even allow the enemy to see the hope of victory in this process. After the enemy sees such hope, the impact on the development of Jin will inevitably be great.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom is a monarch who can make the so-called enemy army pay a heavy price in the war. Not only that, but also let the enemy deeply realize the strength of the Jin army in the course of the battle. Place.

If the emperor of the Jin Kingdom has no corresponding means, how can the Jin Kingdom be developed as it is today? When the situation in the Jin Kingdom becomes clearer, the Jin Emperor will have more thoughts when he is under the rule of development.

The state of Jin nowadays presents a strong side to the Guishuang and Anxi Empires. The victories that the lieutenant soldiers can obtain in the course of the battle can be seen. In front of such a victory, even if the two armies are fighting. With extremely strong performance, it is impossible to get benefits from the hands of the Jin army.

After the alliance between the Parthian Empire and the Jin State, the impact on Guishuang will inevitably be great, and even the development of Guishuang will be more affected. Just imagine, when the army of the Jin State and the Parthian Empire are united What will happen if you attack the city of Guishuang.

Not to mention other things, just the combat power displayed by the Jin army soldiers in the course of the battle is not something that an ordinary army can contend. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to win from the hands of the Jin army.

In the past, Guishuang’s heavy cavalry ended in failure when confronting the Jin army. Such a failure had a great impact on the Guishuang army, and it would even allow them to fight the Jin army in the future. , It is difficult to do more.

When the war approaches, when the lieutenant soldiers face the war, they do not have tenacious fighting spirit, and even lose their spirit in the war. Such fighting has a great impact on an army. If the monarch does not have the corresponding means, If the lieutenant soldiers cannot be allowed to come out of such a shadow of defeat, it is simply impossible for the lieutenant soldiers to have greater deeds in future battles.

The Jin army commanded by Lu Bu can gain more advantages from the battle. This advantage allows the Jin army’s soldiers to bring great harm to the enemy when fighting, and even in such a process, Make the enemy pay a heavy price.

The strength of Guishuang’s army is strong. Lu Bu admits this. It is simply impossible for the Jin army to achieve more success in the battle against the Jin army by relying on such an army. Let the so-called enemy forces see what kind of impact it will have on the battlefield when the soldiers of the Jin army appear in a confrontation.

The equipment of the soldiers of the Jin army is the most curious about the Guishuang Empire and the Anxi Empire. If the two sides can obtain such equipment, it will be extremely helpful to improve the combat effectiveness of the lieutenant soldiers. However, the Jin Kingdom controls quite a bit in this regard. Strictly, under these circumstances, even if the Guishuang Empire and the Anxi Empire had the method of making continuous crossbow carts and bed crossbows, what kind of impact could it have on the Jin army in the war?

The fierceness of the soldiers of the Jin army was established after the victory of the wars. If they can't have the corresponding achievements in the battle against the Jin army, they will bear the price of defeat in the war.

Victory is the most important thing after experiencing war. If there is no more guarantee of victory in war, how much significance does such a confrontation have.

The fierceness of the Jin army soldiers can be seen. It is precisely because of such a powerful monarch that the people of Guishuang have more fears when they are under development. They are worried that one day the Jin army will attack Guishuang. The city brought more shock to Guishuang.

Such a situation is not impossible. It can be seen from the past campaigns of the Jin army’s soldiers that when the Jin army’s soldiers made achievements on the battlefield and allowed the stable development of the city they obtained, the Jin’s army There will be subsequent dispatches.

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