Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5310: : Turado's attention


No matter how the war progresses, when the Jin soldiers appear, they can always set off a great shock on the battlefield.

The achievements of the Jin army in the war are not comparable to the ordinary army, and even more troops will have a deep fear after encountering the Jin soldiers, and they will not even have the courage to fight against the Jin soldiers. .

After the Jin soldiers have such a resounding reputation on the battlefield, when the Jin soldiers appear in a battle, they can often have much convenience.

The progress of the war has a considerable impact on the Jin’s army, but how much things can be lost by the Jin’s people due to this impact. On the contrary, after the Jin’s army wins the war, it will let the Jin’s army lose. People have more cohesion in war, because what they see in war is the hope of victory.

No matter how much effort the enemy has made at this time, when the war begins, the impact of the Jin soldiers on the battlefield will always cost the enemy a heavy price.

The progress of the war now has an impact on the Jin side, but the Jin side often sees the results after the victory of the war.

Because when the Jin soldiers appear in a battle, they often get the victory of the war. Regardless of the strength displayed by the enemy in the course of the battle, if you want to win from the hands of the Jin soldiers, there is often no victory. It's as simple as they imagined.

When the war began, it was extremely obvious what kind of actions the Jin State had done. It was precisely because the Jin State's army was invincible across the borders, so that the soldiers of the Jin Army could get more support during the war, because the Jin State's military People have confidence in the performance of Jinjun soldiers.

Nowadays, the generals in the Jin army are very angry, and this is precisely because of Guishuang’s actions. When Guishuang sent assassins to assassinate the emperor of the Jin Kingdom almost succeeded, the lieutenant generals There is a lot of hatred for the people of Guishuang. If there is a chance, the lieutenant soldiers will definitely make the enemy feel fierce in the war.

During the war, the lieutenant generals of Hu Riang's army became more elite after the end of the confrontation. These things are of great significance to the lieutenant generals.

If there is no fierce performance in the war, then the ordinary training is meaningless, and the ordinary training is to be able to make achievements on the battlefield.

As for the fact that there will be sacrifices in a war, it is normal in itself. If it is safe on the battlefield, what is the difference between such a war and playing a family?

Jin’s army was able to achieve the current achievements when it crossed the battlefield. It was because the Jin’s army was able to obtain many victories in each confrontation. Only the achievements of the Jin’s soldiers on the battlefield would allow After Jin's army appeared in the confrontation, there were more possibilities.

When the war continues, it will certainly have a certain impact on the Jin country. Such influence is limited after all. It is far from impossible to let the Jin country give up the war through such a method. When the time comes, The Jin country will let the enemy taste the taste of failure.

It is precisely because of the Jin's military strength that the Jin's army can bring a lot of shocks after the appearance of the army, even after the messengers of the Roman Empire came to the Jin, they showed a strong sense of the Jin's army. interest of.

After a country's military becomes more powerful, it is of great significance to the development of the country. If even this aspect cannot be guaranteed, it is often impossible to make the development more smoothly.

From the past battles, I can feel more of the methods used by the emperor of Jin when he governs the city. Regardless of the strength of the opponent, when the Jin soldiers appear in a confrontation, they will be on the battlefield. What we get is more victories, and even such victories are of great help to the subsequent achievements of the lieutenant soldiers.

But all the troops on the battlefield want to win the war, because only victory can show their own value more.

As a soldier in the army, if you can't even guarantee victory in the battle, how can you call it an elite? Even if such an army appears in a confrontation, how much can it produce for the progress of the war? Influence.

War is the most important issue for lieutenants and soldiers to think about. If you can't win the battle from the battle, you will lose more things after the war is over.

The people of the Jin country have a lot of desire for victory in the war. Such a desire is even hard for ordinary people to understand. When the war began, when the soldiers of the Jin army attacked the enemy, why did they so desperately? Because they long for the victory of the war, only the victory of the war can let the lieutenant soldiers show their value.

The military lieutenants fighting on the battlefield are actually the same as the civil officials governing the localities. When the civil officials are governing the localities, they are desperately showing their talents, so that the development under the governance can be more guaranteed, not just to make their reputations stronger. Can we get more credit for governing the locality?

The purpose of the civilian military commanders is the same, but the methods they take in this process are different, but the civilian military commanders of the Jin country can make such efforts, which is the result that Lu Bu wants to see.

If the officials under the rule are simply because of the achievements in the country, and they usually do not perform harder, such things are extremely detrimental to the long-term development of the country. As the emperor of Jin, he is considering these things. At the time, what is needed is more comprehensive.

Facts have proved that in the process of development, Jin has encountered certain obstacles, but in the face of these obstacles, officials of Jin have reasonable countermeasures.

The current development speed of the Jin country can be seen. When the development speed of the country is like this, the development of the monarch, the monarch's ambition can be more realized.

What can be seen from the past campaigns is the ambition of the Emperor of Jin. After the situation in the country stabilizes, the army of Jin also has campaigns. Such campaigns will contribute to the stable development of Jin. Brings a certain impact, but it is precisely because of this kind of campaign that the national power of Jin has become stronger.

What you can see from everything that Jin has at present is Lu Bu’s strong strength. When the enemy faces the Jin army on the battlefield, they will feel shocked by the strong strength of the Jin army. When the war breaks out After that, Jin’s army was able to let the so-called enemy army see through their own efforts that it was basically impossible to win the battle against the Jin army.

After the war broke out, the soldiers of the Jin army had excellent performances in the war. It is precisely because of the excellent performance of the lieutenants that the monarch can obtain more possibilities when facing the war. Although the war is going on, It will make the monarch endure no small threats. Facts have proved that as long as the monarch has the corresponding means, these threats are not terrible.

It is possible to see what kind of means Lü Bu has when he is under the rule of development. If there is no more cooperation with Lü Bu during such a development process, the consequences that follow will definitely be serious, even in this way. Time to lose more things.

How powerful is the family strength of the big Han in the past, and it can even influence the court to a large extent. When the princes are fighting for hegemony, they become an important force under the rule of the princes, but after the Jin Dynasty unified the world, the power of the family However, it has been greatly weakened. Even after being weakened like this, the wealthy family dare not have more complaints. In the final analysis, it is because the emperor of Jin is too strong. If you go against the emperor of Jin If you do, the end is often extremely miserable.

The emperor of Jin’s fierce means was not only in governing the place, but also in war. As long as it was facing the enemy, the Jin’s army could use their charge to make the enemy feel the threat of death and feel the threat of death. What is the real elite.

The strength of the Jin Kingdom’s army is strong, and the strength that can be displayed in the battle is extremely strong. It is precisely because of such an army that the Jin Kingdom has more possibilities on the battlefield, and can even gain more from the confrontation. Many victories. ,

When the war began, what kind of performance the soldiers of the Jin army had in the four major guilds on the battlefield actually had a lot to do with the training generally received by the soldiers of the Jin army.

If not, even if the Jin country has more means, people? Can make the lieutenant soldiers more aggressive when fighting. It must be understood that the progress of the war is not something that some generals can control.

It is precisely because of the fierceness of the Jin army and soldiers on the battlefield that Jin can occupy more advantages when interacting with other countries, and even in this process, Jin can get more development. .

During the time that the Emperor of Jin did not return, Turado learned more about Jin, starting from the system of Jin.

Turado discovered that unlike the Roman monarchs, the emperors of the Jin Kingdom seemed to pay more attention to the lives of the people. This kind of situation rarely happened even in the Roman Empire, because the current Roman monarchs The soldiers of the army are the most concerned.

Only when lieutenants and soldiers can win more victories in battle can the country have more influence and the development of the country can be guaranteed. In the Roman Empire, the most important thing is the aristocracy, because these people The support of the Roman Empire will make the monarchs of the Roman Empire more likely to fight.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom paid so much attention to the lives of the people, which caused Turado to have a lot of surprises. Even if the people were very helpful to the development of the monarch, in the ordinary process, the help the people could provide was Very few, especially during the beginning of the war, shouldn't the most important ones be the soldiers in the army?

Influenced by the monarch of the Roman Empire, Turado paid the most attention to lieutenants and soldiers. This is understandable. The presence of the Roman Empire's armies in a confrontation can often cause the enemy to bear the price of failure.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for lieutenants to enjoy better treatment. If the development of lieutenants cannot be guaranteed, it is impossible for a country to get more development. Things.

The Jin emperor’s attention to the people’s living conditions surprised Turado. It is said that the Jin’s army can win the battle from time to time. The Jin emperor has the ability to develop the strength of the lieutenant soldiers. More attention is the most appropriate.

If even the strength of the lieutenant generals cannot be guaranteed, no matter how good the development of the middle school is, can Jin country be more powerful?

But it was this that made Turado’s unexpected Jin State, and there were many benefits that could be gained from the war. In the course of battles, the territory of Jin State was even wider, only after the soldiers of the Jin army appeared on the battlefield. The impact it can bring is not comparable to that of an ordinary military.

The success of the Shanxi army on the battlefield is unmatched by ordinary countries.

Now that the soldiers of the Jin army appear in the battle, it can make the Jin country stronger and stronger. Such a result will be of great help to the soldiers of the Jin army in the battle.

When the Jin army and soldiers can have greater achievements in a confrontation, it will be of great help to the development of Jin, Alai. From the expansion speed of Jin's territory, we can see more of this. Aspect of the matter.

After the monarch pays more attention to the development of the strength of the lieutenant, the lieutenant generals will have more confidence in the battle against the enemy.

Knowing more about Jin is precisely the goal of Turado at this time. Only after knowing more about the situation of Jin can he have more advantages when interacting with the emperor of Jin. It is best. It is possible to learn more about the emperor of Jin during this process.

Although the deeds of the Jin emperor are widely circulated among the people, it is impossible to make accurate judgments about what kind of character Lu Bu has.

Through the information obtained, Turado learned that the relationship between the Emperor of Jin and Guo Jia, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, is extremely close. Guo Jia and the emperor of Jin are even brothers. This situation has caused Turado. Attention.

The Jin Dynasty’s War Department Shangshu is an extremely important existence. It is in charge of the movement of soldiers and horses in Jin. If it can maintain a good relationship with Jin’s War Department Shangshu, it is often very helpful to the Jin country. The big one can even make the mission this time go more smoothly.

If you don't know more about the emperor of Jin, he will definitely hinder his subsequent actions.

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