Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5317: : The people of the Roman Empire are also proud


Of course, all this is because Turado lacked sufficient understanding of the Jin army’s means of warfare. After knowing the Jin army’s offensive means, Turado would not have such a simple view.

The Jin army that appeared on the battlefield was the demon on the battlefield. The mere means that the Jin army soldiers displayed on the battlefield were enough to make the enemy more in awe.

When these methods are deployed, the enemy will feel more trouble, and even at such a time, the enemy will pay more for the war.

The progress of the war has a great impact on the lieutenant soldiers. If you cannot win the war, you will lose more things after the war is over.

The strength of Jin's army is strong, and there are many benefits that can be gained from the confrontation. When Jin's soldiers gain more victories on the battlefield, it will bring Jin's strength even more powerful.

Jin's national strength is strong, and even in the process of development, the enemy can feel more threats. It is as strong as the Guishuang Empire. In front of the Jin's army, it is so unbearable. From these things In fact, we can see more of the fierceness of Jin's army.

It is precisely because of the strong side of Jin's army that it can gain more advantages in the confrontation and make the enemy lose more in the course of the battle.

The victory of the war will give the soldiers more confidence in the face of the war. If they fail to win, they will lose more after the war.

Sometimes, the loss is not only the number of troops, but also the spirit of lieutenants and soldiers, and the pride of the people in the country.

If two things are lost at the time, it is not so easy to find them back.

The ability of Jin's army to show during the confrontation is terrible. It is precisely because of the strength of Jin's army that Jin's army can obtain more benefits from the war.

The state of Jin nowadays has greatly suppressed Guishuang, and even after such remarks on the Jin side, Guishuang can’t wait to send envoys to Jin.

If Guishuang's strength was sufficient, how could he make more moves at such a time.

Queen Guishuang, even if the assassin of the state of Jin is now claiming to assassinate her, I am afraid that it cannot cause too much shock in the state of Jin. The lieutenant soldiers exist for victory on the battlefield, when they appear in a confrontation. , What can make the enemy feel fear and fear, in this case, it is enough.

This is also the reason why Turado has so much interest in the army of the Jin Kingdom. After having a better understanding of the army of the Jin Kingdom, the army of the Jin Kingdom can have a better understanding of some actions, and even The combat effectiveness of the Shanxi army has a specific understanding.

The fighting method of the Jin army is also what Turado wants to know, but all of this requires gradual progress. Nowadays, the ability to maintain a good relationship with Guo Jia, the Shangshu of the Jin Kingdom, is very important in Turado’s eyes. The progress has been made.

As long as there is enough money as a temptation, why can't Jin State's War Department Shangshu explain more of the situation.

Bring in Guo Jia step by step. By that time, Guo Jia will do a lot of things that will damage the Jin country for the sake of money and for his own status.

Turado had this idea because he did not have enough understanding of the officialdom of the Jin State. After becoming an official of the Jin State, he would know that it is not that easy to become an official in the Jin State. The following is the most important thing, but the most important thing is to comply with Jin's system.

Otherwise, even if you have outstanding achievements in governing a place, if the monarch is not satisfied with the usual performance, you will still not be able to be promoted, and there is still a risk.

Even as an important official of the Jin State, there is still no change in such matters. The officialdom system of the Jin State determines these aspects.

Under the circumstances that the officials of the Jin State would be so restrained, wouldn't it make people feel weird that Guo Jia's arrogance in Chang'an City? Wouldn't these people have more suspicions?

It is not that Turado did not think of such a level, but that Turado lacked a real understanding of Jin.

Besides, even if Turado sees the matter clearly now, can it be said that the money sent out will not be returned? As the messenger of the Roman Empire, he must show corresponding tolerance in some things. In terms of money, it is even more important. It should be so, otherwise, it is the most serious to make people of the Jin country despise.

The people of the Roman Empire had pride that belonged to them, and the same was true in the process of envoying to the Kingdom of Jin.

However, judging from the current situation, the officials of the Jin Kingdom did not welcome the arrival of the officials of the Roman Empire as much as they had imagined. The main reason is that the army of the Jin Kingdom also had a dazzling performance in previous wars.

This will make the people of the Jin country more proud, but the officials on the mission will not think that only relying on the strength of the Jin country can form a situation of confrontation with the powerful Roman Empire.

The development of the Roman Empire was accompanied by many wars. In these wars, the strength displayed by the Roman Empire was extremely terrifying, and even in such a process, the enemy could feel more threats.

It was precisely because of the mighty strength of the Roman Empire that the officials in the envoy team were dissatisfied with Turado's caution.

Even though the Jin State is prosperous, it is impossible to bring more influence to the Roman Empire. If the two armies encounter on the battlefield, the Jin State's army will inevitably bear the price of failure.

This is also the pride of the people of the Roman Empire. Regardless of the strength of the enemy, when they appear on the battlefield, they will have more influence on the situation of the war and allow the enemy to bear more defeats.

Even though the Jin country has a strong background, can it be said that it can not be compared with the Roman Empire in these aspects.

When the army of the Roman Empire appeared on the battlefield, it was often able to cause a great shock in the war.

The people of the Roman Empire have their pride, which is a normal thing in itself, just as the people of the Jin Kingdom also have their pride.

Catching on the line of Guo Jia and entering the Jin army to watch it is of great significance in Turado’s eyes. If you have a better understanding of the situation in Jin, you will have What kind of attitude.

Turado thought that such a move was clever, but he did not realize that such a situation was exactly what Jia Xu and others expected. At this time, the Roman Empire sent envoys to Jin, not only for the benefit of Jin. It's so simple, what I still want to do is to explore the strength of the Jin country as much as possible, only after they have a better understanding of the strength of the Jin country, they will have the next move.

As the monarch of the Roman Empire, before doing anything, he must have careful consideration. If it were not, the Roman Empire would not have what it is today.

It is precisely because of the strength of the Roman Empire that you need to consider more when doing some things, so that more benefits can be obtained during the war.

If even these things cannot be done, the monarch of the Roman Empire will definitely fail.

When the monarchs of the Roman Empire have taken corresponding actions before the battle, they will have a fierce performance in the war. Otherwise, why the Roman Empire can get the opportunity to grow after the battle.

Sometimes just relying on the strong strength of the lieutenant generals, it is indeed possible to win on the battlefield, and such a victory is a big blow to the enemy, but what kind of response will there be after the war is the same. important.

The Roman Empire had a corresponding plan before the war. If the plan is more comprehensive, the war will proceed more smoothly. If there is no more guarantee from this aspect, the situation of the war will be even more unpredictable.

The current Jin Kingdom is extremely powerful in terms of strength. It is precisely because of this that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom will have corresponding measures when choosing to fight.

The progress of the war has greatly affected the Jin country. From the current development speed of the Jin country, we can see more things in this area.

Before the war, the Jin state would have more considerations about the possible situations in the war. When the corresponding situation appeared on the battlefield, the lieutenants and soldiers were able to respond in a timely manner. Even after the war, the officials of the Jin state arrived. There will be more responses in the local area.

After careful planning in these areas, Jin's army will have a stronger purpose in some battles.

Even if the enemy forces can bring some trouble to Jin's army during the battle, it is impossible to have more achievements in the battle against Jin's army.

Nowadays, the Jin country is showing a strong side to the people. How to have greater achievements in the battle against the Jin country's army is the most important question for Guishuang to think about.

Otherwise, once the war breaks out and Jin's army appears on the battlefield, the damage it can bring to the enemy is great.

This is the damage and impact that the powerful Jin country can bring in the war. If not, why the powerful Guishuang will have so much fear when facing the Jin country's army.

What can be seen from the battle in Guishan City is the powerful strength of the Jin country. Fighting against the Jin country’s army is a lingering nightmare for the Guishuang army. If they can’t win, they will be in the war. Lose more things.

The success of the Jin state is unpredictable by the Guishuang military. If there is a war between the two sides, what the Jin state's military can do is a very good response.

The progress of the war will make Guishuang feel more trouble, but the victory that the soldiers of the Jin army can obtain from the war will make the Jin country more smooth in the development process.

Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin, and some of Lu Bu's decisions were of great help to the development of Jin, and even allowed Jin to develop more rapidly.

From the achievements made during the development of Jin country in the past, we can see more of this aspect.

Anyone who knows more about the development of Jin will be shocked by the speed of Jin's development. When such a speed of development appears in a country, the enemy will be more shocked.

It was not long before Turado, the messenger of the Roman Empire, came to Jin, it was difficult to have a more thorough understanding of Jin, and even more omissions would appear in the process of such an understanding.

It is often these omissions that make Turado overlook more important things.

If the emperor of the Jin Kingdom lacked the corresponding means in the process of fighting against the enemy, it would be impossible for the Jin Kingdom to develop rapidly after the end of the war. It was precisely because of the means of the Jin Emperor that Jin Soldiers and soldiers can be quickly supplemented after going through the war, making the development of the rule faster.

If you ignore this aspect, you will bear more costs when you fight against the Jin country's army.

The progress of the war is an important matter for the monarch itself. If you can't win the war, you will lose more after the war is over.

Guishuang’s matter is a good illustration. When Guishuang’s army did not attack the city of Jin, the exchanges between the two sides were still relatively harmonious. After Guishuang’s merchants came to Jin, they could enjoy relatively fairness. treatment.

After the outbreak of the war, the treatment enjoyed by the merchants of Guishuang plummeted. Now that the emperor of the Jin country encountered the assassin from Guishuang's side, it is difficult for the merchants of Guishuang to make any progress in the Jin country. These things all explain~www.readwn .com~The sovereignty that Jin can obtain from the war after winning the war.

Even at this time, there is more initiative. When the two countries are interacting, one party cannot occupy the initiative, or if they have been in a passive situation, this situation is the most serious.

The Jin State has a great advantage, which makes the development of Jin State more possible.

And when Jin's army appears in a battle, it will cause a great shock on the battlefield.

The fierce offensive of the Jin army soldiers had an indelible impact on the enemy.

The Emperor of Jin was on his way back to Chang'an, but the city of Chang'an at this time was not so peaceful.

After the messengers of the Roman Empire came to Jin, the messengers of the Anxi Empire and the messengers of Guishuang came to the city of Chang'an one after another.

The Roman Empire, the Guishuang Empire, the Anxi Empire, and the Jin Kingdom can be said to be the four most powerful empires today. When the other three empires send envoys to the Jin Kingdom, it can actually explain the importance of the Jin Kingdom.

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