Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5324: : The impact is beyond imagination


When a country's development speed can be guaranteed, there will be fewer problems encountered in the development process.

It can be seen from the development status of Jin that although Lu Bu has harsh methods when dealing with the wealthy family, the people of the wealthy family can still be used by Lu Bu. It was after the Jin Kingdom had developed to where it is now, even if they had more opposition to the Jin Kingdom's emperor, they did not dare to show it lightly.

When the emperor of Jin led an army to appear on the battlefield, the shock to the enemy was often great, and even allowed the enemy to withstand the defeat of the war.

After the Jin Kingdom develops more rapidly, Lu Bu will get more support. At this time, even if the Roman Empire is strong, can it be said that he will definitely win the battle against the Jin army? Judging from the level displayed by the soldiers in previous battles, when the Jin Kingdom's army goes out, they will inevitably get the victory of the war.

Just this aspect of things will shock more enemy troops, because it is often impossible for them to win when they fight against the Jin army.

Nowadays, the development of Jin is faster and faster. When this situation continues, the impact on the rapid development of Jin will definitely be great.

The continued progress of the war has ensured the speed of Jin's development. It is precisely because of this that when the war begins, the Jin's army has more ways to fight.

Nowadays, the emperor of Jin can obtain many benefits from the battle. It is precisely because of this aspect that the emperor of Jin has more interest in the battle.

With the gradual progress of the war and the gradual increase in the strength of the Jin State, there will be more to be gained for the development of the Jin State.

"Send this letter to Feng Xiao." Lu Bu said.

Dian Wei nodded and said yes, and took the letter and walked away quickly.

Since the assassination happened, Dian Wei has been more cautious when doing things normally. Facts have proved that after Jin has the current development, there are still people who want to disadvantage Lu Bu in secret. Such people, Dian Wei hates it.

After how many wars the army of the Jin Kingdom has experienced, the development of the Jin Kingdom has been achieved. When Lü Bu treated the wealthy family, although his attitude was suppressing, he was able to give the children of the wealthy family a chance to enter the officialdom. Just come out enough ability.

If there are shortcomings in terms of ability and still want to enter the officialdom, this will have a great impact on the development of Jin.

In the past, children from a wealthy family did have a lot of convenience when entering the officialdom, but they would not work if they were placed in the Jin country. Such a system was established by Lu Bu.

In fact, it can be seen from the difference between the two that Lu Bu is determined. When Lu Bu implements such a strategy, more talents can be used by the court rather than by the family, even if there are talents from a family background. No matter how high a talent is, it would be in vain if he can't get the opportunity to display it.

Besides, the development mode of the wealthy family in the past is inherently abnormal. The development mode of the Jin country is more reasonable, so that the people can get more benefits, and the ordinary soldiers in the army can go further through their own efforts. It's fair to go to a higher position.

It’s not that the world belongs to the wealthy family. Lu Bu would not agree to such a deal. The existence of the wealthy family is indeed of great significance to the development of the country, but from the big man, Lu Bu sees it. It is the instability of the wealthy family, because the children of these families often use any means for the development of the family. As for the price that the people will pay in such a process, it is completely For those who are not within their consideration, as long as the family they belong to can get more development, it is enough in their opinion.

When Jin State develops in this way, more problems will inevitably arise. This is also an important reason why Lu Bu can get more support after changing the system.

Facts have proved that the power of the people is stronger than that of the wealthy family, especially the power of the people under Lu Bu's rule. When the people have more support for the monarch, the monarch is doing something. It will be convenient in time.

Why is the current development speed of the Jin country so fast? It has a great relationship with the development of the Jin country. If the Jin country cannot provide more protection for the lives of the people in the system, even the monarch leads the lieutenant generals. How much does it have to do with ordinary people to win victory from one battle after another.

Ordinary people are most concerned about whether their lives can be guaranteed. If the monarch can stabilize the lives of the people, it is relatively simple to get the support of the people.

It is precisely because after seeing what is going on, Jin has a lot of support for the people in the process of development.

How many children of the common people have become officials in the officialdom. Just from this kind of thing, you can see Lu Bu's determination. It should be noted that in the past, officials were more of a family of wealthy families, and they came to Lu Bu's hands. However, such a system has undergone such changes.

Under such circumstances, the family members have resentment towards Lu Bu, which is also a matter of reason. The key is that when they do things normally, they dare not violate Lu Bu more, because of the methods Lu Bu displayed. It's horrible.

Some of the behaviors of the wealthy family will even be monitored by the people. Such a thing makes the family wealthy family uncomfortable.

In the past, the people were the targets of oppression by the wealthy family, but after Lu Bu gained the world, the people seemed to become the masters, and could even report the wealthy family.

When the evidence reported by the people is conclusive, even if the family has contributed to the development of the Jin country in the past, it will still be punished.

It is for these reasons that Jin's families have been more low-key in the process of Jin's sustainable development. Even many families cannot find a way to enter the officialdom and can only let family members participate in business activities.

The era of scholars, peasants, industry and commerce has passed when Lu Bu ruled Jin. Anyone who can make greater achievements in development will receive corresponding attention. Few have official positions, but this aspect alone will allow more businessmen to be used by Jin.

When the Jin Dynasty emperor issued an order, it was often able to cause a lot of shock among the merchants.

Merchants have a lot of support for the emperor of Jin, this is because merchants often get help from the emperor of Jin in the process of development.

If it weren’t for the Jin Dynasty to have such a system, it would be basically impossible for businessmen to get more protection for their own interests when doing business. Just the power of the wealthy family would make these businessmen understand. How difficult it is to achieve greater success in the process of doing business.

The development speed of the Jin country is very fast nowadays. How to avoid more problems in such a rapid development process is not the most important thing for the monarch to think about.

The emperor of the Jin state only dealt with important affairs in the dynasty at ordinary times. This does not mean that the emperor did not pay more attention to the development of the Jin state, and made the development of the Jin state more orderly. The overall situation is of greater help.

The way the Jin State adopted during its development was shocking, and it shocked the wealthy family, because the interests of the wealthy family were greatly weakened at this time.

When facing Lv Bu, people from the rich family did not dare to violate more. Who can guarantee that when the rich family has more violations, no other situation will occur.

What can be seen from the war is Lü Bu’s aggressive methods, and from the treatment of the wealthy family, it can also be seen that if Lü Bu lacks such aggressive methods, in fact, it will not be better for the development of Jin. Much help.

The development speed of the Jin Kingdom is very fast. On this point, Lü Bu's achievements are incomparable to previous emperors. Taking the current territory of the Jin Kingdom, you can see more problems.

The soldiers of the Jin army were able to obtain victories on the battlefield, causing more damage to the enemy, allowing more enemy troops to understand in such a confrontation that only by virtue of their combat power, they wanted It is obviously impossible to win more victories in the battle against the army of the Jin Kingdom.

After seeing Jin's army appearing on the battlefield, the wisest thing to do is to leave quickly, because if you don't leave, more problems will arise.

The envoys of the Roman Empire, the envoys of Guishuang, and the envoys of rest came to Chang'an, making Lu Bu feel the opportunity. The purpose of the envoys of Guishuang came to Chang'an is very clear, that is, they want to continue to maintain the relationship with the Jin country. The good relationship between them, or in other words, there is a certain explanation in the assassin's matter.

However, how much effect this explanation can play in the Jin country? After the Dajin News has such content, it is decided that when the emperor of the Jin country tells the matter, the Jin army and Guishuang There will definitely be a confrontation between the armies, and the most important thing is who can win the final victory from the confrontation.

After the war is over, the side that wins will get more power.

It can be seen from Guishuang’s previous contacts with the Jin country that the Jin country attaches great importance to reciprocity in strength. If you cannot have reciprocal strength, you want to take more initiative when interacting. It is simply impossible.

The achievements of the Jin army outside the Western Regions are very great. It is precisely because of such achievements that the Jin soldiers will have more confidence when they appear on the battlefield. They have more confidence in the coming war. If you have enough confidence to win, regardless of the strength of the enemy army displayed in this process, once the Jin army begins to fight, the victory will inevitably be tilted to the Jin side.

The past wars have fully proved the powerful strength of the Jin army. The appearance of such an army on the battlefield has brought more shock to the enemy. The soldiers of Guishuang must have many fears for the upcoming war. Because they have no hope of victory from such a confrontation. When the war comes, they just rely on the current state of the Guishuang army to win more victories against the Jin army. How many possibilities are there.

It is impossible for the Guishuang army, which has been tortured by the Jin army, to win when facing the Jin army.

Now that the war has reached such a stage, what Guishuang will feel is the approaching crisis.

Although the Jin army was not dispatched, when the people of the Jin country were more dissatisfied with Guishuang, how far was it to send troops from the Jin country.

Once Jin's army was dispatched, the impact on Guishuang was beyond imagination.

Now that Guishuang's army wants to win in the process of advancing in the battle, it is very difficult in itself.

But if you can't win the battle, what Guishuang will lose in the confrontation is more power.

In the battle of Guishan City, Guishuang’s army ended in failure. The final result fully demonstrated that when Guishuang’s army appeared on the battlefield and could not defeat the Jin’s army, the country’s development would be more affected. .

The achievements of Jin's army fully prove the strength of Jin. No matter what kind of enemy it is facing, when Jin's army appears, it will always be able to win, no matter what the situation is. What a crisis, such a result cannot be changed.

It can be said that confronting the army of the Jin Kingdom requires a lot of pressure on the enemy, because if you can't win the war, you will lose more things after the war is over.

Guishuang had hatred of Jin, and even more fear, because when the war broke out, they didn't know what methods they would take to deal with the Jin's army's offensive.

In the past, Guishuang's army was extremely fierce when fighting. Regardless of the number of enemy troops, when the war broke out, Guishuang's army dared to charge forward.

Nowadays, Guishuang's army must be more cautious when encountering the Jin army, because if you are not careful in the war, you will fail.

If even the victory of the war cannot be guaranteed in a confrontation, what can such an army do even if it has an advantage in numbers.

The progress of the war itself has a lot of influence on the lieutenant soldiers, and how to have more means to eliminate such influence is also crucial.

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