Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5334: : Dislike each other


In particular, what kind of benefits the party that initiates the war can gain during the war will have a great impact on the country's subsequent development. If it fails to win from the confrontation, it will lose even more.

The previous Guishuang army's attack on Guishan City is a good illustration. Not only did it fail to benefit from Jin, but it was in a disadvantaged position in subsequent exchanges and had to agree to the conditions proposed by Jin.

This is the impact that war can bring. When fighting against the enemy, what kind of combat power the lieutenant can display will have a great impact on the war. If you can’t win from the confrontation, you will be More losses in the course of fighting.

The progress of the war today is an important basis for the improvement of Jin’s strength. From the performance of the Jin army’s soldiers in previous wars, we can see more that when the war begins, they can give the enemy in the war. What kind of shock did it bring.

The fierceness of the generals of the Jin army, so that the people of the Jin country will not have the so-called fear of the coming of war, and will even take the initiative to step forward when the war comes.

Because the generals of the Jin army are brave and good at fighting, their offensive can make the enemy bear the defeat of the war. When the war can win more victories, why can't the lieutenant soldiers have more expectations for the coming of the war.

When the war continues, it will definitely have a certain impact on the Jin country, but the Jin country has a strong background. In the process of conquering the enemy, what can be achieved is a rapid recovery. The people under the rule were not more disturbed. It was precisely because of this reason that the people of Jin were not opposed to war.

Even after the dignity of the Jin State was provoked, it was filled with righteous indignation. As long as the officials of Guishuang came to Jin State, they would feel this kind of hatred attitude.

After the people of the Jin country have such an attitude, they will show stronger combat effectiveness when fighting against the enemy. Such things are unavoidable.

It’s not a secret what kind of performance the soldiers of the Jin army had during the battle. When the war is going on, the Jin’s army can win more victories, which will have a great impact on the progress of the war. It can even allow the lieutenant generals to display their own strength more.

Today’s Jin is powerful and has a solid foundation. For the Jin country, conquest is an important means to increase its strength. If it is placed on a general country, it may be more expensive to conquer, but it will be different if it is placed in Jin country. Let the territory of Jin state more extensive.

As for the limits of the Jin’s army on the battlefield, this is also unpredictable. It can only be seen from the performance of the Jin soldiers in previous wars. When the Jin soldiers appear, they will be brought on the battlefield. What kind of shock is coming.

Relying on Guishuang’s military strength, it is basically impossible to win the battle against the Jin army. At that time, the fierce Jin army soldiers will let the people of Guishuang understand in the war that when they choose to provoke the Jin country What will be the price afterwards.

In fact, the people of Guishuang were also quite depressed. The first master of Guishuang played in the battle was not the request of the senior leaders of Guishuang. Even before that, they had not received the slightest news. However, after the first master of Guishuang failed in the assassination, Such consequences will fall on Guishuang's body, regardless of whether Guishuang's high-level leaders have decided on such a matter.

Jin has experienced more difficulties in the process of development, but when facing wars, Jin’s army is not more afraid. What they pursue is to obtain more victories in the war. Only when you can get more victories against the enemy can you get the greatest guarantee for your own stability.

The lieutenant generals are an important guarantee for the stability of the Jin country. If even the elites of the lieutenant generals in the battle cannot guarantee more, what kind of damage such an army can bring to the enemy even if it appears on the battlefield Woolen cloth.

The name of Jin's soldiers for being brave and good at war has a strong reputation outside of the Western Regions. It is precisely because of this that the rise of Jin has attracted so much attention.

When Jin's army appeared in a battle, the shock it could bring to the enemy was often a lot.

Although it is not the first time to come to the Jin army, Ardaban still has a lot of shock after seeing the training of the soldiers of the Jin army. Compared with the training aspect, the training of the soldiers of the Parthian Empire is better than that. There is a big gap between the officers and soldiers of the Jin Kingdom, which can be seen more from the performance of the lieutenant officers during training.

The training of the Jin Kingdom’s army is inherently strict. Regardless of whether there will be wars or not, the lieutenants must maintain an elite side. In this way, only when the war comes, the lieutenants can do more.

If you don’t work hard normally, even if such an army appears in a war, it is impossible to be disappointed if you want to win the war from the enemy. The past wars are the best proof of the Jin army’s performance, regardless of the enemy’s The strength is strong and weak. When the Jin army officers appear in the confrontation, they will show the most powerful side. They have to let the enemy see through this method and rely on ordinary means to win victory from the Jin army. What kind of difficulty is there.

The continuous victory of the war has made the Jin army more elite. The generals in the army have stricter requirements for the soldiers in the process of training, and this has given the current Jin army's strong side.

If the elite side of even the lieutenant soldiers cannot be guaranteed, it is basically impossible to get more victories from the battle.

After the war, what kind of performance the Jin military officers have is related to the stability of the Jin country. The military lieutenants are more ordinary people from ordinary people. The current life of ordinary people is clear to the lieutenants and soldiers. This Everything is because the emperor of Jin is Lu Bu.

Without an emperor like Lu Bu, it would be impossible for the people of Jin to enjoy the life they are today. It’s not bad that the Jin’s army has won many victories on the battlefield. The impact brought about by the progress is also great.

When the people's lives become more stable, they will have more support for the monarch, and military officers and soldiers will have more respect for the monarch.

The strength of the Jin country is at its peak, and military lieutenants can obtain many victories in the course of the campaign. From these things, we can see what kind of attitude the Jin army soldiers have when facing war.

When the country becomes more stable, the monarch will receive more support. Even if there are young people in the dark, they dare not stand up at this time.

Aldaban is like this, and Turado’s performance is not much better. The Jin army soldiers feel extremely shocked during the training. Amidst the shouts, what can be seen is the Jin army soldiers’ seriousness in training. From the behavior of the soldiers, we can clearly see that this is an elite army.

If the Jin Army generals appear on the battlefield, more enemy troops can be defeated in the battle by virtue of their elite performance. It is not so easy for the enemy to win from the hands of the Jin Army generals.

From what kind of performance the Jin army generals had in the process of fighting against the enemy, we can see the strong combat effectiveness of the Jin army more.

Traveling all the way, watching the training of the soldiers of the Jin army, Aldaban and Turado talked with Guo Jia or Huang Zhong from time to time.

Aldaban and Turado are not pleasing to each other, but they have a positive attitude when it comes to making friends with the Jin country. When the Jin country has more weapons, they can play an important role in the process of fighting. The progress of war often has a great impact.

After you have a preliminary understanding of the army of the Jin state, you will discover what kind of damage the Jin army can bring to the enemy by virtue of its fierce offensive methods after appearing on the battlefield.

Jin's soldiers are famous for their toughness, not to mention what influence the enemy can have on the Jin's campaign in such a process. When Jin's soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can often create miracles.

It is precisely because of the many victories on the battlefield that the appearance of the soldiers of the Jin army in the war can cause more shock to the enemy.

The gradual progress of the war will allow the strength of the Jin country to be steadily improved. When the opponent sees this aspect, he will definitely be anxious in his heart.

The Anxi Empire naturally hoped that the Jin country would send troops to attack Guishuang. In this way, the Anxi Empire’s army would be dispatched to attack Guishuang. If the two armies unite to attack Guishuang, it would only rely on Guishuang’s strength. It is obviously impossible for the armed forces of the two sides to do more in the battle.

Don't say anything else, just the appearance of the soldiers of the Jin army in the war can bring more shock to Guishuang's army.

It can be seen from the previous fighting situation that when the Jin soldiers appear in a war, what they can often bring to the enemy is the defeat of the war.

Guishuang has already experienced the fierce methods of the Jin army. If possible, what Guishuang wants to do is to maintain the relationship with Jin as much as possible, so that the relationship between the two parties can be more stable before it can be more beneficial. The development of Guishuang.

Guishuang’s assassins assassinated the Emperor of Jin, which itself contained a misunderstanding. It can be said that Guishuang sent envoys to Jin at this time with sincerity.

The key is that Guishuang’s sincerity will not be accepted by the Jin Dynasty. The emperor encounters an assassin and the imperial concubine is seriously injured. This will have no small impact on Jin.

When the war broke out, the army of the Jin country could win the war, which made the people of the Jin country not have more fear of war, even if the enemy army can show strong combat power on the battlefield, be a soldier of the Jin army. After appearing on the battlefield, the enemy can feel the fierceness of the war.

The performance of Jin's soldiers on the battlefield is very good in itself. After the Jin's army goes out, it will bring more guarantees to the Jin's tyranny. If you do more, it will definitely help the Jin army soldiers to fight.

Today, the Jin government does not have a good attitude towards Guishuang. This allows Aldaban to see the opportunity. As long as the Jin government agrees to send troops to attack Guishuang, the Anxi Empire’s army will definitely be dispatched, even in this way. In the process, let the people of Guishuang pay more for the war.

No matter what excuses the war will use to unfold, when the war begins, it will be the nightmare of the people of Guishuang.

According to Ardaban’s understanding of the Jin emperor, such an expedition can bring benefits to the development of Jin. In this way, the Jin emperor will not have an attitude of rejection when facing the expedition.

The progress of the war will allow the people of Jin to get more benefits from the war, and even at this time, let the people of Guishuang understand what will happen when they encounter the army of Jin on the battlefield.

In the old days, the soldiers of the Jin army had dazzling performances when they fought on the battlefield. With their strong combat power, after the Jin's army appeared on the battlefield, they were able to obtain constant victories.

After such a Jin army appeared in Guishuang's territory, it must have brought even greater vibration to Guishuang.

Since the end of the last battle, Guishuang will definitely pay more attention to the increase in the number of lieutenants in the army, but when the Jin army dispatches more soldiers and horses in the war, what will happen on the battlefield? Such a situation.

If the elite soldiers of the Jin army are all elite, it will inevitably make Guishuang fall into more shock.

The destructive power brought by the soldiers of the Jin army in the battle is really too When the Jin country has more determination to attack Guishuang, it will definitely be displayed in the process of the attack. Many means.

After all, the continued progress of the war will have little impact on the Jin country. From the past when the Jin army soldiers fought, it can be seen that the Jin country’s support for the war gave the enemy a lot of shock. It is basically impossible to just want to make the development of Jin country more affected by the means of war.

Nowadays, Jin's army has made great achievements in the war. Such achievements will cause Jin's army to cause more damage to the enemy after it appears on the battlefield.

When Jin's army has a stronger reputation, they will be more relaxed when fighting, because when the enemy sees the arrival of Jin's soldiers, they dare not have more resistance.

The soldiers of the Jin Army were extremely serious when they were training. They were not affected by the arrival of these people, and they continued to follow their previous training.

The Jin army has strict training standards. If the sergeant soldiers fail to pass the training, they will definitely be punished. Even the soldiers who fall behind in the training will temporarily leave the barracks.

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