Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5337: : It's so tough


Turado curled his lips secretly. The Jin army had a weapon like the gunpowder and thunderbolt, wasn't it just to show the greatest effect in the offensive process?

Just relying on ordinary watching, certainly can not let the lieutenant soldiers display more powerful strength on the battlefield, the most important thing is that the lieutenant soldiers can have more means in the process of manipulation.

Therefore, the Jin army will definitely use these methods in the process of normal training.

Now that the envoys of the Roman Empire and the Parthian Empire came to visit the Jin army, Guo Jia actually used a lot of consumption as a reason.

For this reason, what Turado saw was Guo Jia's greed. What is this not greed?

Huang Zhong also smiled after hearing Guo Jia’s words. He wanted to see the Jin army’s methods, that’s okay, and it had to pay a certain price. The Jin army’s soldiers’ offensive methods were costly. After such things are consumed, they need to be supplemented, relying on the Jin country.

It would be even better if the messengers of the Roman Empire and the Parthian Empire were able to pay a certain price in such a process. However, I am afraid that only Guo Jia can raise such a matter, and it is still so right and confident. It is certainly not possible for ordinary Jin officials to act like this.

And Guo Jia doesn’t pay as much attention to this aspect. As long as the benefits can be obtained, the others are irrelevant. As the messengers of the two parties, Turado and Aldaban must be controlled by hi. A lot of money.

If you want to see the offensive methods of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield, that's okay, you can pay a certain price.

After Aldaban heard the meaning in Guo Jia's words, he stepped forward and said in a low voice.

Guo Jia suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. "The Holy Master had said before that the people of the Anxi Empire had a sincere friendship with the Kingdom of Jin. Today, it seems that it is really the case."

After speaking, Guo Jia set his sights on Turado. The meaning was obvious. If you want to see the performance of Jin's soldiers in long-range offensive methods, you need to pay a certain price. If you can't express anything in these matters, It will make Jin's War Department Shangshu very dissatisfied. When Jin's War Department Shangshu is dissatisfied, he will not let the Jin soldiers show offensive methods.

The meaning is obvious, Turado has a lot of helplessness in his heart, can it be said that at this time he has to refuse.

Coming to the Jin army, the most important thing is to see what kind of powerful methods the Jin army soldiers have on the battlefield, and whether they are as powerful as the previous rumors.

In the course of the battle, what has the greatest impact on the lieutenants is not only the high morale of the lieutenants in the process of fighting against the enemy, but also has a great relationship with the offensive methods possessed by the lieutenants. If there are deficiencies in the means of offensive, even if there are a large number of lieutenants and soldiers, and even in their elite level, non-enemy troops can compare them. Once they appear on the battlefield, they want to win victory from the enemy’s hands. , It doesn't seem to be that simple thing.

It can be seen from the past campaigns of the soldiers of the Jin army that the Jin army not only has strong strength, but the combat effectiveness shown in the process of attacking the enemy is also extremely fierce. In the several stages of attack, it is even more effective for the enemy. It's hard to stop.

It is precisely because the Jin State army has such destructive power on the battlefield, when the Jin State army appears in a battle, it is often able to attract more attention.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield are great. Such achievements will make the Jin army more proud. Even if the enemy army has the advantage in the battle, they want to make the Jin army in the war. Suffering is often not that simple.

The success of the Jin army can be seen. It is precisely because of so many victories that after the soldiers of the Jin army appear on the battlefield, more victories can be obtained.

The emperor Lu Bu of the Jin Kingdom used stern methods during the campaign. It is precisely because of the methods in this area that the Jin army has more guarantees during the campaign.

No matter how uncomfortable Turado's heart was, he couldn't show it at this time, especially in front of the envoy of the Parthian Empire.

After all, the relationship between the two parties is a competitive relationship. If you are stingy at this time, wouldn't it be let the other side look down on it? Besides, in the course of the battle, the Roman Empire's army has an absolute advantage against the rest of the army. Under such a situation , The foundation of the Roman Empire is definitely more rich than that of the Parthian Empire.

From the fact that Turado wanted to enter the Jin army and watch the money to pay, we can see that the messengers of the Roman Empire are not bad for money.

When Turado showed his meaning, Guo Jia smiled and said: "Since the two envoys are so interested in our army's offensive methods, let the Perak car show its power."

After Hao Meng on the side received the order, he clasped his fist and said, "Here."

Hao Meng is the main general in the Jin army and a famous general in the Jin Kingdom’s war temple. He has been with Lu Bu for many years. It can be said that he has won Lu Bu’s trust. Otherwise, Hao Meng would not be in charge of the Shenji Camp. Yes, even if they are important generals in the Jin army, they dare not be too presumptuous in front of Hao Meng. After all, Hao Meng has been following Lu Bu for a long time. If he offends such a general, it is not for ordinary generals. What good news.

The ability that Hao Meng showed during the campaign was also strong, and it was easier for such a general to be respected.

There are many fierce generations among the generals of the Jin state, which can be seen more from their performance on the battlefield, and this situation is exactly what Lu Bu wants to see. If it is a general in the Jin army, Satisfied with the achievements made on the battlefield in the past, it is obviously impossible for such an army to achieve greater achievements in future confrontations.

In the Jin army, you must gradually get used to the system in the Jin army. Those who are able go up and down the weak. This is the system in the Jin army. Only by adapting more to the system in the Jin army can you get used to it. More development has been achieved in the Jin army.

It can be seen from the talents that have emerged during the development of the Jin army in the past that the Jin State’s system in this area is reasonable. It is precisely because of this that the Jin State’s army can have the current development.

Behind the victory of the Jin army soldiers in the wars, there is no credit for the system in the Jin army.

The system in the Jin army will allow the soldiers of the Jin army to show more of their abilities when they are on the battlefield. Only when they show their abilities in this area in the war can they get enough in the Jin army. Attention.

The current progress of the war has a great impact on the Jin country. It is precisely because of the extremely dazzling performance of the Jin army's soldiers on the battlefield that the people of the Jin country have a lot of expectations for the Jin army's conquest.

The cost of spending money can see the Jin army’s long-range offensive methods, which is worthwhile in Turado and Ardaban, and it is best to be able to see more of the Jin army’s offensive in the Jin army. Means, the purpose of the two is the same, they want to benefit from the Jin country.

Although the Roman Empire’s army and the Jin’s army have never fought against each other on the battlefield, judging from the means displayed by the Jin army, when the Roman Empire’s army and the Jin army are confronted, they must pay a great price.

Before the war, it is often necessary to have a better understanding of the other party. If there is no guarantee in this respect, many problems will definitely arise after the war begins.

The Roman Empire can have the current development, but the monarch has made a lot of effort. Even if other situations will arise in future wars, it must be under the control of the Roman Empire.

The alliance between the Jin Kingdom and the Parthian Empire poses a great threat to the Roman Empire. In particular, the Jin army’s general offensive means, if it can fall into the parthian Empire’s army, will inevitably increase the strength of the Parthian Empire’s army. Obviously improved, when the war broke out, the Parthian Empire could use such methods to bring more damage to the Roman Empire’s army.

Only from this aspect can be seen the influence of the emergence of the Jin army. In the past, there was no Jin army outside the Western Regions. The Roman Empire’s army was able to occupy an absolute advantage when fighting the Parthian Empire. Yes, but after the Jin army emerges strongly, this situation will change a lot.

It is necessary to be more cautious when dealing with the Jin country, especially the methods that the Jin army may display on the battlefield, and have more understanding of this aspect, in order to ensure that future wars will proceed more smoothly.

As for the achievements of Jin's army on the battlefield, it is also something that the Roman Empire should pay attention to. There is more attention to the situation of Jin, because of the powerful combat power displayed by the Jin's soldiers on the battlefield. .

Fighting against the generals of the Jin army on the battlefield requires extremely strong strength. If there is no guarantee in terms of strength, it will definitely be difficult to win in the war.

From the past victories of the Jin army soldiers in the war, we can see what kind of destructive power the Jin army soldiers have on the battlefield. The most important thing is the means that the Jin army soldiers displayed when they attacked. In this regard, If there is no more suppression, the strength of Jin will become stronger.

The current approach of the Jin army makes it difficult for the enemy to respond more. Such a Jin army is a big variable.

Before coming to the Jin Kingdom, Turado actually had a certain understanding of the situation of the Jin army, but he did not expect the strength of the Jin army to be so strong, even when the Jin army appeared on the battlefield. Brought great shock in the war.

What can be seen from these things is the strong strength of the Jin army. If the Roman Empire has no other actions, if it faces the Jin army on the battlefield, or faces the peace army equipped with the Jin army’s weapon, it must be To suffer.

It is best to be able to obtain the production methods of these sharp weapons from the Jin country. In this way, the Roman Empire's army can still maintain its previous advantages.

What is the development of the Jin country, only after in-depth understanding, can we understand some of the situations more, anyway, the situation of the Jin country now has many attractions for Turado.

After returning to the army in a uniform, Hao Meng immediately ordered the Perak riders to prepare.

The Thunderbolt riders who have experienced many wars are undoubted in their accuracy. In the past wars, the Thunderbolt riders bloomed with dazzling light, especially when attacking enemy cities, just by relying on the attack of the Thunderbolt cars, The enemy was suppressed and it was difficult to raise his head.

Such suppression played a very important role when the Jin army attacked the city. In fact, when the Jin army conquered the cities outside the Western Regions, the methods used were not the most powerful. Generally speaking, , Jin's aspect is more embodied in planning, through planning, so that Jin's army can get more benefits when fighting against the enemy.

Facts have proved that Jin’s plan played a very important role on the battlefield, allowing the Jin army to get the most benefits on the battlefield at the least cost. Such a thing is for the long-term development of Jin. The greatest help.

If the strength shown in the course of the war is not enough, it is often impossible to get more benefits from the battle. This is the case in the war. Only the strong side can have more voice on the battlefield. .

Today, the strength of the Jin army soldiers displayed in the course of the battle is extremely strong. It is precisely because of the power displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield that the Jin army soldiers can occupy more advantages in the course of the battle.

At the time of the what achievements the Jin State army had on the battlefield had a great impact on the lieutenants and soldiers.

The merits that the lieutenant soldiers have gained on the battlefield will help them improve their status in the future.

There are many competitions in the army of Jin Kingdom. If the displayed strength is not enough, after the battle is over, the original position may be replaced by others.

Under such a system, the lieutenant officers and soldiers have no more complaints. The most important thing for lieutenant officers is strength. If the strength is not enough, how much can be done on the battlefield.

In the past, the Jin army’s soldiers’ performance against enemy forces can be seen. The reason why the Jin’s army was able to win has a lot to do with the dedication of the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield. Normally, the army When the lieutenant general treated his subordinates, he was not only strict, but also generous.

The subordinates have more cooperation on the battlefield and are of great help to the generals' ability. If the generals are dissatisfied with the generals, even if the generals have the ability, they want to fight the enemy more. It’s not such a simple thing.

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