Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5376: : The Argument Between the Messenger of Rest and the Messenger of Guishuang

The rest of the army must be more cautious when conquering Guishuang, especially at this time the attitude of the Roman empire will have a great influence on the dispatch of the rest of the army.

Who made the rest of the army suffered more failures when confronted with the armies of the Roman Empire? The continuous failure of the war was a big blow to the rest of the army.

Relatively speaking, the Jin army was relatively smooth in the process of conquering. The conquests of the Western Regions, Wusun, Dawan and other places did not consume a lot of troops, as long as they had a better understanding of the Jin army’s combat methods. , Will be amazed at the Jin army's plan before the war. It is precisely because of such a plan that the war will proceed more smoothly.

In fact, the rest of the army had a lot of plans for things on the battlefield before the battle, but in terms of planning, there was a certain gap compared with the army of the Jin country, or that the rest of the opponent, the Roman Empire, was too strong.

If the army of the Roman Empire is given the means of the Jin army's offensive process, it will certainly make the rest of the army bear the continuous defeat of the war, and even risk its destruction.

This situation made Anxi's desire to make friends with the Jin country more firm, and only with more support from the Jin country can it have greater achievements in the battle against the Roman Empire.

The exchanges between countries are also about interests. If the Jin country cannot see where the interests are, the alliance between the two parties will not play as big a role.

Jin's army is fighting for more benefits, and there is no doubt about such things.

When the benefits are sufficient, the army of the Jin Kingdom will definitely make corresponding actions. And how far the Roman Empire will reach the Jin Kingdom is what the Parthian Empire is most worried about. If the relationship between the two sides is close , Even if the Roman Empire's army can get more benefits from the Jin Kingdom, it will definitely have a greater impact on the Roman Empire's army's future conquests.

The toughness of the soldiers of the Jin army has been reflected in the past wars. After receiving the means of warfare by the soldiers of the Jin army, the progress of some wars was relatively simple for the Roman Empire.

The achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield itself made the people of the Roman Empire more interested.

At this time, the common interest of the Parthian Empire and the State of Jin is the benefits that can be gained by attacking Guishuang. If Guishuang’s army cannot stop the joint offensive of the Jin army and the Parthian army, there will be more dangers.

It has a close relationship with the Jin country, and even can get more help from the Jin country in the course of the war. It is of great significance to the rest. The weapons previously obtained from the Jin army are equipped to the army. After the middle, the effect it can bring is extremely obvious.

Although no battle took place, if the Roman Empire's army attacked the Parthian Empire at this time, it would be almost impossible to take advantage from the hands of the Parthian army.

Even during the war, the resting soldiers would make the Roman Empire's army suffer the punishment of losing the war.

If an army can achieve many victories on the battlefield, the help it brings to the progress of the war is extremely obvious.

Nowadays, Jin is very powerful and can do more in battle, let alone what the enemy has done. When the soldiers of the Jin army choose to fight, they can always get victory.

In the face of such an achievement, no matter what the strength of the enemy army is, it is impossible to win. After maintaining a better relationship with Jin, some things are much simpler.

"I didn't expect that Guishuang's messenger dared to come to the capital of Jin country. Isn't he afraid of his life?" Aldaban said lightly: "I heard that Guishuang's assassins are powerful, and Jin is the same in terms of assassins. It's amazing."

Hearing the sarcasm in Aldaban’s words, Yuputuo coldly snorted: “Guishang and Jin are in an alliance, and even the alliance is earlier than rest. Why doesn’t the official dare to come? Changan?"

"It’s early for the alliance? Haha, it’s a big joke. This king remembers that when Guishuang and Jin were allied, he sent troops to attack the city of Jin. If it weren’t for Jin’s strong military power, it might be expensive. The mountain city has been breached by Guishuang's army, right?" Aldaban laughed loudly. In his voice, there were many provocations against Guishuang's messenger.

Yuputuo's face is not very good. As an ally of Jin, he is attacking the city of Jin. If the situation at that time was the victory of Guishuang, the current situation in Guishuang would not be the case. Embarrassment, even the feelings of Jin country must be taken care of to a large extent.

But a failure in a war is a failure. Any words are pale, and at that time the Guishuang Empire did have an association with Jin, and suddenly attacked the city of Jin. Such a move itself would be shameful. of.

Nowadays, the Jin country does not have the slightest affection for Guishuang. It can be said that even the most basic respect is no longer possessed. The people of Jin country are using actions to show their determination and attitude.

The biggest expectation at present is that the Emperor of Jin will forgive the assassins of Guishuang’s previous assassinations in this matter, and avoid making the relationship between the two parties more rigid. If there is a war between Guishuang and Jin, the one who suffers must be Gui. For the Frost side, the destructive power generated by Jin's army after appearing on the battlefield is really too great.

It is basically impossible to rely on Guishuang's current strength to have greater deeds against the offensive of the Jin army.

The battle is full of variables. If you can't win from the confrontation, you will lose more after the confrontation.

The strength of the Jin army is far superior to that of Guishuang’s army. This is a fact. This fact will make the Jin army more destructive after it appears on the battlefield, let alone the strength of the enemy army and the warfare of the Jin army’s soldiers. It can always play a big role in the battle.

Regarding Guishuang, he didn't want to endure the war, or that he didn't want to face the army of the Jin country. If the resting army attacked Guishuang, it could be stopped by the strength of Guishuang's army.

The resting army has combat weapons. Among Guishuang’s army, there are also some. Since the taste of failure in the Jin army, Guishuang’s army has been more serious in ordinary training, because of Guishuang’s People also have a lot of urgency. If Jin country sends troops to attack Guishuang, it will bring too much shock to Guishuang.

Before the two parties had secret exchanges of assassins, this is normal, but the emperor of Jin used the assassination as an excuse. If he wanted to attack Guishuang, he showed a strong side. Even the people of Guishuang had a strong side. The reason, can it be said that it can not be explained in front of the people of Jin country.

In the face of strong strength, some explanations are actually pale and weak. The most effective way is to defeat the Jin army in a battle, so that the Jin army can taste the defeat of the war, and even let the Jin army not have it after the end of the war. The pride of the past.

The powerful strength of the Jin army generals often has a great impact on the war. It is precisely because of such strength that the Jin army generals' offensive can have a greater effect.

It may seem simple to get more victories in the battle, but it is not. It is almost impossible to gain more advantages from the confrontation. It is precisely because the Jin's army has today’s achievements, so that the people of Jin have More impact.

The current war will have a lot of impact on the Jin country, but as long as the Jin country’s army can win from the war, such impact will be minimized, and even the territory of the Jin country will be even greater. The vastness, as long as people who have a lot of understanding of the Jin army, they will see more clearly what kind of destruction they can bring on the battlefield when the Jin army soldiers choose to fight on the battlefield.

Regarding Guishuang, even if there is a certain number of troops, can it be said that it can stop the Jin army soldiers who are like wolves and tigers.

"You, nonsense." Yuputuo said with a flushed face.

Aldaban snorted coldly: "Is this king talking nonsense? Just look at the attitude of the people in the Jin country. At present, the businessmen of the Jin country dare to go to Peshawar. Why don't the businessmen of Guishuang dare to come to the Jin country? Frost's businessman, can he not be confident in doing business?"

When fighting Guishuang's messenger, Ardaban spared no effort. It is best to make Guishuang's messenger angry, and even say inappropriate words in front of the emperor of Jin.

When the relationship between Jin and Guishuang gets worse, the speed at which the two sides meet will be faster.

It will even make the Jin country more aware of the importance of the Parthian Empire at this time. After all, after forming an alliance with the Parthian Empire, the process of the Jin army’s warriors will be relatively simpler, regardless of the strength of the enemy. How tough, can it be said that they can still win the war when they fight against the Jin army.

What can be felt more from the past wars is the fierce offensive ability of the Jin army's soldiers. The victories in the battles have made the people of the Jin country not afraid of the war at all, and can even get more victories from the confrontation.

Today, the Jin Kingdom’s army has achieved remarkable results. It is precisely because of such a strong Jin Kingdom that the people of Guishuang are so respectful.

The people of the Jin country pursue victory in the war. No matter how strong the enemy army is, it is impossible to win against the Jin army.

Ardaban is to let the people of Guishuang retreat, so as to stabilize the relationship between Anxi and Jin. After getting more benefits from the people of Jin, it will be of great help to the development of the Anxi Empire.

"Aldaban, is it inappropriate to say these words in Jin country?" Turado said lightly.

The grievances between the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire have a long history, and the relationship between the two parties is very rigid. Besides, if the Roman Empire wants to make its own strength stronger, the most important way is to attack the Parthian Empire, from the people of the Parthian Empire. Get more benefits.

Aldaban sneered: "It seems that someone is going to speak for the people of Guishuang. I don't know what kind of connection is there between the Roman Empire and Guishuang. But I heard that there were officials from Guishuang who went to the Roman Empire before. , The identity of the person who went to the Roman Empire is not low, such an important thing, turned out to be done in secret."

Turado said solemnly: "It is normal for the Guishuang Empire to send envoys to the Roman Empire. Could it be that you can't even deal with such a thing?"

Aldaban smiled and said: "It is not a question, but a worry for the sincerity of the Roman Empire. If the Roman Empire and Guishuang form an alliance, it is absolutely impossible to still want a weapon of war from the Jin country."

Turado’s heart moved. He knew that Aldaban’s words were reasonable. The Emperor of Jin would definitely consider more issues in the process of associating with other countries, and such things would even concern Jin. It is reasonable to pay more attention to future development.

It is precisely because of the strong strength of the Jin State that it has a clear advantage in the process of interacting with other countries. With such an advantage, it is basically impossible to obtain benefits from the Jin State army. matter.

The growth and progress of the army of the Jin Kingdom cannot be compared with the army of an ordinary country.

Victory in the war is important to the progress of the Jin army’s city warfare. It’s not so for the enemy. It’s just that the Guishuang army is far behind the Jin situation If the monarchs of the Roman Empire did not find a powerful Jin country, they might be more interested in forming an alliance with Guishuang. After all, if they could cause trouble to the people of the Parthian Empire, let the Roman Empire’s army It is much more convenient when the offense is in peace.

At this time, the strength of the Jin army was shown in front of Turado, and it made Turado realize that if the relationship between Guishuang and Jin was deadlocked, it would be important for the future development of the Roman Empire. The possible impact is great.

It is best to have outstanding achievements in the process of making friends with the Jin country. Only in this way can it be more helpful to the improvement of the strength of the Roman Empire.

The reason why the lord of Anxi was so attentive when making friends with the Jin country was because the lord of Anxi saw hope for growth from the body of Jin.

As long as the relationship with Jin is closer, the rest will be much simpler.

The victory of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield is not comparable to that of an ordinary army. Such a victory will make the Jin country's army more proud and even get more war victories in the process of fighting against the enemy.

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