Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5403: : Worth the ordeal

When the war began, the Jin army rushed to the battlefield, allowing the enemy to taste more of the taste of failure. Under these circumstances, it takes great courage to stand on the opposite side of the Jin army. Jin The growth and progress of the People’s Republic of China are the result of repeated war victories.

As the Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Jin Kingdom, Guo Jia has a very heavy right to speak in the court. When the Jin Emperor handed over the reception of the messenger to Guo Jia, it meant that Guo Jia had sufficient power in his hands.

Previously, Guo Jia led the rest envoys and Roman envoys to the army to watch the sharp weapons in the Jin army. However, the officials of the Jin country were dissatisfied. However, Lu Bu did not mention such things after returning to Chang'an, which shows this. After learning about this incident, the emperor of Jin had no intention of blaming Guo Jia.

Perhaps after such things happened, Guo Jia had already informed Lu Bu. From these things, in fact, we can see more of the importance of Guo Jia in the court of Jin. Ordinary officials do not say to lead. Others enter the Jin army to watch, even if they want to enter the Jin army to watch the situation, it is extremely difficult.

The Jin Kingdom’s system determined that civil officials had no more power in front of military generals. Huang Fang performed his duties as long as he could handle the things in his hands properly.

It is precisely because of the system of the Jin State that when the officials of the Jin State do some things, they will do their best. They want to get more help from the development of the Jin State, or to get their own status. More improvements.

This kind of thing is of great significance to the officials of the Jin country.

The system in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom decided that if you want to do more, you must show the corresponding ability. If not, it is basically impossible to get enough attention.

Even if they are officials from the wealthy family, a lot of effort is needed at this time. Even in the officialdom of the Jin country, officials from the wealthy family occupy an important position. Who can be sure if these officials are right? After the unfavorable development of Jin State, it will not be punished by other punishments. From the system of Jin State, it can be seen more that when officials violate the system, Jin State’s system will not be tolerated.

If you want to compare with Guo Jia and other important officials in Jin, the first thing you need to see is whether they have enough credit. Guo Jia has been able to grow to the current position but has made a lot of efforts. Such efforts are ordinary officials. It is unimaginable that when Lu Bu was the most difficult at the beginning, it was precisely because of the assistance of Guo Jia and other officials that Lu Bu stood out from the battle of the princes. In the face of such credit, Guo Jia has today's status and corresponding status. Treatment is also a matter of reason.

If you ask someone who knows more about the secrets of the Jin state, there is no other person than Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others. As important officials of the Jin state, they have corresponding powers when handling certain matters. It is this kind of power that makes They can have more convenience when doing something.

If something unfavorable to the development of the Jin State happens in the territory of Jin, it is basically impossible to hide Jia Xu’s sight. Jia Xu, who is in charge of the intelligence of the Jin State, understands the situation of the Jin State. It is not what other officials can imagine and compare.

It is precisely because of this that the DPRK and Chinese officials have a cautious attitude when dealing with Guo Jia and Jia Xu. These officials, as far as possible with them, will be more helpful to future development.

Officials from the elite family of the Jin Kingdom were extremely cautious when dealing with certain matters, because these people knew that if some of their actions could not satisfy the Emperor of Jin, they would follow suit. Uncertainty is the revenge of the Jin emperor.

When the Jin emperor treated officials from a wealthy family, he would not have the slightest politeness. As long as it could weaken the power of the wealthy family, Lu Bu would not be soft-hearted. This is also a common thing in the officialdom of the Jin country.

When the princes fight, it is the emperor Lu Bu of Jin that wins the final victory. The emperor Lu Bu of Jin has no more interest in the development of the power of the family. On the contrary, he wants to control more power. Hands.

Facts have proved that Lu Bu's strategy is extremely correct. It is precisely because of Lu Bu's actions that Jin can avoid more problems during the development process, and even make Jin more prosperous after its development.

When the Jin Kingdom's army has won one victory after another during the campaign, it is enough to show how much help Lu Bu's sharp methods can bring to the development of the Jin Kingdom.

If the Jin State did not have Lu Bu, it would be basically impossible to have the current situation. Jin State officials have a clear understanding of this matter.

The fierce methods that the Emperor of Jin used during the battle against the enemy were shocking, but it was precisely because of such a strong emperor that Jin was able to avoid more problems as it developed.

The speed of Jin’s development is of great help to the people of Jin. After many wars, Jin can quickly stabilize, only from the help that Jin’s development can bring. See how successful Lu Bu's methods are.

If there is no current situation in Jin, it is basically difficult to achieve such a development situation in the process of development, even in the face of envoys from other countries.

And it is the strength of Jin that allows Jin to take advantage of some developments, and even makes the enemy have a lot of fear when facing the Jin army. After the Jin army battles the battlefield, they can The development of Jin State has brought more help, which can make Jin State more stable.

This situation determines that if you can't win the battle, you will lose more profits in the battle. The growth and progress of the Jin country is the best proof.

Nowadays, Jin's strong situation is very stimulating to the enemy. It is precisely because of such a development situation that Jin will avoid more situations when it grows up.

When the development of the Jin State is beyond the control of ordinary countries, they will bring more help during the development of the Jin State. What kind of attitude do the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire have when facing the Emperor of Jin State? , Can explain a lot of problems.

It can be seen that Jin's achievements in the development process have been affirmed by them. They want to have more contacts with Jin. Of course, the main purpose may be to obtain sufficient benefits from the Jin emperor.

When the benefits given by them cannot satisfy the emperor of Jin, it is basically impossible to get the corresponding benefits from the emperor of Jin.

The growth and progress of the Jin Kingdom is very fast. In the face of such a speed of development, some actions of the Jin Emperor can bring about the rapid development of the Jin Kingdom. When the Jin Kingdom’s army can get many victories from the confrontation After that, the rapid development of Jin will follow.

After Guishuang and other envoys have more needs for the Jin emperor, they will be more careful in their actions, and even dare not have a proud side when facing Jin officials.

Maybe they had a lot of pride when they were in their own country, but after coming to Jin, they have to behave low-key.

In fact, Lu Bu was curious about the strength of the Roman Empire. After the merchants of the Jin Kingdom entered the resting place, more merchants would go to the Roman Empire. This situation is for the Jin Kingdom to understand the situation of the Roman Empire. There is a lot of help.

In fact, merchants could hear more about the Roman Empire when they were in the Parthian Empire. In the past, the Roman Empire’s armies caused considerable harm to the people of the Parthian Empire in the course of their battles. It is precisely because of this aspect. The reason for this is that the people of the Parthian Empire have a lot of hatred towards the Roman Empire. It can be said that the current development of the Roman Empire is not comparable to the Parthian Empire.

Without the participation of the Jin Kingdom, it would be basically impossible to achieve more achievements against the Roman army just by relying on the strength of the Parthian Empire.

Perhaps it is precisely because of seeing this that King Anxi spares no effort when making contact with Jin, and this situation is also what Lu Bu wants to see, maintaining a good relationship with Anxi, it is best to If the Jin army is able to conquer the battle, the Roman Empire will not be troubled by the rest, and the conduct of this battle will be easier.

As for the method of attack on the battlefield, it is not fixed, as long as the confrontation is beneficial to the Jin country, it is enough in Lu Bu's view.

No matter what kind of strength the enemy army has, when the Jin soldiers appear in the battle, they will always be able to win the battle. Only from the combat power displayed by the Jin soldiers, you can see more of Jin. The pride of the people of the country is now, such pride is not something ordinary military can fight against.

When such a proud army appears in the battle, it will make the enemy more feel the fierceness of the war.

The current confrontation will make Jin's army bear more hardships in the war, but in Lu Bu's view, such hardships are worthwhile. As long as they provide specific assistance to the development of Jin, even in the army. Soldiers have attrition in the course of the campaign, which is also not hesitating.

Although Lu Bu is not in charge of the army, he is concerned about the development of lieutenants and soldiers, but during the course of the campaign, the price of the lives of the lieutenants and soldiers for the war is an extremely normal thing. Can it be called a war?

The development of the Jin State was accompanied by many wars. In these wars, the Jin soldiers stood out and became the dominant players on the battlefield. It was precisely because of the achievements of the Jin State Army in the war that the Jin soldiers were in front of them. Have more confidence in the war.

Not to mention what kind of countermeasures the opponent will have on the battlefield, when the Jin army soldiers appear in the battle, it is always easy to solve the war problem.

Today's war, for the Jin country, is just an important means to enhance the strength of the country. Because of the progress of the war, it is basically difficult to bring troubles to the development of the Jin country.

The internal stability of the Jin State is of great help to the military lieutenants’ campaigns, and even allows them to see more hope in such a confrontation.

Although there will be many situations in the war, the fierceness and toughness of the soldiers of the Jin army in the war is not comparable to that of the army of an ordinary country. Such conditions will make the development of the Jin country even faster.

When Jin's rapid development can attract more attention, it will help greatly to enhance Jin's influence.

"Guo Shangshu, these are some of the king's thoughts, and I hope Guo Shangshu can laugh at it." Aldaban said.

Compared with Turado, the messenger of the Roman Empire, Ardaban’s biggest advantage is that he is proficient in the language of the Han people. After the Jin Kingdom formed an alliance with the Parthian Empire, Aldaban, who had already mastered the Chinese language, was studying the Han people. Be more active when speaking.

Maintaining a very good relationship with the Jin country, it can bring great help to the long-term development of the Parthian Empire.

And through Guo Jia's attitude, we can see to a large extent what kind of attitude the Jin Kingdom has towards the Parthian Empire.

Since the Jin Dynasty emperor handed over the reception of the tripartite envoys to Guo Jia, it showed that Guo Jia had a detailed understanding of some situations.

Recently, Ardaban and others often went to visit the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of Every time they came, they did not come empty-handed. It can be said that the tripartite envoys tried their best to make friends with Guo Jia.

This situation naturally made Guo Jia very satisfied. Every time he received the tripartite envoys, he had a polite attitude.

Of course, if the gifts brought in the process of coming cannot satisfy Guo Jia, it can be said that it is impossible to get useful information from Guo Jia.

Besides, at this critical moment, since the emperor of the Jin Kingdom left the matter to Guo Jia to deal with, it is most important to maintain a good relationship with Guo Jia.

If Guo Jia cannot be more satisfied with such matters, the situation will be unpredictable.

The Emperor of Jin had a lot of trust in Guo Jia. It was this kind of trust that made Guo Jia appear unscrupulous when doing some things, but it was precisely because of this reason that Jin officials were Guo Jia has acquiesced.

Lu Bu's success in the land of the Jin Kingdom was beyond the reach of ordinary monarchs. After Lu Bu's order was issued, the people of the Jin Kingdom did not dare to violate more.

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