Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5412: : Not instructed by the Queen

The growth of Jin's army is very fast. Because of this, when the Jin's army is mobilized, it can attract a lot of attention.

When the Jin Dynasty emperor decides to fight, it is often the beginning of a nightmare for the enemy army. As for the fact that they want to win from the hands of the Jin army soldiers by virtue of their abilities, it is inherently extremely difficult.

If you can't win the battle, you will lose more things after the battle is over.

The cruelty of the war, Guishuang already has a deep experience.

Guo Jia said faintly: "Holy God, after defeating Guishuang’s army, he did not follow the trend. Otherwise, how difficult is it for Guishuang to have the current stability, but Guishuang sent an assassin to assassinate the holy. Even if the sage forgives Guishuang, does it mean that the soldiers and civilians of Jin will not forgive me?"

Mentioning this incident, Guo Jia’s words contained a lot of anger. The assassination was encountered during the process of ennouncing Zen. If the opponent succeeded, Jin would definitely be in chaos at this time. The development of Jin The speed is indeed very fast, but behind this speed of development, there are many hidden dangers in it. If you can't win the battle, you will lose more after the end of the battle.

It is precisely because the people of the Jin Kingdom understand the truth that they have a relatively cautious attitude in the face of war. They just don't want to affect the development of the Jin country more because of the war. However, Guishuang sent assassins to assassinate the Emperor of Jin. Things cannot be easily forgiven.

If everyone is assassinated like Guishuang, the emperor of Jin will be greatly threatened. Besides, important officials of Jin may also be assassinated at this time.

The previous move by the people of Guishuang to dispatch the assassins itself caused many dissatisfaction on the Jin country, but the Guishuang side has their own pride. Facing the actions of the Jin country assassins, it is reasonable to have excessive actions. Among them, the Jin country didn't say much about this and other matters, and if you attacked the emperor of the Jin country, the situation would be quite different.

Victory during the battle is important to the soldiers of the Jin army, and Lu Bu is even more important to the Jin country. Everything in the current Jin country is precisely because of the victory of the lieutenant soldiers led by Lu Bu in exchange for the victory in the battle.

If Lu Bu had other conditions at this time, the turbulence that would be caused to the Jin country would definitely be great.

The safety of the Jin emperor is of great importance, and it will even cause many obstacles to the development of Jin.

When it comes to the abilities of the assassin, there is a big gap between Guishuang and Jin Guo. The key is that the assassin’s whereabouts are erratic in the course of his actions, and he wants to fully understand the assassin’s tracks, basically Is impossible.

However, the assassin can bring great harm after the operation is successful. Solving this matter as soon as possible is of great significance to the stability of the Jin country.

Even if Guishuang has the corresponding means, it is impossible to get benefits from the people of the Jin country. The people of the Jin country will let Guishuang understand during the war that when they choose to assassinate the people of the Jin country After the emperor, what will be the price it will bear.

The war itself is cruel. If you can’t win the battle, you will lose more things after the war is over. Guishuang’s army failed in the battle against the Jin army. Compensation itself is something that should be done, even Guishuang. It’s also very normal that the merchants in Jin cannot be treated fairly when they come to Jin to do business.

Could it be said that Jin, which was victorious in the war, would have more politeness in dealing with the enemies of the past.

Under the other side’s rule, more resource plundering is not the Jin’s development strategy. Facts have proved that the Jin’s development strategy has a great effect, and it can even prevent the Jin from appearing during its development. More conditions.

When the Jin country develops faster, its influence in the war will be even greater.

In the past, the battle could not be won, and it will definitely have a big impact on the long-term stability of Jin.

Facts have proved that it is a simple matter in itself to win the victory in the big man after the soldiers of the Jin army fight. No matter how strong the enemy army is in the battle, when they meet the soldiers of the Jin army in the war, only fail.

It is precisely because of the achievements of the Jin State Army in the war that it has made the war easier.

The speed of development of the Jin State can be guaranteed at this time. Such Jin State is the existence that makes the enemy more in awe.

Jin's development is what Jin's civil servants and generals are most willing to see. Even after the development, Jin will not experience more wars, and it will be of great help to Jin.

The fierceness of the generals of the Jin army makes the people of the Jin country more proud.

"Guo Shangshu, the assassination was not the queen's instruction, but the actions of people on the Guishuang rivers and lakes. I hope that Guo Shangshu will be able to see this clearly." Yu Putuo said in a slightly eager voice. Opportunity is not easy.

Although Guo Jia is responsible for the affairs of the tripartite envoys, Guo Jia's attitude towards the Guishuang envoy is obviously different.

This is also a normal thing, who asked Guishuang to send an assassin, even if this matter did not come from the high level of Guishuang, but when such a thing happens, it will fall on Guishuang's body, can it be said that Guishuang can still There are more excuses in this matter.

Victory in the battle is the most important thing. If Guishuang's strength is sufficient, there will be no more explanations for this matter.

Guo Jia sneered and said: "What the people on the rivers and lakes do? The official may believe it, but will the people of the Jin country believe it?"

"The saint was assassinated in the process of conferring Zen. This is a shame to Jin. People in Jin have more anger, which is reasonable."

"Guo Shangshu said that after learning about this, the queen immediately dispatched her envoy to the Kingdom of Jin." Yu Putuo said.

Guo Jiadao: “It’s actually relatively simple to quell the anger of the sage and the military and civilians of the Jin country. The five cities close to the Jin country belong to the Jin country. In this case, the official is in front of the hundred officials, and it is also for Guishuang’s side. plead."

Yu Putuo said with a dilemma, "Guo Shangshu, these things are not the original agent's ability to control the five cities, this is too..."

Guo Jia coldly snorted: "The five cities have made Guishuang difficult? The official heard that Guishuang is strong, and I don't know how many cities are under his control."

Yu Putuo said: "This envoy ordered someone to inform the queen of this matter, and in front of the saint, I also hope that Guo Shangshu can speak more nicely."

Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, since this officer has accepted your benefits, he will definitely do things."

"Thank you Guo Shangshu." Yuputuo arched his hands.

After leaving Guo Jia’s mansion, Yu Putuo was not in a good mood. He needed five cities to open his mouth. This kind of thing would definitely cause shock after Guishuang’s assassins assassinated the emperor of Jin. , It is necessary to compensate the five cities. If these things become a reality, it will definitely be a big blow to Guishuang.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom had outstanding achievements in the course of the battle. It was only through this aspect that he wanted to get more benefits from Guishuang, which would make the people of Guishuang imagine.

In the past, Guishuang was also a powerful empire. During the internal turmoil, Queen Guishuang relied on fierce means to stabilize Guishuang.

Even if the Jin Kingdom's army is powerful and can affect Guishuang's army more in the course of the campaign, can it be said that it can still defeat Guishuang all.

However, the Jin emperor had such an attitude, and Yu Putuo was not very optimistic about the more stable alliance between the two sides.

The arrival of the tripartite envoys to the Jin country is enough to show that the Jin country has a strong strength. If the Jin country is united with the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire, what will happen.

Compared with Guishuang, the messengers of the Roman Empire must have wanted to unite with the Jin country after seeing the Jin army's fierce means, and obtain more benefits from the Jin country through joint means.

Guishuang and the Roman Empire are not close, even if Guishuang falls, the impact on the Roman Empire will be minimal.

The experience in the Jin country made Huputuo not the slightest affection for the Jin country. He was obviously bullying people and relying on his own strength. Even if he was able to do such things, he would be more embarrassed by Guishuang. The impact that Guishuang can have is certainly not small, but Guishuang can have too few choices.

In the battle against the Jin army, the outcome is unknowable, and I am afraid that Guishuang's army will bear the price of defeat in the battle.

And to unite with the Jin Kingdom, it is necessary to satisfy the Jin Emperor's ambitions. After paying the price of five cities, could it be said that the Jin Emperor would not have ideas about Guishuang.

After Jin's strength reached a certain level, the Jin's emperor definitely wanted to get more benefits from the battle. Such things are the same for any ambitious monarch.

You need to be more cautious when facing the people of the Jin country, but when the people of the Jin country are bullied, Guishuang will definitely have a counterattack.

Regardless of the situation of the war, the people of Guishuang also have their pride. In the past wars, the soldiers of Guishuang were able to obtain many victories from the battle, and it is the same now. Can it be said that they rely on Guishuang's Strength, it is not possible to have greater deeds in the battle against the Jin army.

When the situation in Guishuang became more turbulent, when Guishuang had to choose war, he could only fight head-on with the soldiers of the Jin army.

Even if the war is a failure, it is nothing in Putuo's opinion. If Jin is allowed to oppress like this, the spirit of the people of Guishuang will be consumed.

How strong is Guishuang's strength in the past? Could it be said that relying on a solid city, it could not stop the offensive of the generals of the Jin army.

The mighty Guishuang soldiers will not be afraid of war. When the war approaches, Guishuang soldiers will use tenacious fighting spirit to let the enemy know that if you want to get the corresponding benefits from the hands of the Guishuang people, you need to pay a price.

There are also many wars that Guishuang can experience in the current situation. The main reason is that the methods used by the Jin soldiers during the battle were too strong, so that the Jin country did not have more defenses. Under these circumstances, the Jin soldiers It seems a little difficult to fight.

Especially winning from the battle is very difficult for the soldiers of Guishuang.

When these situations happen more, the impact on the Jin country will inevitably be great.

When a war is approaching, what a lieutenant officer can do in the course of fighting against the enemy has a great influence on the conduct of the campaign.

It can be seen from the background displayed by the Jin country and the strength of the lieutenant soldiers that after the war, the soldiers of the Jin army will let the enemy more taste the taste of the defeat of the war in the battle.

It is precisely because of these factors that make the battle of the Jin army easier.

Regarding Guishuang, fear of the Jin army is one aspect. When the war really comes, the soldiers of Guishuang will not be afraid of the progress of the war. They will let the enemy more taste the taste of the defeat of the war in the battle~www. to win from the battle against the Jin army is very difficult for the soldiers to come to the army.

Nowadays, the Jin country is strong, with sufficient national strength, and the support that can be obtained in the course of the campaign is great.

The emperor of Jin was very ambitious. When the war came, the soldiers of the Jin army would let the enemy more taste the taste of defeat in the war.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. The current situation in the Jin Kingdom was created by the civilian officers and generals led by Lu Bu. Just this matter will make Lu Bu's prestige in Jin reach the highest point.

It is always very difficult to win the battle against the Jin army. What kind of measures should be taken in the face of these difficulties is extremely important.

The tactics adopted by the soldiers of the Jin army before the war illustrate very well how daunting the actions of the soldiers of the Jin army in the war after the war broke out.

The experience in the Jin country made Huputuo not have the slightest affection for the people of the Jin country. He even wanted to make the war between the two sides break out to see what kind of methods the Jin country army can use in the war.

As for Guishuang to give up five cities close to Jin, it is basically impossible.

Although the relationship between Guishuang and Jin was eased after the war, after Guishuang obtained the cement production method, he carried out a lot of reinforcements in the city near Jin, in order to guard against the soldiers of the Jin army. For the attack of Guishuang City.


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