Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5414: : Guo Jia’s Busyness and Harvest

The people of the Roman Empire have pride that belongs to them, and there is no such thing as a Jin Dynasty.

The continuous victories in the battle have allowed Jin to have the current development situation. In how many wars, the Jin team has performed miracles on the battlefield and won the war. It is difficult for the so-called enemy to get it when fighting against the Jin army. Victory can only continue to fail.

Such a Jin team is inherently high morale, and it is only reasonable for Jin officials to have more confidence in the army of their country.

The key is the emergence of the people of the Roman Empire, who want to challenge the elite of the Jin army. After these things happen, even if the army of the Jin country has won the battle in the process of discussion, they want to make the officials of the Jin country an envoy to the Roman Empire. There are more good feelings, but also has a certain degree of difficulty.

The rampant performance in the capital of a powerful country is sometimes not a wise move. Besides, even if the Roman Empire has a powerful strength, what kind of influence can it have on the development of Jin? The distance between the two sides is, after all, Far away, even if the Roman Empire wants to conquer the Jin Kingdom, it needs to go through the Rest and Guishuang Empire. This long distance is just the consumption that may occur in the course of the campaign, and it is not the average country can bear. .

The pride of the people of the Jin country will not be said to be more affected by the strong strength of Rome. As long as there is a war, the soldiers of the Jin army will still be able to make the enemy pay a heavy price for the war. of.

The progress of the war will put more pressure on the country’s development. It’s not bad, but if you win the battle, the impact on the country’s long-term development will often be great. From the perspective of Jin’s development method It can be seen more that after the Jin army soldiers choose to fight, just by relying on the Jin army's fierce combat power, the so-called enemy army can feel the aura of failure from the confrontation.

Regardless of the progress of the war, the generals of the Jin army can always win the battle.

This is also the conclusion that Turado has learned more about the past campaigns of the Jin army soldiers. Such a Jin army's appearance in the campaign will always make people feel the aura of failure.

The fierceness of the generals of the Jin army can not be compared with ordinary troops. Their battles can make the enemy feel fear. It is not such a simple thing to want to win from such an army.

After all, the impact of the campaign is great. How to continuously win the battle against the enemy is also a science.

If the war cannot proceed as expected, the impact it can have will inevitably be great.

During the course of the campaign, what kind of actions the lieutenants and soldiers have, what kind of influence it can have on the war, and the continuation of the war, can also have a great influence.

If it weren’t for Jin’s strong strength, how could the tripartite envoys come to the capital of Jin’s Chang'an? After Jin showed strong enough strength, they should receive the corresponding respect.

When the people of the Jin country are proud, can it be said that they have to challenge the pride of the people of the Jin country, especially if they failed in the previous provocation process.

This time, when he came to the mansion of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Turado was fully prepared. Since Guo Jia likes money, Turado will try his best from this aspect, so that after Guo Jia gets a lot of money, he will treat the Roman Empire. There can be more help.

As long as Guo Jia is willing to help at this time, it will have a great impact on the situation of the Roman Empire. It can be seen from the attitude of the Jin emperor to Guo Jia when handling matters. The emperor had great trust in the Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

As for the fact that Guo Jia, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was more greedy in the ordinary process, such things did not affect Guo Jia’s status in the Jin country. Just these things were enough to make the tripartite envoys more eager towards Guo Jia. NS.

Of course, the purpose of the three messengers is the same. Relatively speaking, it is impossible for the Guishuang messenger to achieve such a goal.

The people of the Jin country will not give the people of Guishuang the weapon of war. Whoever makes Guishuang and the Jin country approach, there may be war between the two sides at any time.

If after the war, Guishuang’s army uses the weapon of war to deal with the Jin’s army, the Jin’s army will definitely suffer considerable damage on the battlefield. This situation is definitely not what the Jin people want. have witnessed.

The emperor of Jin is an ambitious person. He wants to get more benefits from the battle for the development of Jin. In the face of such benefits, no ordinary monarch can stop it. After the war, the emperor of Jin What kind of strategy will be adopted in the process of fighting the enemy will have a great influence on the conduct of the confrontation.

The achievements of the Jin Dynasty emperor are not comparable to those of ordinary troops. In the course of their campaigns, they will make the enemy more feel the fierceness of the war.

In the course of the war, what kind of performance the soldiers of the Jin army had in the battle must have a great influence on the progress of the war. It is precisely because of the fierce fighting power displayed by the Jin team during the battle that Jin When soldiers and soldiers appear in battle, they can often get more attention.

Getting benefits from the people of the military and Jin Kingdom is not as simple as imagined. If his same situation were put on the people of the Roman Empire, he would not easily agree to it.

Even if there are many difficulties in this matter, Turado will not give up. This is an important opportunity for the development of the Roman Emperor. If such an opportunity is missed, the combat effectiveness of the Roman Emperor will be far from the promotion team. It will be farther and farther.

If there is a war between the two sides one day, could it be said that the strong Roman Emperor team will fail in the battle.

Don't say anything else, just after the Parthian Empire has obtained these war weapons, it will not easily let go of the Roman Empire.

Even if you can't get more weapons, as long as there are gains, it is worthwhile in Turado's view.

There are excellent craftsmen in the Roman Empire. As long as they can obtain some sharp weapons, why can't they not imitate them successfully. After the military strength of the Roman Empire has developed to a certain level, they will not be afraid of war. Online ebook

Furthermore, from the past development of the Roman Empire, it can be seen that when the war broke out, the people of the Roman Empire had an attitude when dealing with the war. They never said that they gave up because of the difficulty of the war.

The army of the Roman Empire pursued continuous victory in the war. They wanted to get more help from the victory of the battle, and it was best to get the capital to strengthen themselves from the hands of the enemy.

The benefits of the development of the Jin Kingdom are extremely obvious. It is precisely because of the rapid development of the Jin Kingdom that the Jin team appears in the battle, and the impact it can bring to the enemy is bound to be great.

While Turado was shocked by the strength of the Jin team, his heart became even more anxious. After seeing the emergence of a powerful country, the generals of the Roman Empire would inevitably be anxious. He wanted to keep the Roman Empire in the army. An absolute advantage.

If you can't even have the advantages in this area, it would be too sad.

What can be seen from the way of Rome’s development is that, in fact, the development of the Roman Empire is similar to the development of the Jin Kingdom. Through wars, one’s own strength is continuously improved, and victory is achieved in the process of fighting against the enemy. , So that the strength of the empire is more powerful.

It's just that Jin has powerful equipment in such development, which will make the Jin team appear in the battle to have a greater impact.

Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, when the Jin army soldiers appear in the battle, they will always be able to win the war. The influence of this aspect alone will make the enemy army more in awe.

This is also an important reason for the Jin team’s appearance in the battle, which will make Guishuang feel a lot of fear. If you can’t win the battle against the Jin army, Guishuang will lose more things after the war is over. This is also inevitable.

The progress of the war itself is full of cruelty. The victory or defeat of the war is also crucial to both sides. Winning from the confrontation means that after the war is over, more benefits can be reaped.

The fierce combat effectiveness of the Jin team in the war is not comparable to that of ordinary military forces. It is precisely because of the factors in this aspect that make the war easier. No matter what kind of situation may arise in the war, when After the appearance of the Jin army soldiers, there will always be many accidents in the war.

In the past, when the Jin team played against the Guishuang army, it was obviously that Guishuang had the advantage, and even had elite heavy cavalry on the battlefield. However, after the appearance of the Jin army soldiers, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically. Relying on the weapon of war, Guishuang's side suffered the defeat of the war, and even when Guishuang's side played against the Jin army, even the basic victory of the battle could not be guaranteed.

And when Guishuang cannot win the battle, there is no doubt about the situation that will appear, because the army of Jin Kingdom is the nightmare of Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield.

When the Jin army soldiers appeared in the battle, Guishuang would feel a lot of helplessness, because when they were fighting against the Jin army, it was impossible to win the battle.

Just the fierce methods that the Jin army used in the battle on the ground will make Guishuang have a lot of fear. Such a situation cannot be said to happen to the people of Guishuang, and put it on the Anxi Empire and the Roman Empire. It must be the same in the army.

After the combat power displayed by the generals of the Jin army was too fierce, the impact it could have on the progress of the war was great after all.

When the soldiers of the Jin army launched operations in the war, it meant that the dispatch of the soldiers of the Jin army could bring the enemy's defeat in the war. Such a failure was not what the monarch wanted to see, a victory during the war. For the lieutenant soldiers, it is very important.

If the most basic victory of the war cannot be obtained, what will happen?

It is not difficult to understand that Turado had the mind to benefit from the people of the Jin country.

Guo Jia has been relatively busy during this period, but while he is busy, he has gained a lot of benefits. Only the value of the property received from the three messengers can not be achieved by Guo Jia’s twenty-year salary. Level.

This kind of money is naturally fast. When the Jin Dynasty emperor gave Guo Jia more power, it meant that the tripartite messengers would see opportunities in this matter, and they would have more actions in the dark. It is also a matter of reason.

The most important purpose of the tripartite envoys to Jin is to get the corresponding benefits from the people of Jin. How to make your own army more elite is also But Guo Jia is dealing with these. There is a corresponding method when things happen. What Guishuang needs most at this time is the friendship of Jin, because if the two sides break out, the situation will be the most unfavorable for Guishuang. After the soldiers of the Jin army appear on the battlefield. For Guishuang, what it means is extremely obvious.

When the war broke out, Guishuang's response also had a great impact on the progress of the war.

From the current situation of the people of Guishuang, it can be seen that after the appearance of the soldiers of the Jin army, the impact on the situation of the war will inevitably be great. It is only by virtue of the combat power of the troops of Guishuang that they want to It is basically impossible for the Jin team to occupy more advantages when fighting against the Jin army. Then, the Jin team will let the enemy feel the aggressiveness of the Jin army's offensive in the battle.

The generals of the Jin army were able to win the war from time to time, so how many powerful troops can only silently bear the cost of defeat after the battle is over. Such a development of the situation is for the stability and prosperity of the Jin country. Important help.

When the war broke out, what kind of attitude the generals of the Jin army had in the battle, it can explain what kind of performance the lieutenant soldiers will have in the battle.

The continuous victory from the confrontation will definitely have a great impact on the long-term development of the Jin team. How to win more victories against the enemy is also the most important issue for Jin. .

What can be seen in the previous confrontations is the strong strength of Jin. When the Jin team appears in the battle, just relying on the fierce combat power of the Jin soldiers will make the enemy feel desperate from such a confrontation. Breath out.

If you can't win the battle, you will lose more after the battle is over.


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